Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 17, 1915, Image 5

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Headlight, June l7. IQlo.
Unck Silas Says.
are required to carry on the work
quite as well, if not better, and the
.uuor c,i lamug c»ie 01 me animals
avoided. Wiiatr Won't I kt you take
j our t<.st girl out in my car for a
pleasure ride all by yiurscli? Well,
• h;.t depends. If ym 11 swear by the
.;i\ut horn spov.t that you’ll keep
vo.it uaiivs v.i tneSviieel every minut-?
v. we your running ant- y
v. ..ere vu ere going,
1 11 tote t .ir and tel y. n have it say
m. v....i:ga week, 11 you’ll clea.t
tin niachinv. after it has been used
eve ry day.
Some one has said that “variety is
he s, ice <f li.c,'” and, in my view
. o n
peiicucc, it is tru.. .t works
ut 'ha' w v ill a'on-" th ■ jotirn-v of
¡io, in the home and in business.
. . . t is a 1 h .isuie to i:s today mas
’>e a bore to us tomorrow; hence peo-
4 are co ■s'.i.dly s-ikinc a change
rom exit.ing condi iens of life. For
i stance, frie 1 coin meal mush at
’-rcakfast occasionally is something i
>od. but nobody can relish it 363 !
i ms a year. It is good sport to go '
■ •' , -
'i-hi 'g occasion ”v, but nobodv but
1 loafer or one who makes his living
Notice to Contractor*.
‘hit way wants to I e dabbling in the
•'•ater with a honk an<l lin" all th-
Scaled proposals addre««ed
f--r-n "V
I •«’-1.-. 5-, jt ¡s with
1 otmty
nri 11 n...
” *-
wvaiapKtC ihe
■. slvir* nnv I ' f ’
1 ilia mock-Fairview Coun.y n.
' car. and the feol who
from Station o plus 70 to Stutiou v
c< nnrehend anything beyond the end plus 99.
of his nose wonders why his soil has in accordance with the plans and
gone back on him. He thinks it is specifications thereof on file in the
Methodist Church Services.
worn out. but it isn’t—it is onlv tired office of the County Clerk of Tilla­
of producing one kind of crop and mook County, Oregon, will be receiv
Sunday School 10 o’clock, W. E. wants a change. He gees blindlv to ed by the County Court of said Coun­
all sorts of expense for fertilizers and ty, at its office in the Court House,
Noyes Supt.
«till gets no crop worth while. Finallv at I illamook City, Oregon, until the
Childrens Ssrmon, 10:45.
somebodv who knows puts him wise hour of to o’clock a.m. on the 2nd
Morning worship 11 a.in.
Class meting 12 111. W. M. Heaston on the practice ot crop rotation aim day of July, 1915, and at that time
ne tumbles to tne seneme luriously, publ cily opened and read. Each bi 1
planting corn where he had only shall be accompanied by a ccriifn >
Evening worship, 8 p.in.
wheat, potatoes where he had corn, ■ check made payable to the County
Edw. Gittins, pastor.
wheat where he had potatoes, and so Clerk, for an amout equal to 5 per
on, and is so putted up by the result cent of the amount of the total of
tn.it lie quits swearing at the ground, “aid bid, which shall be forfeited to
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. and when he markets his bumper the County, in case the bid be accept­
Maynard will be glad to know they ci ops, by way ot variety for himseh ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect
arrived safely in San Francisco, June and tamily, buys an automobile and or refuse for a period of five days
7th, Mrs. Rhoda Johnson accompan­ lets old Dobbin rest on Sunday while after which the award is made to
ied them as far as Portland. At the he drives the “Chu-chu!” to church enter into a contract and file a bond
end of their journey they were met
satisfactory to the Court as required
by their relatives, whom they had not
The man who undertakes to break by law.
seen for 25 years or more. Mr. and or train a colt must be of a gentle
Bidds will be received for the clear­
Mrs. Maynard expect to be gone kind, perserving nature. He must ing, grading and excavating for lay­
about three months.
avoid lright and harshness. It must ing the following kinds of pavement
Silo feeding is now the order of the be remembered that the horse, like under standard specifications of each.
day and from the great increase in all dumb animals, can only be made
1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base.
the number of silos to be filled this to understand language by accom­
2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete
year, the farmers are beginning to panying action with words, that, is, base.
se the value of cnsilege for their some action must be associated with
3— Light Bitulithic on concrete base
stock in case of a dry season of for the command. For example, on com­
4— One course grouted top concrete
spring feeding. Dolph Tinnerstet be­ ing to the animal while yet in the
5— Wood block on concrete base.
gan work Wednesday at W. Max- stall, we want to teach him to step According to the plans and specifi­
well’s, the first silo to be filled this aside, so we may be able to get up to cations on file in the office of County
year in Fairview.
his head, we say "step over,” and at Clerk.
A good ball game was played in the same time lay our hand on his
1 he County Court reserves the
Fairview on Friday by the married hip on the side from which it is to right to reject any and all bids. Dated
and single men of that place. The re­ move, and increase the weight of the this 17th day of June, 1915.
sult being 2 to 8 in favor of t' e mar­ hand to a push, until the colt steps
J- C. Holden, County Clerk.
ried men. On Sunday Fairview play­ over. Continuous treatment in this First publication, June 17, 1915.
ed Pleasant Valley at I. C. Quick’s way will teach it to understand the Last publication July I, 1915.
farm; the score being 7 to 9 in favor meaning of “step over” and obey the
of Pleasant Valley.
word alone. In this sort of trai\:ig
Bankrupt Sale.
we must preserve, with gentle kind
ness, always giving our commands in
Notice is hereby given to all whom
the same tone of voice, accompanied it may concern, That the undersign­
Notice is hereby given that the fol­ with action to illustrate wliat you ed as the Trustee of the Bankrupt
lowing warrants, towit:
want him to do, and he will learn the estate of E. 1-. Laughlin, Bankrupt,
Series "F” No. 9998 $2.00 payabltf meaning of your words. Be firm, but will sell at public sale from time to
to A Maurer, dated Jan. 2, 1908, No. never harsh. Some drivers have a time, to the highest bidder for cash,
10476 40c. payable to G. H. Robinson, habit, and a very silly one it is, of all of the stock of liquors, billiard
dated May 6, 1908, No. 10642, $2.25 continuously clucking at their team to and pool tables, bar and back bar,
payable to T. P. Stockton, dated June induce it to go faster, and- sometimes show cases, and all other property of
9, 1908; No. 10685 5OC. payable to when a faster gait is not desired. The the said estate, at the place where
Nick Pelz, dated June 9, 1908.
horse becomes accostomed to this the saloon was conducted, in Tilla­
Series “E”, No. 10465, $12.00 pay­ clucking as readily as they do to the mook City, Oregon, Commencing
able to Capital City Nursery, dated rumbling of the wagon, and pay no June 23, 1915, at to o’clock a m.
Jan. 2, 1908; No. 10732, $3.20 payable attention to either.
Webster Holmes,
to P. Peters dated May 6, 1908.; No.
Trustee in Bankruptcy.
10746, $3.20, payable to H. F. Young,
by . ma-
In this age of hatching
dated May 6, I9 o 8;N o . 10905, $2.10, chinery the nonsetting eggs
variety of
payable to Michael Young, dated May chickens is the best. She has her mind
6, 1908; No. 10909, $1.70 payable to too firmly set Upon producing eggs
Thomas Mahoney, dated May 6, 1908 for the great omelette-living human
remain uncalled for in the office of race to care about reproducing her
I have recently secured
the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ self and loafing about with a brood of
the Factory Agency fcr
ty, Oregon, and if not presented for little ones. For all she cares the
the High Grade Chute &
payment within sixty days from the chicken race, foot and crop, may com
JIutler PinncB and Play­
first day of July, 1915, they will be I mit suicide. She seems to have almost
canceled and payment thereof will be forgotten the delights which her wild
1 efused.
Peru, Ind. Anyone in the
ancestors found in hatching out pro­
Dated this 17th day of June, 1915. geny. Perhaps she thinks that in this
market for an instrument
By order of the county court.
day of -incubators an industrious hen
will do well to see me be­
J. C. Holden,
is only wasting her time setting
fore Buying.
County Clerk,
around on a nest for three weeks.
By Kathleen Mills, deputy.
There’s nothing in the family raising
Both Phones.
game for «uch a biddy, but in eggs—
Notice to Contractors.
well, that is her regular business.
Leland B. Erwin.
We began our second year as pas­
tor of
the Tillamook Christian
Church the first Sunday in June. The
past year has been one of victory. We
have preached 139 sermons in the
County and there have been 125 new
members received into the Church—
this includes only adults and those
old enough to respond personally to
the invitation. Fourteen have been
removed by death and otherwise
leaving a net gain i t membership of
The average attendance in the Sun­
day School has been 221 since the
first Sunday in October and 186 for
the entire year. There were 108 more
in Sunday School last Sunday than on
the same date last year.
Bro. J. V. Baird has brought the
music up to a high standard and all
departments of the work are in good
condition. The year with this church
has been exceedingly pleasant. One
could not ask for more loyal and
unanimous co-operation than we have
received in this field. We have reason
to look to the year before us with
great anticipation.
H. A. Van Winkle, Pastor.
Hunt’s bridge road bitulithic 17,900.77
Asphalt, concrete crushed
Favors Concrete With Crushed Rock r°ck ....................................... 17,160.90
1 Bitulithic river gravel ........ 18,542.90
Bids to be Re-Advertised.
Asphaltic concrete with river
. In the matter of the petition of J. B. I , gravel ................................... 17,809.03
Lommen and others for a county Tillamook Bay City road
road, R. L. Shreve, F. E. Hobson Bitulithic crushed, rock .... $8,724.06
concrete, crushed
and Alex McDonald were appointed Asphaltic,
rock .......................................
road viewers, the same was rejected. Bitulithic river gravel ......... 8,4-27-75
In the ¡natter of John Sheets and
concrete river
others for a county road R. L. Shreve Asphaltic,
gravel .................................
F. E. Hobson and Henry Rogers
road Bitulithic
were appointed road viewers to meet Fairview
with crushed rock ............ $22,037.25
on the 14th.
Asphaltic, concrete
In the matter of a petition of L.
crushed rock ........
Stuivenga for a gateway, report of Bitulithic, river gravel .... 20,992,55
viewers confirmed and road ordered Asphaltic concrete with
river gravel ..................... 22,385.48
In the matter of the petition of J.
In the matter of organizing a drain­
F. Bradley and others for a county age district, upon the petition of M.
road, same was continued.
W. Harrison and others, July 16th
In the matter of the petition of F. was the time set for hearing the same
L. Buell and others for the vacation
In the matter of the petition of J. J.
of a portion of county road, R. L. McCormick for liquor license, same
Shreve, F. E. Hobson and W. B. was rejected
Alderman were appointed viewers.
Bond of H. Crenshaw, as tax col­
In the matter of bids for roads and lector was accepted.
wood, this appeared in last week’s
In the matter of the claim of W. E.
Noyes for indemnity for cattle slau­
Vote of Condolence.
In the matter of the petition of ghtered, July 8ch was the date set for
Alex Anderson and others for a coun­ hearing same.
We, the committee to draft ’ resolu­ ty road, the same was rejected.
After several days consideration of
tions on the death of our beloved sister . In the matter of the petition of the different bids, the county court
Mrs. E. L. Courts for damages, this decided to reject all bids and re-ad-
Dove Olds, submit the following:
We are again reminded that our lives ' was continued.
vertise. It seems that the court has
are of short duration and are called to' In the matter of the application of about decided
on concrete with
pause a moment in the busy whirl of the Coast Power Co. to construct crushed rock for hard surfacing the
life and bow our heads in reverent electric lines to Bay City, the same county roads, and as the bids were
silence. Her loyalty to her family is was allowed.
thought too high for this material, all
a shining example for all to follow.
Bids for Hard Surfacing.
Therefore, be it resolved, that we' In the matter of bids for the im­ the bids were rejected.
the officers and members of Fairview provement of Fairview road, Tilla-
Grange extend to her husband and niook-Bay City road and Hunt’s
family our heartfelt sympathy in this bridge road, the bids were as follows:
their sad hour of sorrow.
County Commissioners to Consider
Jefferey & Bufton.
Resolved, that a copy of these reso­
Road Types.
Concrete, crushed rock, $1.47 Per
lutions be spread upon the minutes, ' sq. yd; Concrete with river gravel,
a copv sent to the family and one to $1.41; Wood block with crushed rock,
The County Commissioners met
the Headlight and Herald.
$2.30; Wood Block with river gravel, with Roadinastcr Yeon, Road Engi­
Fraternally submitted,
neer Nunn and District Attorney
$2.25; Embankment 50c.
Bertie Tinnerstet,
Evans in an executive session lasting
Rose Crawford,
several hours yesterday to consider
Tillamook-Bay City road
Maude Johnson.
chushed rock, ...................... $6,885.51 the bids received from 12 contracting
River gravel ......................... 6631.53 firms for paving 73 miles in Multno­
Tillamook Still on Top.
mah County under the $1,250,000 road
Hunt’s bridge road, crushed
rock ....................................... 14,467.75 bond issue.
The bids were opened last Wednes­
Till amook took another grip on the River Gravel ......................... 13.917.25
pennant Sunday at Nehalem when they Fairview Road crushed rock 18,118.40 day, but the big job of tabulating and
put that team to rout, the final count ____
River „ gravel
17,465-02 comparing them was not completed
showing Tillamook winner by a Bcore
until yesterday.
Montague O’Reilly Co.
Another executive session will be
<f2tol, or in actual figures 16 to 8
Concrete crushed rock, $i.55; Con­
vhich amounts to practically the same crete, river gravel $1.55; Asphaltic held todav to consider the recommen­
proportion. The game, however, was concrete gravel, $1.82; Asphaltic con­ dations of Roadmaster Yeon as to
n uch better than the score would in­ crete $1.82; Wood block, crushed the type or tvnes of pavement to be
dicate, both teams playing air tight rock, $2.30; Wood block, gravel, $2.30 laid on each of the 27 road units to
ball with no hits, runs or errors up to Excavation and, embankment 35c.
be hard surfaced and the awarding of
the first of the fifth, when Nehalem
the contracts. Whether the commis­
Tillamook Bay Construction Co.
bunched hits on Blanchard and filled
sioners will settle these points cannot
the bases, and when Mthe scorekeeper crete, river gravel, $1.16: Sheet as­ be forecasted. Thcv have the sole
got the record complete it was 5 to 0
authority to award bids, and can
for Nehalem. Tillamook failed to phalt, gravel $1.52; Excavation 30c.
____ _____
_ ______
if the
determine to do so.
score in their half, but in the Bixth
■ any or al! recommendations of Road­
Aiderman started the fireworks by a
master Yeon. who has made an ex­
long drive to right which was dropped crushed rock ........................ $6,620.21
haustive study of the paving nroblem.
by Matley, and Nehalem proceeded to River gravel ......................... 5,308.05
If no agreement is reached today
Scaled proposals addressed to the
ascend to the dizzy heights where they Hunt’s bridge road, crushed
other executive sessions will be held
Successful firming like ¡ill other in­
remained while Tillamook hit, ran and rock .......................................
County Court of Tillamook County,
• made errors at pleasure The batteries River gravel .........................
Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to dustries, depends upon the capacity
were: Stas’k. Emery and Atwood for Fairview road, crushed rock
complete the
; and knowledge possessed by the man
Nehalem and Blanchard and Heitzman River gravel ...........................
Tillamook-Cloverdale County road , in charge. For instance, the secret of
F. C. Feldshau.
for Tillamook.
from Station o plus 00 to Station 51 success in pork railing is to become
Concrete, crushed rock. $1.45; con­ when th" forma! announcement of the plus 60
Bay City went to Beaver and regain­
expert in the art of feeding. This
ed second place by defeating that team crete, river gravel, $1.42'6; Asphalic, ment on. each of the 27 road units will in accordance with the plans an ' docs not necessarily call for a college
5 to 3. It was a very good exhibition concrete, crushed rock, $1.61 ;^Asjdial-
specifications thereof on file in the education on the subject, but rather
of base ball from start to finish. A ic concrete with gravel, $l.6l;Sheet be announced.
office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ a knowledge of feeds and methods of
large number of fans from Bay City Asphalt, gravel-concrete $1.73- Ex-
County, Oregon, will be receiv­ feeding
to enable
to get
i announcement to this effect was mook
accompanied the team to Beaver.
cavation 50c.
ed by the County Court of said Coun­ the most out of it. A matter of great
The games for next Sunday have not |
ty. at its office in the Court House, importance is regularity in feeding. A
been announced, but there is a possi­ Tillamook Bay City road 1 .. $5,948.44 Mr Yeon has recommended warren- at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the rule should be made and strictly ad
.... 12,436.54
bility of a big double header being Hunt’s bridge road .
hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 2nd hered to to feed at exact hours every
played in Tillamook, Nehalem vs. Bea­ Fairview road ..........
.... 15.588.31 flcations as Fitn'ithic) for the Colum­ day of July, 1915, and at that time day. Quantity and quality of feed is
bia River High av and the various publicily opened and read. Each bid another important factor. Too much
ver at 1 :00 p m. and Tillamook vs. 1
Andrew & Harrer.
Bay City
immediately following
Tillamook Bav City road concrete, coimtv roads ex-ept on th" Canvot’ shall be accompanied by a certified is as bad as too little. Good quality of
Definite announcement will be made crushed rock. $1.28; concrete with road, which ha« a rrade of 7% ne- check made payable to the County meat cannot be secured unless clean
1 cent, and for which he recommended Clerk, for an amout equal to 5 p< r food is given. Simply throwing feed
river gravel $1.28.
• > understood that cent of the amount of the total of
Standing of the teams.
to the hogs and allowing them to
Hunt’s bridge road, concrete with concrete. Tt is ’
Pct. crushed rock, $1.27; Concrete with brick has been rer«-amended bv Mr. said bid, which shall be foifeitcd to take care of it is a great mistake. Fed with the problem of I uy ng Harness
the County, in case the bid be accept­ in that way they do not get the full you will find it distinctly advanta­
river gravel, $1.25.
Bay City
ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect benefit of the feed. It is a fact that geous to come mid do your select
Fairview road, concrete, with chush —Oregonian.
333 ed rock, $1.27; concrcte with
or refuse for a period of five days two days of good feeding is necessary ing here. You will get the best
000 gravel $1.26.
after which ‘1 the award is made to to repair the damage done by one day qualities, the most thorough and
Echoes of the Streets.
enter into a contract and file a bond poor feeding. Furthermore, to feed conscientious workmanship and bo
Embankment 3OC.
satisfactory to the Court as required exclusively one kind of food, corn for charged the most reasonable price*.
Sale of Bonds.
by law.
instance, is a serious mistake. It is We can supply single or double
Tillamook Bay City road . $5,816.04 great reduction
in adverdupois
Bidds will be rcceiv
for the clcar- very apt to injure their appetites and Sets or any single article that you
by w'cli known St.Louisans by banish­
Tillamook City offers for sale City Hunt's bridge road crushed
ing, grading and excavating for lay- digestion and give them a back set may be in need of.
Hall Bonds issue of $21,000.00 in de­ rock .......................................
ing bread from their daily life are in­ in" the following kinds of pavement they will not readily overcome. Far
nominations of $1,000.00. Interest 6 Gravel .....................................
teresting and almost amazing. Man under standard specifications of each. be-tter results are obtained by feed­ W.A. Williams* Co
Der cent payable semi-annually. Due Fairview road, rock concrete
cannot live by bread alone, but it
1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. ing corn in small quantities with mill
Gravel concrete ...................
20 years. Redeemable after 5 years.
appears he must be almost doing it,
2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete foods, alfalfa and clover hay, turnips,
Bids will be received up to July 5. '
Sidney E. Henderson, Pres.,
artichokes, etc. In livestock raising
Tillamook Bay City road, concrete fare is followed by the departure of base.
1915. Certified check for 2 per cent to
3— Light Bitulithic on concrete base the value of the feed is about all the
accompany bid to insure taking of with crushed rock, $1.18;
25 pounds of tissue from the portly
4— One course grouted top concrete cost to be considered therefore, every
I.eland Henderson, Sec­
bonds bv successful bidder. Right to with river gravel $1.18.
frame of one gentleman, 17 pounds
5— Wood block on concrete base.
effort must be used to get all there is
Hunt’s bridge road, concrete w;‘h from another and 48 pounds from a
retary Treu* , Attomey-at-
reject all bids reserved.
Address all communications to John crushed rock $1.20; concrete with third. Is this, then, the fat and lean cations on file in the office of County
Law, Notrary Public
feed will increase the profits, espec­
Aschim, City Recorder, Tillamook, river gravel, $1.20.
secret, which chemists and beauty
ially if this is done without injury to
Fairview road, concrete with crush­ doctors have sought? It should be Clerk.
Tillamook Title and
The County Court reserves the ; the animal’s health.
ed rock $1.19: Wood block with river stated that potatoes should accom­
right tareject any and all bids. Dated
Abstract co.
pany bread into exile, for it is the
Call for Bids for Bridge.
ed rock, $2.00. Bitulithic with gravel starchy foods that put the corporeal this 17th day of lune, 1915.
When am I going to buy an auto­
Law, ,V-»»tricta. Rid Estate,
or rock. Hunt’s bridge road $1.83 burdens on us. Such a regimen takes
mobile? Well. I haven't quite decided
TILLAMOOK CITY, OREGON, will Tillamook Bay Citv road, $1.86.
First publication, June 17, 1915.
Surveying, Insurance.
that matter—it will depend altogether
the starch out of you, so to speak; Last publication July 1. 191 5.
receive bids upto June 28th, 1915, for
on the size and quality of our crop
Both Phor.es
tne construction of steel drawbridge
this year, < >h, you needn’t chuckle be­
and approaches across Hoquarton Fairview road ... .............. 17.404. '4 oic course, superinduce a perpetual
- - (IWF.i.ON
Deafness Cannot Be Cured cause you know the crop is coming
Slough It- Tillamook City, in accord­ Hunt’s bridge road
8.348.10 state of spring fever in some natures? by local Application. «• they cannot reach on all right, for you’ll not have the
Fast days, too rigidly observed, have j tl e decrr»«ed portion of the ear. There i«
ance with plans and specifications Tillamook Bav Citv road
Oskar Huber.
been notably encouraging of a fret­ 1 only one wsr to cur* detfne««, and that 1« machine, when we get it, to go joy
therefor prepared bv Citv Engineer
Tillamook Bay Citv road, Asphab’c ful temper and an austere view of by constitution rente lies I>eafi>e«w is enuaed riding in, as you are counting on do­
and on file with Ci'y Recorder.
by an i»iflnmr»l condition of the muenu« ing.Slot by a long shot.
But we'll
,,f the
thr i-uMae’iiAn r
uiw. when
Certified check for 5 per cent, is re- concrete with rock S'
lining of
When this
Rindithic life. W rinkles in the stomach are linin)r
____ : .....
reflected in wrinkles in the brow. •
iw luflawed
v<»u .........
have n mmblinir wound i have the auto, all the same, when we
.quired with bid to insure successful consrete with gravel. $'87:
The mint make* it and under the
or khuerfectthcAfinff. nnd when it is entirely can pay cash for it and we’ll devote
bidder entering into construction of Travel or rock. $1.0«; Standard bitu­ Abstinence from bread and potatoes, eloaed
Deafness is the result, and unless
I term* of the Continental Mortgage
lithic. $' "2 Embankment I’e
bridge, with approved bond.
however, does not blot out a meal en­ th< inflammation ran l>e taken out and this it to useful purposes. Whv, I’ve
Hunt’s bridge road A'phalt'c
Right to reject anv and all bids is
tirely. One can be reasonably cheer­ tube* rerfo*rd to Its norm«! conditi >n. wan'ed on» fir years, but I wouldn't I Company you can »ecure it at 6 per
hearing wiV i*e destroyed forever ;
nine mortgage rur farm to get it, as many
reserved. Bids should be addressed to crete crushed rock
ful, on the following menu, which is ea
! cent for any legal purpose on approv­
*es nut of *en are caused by Catarrh,
John Aschim, City Recorder, Tilla­ conciete gravel |i.£; **’•' hie. official:
which is nothing but an Inflamed cor.di- farmers have done to their sorrow
ed real e*tate. Term* ea»y, tell u*
t;on of the mucous «’irface«.
Travel or rock. $194: Standard $101
mook, Oregon._____________
Breakfast—T wo
Ar wl!1 zivr One I! i«$d*vd Dollars for pnv is as nece«sarv on the
your want* and wc will co-operate
Embankment j8r.
..... of gluten bread toi st, cup of tea.
r. • •e of fte'ifnr«« /cnt:s4-d bv catarrh» that
Fairview road, .««phalnc «’onrra»
( >r travel on the road. It has become | with you.
inno* be cured bv Kall's Catarrh Cure
Lunch—Chicken or roast beef; veg- tnd
One ton of coal equals two cords of
^r clmfl.ir* free
a r.»r nanent fixture in firm life and.
rock. $' -1’ Asphaltic concrete rrav-' etables and tea.
V I. CHF*» Y V CO.. Toledo, Ohio
wood and you don’t have *0 sow ard At 8x- Bitulithic gravel or rock.
when adopt« d to work in the field as
Dinner—Fish or roast beef; vege­
‘•‘.Id bv Druggists, 75c.
$14 Dcnhim Building Dsnv«r, Colo.
snlit it, T amb-Schradcr Co., Hello Standard bitulithic, $184- Excavation tables and lea.
'I ukc Hall'» Family k*lila far coastipat.
Centra/ Gi’tuc 28W.
* 31c.