TlITamook Headlight, June 17, iôli? J-.I.A.W B ERVIN. Notice of Hearing Petition to F Drainage District. to the quarter section line running 1___ l..„ to 5 p.m. I PIANO INSTRUCTION. East and West through said Section, I i,,v melineg will be held at the City Hail at 7:30 p.m. and it no objections and running thence East along the ' Diploma from Chicago Musical In the County Court of tl Sia/C of quarter section line to the East line ■’ are presented at that lune, these rates College.—Beginners receive the sam« Oregon, for the County of I illaffiook. of the proposed district,, or so far as j will oe adopted and declared in im- careful training as the most advanced. Notice is hereby given thai '’,iaiiiig may be found necessary for the drain­ mediate effect. John Aschim. on the following petition will !,<■ held age purposes in question. The two Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ Collector at the Court House in th«; i . v of ditches are to be the main ditches for , tion. Tillamook, County op Tillamook, the drainage proposed, and they are All lessons given r.t Studio. Our plant is well equipped and State of Oregon, on the I6th day of to be constructed with such laterals Summons. July, 1915, for the purpose of deter­ as may be found necessary to make maintained in perfect running mining w hether the prayer of the said the drainage effectual. The land in­ . In the Circuit Court of the State ci T HO ALS. M. D., cluded in the proposed district is so petition shall be granted. oí order. Oregon in and for the County All persons owning or claiming an situated that without ditches being T iilumook. We can furnish you with any­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. interest in lands described in said constructed the water is not drained Lee K. Ijams, Laura M. Ktrron petition are hereby notified to appear off and the land remains cold and tur.Uvrly Laura M. Ijams, Les­ thing in electric supplies or fix ­ Surgeon S.P. Co. at said plase and on said date and sour. There is a fall of about 25 feet lie ijams, Evelyn ijams and tures for wiring, lighting, heat­ (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) at said place and on said dale and from the East side of the district to Ethel Miller, ionnerly Ethel prayer in said petition should nut be the West side thereof, and it is be­ ijams, ing, power, or cooking. Tillamook .... Oregcu lieved that with the construction of granted. Plaintiffs, the ditch as proposed the water will We have experienced and capa­ J. C. Holden, vs. Clerk of the County Court be drained off from all of the lands ble men to attend to our lines and EBST ER HOLMES, so that they will dry much more rap­ Mrs. Melvin V cum and John idly, and the same will be in prop, r Doe V encit, her husband. to do house wiring anti instilla ­ To the Honorable County Court of condition for cultivation, and much Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe ATTORXEY-AT LAW, 1 illainook County, Stale of Oregon: more productive. tions Le D uck , his wife, 2 1 he undersigned being the owners of X. Defendants. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, more than fifty per cent of the acre­ The signers of this petition agree To Mrs. Melvina Veneu and John graf age of the contiguous body of swamp, that they will pay any and all expens­ Doe FIRST STREET, enen, her husband; Frank Le wet and overflow land in Tillamook es incurred, and any tax or taxes that Duck \ and Mary Roc Le Duck, his wif j County, Oregon, hereinafter describ­ may be levied against their respec- TILLAMOOK, OREGC N. ed, do hereby petition your Honor­ ive lands for the purpose of paying the and to you and each of you, defend­ able Body to eause to be organized a expense of organizing or attempting ants above named, in the name of the drainage district for the purpose of to organize the proposed district, State of Oregon you and each of you E REEDY, D.V M., having such land re-claimed and pro­ such expense to be taxed against the are required and hereby commanded tected from the effects of water for lands ot the signers in proportion to to appear and answer to the com­ VETERINARY. sanitary and agricultural purposes, the number of acres owned by them plaint filed against you in the above and for the convenience and welfare and affected by the propo ed drain­ entitled suit on or before the 25th day of June, 1915, bcinb more than Boti; Pliotr-en of the public, and for the put lie util­ age. six (6) weeks from the date of the ity and benefit, and for the purpose XI. Tillamook date of the first publication of this Oreßou ot this petition we state the following Wherefore, your petitioners pray matters as required by Chapter 340 that the lands described herein, or summons, and if you fail so to appear of the General Laws of Oregon, lor such of them as may be found by the and answer to the said complaint, for want thereof these plaintiffs will ap­ the year 1915: rp II. G3YNE, court to be properly included in the ply to the Court for the relief prayed proposed drainage district either per­ for in their complaint, in substance The name proposed for such dis­ manently or until further investiga­ ATTORNEY.AT LAW. trict is "Tillamook Drainage District” tion and surveys may permit elimina­ as follows: For a decree determinin'' the adverse interests in and to block ‘ II. tion, shall be declared organized into fifteen (15) in and of Miller’s Addi­ The boundary lines of the proposed a drainage district under the provis­ Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , tion to the Town of Tillamook in the district are as follows: ions of Chapter 340 of the Beginning at a point 20 feet East Laws of Oregon for the year General County of Tillamook and State of Tillamcok OregOD. 1QI5- Oregon and declaring these plaintiffs of the West line of Section 31, .'n Dated this May 28th, 1915. Township 1 South, of Range 9 West, to be the owners in fee simple and M. W. Harrison i W. M., and 30 rods South of the entitled to the possession of said Geo. Williams J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, Northwest corner of said Section, premises as against any and all per­ < ’ Mary N. Williams and running thence East to the West I sons whomsoever, and yourselves in Albert Marolf ATTORNEY line of the James and Anna Quick particular, and for their costs and Jeff Harris Donation Land Claim in Section 32, disbursements of this suit, and for AND At RIB ROAST . Bertha Hunt. said Township and Range; thence such further relief as to the Court J. M. Furrer COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. South to the South line of theNorth- At RIB BOIL . may seem meet in the premises. Jeff Wallace west quarter of the Southeast quarter T illamook B lock , This summons is served upon you Martha E. Wallace At BRISKET BOIL of s .id Section 32;thence W est to the by virtue of an order of the above Tillumook - - - - Oregon fra Tomlinson Southwest corner of the Northeast entitled Court, which order was made ROOM NO. 261 15c. per pound. B. L. Beals. At quarter of the Southwest quarter of ■State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ and entered on the 17th day of May, said Section 32; thence South to the mook, SS: At 11c. and 12}c. per pound. CORN BEEE 1915, directing that publication there­ South line of said Section 32; thence J. CLAUSSEN, I, B. L. Beals Sr., being first duly of be made in the Tillamook Head­ HAMBURGER STEAK . At 12jc. per pound. West to the Southwest corner of said sworn say that 1 have read the for - light, a newspaper of general circula­ . LAWYER, Section 32; thence North to the going petition and that I believe the tion published in the County of Tilla­ Southeast corner of the Northwest allegations thereof to be true, I fur­ mook and State of Oregon for a DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT quarter of the Southeast quarter of ther state that the signatures appear­ period of six (6) successive weeks. Section 31, in said Township and ing to said petition are true and prop­ Date of first publication May 20, 1915. 213 T illamook B lock Range; thence West to the South­ er signatures of the persons whose Date of last publication June 25, 1915. west corner of the Northwest quarter names appear signed thereto, and Charles A. and Claude M. Till a tn jok Oregon of the Southeast quarter of said that each and all of said signers of Jones, 1307-9 Yeon Build­ Section 31; thence North 1954.2 feet said petition are owners of the land ing, Portland, Oregon. to the North line of tract owned by within the proposed drainage dis­ Attorneys for Plaintiffs. JACK OLSEN, Ben Jacob; thence West to the East trict as set forth in said petition. I line of the County Road on the East * ! SIRLION STEAKS At 20c. per pound. B. L. Beals, DENTIST. side of Trask River; thence following I Citation. Subscribed and sworn to before me . the East line of said county road in a this 2nd day of June, 1915. ROUND STEAKS . At 18c. per pound. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Northwesterly direction to a point I In the County Court of the State of J. C. Holden, i I’OT ROAST BEEF At 16c. per pound. within 20 feet of the West side of Oregon for Tillamook County. County Clerk. Tillamook • Oregon said Section 31; thence North to the First publication June ' SHORT RIBS AND In the matter of the estate of T. B. 3, 1915. place of beginning. Handley deceased. Last Publication July I, 1915. PLATE BOIES . At Such lands constitute a contiguous T. Bini To Iola 1. Handley, Charles B. body of swamp, wet and over-flow 1 X . Handley, T. B. Handley Jr., E. A. Notice to Creditors. lands. Handl y and George Dewey Handley ATTORNEY-AT LAW. 111. and all persons unknown interested in Complete Set of Abstract Bool.a n The total acreage included in the __ Notice is hereby given that the said estate. In the name of the State County ------------- j Court of the ........ State of Ort| x^.vgon, of Oregon, you and each of you are said proposed district is 555 acres. Office. for the County of Tillamook, has ap­ hereby cited and required to appear IV. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. The names of the owners of the pointed the undersigned administra­ in said court on the 4th day of June, T illamook B lock , land in said proposed district, ' as tor of the estate of Thanias B. Wat­ 1915, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, shown by the records of Tillamook kins, deceased. All persons having at Tillamook City, Oregon, and then TillamooK - - Oregon County, Oregon, and the acreage claims against the said estate are re­ and there show cause, if any exists, Both Phones. owned by each of said owners is as quired to present them, properly why an order should not be made follows: verified, to the undersigned at his directing the administrator of said M. W. Harrison................ 102.5 acres office in Tillamook City, Oregon, estate to sell, at private sale, for cash, C. HAWK. George W illiams and Mary within six months from the date of the following described real property Nettie W illiams, husband the first publication of this notice. to-wit: That parcel bounded by be­ 100.5 acres First publication, May 20th, 1915. and wife ........................ ginning at the S.E. corner of a tract PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. acres Bertha Hunt .................. Last publication, June 17, 1915. 7« conveyed to Jacob Jacobson b" John B. L. Beals, Sr............... 65 acres A. H. Gaylord. B. Handley and E. C. Handley, ex­ Bay City Oregon T homas J. Harrison, Jr. 14 aerts Administrator of the Es­ ecutors, by deed recorded on page 22 acres Albert Marolf ................ tate of Thomas B. Wat­ 600, Book 43 of Deeds, Yamhill Coun­ J. D. Wallace and M. E. kins, Deceased. ' ty. Oregon, thence East to the center QR. L. L. HGY, Wallace husband and wife 5 acres of H St. in the Townof McMinnville Ira Tomlinson .................... 9 acres Notice of Guardian Sale. in said county, south 222 feet to S.E. Hattie Marolf.................... PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 4 acres corner of tract conveyed by Geo. C. Annie Metzger .................. 20 acres Notice is hereby given that by vir- Chandler to Charles Handley, by T illamcok B lock , Alexander .Marolf ............ 25 acres tue of an O'der of the County Court recorded on page 328 Book L., Clara Mayer, Frank Mayer of 'Tillamook County. State of Ore­ deed records of deeds of said county, west Tillamook, Oregon. Mary Mayer, Albert Mayer gon, made and entered on the 27th Lena Mayer, Rosa Mayer, 25 acres day of May, 1915 licensing the under­ 264 feet to S.W. corner of last men­ tioned tract, thence north to place cf 22 acres signed to sell the real property here­ Fred Marolf . .. A -'erfart Bauer —. ' .tr!/ F spendable. every day, year in. Tear out- P-n!t va .m bnr. ...... ■" lU« yaar oct. Built honor', - . i lai . 1. b. it ... matcrils. GO acres inafter described, the undersigned beginning. Also all of lots 8, 9, and 10 R. ELMER ALLEN Albert Marolf . of Cozines acre lots in College Addi ­ Jefferson Ogg 2.5° acres will on and after the 24th day of June tion to town of McMinnville, Yam­ Outwear» Three Ordinary Range» J. M. Furrer 5 acres 1915, at Tillamook Oregon sell at pri­ hill County. Oregon, which lies west (Successor to Dr. Sharp), 7y O".''- r---« rnti-rb nf charcoal and malltabla iron. V. vate sale, for cash, to the person off­ Zt.cabie iron c ~.n t break—c/.arcoaliron uron’t ruti like The proposed reclamation and pro­ ering the highest price therefor all the of the O. &. R. R’s tract, except a DENTIST. Economical In Fuel tection of said lands is for sanitary right title and interest of Frances strip 18 feet wide along north side of Tho r-am« cf tho Hfsjattic cro tier ltd (not pat tooether with and agriculture purposes, and such Xavier Moreau (Frank Marey) in and said lot 8. Also lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Commercial Building, Tillamook l ... 3 elo-.e putty)—they will always remain air tight proposed reclamation anti protection to the following described real estate, Block 4 of Mrs. W. P. Chandler's Ad­ dition to the town of McMinnville, will be conducive to the public health towit: ov. n / ned throughout wit h pur. board. Oregon. A one seventh interest in the , u bj “>,»« you c.n see it-and qarl HABERLACH, and welfare, and of public utility and Beginning at a point 58.16 chains above described tracts be sold. ih ' A’r tirht joints and pure asbestos benefit. l.r-mir ass-iro an even baluns: heat, saving one-half the fuel. west and 42.15 chains south of the This citation is served upon you bv A.l door, drop to form r.T.d rbtlvtt. M. .pringt VI. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. northcast corner of Section 21, T. 1 III f.auc.tbis iron oven rack» cut automatically hold. All of the lands Included in said N., Range 10 West of the Willamette order of the above named court Mav Uj vLatevcr they coctaia. 5, 1915, by publication thereof, anil pioposed district arc properly includ­ Meridian, thence north 74 degrees T illamook B lock ed therein, and will be beneficially cast 7.08 chains for an initial point of the date of the first publication is May 6, 1915 and the date of the last Tillamook Ç . . [Oregon affected by the operations of the pro­ tract herein conveyed, said point be­ publication is June 3, 1915. posed district. ing the southeast corner of what is ■Aititi j I Mill I Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, VII. known as the Ralston 5 acre tract, |)R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN The benefits of such proposed re­ thence north 16 degrees west 220 feet, County Judge of Tillamook Countv, r clamation and protection will exceed thence south 74 degrees west 23.456 Oregon, and the seal of said cour- af­ the damage to be done and the best feet to the northcast corner of tract fixed this 5th day of May, 1915. DENTIST, J. 0. Holden, interests of the land included, and of sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife to Clerk. Successor to Dr. Perkins the owners of such land as a whole, Frank Marey by deed dated October and of the public at large will be 10, 1902 and recorded in Book "Z” of TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Dissolution of Partnership. promoted by the formation and pro­ deeds, page 31, records of Tillamook posed operations of said district. County, Oregon, thence south 15 de­ The partnership of C. C. Smith and VIII. grees east 220 feet to southeast cor­ [BORGE WILLETT, The formation of a diainage dis­ ner of Marey tract, thence north 74 L. E. Partridge, doing business at the Lined » f» lir-Je.L'irmwh» P«r jwx trict under the provisions of Chapter degrees east 23.456 feet to the initial Gem Theatre, has been dissolved by will« .. hdiu] ; ; - . lung wL.a ll.ons of water in a v-ry rx.’m: 340 of the General Laws of Oregon point, all in Tillamook County, State mutual consent May 16, 1915. Pur« and maormir move« ray ¿ro. i ATTORNEY-AT-I AW A. ■— «■'.ntire. ' pnoW for 1915, under the provisions of of Oregon. C. C. Smith. f • aw'.jr v.-i h ■ K ivhea o,« P* i rrvcnu« floor inra c*t Ì - which this petition is proposed, is a L. E. Partridge. T illamook C omnebcim BtuLnixo roe catch., aahea. And that said sale will be made sub­ Ä A jí uj fo xftjcv Y tu *•’ • **■' ■ gr^aiiut it not •«vr t'Ut in a r . proper and advantageous method of ject to confirmation by said court. Dc.’l buy tl ■ 1 ■ jy Tillamook . Oregon accomplishing the reclamation and tir»r tt’Bti,1**, Djiwn r ’ •57?rt to Uât a life N. McMillan, guardian of Notice of Appointment of Admin­ Made of «• L*"0 ‘l u ba d»»- •rwrtod, <. «i, protection of the lands included in the person and estate of Charcoal istrator. said proposed drainage district. Frances Xavier Moreau K- K, DANIELS, Iron, T«r’ à¿.’S* i1. ’!*’ IX. (Frank Marey.) Notice is hereby given to all whom addin« The proposed plan for the reclama­ First publication May 27, 1915. CHIROPRACTOR. it may concern: that by an order of 3e0% fe for sale by tion ami protection of the property Last publication June 24, 1915. of the County Court, of Tillamook life in the proposed drainage district is, Local Office in ths Commercial County, Oregon, made and entered of Raneo that a ditch shall be put in running Notice to Water Consumers. record therein on the 12th day of from the West side of the proposed Building. ------ o------ May, 1915, the undersigned was i ap- ap­ district (connecting with a ditch run­ Notice is hereby given that the Til­ pointed the administrator of the TILLAMOOK - ORE ning along the Wes* side of the dis­ trict which empties into the Trask lamook Water Commission has set estate of Jasper W. Buckles, deceased All persons having claims against River.) easterly along the foot of the Monday. June 14th, 1915, as the date ki ”*0 hill which is along the North side of for the hearing of objections and re­ said estate are hereby notified to pre­ •«V« the district, following the line of the monstrances if any there be, to the sent them, verified as required by ditch already partially constructed in schedule of water rates as formulated law to the undersigned as said admin­ < from the istrator at the office of Webster that locality to the East side of the under rccomtvncdation Holmes, in Tillamook City, Oregon, district. Also there is to be construct State Rair-rosd Commission. i A copy of the proposed rate is on within six months of the date of thi ed another ditch connecting with the ditch above mentioned running South file with the City Recorder at the notice. illamook bakery Dated this 13th day of May. 1915. on the west line of the East half of Citv hall and all water users and tax- peyers are request« I to call there and Clark Smith. the Northeast quarter of Section 31, in Township 1 South, Range 9 West, inspect the same, Otfice hours 8 a.nt. Administrator of said estate. Coast Power Company. OUR PURPOSE IS TO SERVE THE PUBLIC WELL I Reduction b Price of Meat. cur Grass Fed Cattle are now ready for the Market, we are making the following Prices on our Meat, for CASH : ? STEAKS E These Prices are guaranteed on Tillamook Products. * ’ Price List on U.S. Inspected Prime Steers from Portland. LJ These Prices are subject to change. Tillamook Meat Company. | T Some of tlie Reasons Why TO S 11 Hie Great SSTIC ^Charcoal and Malleable Iron ALEX. McNAIR & CO EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, I T At All Grocers. X