All kinds cf lunch Saniiarj Mai kA THE “PRUDENT MAN'PROTPr rx H/S HOME W/TH A BANK /I CCOUNT ? » Money I ILItl) I I in the bank is the one sure protec­ tion against the storms of adversity. No man who has a home and family should endanger the security of his home or the comfort of bis family should he be taken away from them. MONET IN 1HF HANK will best insure the com­ fort of a man's wife and children. As you earn money bank it regularly and make your family independent. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. Tillamook County Bank. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Houses to Rent, see Watson. Rough Lumber mook Feed Co. for ♦ sale.—Tilla­ * Films developed ioc. per roll.—C. I. Clough Co. * Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ mook County Bank. * The place to eat is at Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. the "Good * The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying ten cents for green hides. * Sewing machines for $10.00. Singer Sewing Machine Exchange. * A fine quality of Tillamook made shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent, 50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric * Store next to Gem Theater. Try these 25c dinners at the Ram­ sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ mook Meat Company. * Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, Pork, Veal and old fachioned country sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co. One ton of coal equals two cords of wood and you don’t have *0 sow and split it, ! amb-Schradcr Co„ Hello Centray Gi'rne 28 W. Don’t forget those busted castings. Can be welded for half. Goods sent by parcel post and express promptly returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, * Oregon. We have made special arrangc- ments with the Telephone Co, to connect you directly with our office, in case you wish any of our GOOD COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W Any farmer wanting some fine young pigs will do well to call on Neilson & Melchior. They will have a lot of them for sale at their barn next Monday, the seventeenth, Full * blood Pohl and China pigs. All parties having any calves to sell will do well to call up Neilson & Mel- choir in Tillamook City on the Mu­ tual phone. You might get more 1 money for your calves as they arc * paying the highest prices. Wanted to trade or sell house lot in Tillamook or in Portland second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S. Stephens & Co., Room I, Commercial Building, Tillamook, Ore. * i at the Two five roomed cottages, furnish­ ed complete tor rent. Enquire at Hap­ py camp, Netarts Oregon. * L :. Peterson, Dentist, has moved to the Commercial Building, opposite I odd Hotel, Rooms 4 and 0. The berry season is now on. Fresh strawberries every day at the Fruii » Palace. 1 he V, oods and Pacific City post oflicis have been consolidated, and tile office is located across the liver tiom Woods. Lost—Bunch of keys in Tillamook or vicinity, with name plate with W. H. Seely, Nebraska. Finder return to W. H. Seely, Bay City. * Don’t forget to consult Drs. Lowe & Turner, eye special­ ists, at Jenkins’ Jewelry Store, Friday and« Saturday, June 25-26. Rev. J. E. Youel, the new pastor of the Presbyterian church, will occupy the pulpit ol that church on Sunday morning and evening. 1 he Kennedy Garage and the Tilla­ mook garage and machine shop have combined and the former place will be used for the business. Wanted—Man to work on dairy ranch, good milker. Girl wanted wil­ ling to help milk. Apply to C. Chris­ tensen, Bay City, Oregon. Mrs. J. W. Edwall left on Satur­ day for San Francisco, to visit the fair and friends in that state. She will be gone about six weeks. Fresh Clams, crabs and fish deliv­ ered to any part of the city by the City Fish Market, R. S. Laddusaw, proprietor. Mutual phone. * Homer Mason has opened a neat, clean looking grocery store in the Masonic building, in connection with which is a stock of dry goods. Those Who have read the great nov- el “Lena Rivers" will appreciate see­ ing it in motion pictures at the Star Theater, Friday evening June 24. Protect your valuable papers from the unexpected fire by renting unc of our safe deposit boxes, Only one Tillamook County dollar per year. * Bank. Banker F. A. Rowe and Chas. W. Shunk were down from Wheeler on Sunday, who were given the M. M. degree at the Masonic lodge that evening. Young man of 10 wishes steady work of any kind, cheese factory pre- fered. Has experience with cows. Write to W. Kramer, Milwaukee, * Ore., Box 6. who came in from Peter Becker the build- Pendleton, has purchased . ing previously occupied by the Tilla­ mook County Bank, where he will open a tailoring establishment. Rollie W. Watson has gone to the mineral springs for the benefit of his health, having been under the weath­ er for several weeks, and Mrs. Wat­ son and children have gone to Port­ land on a visit. Married on Monday by the Rev. Ed Gittins, pastor of the M. E. church, Joseph Lewis Hershey and Miss Agnes Krumlauf, both of Moh­ ler. They will make their future home at Maples, where Mr. Hershley is employed in a shingle mill. Dr. Wise is making improvements to the hotel at Bar View and is mak­ ing preparations to handle large crowds this summer. The hotel is well equipped to serve first class meals, and those who visit Bar View this year should not fojget that they can obtain a fine lunch at that hotel. For your Sunday roast call Sani­ tary Market. Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. Clough Co.’s. * Gooseberries and Currants for sale by Mrs. E. Trout. ♦ Freshly dressed chicken at the Sanitary Market, Saturday. Dr. Hewitt will move from Tilla­ mook and locate at Corvallis. Mrs. Lee M. Travis left for her home in Eugene on Wednesday. You should not fail to see “Lena Rivers” at the Star Friday night. Pasture for rent. Address W. R. lllingsworth, Tillamook Oregon. ♦ Mrs W. L. Campbell left Wednes­ day to visit friends in Tacoma, Wash. We are in a position to make same long timo farm loaf's. First National Bank. * Mid-Summer and early fall styles, Latest in outing hats at Miss Patter­ sons. * F. M. Trout was drawn on the list of ¡00 names for the Federal jury for July. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cady were in the city on Sunday from Wheeler visiting friends. Dr. Peterson, Dentist, has moved to the Commercial Building, opposite Todd Hotel, Rooms 4 and 0. Winters and Hill have commenced the erection of a bungalow for E. E. Koch, on 2nd Avenue East. 1 have a small tract of land half A. G. Anderson and wife, of Port- land came in on Wednesday, on a mile of city limits of Corvallis, Ore. 7 roomed house and good barn. Will business, and left this morning. trade for Tillamook County property, is Attorney C. W. Talmage, who /»uyone desiring to locate at Corvall­ making his home in Southern Oregon is would do well by calling at my came in on Monday on business. address, W. W. Conder, Tillamook, For Sale—Milking strain of Short Oregon. * Horn Bulls of serviceable age. Ad­ The Neilson & Melchior Co., deal­ dress Hugh G. Fisher, Albany, Ore. * ers in live stock and skippers o.f For sale or trade—A first class young calves have moved to the old second hand automobile. Inquire of Bailey place, one half mile cast of R. B. Walls, Pacific Telephone Co. * town and have installed both phones and are now in a position to handle Judge G. R. Bagley, of Hillsboro, anything in their line on short notice. came in on Sunday to hold a session Bell phone number 8F4. of the circuit court, and left on Wed­ W. E. Harriman and H. B. Lewis, nesday. on complaint of Dr. J. E. Reedy, in Editor Smith of the Bay City Ex­ behalf of the State Veterinarian, aminer, was in the city Saturday. He were arrested on Saturday on a is figuring on having to defend a charge of practicing veternary with­ liable suit. out a license. When taken before the Bar View dance hall is now open Justice of the Peace Stanley they for the season. There will be a dance pleaded not guilty and produced a on Saturday evening to which all permit to practice signed by the State Veternarian. When Dr. Lytle are invited. was called on the phone he did not Now is the time to can berries. know whether the permit had been Leave your orders at the Fruit I alace revoked or not, so the justice dismis­ for all kinds of berries, the best in sed the case. the market. As advertised last week in the "Lena Rivers,” a complete five reel ( Tillamook Headlight, Haltom’s gave drama with a strong cast will be away dollar bills on Saturday, the shown at the Star Theater, Friday opening day of the great reorganiza­ evening, June 25. | tion ___ sale, which drew a large crowd The Roval Ann Cherries are in all day. ,. Geo. Th winners were: P. Winslow, Tillamook. et, iB week. Order . 95 ” Walter th ir prime this week. Order 10 a.m. Mrs. Baker Tillamook them now at the Fruit Palace. 11 a m., H. Booth. Tillamook. 12 noon. Miss Bernice Jacoby, Bav Tillamook, Ore. City. 1 p.m. W. J. Hill, Tillamook. 2 p.m. Miss Hattie Walker, Tilla­ mook. _ .. , 3 pm. Mrs. W. W Riley, Tillamook 4 pm Mrs. Ida Maine. Tillamook. 5 p.m Mrs. H B Maine, Tillamook 6 p.m. H. T. Botts, Tillamook. ^he Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Circuit Court in the case of Milwaukee Mechanics’ In- In­ surance Co. vs. A. Ramsey, E. L. Wagy, Tillamook County Bank and Tillamook County, which was a suit growing out of the loss of the laundry BOMAR’S VARIETY STORE > $ miats Tillamook, Oregon. “ Drop in and book /Around by fire. The company sued for a de­ cree to be the equitable owner of a certain note and mortgage and was entitled to a foreclosure, and wanted judgment against A. Ramsey for t> e •uni of $1,500. When the case came befoit Judge Holmes last November Attorneys Johnson and Bot’ts de­ murred to the complaint, and the judge sustaining it. dismissed the case. The insurance company appeal­ ed the case on the demurrer, and the supreme court affirmed the lower court. Prof Karl \\ . Onthauk, principal of the public school, was married on June ,|th to Miss Ruth Macl.aren, of Hillsdale, Ore., and the hanpy couple came to Tillamook for a Jew days, when they received the congnitula- | tions cf their friends. The bride is a j daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Mac Larcn, the Dr. is dean in the depart- ' ment of medicine at the University of Oregon. Prof. Onthank. since the close of school here, took the master of arts degree, which is the highest degree given by the State Universitv. During the vacation he will take special work at the universitv sum- [ mcr school and in August he will at­ tend a meeting of the National | Teachers’ Association at San Fran- l cisco. M I SERVICE. Ask any of our customers about First National service. They are all Pleased with it and can tell you why. 8 <» I h First National Bank Tillamook, Ore. E. Church Services. Sunday School 10 o’clock, W. E. Noyes Supt. Childrens five minute sermon. Morning worship 11 o’clock, Theme of sermon, “Undensable Facts” Class meeting. 12 p.m. W. M. Heaston leader. Epworth League meeting 7 p.m. Evening sermon “The Lost Sense of Sin.” Pomona Grange Meeting. The next regular meeting of the Tillamook County Pomona Grange will be held with Pleasant Valley Grange, ten miles south of Tillamook city at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 2, 1915. Subjects of importance will be discussed and a full attendance is de­ sired. J. H. Dunstan, Master. R. C. Jones, Secretary. Team Pulling Matches. On page 15 of the County Fair Premium List change team pulling match to read: Pulling match, team 2100 to 2500 lbs., 1st $10.00; 2nd $5.00. Pulling match, team 2500 to 3000 lbs., ist, $10.00; 2nd $5.00. Pulling match, teams, free for all, ist, $10.00; 2nd $5.00. I ' il <4 D il ft 0 U ■ I Ú0OOG09SC«OO0COCO»9CO3OOC<3O9O0O0OOCeOOOOOO$M»SC¿>9^ Kill Kare Study Club. The last meeting of the Kill Kare Study Klub, before vacation, was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Plank, Mrs. Franklin being the assist­ ing hostess. The afternoon was a pleasant 011c and all enjoyed the "Round Table” talks of the last committee, Mrs. Alderman as chairman. Mrs. Edwards gave her views of the new book "A Fair Country,” by "Winston Churchill.” Mrs. Poorman entertained by dis- cussing her opinions on the boo'c "Inside the City,” by the same author. Mrs. Case's description of the "Patrol of the Sundance Trail" was quite flattering. It is true Ralph Cori - j nor introduced it for amusement only ; but his ideals were highly chosen. I Mrs. Aiderman gave a short talk , on the book “The eyes of the World" | by Howard Bell Wright, and were! not overly complimentary. Books of ’ this character do very little in up- , lifting the minds of readers of cither I sex. An l last blit not least, Mrs. Haber- ; lach gave a glowing discription of the i play “Every Woman,” which she had 1 seen on her recent trip to California. ■ The Klub voted in Mrs. Reedy as a 1 new member, to fill the vacancy ’ caused by Mrs. Sarchet’s departure. | Mrs. Bales was solicited as a deli gate to go to the Woman’s State Convention at Salem this fall. Mrs. Christensen was appointed to go i t her stead, if she cannot go. The guests of the afternoon were Meselamcs McNair, Crenshaw, Harter and Oscar Schultz. The Klub expects to tage up the study of immigration and also the topic of South America for their next 1 year’s work. Current events will also be discussed at every meeting. The next meeting will be held the third Thursday in September. W. R. Lusby and Iva B. Lusby. De­ fault as to N. M. Apple. W. G. Dwight vs. J. A. Ross et al. Foreclosure. Default. E. H. Gray vs John and Annie I. Bash. Foreclosure. Settled. Alfred Gubscr vs. G. V/. Wilkes ct al. Foreclosure. Leave granted to file amended complaint. Frank. Hanenkratt vs. U. G. Jack- son et al. Foreclosure. Dismissed. Evelyn Rhodes vs. Frank Rhodes. Divorce. Default. Daisy Smith r Court, of the State of Oregon, for the money. Default and judgment. Grace Johnson vs. J. C. Johns' 11. County of Tillamook and that « id Court has fixed Monday, the 26th d iv Divorce Dismissed. of July, 1915, at 10 00 o'clock a.m. at Sylvia L. Rice vs. I ail !.. Rie :., the Court Room of said County, in Divorce. Dismissed. Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time G. F. Chaphc vs. R. H. Ashcroft ct and place of hearing of objections if al. Foreclosure of lien. Continued. any, to the said account and the set- . Guy O. Smith vs M. R De Long