Tillamook Headlight, June I/, 101o- Notice to Contractors. American Ammunition. the bodice and over ruffles of chif- the construction of public roads- JOINT ROAD DISTRICT. Sealed proposals addressed to the ou ot the safne shade A picture hat I ADVERTISING RATES. to Within five days of the first day or of leghorn adorned with yellow and I One effect of the ten County Court of Tillamook County the rs, is Legal Advertisements. Yamhill and Tillamook Counties each regular term of court the *a$d pink roses completed her costume, . strengthing American dc,e"s the con- Oregon, and indorsed "Prc-osal* I(J courts shall take some action upon First Insertion, per line $ .¡o Complete Organization. her flowers being a mammouth bunch > experience we are having t* into mun- complete the such bills and claims and notify the version of industrial pia 05 Each subsequent insertion, line. I il|a;nook-Bay City County roai the United other court of the action taken there­ of pink and white sweet peas. The reception wa, held from nine ition factories. Should Yamhill and Tillamook County on, and upon the approval of the bills Business and professional cards hance, become in- from Station Ji plus 78 to Sestion u • ar 1«. in the future, we would plus 59 one month ................................. I 00 Courts have completed the organiza­ and claims afor»aid by both courts to eleven at the home of the bride s volved in wa. parent«. Rr. and Mrs. Geo. De Bar. in accordance with the plans i0(j tion to form a joint road district for court shall pay 00c-halt of the Homestead Notices .................... SOO each escape the plight in which England is specifications thereof on file m the \\ hen the bride cut the cake the lhe purpose of building a road, over Timber Claims ............................. 1 1000 the hour Grass route, to connect the same; provided, that it the said court button was secured by Miss t auline finding itself in that regar •d. The office of the County Clerk of Tilla- n plants Tee upon their approval Locals per line each insertion. X>5 two counties, which will do away with shall not ag of the said bills or Potter, the nng by Mis, ( harlie ren- rapidity with which America! .nobolized, as it were, on mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ or rejection have been mobolizcd, ■ ton, the money by Mis, Jane the toll road in k amhili County and ed by the County Court of said Coun- Display advertisement, 311 inch, imunitions to till the ord- or the s, then the claims, or any arms and a»n — .. bell, and the thimble by Miss Beulah the Dolph hill. There is 5'. miles of inc month ................................... superintendent shall decide whether Hays In the casting of the bouquet ers from Europe 1 is a valuable exoeri- ► at its office in the Court House 50 new road to be constructed. 4'0 >n ¿llamook City, Oregon, until the the same shall be paid or rejected, it fell in a shower of smaller bouquets ence, aside from 1 the profits of «»« -11 All R< ««bitions of Condolence l ainhill county and one in iillamook 11 ' 10 o’clock a m. on the 2nd I in ies shall t It show, u» and the said coun present moment .05 county. This is to be completed in ir.d Lodge Notices, per line . which were eagerly seized by many KI- 1 y- ’91 S’ and at ‘hat time for ourselves if the event be bound by his decision. could be done 1 'ha M e *nid an'lt Kad Each wards ot Thanks, per line . . .. ■OS two years, and, when finished, will Ail persons engaged d in the con­ of the girls necessity arose. ’i‘y.’r.ose;._ „iof military out- “Oh Promise Me" was most exquis­ I be a great benefit to the two counties. struction of such public highway shall . . . ^inpanicd by a certified N-tices, Lo»t, Strayed or Stolen Some of the figures o .■ •*7 - . check made p. -y^ble to the County Witncsseth: That in consideration be bound to observe all of the laws itely rendered by the groom’s sister, put are staggering, consider etc., minimum rate, not ex­ Clerk, for an amv^t equal to of the mutual benefits t8 be derived of the State of Oregon in force re­ Mrs. Ravmond Johnson. little in that line American factories .2$ from the uniting of the said counties Dr and Mrs Taylor left for Port­ have occas.on to do. By August it is cent of the amount ceeding five lines.................... »hr P r lating to the construction of public sai.1 bid, which shall P forfe^d in and constituting a road building or county roads, and including the land immediately after the reception estimated that the factories in this district, and in further consideration giving of penal bonds by the contrac­ via automobile. country engaged in that production the County, in case the biw be RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. of the mutual pledges of-|he said tors to whom may be let the con­ Mis, ueoar DeBar resided ... in Tillamook MISS k will be able to turn out from 300,000 ed and the bidder shall fail,- Citv. having taught in the T*"am°^ (Strictly in Advance.) counties for the purpose of construct­ to 500,000 rifles a month and upward or refuse for a period of five days ca ^ i for mr one one year, year, bne won One yeai ......................................... $'-5° ing a public highway, or public road, struction of such highway. High School of i.soo.ooo sharpnel shells every after which the award is made to of a large the respect and admiration hereinafter described, the said Tilla­ Six months ..................... A a ..................... 75 thirty days. The cartridge output is enter into a contract and file a bond Dairy Butter Must be in Printed number of cur citizens. reuuired practically unlimited so far as capic- satisfactory to the Court as s required Three month*......................................... 5° mook County and the said Y amhili Wrappers. County do hereby in and constitute a ‘ ” ity is concerned. Plants of the most by law. road building district comprised of ------ o------ Bidds will be received for the cleat, for diverse use in times of peace have Frank Paul Claims Damages THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. both of the said counties, for the All butter offered or exposed for been transformed into war factories, ing, grading and excavating for lay Auto Accident. purpose of constructing a public sale will be considered misbranded if ranging from locomotive work to in-r the following kinds of pavement highway, or public road, within the it does not have plainly marked on under standard specifications of each Frank Paul and Martha Paul have typewriter plants. said counties of Tillamook and Y am each roll or square the words, ‘Dairy made a claim on the county tor the 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base In the ability to produce arms and hill, in said State of Oregon, the in Butter,” the net weight, and the name auto accident that happened south ot ammunition the United States, at this 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete . ■—O itial and terminal points and general and address of the manufacturer. moment, is probable is exceeded only base. Who would have thought it? Plank town on the 22nd of May. route of which are approximately as Any person offering or exposing for 3— Light Bitulithic on concrete base In their claim, they state that, ac­ by Germany, where all available in­ roads are now more economical than sale dairy butter not branded iu com­ companied by their daughter, were dustry has been recognized on a war 4— One course grouted top concrete macadam roads since the automobile follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Grand pliance with this ruling, will be prose­ 5— Wood block on concrete base proceeding along the county road basis as a result of carefully elaborat­ travel commenced. Ronde road in said Yamhill County, cuted under the statute* provided for ——o------- when they came to a certain bridge, ed system. What America should pro­ According to the plans and specifi­ Oregon, approximately at the west the branding of food products. near the duce, if compelled to, can only be cations on file in the office of County the □saisa^ same being a bridge "Help the band," is a remark and a [lie ~ boundary line of the Grand Rond" J. D. Mickle. 7 plea most of us have heard for a long said estimated from what has been done Clerk. Indian Reservation, which said point Oregon Dairy and Food Commis­ southeni terminus of a till on ;i. W. in the past few- months. The County Court reserves (he time. Well, isn't it a fact, that it is a road between the lanus oi -> was heretofore located by a prelimi­ sioner. case of helping the leader more than right to reject any and all bids. Dated Harrison and W. E. Glad well ; that nary survey made for said road by H. the band? That’s where the money this 17th day of June, 1915. claimants were proceeding in an The Careless Man. W. Herring, county surveyor of said P. A. Scofield Goes to Eugene. have gone, hasn't it? J. C. Holden, County Clerk. automobile over the bridge, and with­ Yamhill County, during the month of out any fault on the part of the claim­ There was a man who was careless First publication, June 17. 1915. March, 1915, which said point is near A Scofield, principal of the ants the automobile skidded off the and unobserving. Once, when he was Last publication July 1, 1915. It used to be that the dairymen what is generally known as the igh school ar McMinnville, bridge and fell several feet therefrom going abroad, he hastily pulled on his were disposed to be a little narrow in Ranch in said Yamhill C01 unty, Or' ted Saturday night principal greatly injuring Small boys may endure the old Mr. and Mrs. shoes and bound the scarf about his their ideas about road improvements, gon, and running thence in 1 a soutl of the Eugene high school to succeed Paul also the automobile. That legs, ready to hasten away, when, to swimming hole if they are permitted Since they are now possessors of westerly direction folic owing th George Hug. He was elected upon the real cause of the accident was the his surprise, he found that one of his to build brushwood fire on each side automobiles, they have become broad course of the Yamhill rivi er to i< the recommendation of VV. R. Ruth- failure of Tillamook County to put a legs had suddenly become longer of it. minded about road improvements. source, thence over the di erford who is well acquainted with proper railing on the sides of the than the other. He was both puzzled A great glut of asparagus is report- Sour Grass Creek; thence in a ______ prin- bridge, and instead of having proper and frightened, for he said to himself ed in Germany this year As the .»ork of the _____ newly elected The .Multnomah Countv Court has erly direction along the a nte, ,gh a young man only 20 j eipaL Althouj railing there was an inferior and de­ “What can be the matter? When 1 Germany exports enormous quanti- ,__ _ decided on Warrenite as the type of Creek to a point near sh ere old. he is regarded by educa- in fective railing which in no way pre- last walked, my legs were the same ties, but this year there is a blockade hard surfacing county roads, and the Sour Grass Creek emptie men as very promising. nor vented the automobile from leaving length. How queer it is! I have met which has put a stop to this. The re­ County Court of Tillamook County Little Nestucca River; I Scofield began teaching while the bridge. That had the railing not with no accident, nor has anyone cut sult is that prices have fallen consid­ appears to favor/ concrete. Which northerly direction to a 1 1 undergraduate of Stanford been defective the accident would not a piece from my foot palm .” He felt erable and the German’s are feasting. county court is making a mistake. the preliminary survey University serving for two years in have happened. y R his legs and then his feet to solve made for said proposed ro A friend tells me that in the ladies' the Tillamook high school under d Ti By reason of the accident Frank the mystery. At last he discovered the lavatory of some of otir hotels the Mr. Bryan, Secretary of State has Shreve, county surveyor o "-.i peri nt endent Rutherford. He was Paul was greatly injured, his collar mistake to be in his shoes for he had mook County, during the resigned, not being able to agree with ■! of the commercial department bone and a rib were broken and he put on one shoe with a thick sole and towels are chained to posts. In other ic pre the cabinet over President Wilson’s March, ¡915. intersects wit : Pa • Klto high school for three received serious internal injuries. one with a thin sole. “These shoes are hotels the soap is contained in bot­ in Ti ’ ent Three River counts rc message to Germany. Mr. Bryan has ,.r= He received his master's de­ which he alleges to be permanent. odd ones and not a pair,” said he. So tles that are securely fastened to the Af“ always preached peace, and is for cree from Stanford last year and was Martha Paul was greatly injured and he called loudly for his servant, and walls. In other places of public resort peace at any price. It is one of his sleeted to a position in the University her nervous system seriously shock­ ordered him quickly to change his the toilet articles are chained and the hobbies. Every member of the Eng­ of Wyoming but decided to take ed. Both, it is alleged, are unable to boots. The servant went into the looking glasses are tightly nailed in lish cabinet when the crisis came ‘i minai charge of the Junior high school at carry on the ordinary occupation of room to bring the master’s boot but their frames. In restaurants are signs with Germany, were men who had reminding customers that the man­ of said McMinnville. life. after a little time came back with a agement will not be responsible for talked and preached peace and arbi­ 01 r W hile in college Mr. Scofield was finitely They claim $1000.00 damages; $76.00 much puzzeled expression on his face. ro| tration, but when it came to the na­ n pro- quite a prominent athlete, being one for medical treatment; an