Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 17, 1915, Image 6

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Golden Opportunities
for Securing
Golden Bargains
announced by
Golden Tickets.
Headlight. June i7, Ißlö-
Superb Merchandise
Selling at Fractional Prices
in order to
raise $ 10,000 in Cash.
150 Yards Table Oilcloth.
1000 Yards Muslin.
Our entire stock of regular 25c. Sanitas Table
Oil cloth in twelve distinct patterns and colors.
Our entire stock of
36 inch wide Bleached
Hope, Lonsdale, Fruit of the Loom and Unbleach­
ed Cabot A Muslins.
16c. yard.
9c. yard.
Saturday, June 19th, to Saturday, July 3rd.
of Great and Compelling Interest, involving the whole of our Superb Stocks of Staples, Dry Goods, burnishings,
MilHnnrv mxl
and Men
s, Women’s ami
and Children's Readv-to-Wear
Ready-to-Wear and Foot Wear—a Sale offering the most Sensational
in the Merchandising History of this Store. Absolutely nothing reserved, Come early and stay late. You will save
money by buying at this Great Reorganization Sale.
There's a Reason for this Sale.
Given Away to Adults
Visiting this Store
'AJ >M M ENCING at 9 a.m. on Saturday and continuing
thereafter until 7 p.m„ we shall give to the first
adult person entering this store immediately after
the stroke of every hour a Brand New Dollar Bill.
The only conditions we shall require .are that you carry
this Ad. in your hand and that you give your full name and
address to ttie person tendering you the dollar. This latter
condition is simply to protect the gift giver. Only one
doMarcan, of course, he claimed by one person. You will,
however, have >0 chances on Saturday ami two each morn­
ing during the following week.
Western Union time used, kindly furnished
by A. II. Harris, Jeweller, Tillamook, Ore.
500 Yards Laces.
HE REMARKABLE CHANGES that have recently
taken place in the markets of the world have created
demands for lines of merchandise hitherto not exten­
sively included in our selections, and forthis reason we
have been compelled to consider the reorganization of our
entire stock of merchandise and adding several lines to those
already carried.
To accomplish this it becomes necessary for us to make
room for these new purchases, and in order to buy the mer­
chandise wanted at the very lowest prices, we must have at
within two weeks from this date.
To raise this amount in such a short space of time will re­
quire tremendous and sustained efforts on our part, but we
have fully prepared ourselves and have made up our minds
to sacrifice profits and even to forget cost prices just so long
as we get the money. If Bargain Prices count for anything
we shall, without a doubt, have the amount required before
the closing day of the sale.
Come as early as possible, for, of course, the best bargains
always go first, but if you cannot come during the opening
days come when you can, for as each selection becomes de­
pleted higher priced merchandise will be added in order to
give you as great a choice as possible during the whole time
the sale is on.
$10,000 in Cash
Given Away Every Day
During FIRST WEEK of
'WERY MORNING during the First Week of this
■< to the first adult person entering the store imme­
diately after the stroke of the hours of 9 and 10a
Brand New Dollar Bill. The only conditions we shall re­
quire are that you carry this Ad. in your hand andthatyou
give your full name and address to the person tendering
you the dollar. fliis latter condition is simply to protect
the gift giver and imposes no further obligations upon
you. Only one dollar can, of course, be claimed by one
Western Union time used, kindly furnished
by A. 11. Harris, Jeweller, Tillamook, Ore,
100 Pair Children’s Hose.
lOOPair Women’s Hose.
Black and Tan Stockings for Boys and Girls,
ages 5 to 15 years.
Broken lot of Womens’ Black and Colored Lisle
and Silk Hose. All sizes.
5c. yard.
5c. Pair.
9c. Pair.
Boys’ Overalls & Jumpers.
250 yards Wash Goods.
200 W’s. Vests and Pants.
^Women’s Undermuslins.
Boy's Overalls in Blue and Black and Jumpers
in Blue and Checks
Nero Linens. Voile Molincaux, Chambrays and
Handkerchief Linens in values to 20c.
Women’s Bleached Vests and Pants, in all sizes
to 44. Actual 38c. values.
Slightly mussed Undermuslins in Petticoats,
Combinations and Chemises, Great Bargains.
Torchon, Valencienne and Insertions.
iaj4c., 15c. and 20c. values.
12k. yard.
68 Pieces Neckwear.
Pretty styles in Collars, Ties, Sets and Jabots
in white and colors.
Sc. .
Golden Opportunities for Securing Golden Bargains.
Read Every Gold Color Circular, Sign and Card you see. They mean dollars back to you—every one.
250 yards Silk.
225 yards Dress Goods.
58 Pair Women’s Corsets.
Seco, Osaka, t. Iiin.t and Taffeta Silks in many
colors and various widths.
Wool anil Cotton Dress Goods in light and dark
weaves and actual values 33c. to 38c.
Broken lot of "American Lady” and “Nemo”
Corsets, former prices up to $3.50.
19c. yard.
19c. yard.
89 Child en’s Dresses.
Childrens Dresses and Skirts in Plaids, Mixtures
Ginghams and Prints. Fit ages to 14 years.
169 Boys’ Hats.
Buys' Stylish Hat, in all the most
shapes and colors. Actual values to $1.50.
39 Women’s Dresses.
Practical dresses in Ginghams, Mulls, Linens,
Poplins and Voiles in white and popular colors
73 Women’s Waists.
W hite and Striped Shirt Waists, Percales, Ging­
hams and striped Madras, all sizes values to $1.50.
23 Women’s Dress Skirts.
White Ratine, Pique and Colored Serge Dress
Skirts in a variety of sizes and styles.
Staples, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Silks, Linens ; Men 's, Women ’s and
Children's Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Underwear; Notions,Fancy Goods etc
Big Savings.
Men’s Florsheim Oxfords.
98 Men’s Hats.
Men’s Spring Suits.
Broken lot of Men's Black and Tan Oxfords
made by the famous makers of Florshcim's.
Actual $3.00 Hats in smart up-to-date shaped
and colors. A full range of sizes to choose from.
Actual $17.50 values from our selection of Suits
for Spring 1915. All sizes in stock.
89c. Pair.
Women’s Middy Waists.
Women’s Dress Shoes.
Women’s Tailored Suits.
Our entire line of $1.33 and $1.48 Middy Waists
in sizes 12 to 20, 30 and 38 for
Full range of sizes in Actual $3.50 Dress Shoes
in all the latest 1915 finishes. AU sizes in stock.
Broken lot of Women's Tailored Suits in various
popular shades and weaves.
$2.19 Pair.
87 Women’s Waists.
Actual $2.00 New \\ hite Voile, Pique, Sand and
ora . lull, and Striped Waists in sizes 34 to 44-
Women’s Millinery*
Every Woman's Trimmed Hat in the store now
purchasable at exactly.
Ha'f Price.