Tillamoolc Headlight, June 17. IQÏ&. State Press Flashlights.1 co-operatively to the stockyards.— News Reporter. - o------ Operating an Automobile. o What is the cost of running an automobile.'' Such a question has been asked numerous times and the answers are varied. 3 he expense has been averaged very close around 10 and 12 cents a mile. . *'sow* the Pacific Homestead would hke to have everyone of its subscrib­ ers who owns an automobile to give his experience along this line; and also give the original cost of the car, period of usefulness, how it helped as a tune saver, etc. Let’s have a large number of articles on this subject. 1 he automobile is very popular as a means of quick transportation to and from the city no matter whether its occupants are on business bent or Koi|ig for amusement; it is useful in this respect to the farmer, the live­ stock breeder, the poultry raiser, the fruitgrower, and any other person en­ gaged in the varied agricultural in­ dustries. Here is a clipping from an article in one of the beekeepers’ journals in which the writer tells of his views re­ garding the usefulness of the automo­ bile: Twelve and a half or ev n 10 cents a mile may look appalling to the average beekeeper, simply because he has never figured the cost of keeping a horse. I^ven if it were true that the mileage cost of traveling or hauling by auto truck exceeded many times that of doing the same work with the horse power, it does not necessari’y prove that the horcs is the more economical means of transportation for the beekeeper. Time is money, and no one will deny the fact that the auto saves time. Mr. C—was able to save at least three hours a trip in hauling his fruit to market. If we val­ ue his time at 25 cents an hour (and if he is much of a farmer he will be insulted at such a low valuation) he saved 75 cents’ worth of time a trip— enough to pay operating expenses and repairs.”—Pacific Homestead. Thayer's Addition to Tillamook City South side of said Block 34 at a point to the East line of said Block 35; 100 feet East of the \\ est ¡me ot said thence South to the center line of Block 34; thence East along the said Addition; line in said Block 34 and the center Block 36 in Thayer’s thence West, following the center line of block 3 and 4 of A. A. Miller’s line of Block 36, 19, 10 and 9 in Addition to lillamook, and Block 4, Thayer’s various Additions to Tilla­ 5 and 6 of Park Addition to Tilla- mook City, Oregon, to the East line mook City, to the boundary line of of Second Avenue East; thence North said Tillamook City, thence South along the East line to the place of along the East boundary line of beginning. Tillamook City to the center line That the said assessment district North and South, of Block 7, in Park «ivitMiu, thence menee West o csi Addition aforesaid; shall be and is hereby designated as ! nuumun “Local Improvement District No.I,” 1 along said center line through Blocks the property, and all thereof ' 7, 8, and 9, of said Park Addition, and included within said Local Improve­ blocks 5 and 6 of A. A. Miller’s Ad­ ment District No. I, is the following: dition to l illamook, and Block 37 of In Thayer's Addition to Tillamook Thayer's Addition, to the \\ est line of said Block 37; thence North to the City, Oregon,.the following: Lots 2, 3, and 4, in Block 7; Lots I, place of beginning. 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 3; Lots 1 and 1 hat the said assessment district 2 in Block 9; Lots I, 2, 3, and 4, in shall be and is hereby designated as Block 10; Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block “Local Improvement District No. 3,” 18; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 19; and the property and all thereof in­ Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 35, and cluded within said Local Improve­ Lots I, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 36. ment District No. 3 is the following: Be it further resolved, that the City In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook Recorder be, and he is hereby in­ City, Oregon, as follows: structed to cause this Resolution and All that part of Block 34 lying Notice to be published for three con- South of a line running from a point sective publications in the City offi­ in the West line of said Block 167 cial newspaper, and that the City feet North of the Southwest corner Engineer be, and he is hereby direct­ of said B,lock and thence Southeast­ ed to cause to be conspicuously post­ erly to intersect a line 105 ft. North of ed at each end of the line of the con­ the south side of said Block at a point “The Insurance Man.” templated improvements a copy of too feet East of the West line of said Chapman’s Oregon Voter gently this Resolution and Notice within 3 Block, and running thence East to reminds business men that if thev Phone Us, Todd Hotel. days from date of the first publication the East side of said Block 34, and find themselves in a hole now because of such notice. The said published Lots I, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 37. of one-sided and impractical legisla­ In Á. A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla­ Resolution and Notice, and the post­ tion it is because they have been too ed Resolution andNotice, to also con­ mook (now Tillamook City) busy with their own business to take tain all of the matters with reference Lots 12 to 22 inclusive, in Block 3; a hand in public business, while the to said proposed improvements that Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 4; Lots 1 •000009000 well-meaning but impractical man are required by the charter and ordi­ to 11 inclusive of Block 5, and lots 1, and the visionary not having business nances, and resolutions of Tillamook 2, 3 and 4, in Block 6. of their own have been somewhat City, Oregon, and all persons con­ In Park Addition to Tillamook City busy with public business, To all of cerned arc notified to govern them- Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 4; Lots which a large assemblage will sor- selves accordingly.” 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 5; Lots 5, 6, lowfully agree.—Hillsfioro Independ- All persons concerned are hereby and 7 in Block 6; Lots 2, 3, and 4 in ent. further notified that the first publi­ Block 7; Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 8 ------ o------ cation of this notice is made the 28th and Lots I, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 9. day of May, 1915, and that objections Be it further resolved, that the German diplomacy utterly misjudg­ and remonstrances to said proposed plans, specifications and estimat s ed British government action, backed improvements may be filed with the for the proposed sewer so made and by British public opinion, not believ­ City Recorder of Tillamook City, prepared by the City Engineer and ing that England would join the al­ Oregon, within 20 days from the said filed as aforesaid, and the estimate of lies, until it was too late. It misjudg­ date of the first publication. the probable total cost thereof as ed Italian governmental action, forc­ This notice is given by the under­ made and prepared by the City Engi­ ed by Italian public opinion. It seems signed as the Recorder of Tillamook neer, being the sum of $463.90, be and now about to misjudge American public opinion. Let us hope the spec­ Notice of Intention to Improve Cer­ City, Oregon, by order of the Com­ the same are hereby approved. mon Council of said Tillamook City, That the boundaries of the assess­ tain Streets in Tillamook City ial emissary of the German embassa- Oregon, as set forth in said Resolu­ ment district to be benefitted by said Oregon dore, who started for Berlin, will be tion and Notice. sewer improvement and assessed able to guide German diplomacy Witness my hand and official seal thereof be, and the same are hereby along right lines in the controversy Notice is hereby given, to all whom established as follows: with us. A failure to properly gauge it may concern, that the Common this 28 day of May, 1915. John Aschim, Beginning at the center of the East American action will be ever more Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, A.s City Recorder of Tilla­ line of Block 6 in Park Addition to fatal than to Germany the two pre­ deems it expedient to improve certain TENTINO GROUNDS. mook City, Oregon. B, PROP. Tillamook, and running thence South vious blunders.—News Times. streets in lillamook City, Oregon, to the center of the East line of and to that end said Common Coun­ ------ o------ of Intention to Improve Cer­ Block 7, said Park Addition; thence Vital statistics show that the death cil did on the 26th day of May, 1915 Notice West along the center line of said tain Streets in Tillamook City at a special session called by the May ­ rate among middle aged men is in­ Block and Blocks lying West thereof Oregon. or for that particular purpose, adopt creasing. this is attributed largely to to the West side of Block 8 of Park ----- o- -- a Resolution and Notice setting forth the indolent method of modern bus* t .erein the streets that said city pro­ Addition to Tillamook City; thence, Notice is hereby given, to all whom . North to the West corner of Lot 5 in ness men relative to their health. Man is a physical being and his health poses to improve, and also the kind it may concern, that the Common , Block 5 of Park Addition to Tilla­ and physical power is conditioned on and manner of improvements that Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, mook City; thence East to the place use; if lie fails to use his power it is said City proposes to make, the deems it expedient to improve certain of beginning. ___ o streets in Tillamook City, Oregon gradually taken away from him by estimated cost thereof : and 2 defining That the said assessment district the inexorable law of nature, and the boundaries of the assessment dis and to that end said Common Council shall be and is hereby designated as premature decline and death are the trict to be benefitted thereby and as­ did on the 27th day of May, 1915 I "Local Improvement District No. 4," result. Get out into the open, walk, sessed therefor, which said resolution at an adjourned session of a special and the property, and all thereof in­ ride, make garden, go fishing—any­ and Notice and the whole thereof, is meeting called by the Mayor for that cluded within said Local Improve­ Opernted In \V. A. WISE, 210-2*3 1'ailiiiR Building, Port­ words, letters and figures as fol- particular purpose adopt a Resolution thing as long as you get the physical . in ment District No. 4 is as follows: lows, to-wit: and Notice setting forth therein the land and Ilar View. exercise your health demands. We In Park Addition to Tillamook City must learn not to sacrifice all our pliy Resolution and Notice of Intention streets that said city proposes to im­ Lots 5, 6 7, and 8 of Block 5; Lots Make a leader on clams, crabs and chicken dinners. We will sical powers to the mental or we j to Improve Certain Streets in Till-, prove, and also the kind and manner 5, 6, and 7 of Block 6; Lots 2, 3, and trv bard to Rive yon sea foods to eat when yon come to of improvements that said city pro ­ mook City. Oregon shall soon find ourselves bankrupt ' 4 of Block 7 and Lots I, 2, 3, and 4 of Bar View. <) tier house for those who wish to both physically and mentally.—Willa­ I Be it resolved, that the Common poses to make, the estimated cost Block 8. Council of Tillamook City, Oregon thereof and defining; the boundaries I Be it further resolved, that the City mina limes. use a sleeping tent and board out. of t the be benc- deems it expedient, and hereby de­ r i o assessment i 1 district to i h V i Recorder be and he is hereby instruct- clares its intention to improve the fol­ fitted thereby and assessed therefor,. Resolution and Nitice Dr. Wise will beat the Hotel from May *st to May 15th, The latest fad in society is the tub lowing streets in said city, to-wit: whteh said Resolution and Notice, , pub|ishcd for three consecutive cure. In this the patient arises just as I i Fifth .Street from the East line of and the whole thereof, is in words, and will do dental work by appointments. b,icJtions in the cit official ncws. the crisp air of the morning is mel­ I Second Avenue East, East to the lettersand figures as follows to-wt: ’ and , ( > E inecr h lowed by the first sunbeam. An or­ • center of Sixth Avenue East, and Resolution and Notice of Intention paper, and that the City Engineer be, KZJCOOGGOGOOGQOQOOOCOdOGOMOOGOOOOOQCOOOMOOOOMOOOOO and he is hereby directed eo cause *o dinary wash tub is then filled with 1 Third Avenue East, from the South to Improve Street in Tillamook be conspicously posted at each end of hot water and soap suds, into which I line of Fourth Street to the North City, Oregon. the line of the contemplated improve­ various articles of linen arc thrown. I line of Fifth Street, in the following Be it resolved, that the Common ment a copy of this Resolution and After they are thoroughly saturated 1 manner: Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, I Notice, t ....... .... ..... ...... within three days , „. of the date the patient takes them up one at a By establishing the grades of said deems ----- it expedient, .-------. - and — hereby o[ tbe (¡rgt publication of such notice, lime and rubs them briskly up and , streets; declars its intention to improve the ' The said pub | Ished R, so l u tion and down on a washboard placed in the | By grading said streets to proper following street in Tillamook City, 1 — ' Notice, and , .... the -------- posted , n Resolution tub. This is kept up until the hands, , sub-grade; Oregon, to-wti: Let us Furnish Your Winter Wood. 1 and Notice, to also contain all of the arms and face are a glowing pink. By rolling the roadway thereof; Fifth Street, from the center of The patient then goes into the open I By laying on said streets a concrete Sixth Avenue East, Easterly and matters with reference to said pro­ Special Price on Large Quantities air and hangs all the linen articles on roadway 34 feet in width, 4 inches in East to the East boundary of Tilla­ posed improvements that arc requir­ ed by the Charter and Ordinances, GOOD FIR SLAPS a line stretched for that purpose. The thickness at the sides and 5% inches mook City, in the following manner: and Resolutions of Tillamook Cit one completing the task first announ­ in thickness in the center. Together By establishing the grade of said Oregon, and all persons concerned ces the time to the others over the with a standard sheet asphelt wearing street; are notified to govern themselves telephone, and is entitled to a prize. surface 1% inches in thickness. Bygrading said street to proper accordingly. It is exciting sport and invigorating By constructing along each side of sub-grade; All persons concerned are hereby exercise.—Ione Journal. said roadway a combination concrete By rolling the roadway thereof; further notified that the first publica­ Tillamook curb and gutter; By laying on said street a concrete tion of this notice is made the 28th By building concrete catch basins roadway 30 feet in width, 6 inches in day of May, 1915, and that objections A federal statute went into effect ____ „ — _____ ___ and laying drain pipe, together with thickness. June 3, requiring all r persons check- and remonstrances to said proposej ing trunks or other baggage at rail-, inlets and making provisions for the By constructing along each side of improvements may be filed with the road stations in the United States to necessary surface drainage of said said roadway a concrete curb; City Recorder of Tillamook City. By building concrete catch basins Oregon, within 20 days from the said declare the value of their contents. In streets, with all of the appurtenances and laying drain pipe, together with I date of the first publication. the past, the railroads have carried thereto, and By laying and constructing con- inlets and making provisions for the | This notice is given by the under­ trunks and other baggage to 150 pounds free, assuming a liability in evrete headers with sheet asphalt necessary surface drainage of said ' signed as the Recorder of Tillamook street, with all of the appurtenances Citv, Oregon, by order of the Com­ case of loss up to $100. The railroads wearing surface. All of said improvements to be thereto, and and other common carriers hold it mon Council of said Tillamook City, By laying and constructing concrete Oregon, as set forth in said Resolu­ impossible to assume unlimited liabil­ made in accordance with the charter, ity, to which they might be held un­ resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ headers with sheet asphelt wearing tion and Notice. der the provisions of the new statute, mook City, Oregon , and in accor­ surface. Witness my hand and official seal And to lay and construct a sewer this 28th day of May, 1915. but they will assure the owner of bag­ dance with the plans, specifications gage for all value declared beyond and estimates ot work therefore, and along said street from the flush tank John Aschim, $100 on basis of 10 cents for every ad­ and probable cost thereof, made ami near the West side of Park Street, As City Recorder of ditional $100. Railroad managers are prepared by the City Engineer of ' East to a point 30 feet west of the i Tillamook City. Oregon. just now engaged in an effort so to l illamook City, Oregon, and filed in East boundary of Tillamook City. All of asid improvement to be simplify the details that the enforce­ the office of the Recorder of said Notice of Annual School Meeting. ment of the law will not cause un­ lillamook City. Oregon, on May 26, made in accordance with the charter, necessary delay or annoyance to pa­ 1915, and all of said improvements to resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ Notice is hereby given to the 'egal trons. On the face of things, it looks be made at the expense of the piop- mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ voters of School District No. <1, of as if both railroads and passengers erty, and all thereof adjacent thereto ance.with the plans, specifications Tillamook County, State of Oregon, would have a larger measure of reas- and especially benefitted by said im­ and estimates of work therefor, and that the annual school meeting of onble protection under the new sys- provements and within the limits of probable cost thereof, made and pre­ said district will be held at the school I the assessment district established pared by the City Engineer, of Tilla- house, to begin at the hour of one tcm.—Telephone Register. moog City, Oregon, and filed in the and defined by this ordinance. o’clock p.m. on the third Monday of ' Be it further resolved, that the office of the Recorder of said Tilla­ June, being the 21st day of June, A.D. Among the Oregon farmers a new plans, specifications and estimates mook City, Oregon, on May 27, 1915, slogan is doing effective service, “Co­ for the proposed improvements so and all of said improvements to be 1915- This meeting is called for the pur­ operation.” The idea of co-operative made and prepared by City Engineer made at the expense of the property, business is talked about by organizers and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of and all thereof adjacent thereto and pose of electing one director and a of farmers’ societies, and their hear­ the probable total cost of said im­ especially benefitted by said improve­ clerk also for voting a tax to be used ers are taking notes of what is being provements as made and prepared by ments and within the limits of the for school purposes and the transac­ said and done. Just how well the sys­ the City Engineer being the sum of assessment district established and tion of business usual at such meet­ ing. tem will work out is not to be decid­ $ io , j 69.82) be and the same are here­ defined by this ordinance. Dated this 7th day of June, 1915. ed off-hand. One of the most success­ Be it further resolved that the by approved. . Attest Minnie B. Ely, Dist Clerk. ful examples of co-operative business That the boundaries of the assess­ plans, specifications and estimates B. B. Dunham, is that of the town of Milton, Wis­ ment district to be benefited by said for the proposed paving improve- Chairman Board of Directors. consin, where the co-operative cream­ improvements and assessed therefor ments so made and prepared by the ery last year made 420,000 pounds of be, and the same is hereby establish­ City Engineer and filed as aforesaid It must be a cause of sincere regret butter, with an over-run of 20.37 per (the estimate of the probable total as follows: in Germany that the nation possesses cent. The average price received for ed Beginning cost being the sum of $10,548.91) be, at the intersection of the no man whose name carries outside butter was about 30 cents per pound, center of the West line of Block 7 of and the same are hereby approved. and the cost of making 1.78 cents, Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook (now That the boundaries of the assess­ its boundaries the authority which while the patrons received a little Tillamook City) with the East line of ment district to be benefitted by said attaches to James Bryce. over 34 cents per pound for butter Second Avenue East, and running paving improvejnents and assessed Students are protesting because the fat. Milton also has a co-operative thence East to the center of said therefor be, and the same are hereby University of Iowa has raised its This war costs $.’,000,000 ah hour Cotton seed olive oil may be only a laundry, using the old creamery build­ Block 7i thence North to the North es'ablished as fallows: dental school tuition fee. Why didn’t matter of education as oleomargarine they say, just a trifle more than ing, the charges being five cents per line of said Block 7; thence East Beginning at * point in the West the faculty work the painless extrac- long since became. movie stars are paid. pound for “rough-dry" and the usual along the North line of said Block 7» boundary of Block 34 of Thayer’s tion method on the student’s pocket- Those Chicagoans who got up a Serves a man right who bumptious­ price for finished work. There is also and of Block 8 in said Addition, to Addition to Tillamook City, 167 feet books* novel but futile plan by which noth­ ly makes a resolution not to talk a co-operative telephone company the center of the North line of said North of the Southwest corner of "John Barleycorne is a bad schauf- ing but beer should be sold in the about the weather like other folks, with 300 phones and free connections Block 8; thence South to the center said 3 <• I “ > block 1" I t/v nt and a 11* 1 running thense iuiiiiiiik 1 m if . it u I , ” “ says rtv" the 111 v > Philadelphia llllit’l’l |" r ■ I <1 T.le- I lit** saloons, might go and live in Evans­ that he has such difficulty keeping his feur, with three other companies; a co­ of said Block 8; thence East along the Southeastery in a direct line, to in-1 graph. John Barleycorne is a better ton, where even beer has ceased to resolution. That’s another form of operative store doing an annual busi­ center line of blocks 8, 18, and $5; of tersect a line 105 feet North of the »grave digger than any thing else. vex. borrowing trouble. ness of $30,000, while stock is shipped • ------ o------ z Funny thing about Portland when ' a public question . bobs up. There is no middle ground, One side or the ' other is absolutely right or wrong, • and those in the wrong are a hopeless lot of ninnies.—Hillsboro Independ­ ent. I ------ o----- Every school boy knows that a kite would not fly unless it had a string tying it down. It is just so in life. The man who is tied down by half a dozen responsibilities and their moth­ er will make a higher and stronger fight than the bachelor, who, having nothing to keep him steady, is al­ ways floundering in the mud. If you want to ascend in the world, tie your self to somebody.—lteinizcr. ' o------ State-wide prohibition is not going to make all brewery equipment in Oregon entirely useless. The North­ west Fruit Produce company ,has been incorporated at Salem and will take over the buildings of the present Salem Brewery Association for the manufacture of loganberry juice and for the canning and preserving of fruits of all kinds. The new company is capitalized at $75,000.—Sheridan Sun. YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE WITH-THIS-AGENCY OVER $160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS Represented by this Office AFETY” ERVICE OUR AIM ECURITY. Let Us Write Your Next Policy. ROLLIE W WATSON Bar View Hotel-Furnished Tents Now Open for the Season. Under Management of DR. W. A. WISE. Bar View Hotel AND FURNISH TENTS On the Beach at Bar View, Tillamook County, Oregon. WOOD A. F. COATS LUMBER CO I