Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 17, 1915, Image 1

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    No. 1..
Now is the tine to can berries.
J.ea -e your ord-rs at the Fruit Palace
for all kinds of berries, the best in
’.he market.
-Ir. Henry Gress, of _________
Evansv ill?. _
E’.d., is visiting Mr. and Mrs Frank
Heyd and will probably make Tilla­
mook his home.
Money' I ILEI) L IJ iti the bttiik is the one sure protec­
tion against the storms of adversity.
No man who has a home and family should endanger
¿the ¡security of his home or the comfort of his family
1 a
H í )
he be taken away from them.
MONEY IN 1HF BANK will best insure the com-
jifortof a man’s wife and children t. As you earn money
bank it regularly
your family
- and make
----- e your
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits.
,, Tillamook County Bank.
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
Rough Lumber
mook Feed Co.
Safe deposit boxes tor
mook County Bank.
rent. Tilla-
The place to eat is at
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying
ten cents for green hides.
Sewing machines for $10.00. Singer
Sewing Machine Exchange.
A fine quality of Tillamook made
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent,
50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric
Store next to Gem Theater.
Try these 25c dinners at the Ram­
sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for
mcrly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Films developed ioc. per roll.—C. I.
Clough Co.
Get free Kodak instructions at C. I.
Clough Co.’s.
Gooseberries and Currants for sale
by Mrs. E. Trout.
Barview Dance Hall opens Satur­
day, June 19, at 8 p.tn.
Rollie W. Watson has resigned as
manager of the bafid.
Born, this morning, to the wife of
Ralph Conover, a daughter.
Born, on Monday, to the wife of C.
R. Kater, on the Miami, a son.
Pasture for rent. Address W. R.
lllingsworth, Tillamook Oregon. ♦
We are in a position to make s-'mc
long time farm loans. First National
Mid-Summer and early fall styles,
Latest in outing hats at Miss Patter­
The berry season is now on. Fresh
strawberries every day at the Fruit
Try one of our fancy dressed chick­
ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­
Mrs. Louis Laborwitch and daugh­
mook Meat Company.
* ter have gone to San Francisco to
visit relatives.
Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage,
Mrs. F.. E. Koch returned to the
Pork, Veal and old fachioned country­ City on Friday after two weeks visit
sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co.
in Portland.
Mrs. A. N. Ginn and Rcy Mrs.
Don’t forget those busted castings.
left Monday to visit the fair
Can be welded for half. Goods sent
in San Francisco.
by parcel post and express promptly
Baron-Fulop Co. vs. Eastman Wil­
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, son Co. is a suit filed in the circuit
court to recover $300.38.
We have made special arrangc-
Mrs. Lee M. Travis and family, of
ments with the Telephone Co., to Eugene, came in on Saturday on a
connect you directly with our office, visit at the home of the editor.
in case you wish any of our GOOD
Miss Ella Turner, of Kirby, Oregon
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W is visiting at the home of her grand­
mother, Mrs. M. E. Vaughn.
Any farmer wanting some fine
Virgil Donaldson, who has been at­
young pigs will do well t,o call on
Neilson & Melchior. They will have tending the Pacific University at
Forest Grove, returned on Friday.
a lot of them for sale at their barn
Nothing was done in regard to the
next Monday, the seventeenth, Full water rates at the meeting called for
blood Pohl and China pigs.
that purpose on Monday evening.
For Sale—Milking strain of Short
All parties having any calves to sell
will do well to call up Neilson & Mel- Horn Bulls of serviceable age. Ad­
dress Hugh G. Fisher, Albany, Ore. *
choir in Tillamook City on the Mu­
For sale or trade—A first class
tual phone. You might get more
second hand automobile. Inquire of
money for your calves as they are R B. Walls, Pacific Telephone Co. ♦
paying the highest prices.
Wanted a smallf arm, with about
Wanted to trade or sell house
15 cows, to rent. Will pay cash rent.
lot in Tillamook or in Puilland for Arnold Vor Wyl, Tillamook, Oregon.
second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre
O. K. Jeffery vs. H. J. Conklin and
tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S. A. G. Ross is a suit filed in the cir­
Stephens & Co., Room I, Commercial cuit court to recover $4U on a prom­
issory note.
Building, Tillamook, Ore.
Ashley & Rumelin, bankers vs.
I have a small tract of land half Mabel R Terry is a suit to recover
a mile of city limits of Corvallis, Ore. $21.00 and $11500 on two promissory
7 roomed house and good barn. Will notes.
trade for Tillamook County property
Bids will be received up to June 24,
Anyone desiring to locate at Corvall­ for the use of land abutting on Wil­
is would do well by calling at my son river for fishing purposes. Ad­
address, W. W. Conder, Tillamook dress H. F. Goodspeed, Tillamook.
* Oregon.
Tillamook, Oregon
» >
** Drop in and book Around
Marriage licenses were issued to
Alexander \\ alker and Cora Orvella
.»raves; and Edgar E. Smith and
Mary I. Batzucr.
Miss Lydia Aliheid, of Evansville.
Ind., arrived in Tillamook Saturday
to spend the summer with her sister
Mrs. Frank Heyd.
Circuit Judge G. R. Bagley will
hold a special term of the circuit
court on Monday, when only equity
cases will be taken up.
Fresh Clams, crabs and fish dcliv
ered to any part of the city by tin
I ity Fish Market, R. S. Laddusaw
proprietor. Mutual phone.
A number one farm for dairying for
sale $150.00 per acre; ten years’ time.
Call or write L. H. Kring, Ramsey
Hotel, I illamook Oregon.
Wanted—Steady position by mar­
ried man on dairy ranch. Good milkei
and farm hand. References if desired.
Call at Rosenberg Bros. Tillamook.
Mrs. \\ . J. Ricchers Miss Theres;
Gaylord and Mrs. J. E. Reedy are
attending the Grand Lodge of the
Eastern Star in Portland this week.
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
dollar per year.
Tillamook County
W. C. Thun and F. P. Thun vs. M.
H. Dennis and the Nestucca ’ Valley
Bank is a suit filed in the circuit t court
to foreclose a mortgage on a saw
mill etc.
Cloyd Dawson returned home from
Eugene on Saturday where he at-
tended the State University. He has
accepted a position at the Tillamook
County Bank.
At a meeting of the City Council
on Wednesday, Chas. H. Burggraf of
Albany, Ore., was employed as ar­
chitect for the new city hall, his plans
being thought best.
Young man of ¡9 wishes steady
work of any kind, cheese factory pre-
fered. Has experience with cows.
Write to W. Kramer, Milwaukee,
Ore., Box 6.
Postmaster P. W. Todd and Mrs.
Todd returned from Portland on Sat­
urday. The postmaster had attended
the postmasters’ convention and tak­
en in the Rose Carnival.
Leslie Harrison, Harvey Ebinger
and Dan McElven, who have been at­
tending the state Agricultural College
at Corvallis, have returned to their
homes for the summer vacation.
Lew A. Cates, editor of th ■ Po'k
County Observer, and Mrs. Cates
drove in from Dallas last week in
their auto, but owing to bad roads
they returned on the train leaving
their machine at Bay City.
John Danniels turned up missing at
the City Meat Market on Monday,
leaving a number of unpaid bills. Mr.
Danniels said when he came to Till-
arnook and started a meat market
that he was going to stay, but it
seems that his stay was exceedingly I
About 40 babies have entered for
the better babies contest in connec­
tion with the Tillamook County Fair,
and the examination for the central
part of the county will take place on
July 31st, in this city. Parents who
desire to enter their babies should
make application to Mrs. J. H. Dun-
“The Black Box,” the new serial
motion picture began at the Star
Theater Monday and Tuesday with
two packed houses. As this serial
started with a lot of exciting features,
and with its strong cast will no doubt
have a large following among motion
picture followers. There will be two
installments each week, Monday and
Tuesday at the Star Theater.
Married, in this city on Monday by
the Rev, Edwaid Uittins, pastor of
the M. E. Church, Mr. Clyde Hudson
and Miss Lelah Bailey. They are
both residents of Cloverdale, where
they will make their future home.
Their friends extend to them their
congratulations and best wishes for
their tuture happiness.
At a congregational meeting of the
members of the Presbyterian church
on Friday evening. Rev. J. E. Youel,
pastor of the Spokane Avenue Pres­
byterian church, of Sellwood, was
"called” to the Tillamook church. The
Rev. gentleman will commence his
work in this city on the 27th of June.
He comes well recommended.
Dr Chas. W. Prentiss, son-in-law
of Mr. Robert Watt, of Bay City,
died in Chicago on the 12th inst, and
will be buried in the Bay City ceme­
tery next Saturday, June 19th. Funer­
al from the train that arrives at Bay
City at 2:20 p.m. Dr. Prentiss was a
graduate of Howard University, and
was teaching in the North West
Medical School in Chicago when he
became ill.
While driving to the Maple Leaf
cheese factory with his milk this
morning the team driven by Will
Hare became scared at the reel* of
wire that was being used in the ex­
tension of the electric light system
north of town and ran away, throw­
ing Mr. Hare and the milk cans out
into the road. He was dragged about
20 yards and then the wheels of the
wagon passed over his chest, injur­
ing him internally. Dr. Boats who was
called to attend the unfortunate man
does not think there are any bones
The county court has entereel into
an agreement with Samuel McVey
to ‘ake 10,000 cubic yards of rock at
what is known as the Bladgett quar­
ry, near Manhattan. The county is to
furnish on the ground at the quarry-
all materials required for the rock
crushing plant and the contractor is
to furnish all tools, material and
necessary labor and construct the
rock crushing plant, and the county is
to pay the contractor 7714c. per cubic
yard for all rock furnished on board
of cars. The contractor cannot sublet
his contract, and had to put up a
bond to the amount of $4,000.00.
»t.50 PER YEAR.
Ask any of our customers
about First National service
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore.
Tillamook City is the logical location -
for a distributing station, the city on ¡
the bay will not be considered further
He left for Portland on Wednesday
Captain Charles Miller, second as­
sistant of Cape Meares Light Station,
was in the city the first of the week.
A. H. Lea, who was recently ap­
pointed game warden, was in the city
on Monday, It seems he has declined
to accept the appointment.
Miss Ida W’orrall, daughter of J. P.
Worrall, is in on a visit from Fulton,
Missouri, where she is a teacher in
the State Deaf School.
Be sure and call and let Drs. Lowe
.V Turner, the well known eye speci­
alists of Portland, show y.ou the
Kryptop double vision glasses which
has no unsightly lines or seams to
catch dirt, strain the eyes or come
One light solid piece of
glass which looks like a single pair,
yet answers the purpose of two, en-
ibling yoif to read or do close work
md see distant objects perfectly. Be
sure and see them. Free demonstra-
ion, satisfaction guaranteed. Drs.
Lowe & Turner have been located in
Portland for twenty years. They <’<>
lot go from house to house. They
have no agents. They will be at
Jenkins’ Jewelry Store Friday and
Saturday, June 35-26; at Cloverdale,
Tuesday, June 22; at Beaver Wednes­
day, June 23rd and at Bay City,
Thursday, June 24.
Secretary of State Olcott announc­
ed Tuesday that Multnomah county
would receive $12,648.79 this year as
the apportionment under the law pro­
viding for a levy of one-twentieth of
a mill on taxable property for ••up-
port of county fairs, land-product
shows or live stock exhibitions. I aun­
ties not expending apportionments
for purposes named in the act arc re­
quired to place tin n in the general
road funds. A law passed at the last
session of the Legislation increasing
the maximum initial amount appor­
tioned to any county from $10,000 to I
$¡2,500, and the
excess of one-
twentieth of a mill on the taxable
property in Multnomah
unountiag to $5,207.63, will be divid­
ed equally among all the counties of
the state, '1 illamook County receives
$148,78 out of that amount, The ap-
is $998.34. the two sums
What might have been a serious
accident happened to Chester Mc­
Ghee and Miss Neva Hydorn on Fri­
day night. They were driving in a
btlggy south of town, after the enter­
tainment, and in an endeavor to avoid
an automobile coming from Clover­
dale the horse ran into a tree, which
threw- the animal to the ground and
threw the occupants of the buggy to
Uie ground. McGhee was rendered
unconscious and sustained a dislocat­
ed elbow joint and thumb, while
Miss Hydorn was badly shaken up,
but not seriously injured. It was not
until after McGhee was taken to the
doctor’s office that he regained con­
sciousness. He will be on the sitk list
for several days on account of the
J. H. McDermott, representing the
Standard Oil Co., was in the city on
Tuesday for the purpose of selecting
a location for a distributing station
for oil for the county. The company
has been figuring on erecting a sta­
tion in this county for several months
with water and railroad facilities, and
money is now available for that pur­
pose. The station will in all proba­
bilities be located in this city, the
company negotiated for the purchase
of the Small property on the water
front, with a proviso that the city will
give the company a franchise to erect
and maintain a station in the city.
Some of the business men took Mr.
McDermott for an auto trip on W ed­
nesday morning, and he was surpris­
ed at the large amount of agricultural
land in the vicinity of this city and
extent of the dairy industry. It is the
intention of the Standard Oil Co. to
ship the different oils into this county
by small tank steamers, and it will be
An apostle of peace also is not with
distributed over the county from the out honor save in his own country.
station. Bay City has offered to give
There are as big fish in the sea as
the company a site if it will locate
•ver were caught is an encouraging
at that place, but now that Mr.
tatement; but perhaps not as many.
Dermott has seen for himself
On Last ¿0
Chautauqua New*.
Tillamook's first Chatauqua will
open in this city on Monday, July 12,
and will continue for six days. The
program consists of two entertain­
ments each day—one at two thirty
in the afternoon and another aL.7 ¡30
in the evening. Mornings will be de­
voted to the children. The junior
Chautauqua, as it is called, commenc­
es at 9:00 a.in.
A number of high class attractions
will be offered. Among them are the
Adelphian Quartet, Witepskic's Roy­
al Hungarian Orchestra, Charlottte
Bergh, soprano, Buckner's Jubilee
Singers. Mrs. Marion Ballou Fisk,
cartoonist, Marietta La Dell, imper­
sonator and dramatic reader, Col.
William Hamilton Miller, Arthur A.
Franzk and United States Senator
Elmer J Burkett, of Nebraska, lec­
turers. This organization is now trav­
eling through California and reports
from cities they have visited speak
very highly of them.
The daily entertainment*, except
those of Thursday and Saturday
nights, will be almost equally divided,
as to time, between musical numbers
and lectures Lectures will not lie of
the drv and sleepy kind. The speaker*
have been engaged in Chautauqua
work for a long time and they have
learned to make the orations not only
instructive but witty and entertaining
Gn Thursday and Saturday evenin'»*
the program will be devoted almost
entirely to music.
Season ticket admitting the holder
or a member of his family to every
program cost $2.50.
Royal Ann Cherries are in
th ir prime this week. Order
them now at the Fr-jit Palace,
Tillamook, Ore.
The Entire Stock of
Hart Schaffner & Marx
is included in our
Ti* ir
¿■••iß’.f i
ikL'1' ip^>ui
1 ' Br - '
\ / >:• g■ !• f '««i» ■••'I ■’ Lffl\
___ —
Commencing Saturday, June 19th,
and Ending Saturday, July 3rd.
Actual Values to $27.50 in all sizes for
See Large Announcement on Back Page.