Tillamook Headlight, June IO, Ifilo. ■----------------------------------- ■ ■ Special Session of Circuit Court. TWO COUNTIES FORM JOINT $5000 in this County to be used on the ------o------ Three “ Rivers. . ’ ROAD DISTRICT. ........ Circuit Judge Geo. R. Bagley has During the discussion, the matter oi ■ —o--- the cost of building the 5(4 miles was called a special term of the circuit Tillamook and Yamhill Counties frequently taken up and Roadmaster court for Monday, June June 21, Agree to Expend $20.000 on Sour Hobson was asked numerous ques­ when only equity cases, or those Grass Route tions. He suggested that the work be' specified in the order will be taken For several months past the County let in three sections, and he informed | I up. They are as follows: Courts of Yamhill and. I Tillamook the courts that it was his opinion that Warren Construction Co. vs. Tilla­ counties have been endeavoring to the road could be constructed and mook City. . . anil arrive at some planked for $20,000, and could be get together ....................... ; ; D. L. Shrode et al, vs. R. H. Ash­ agreement to form a joint road dis­ completed in 60 days after work was croft. _ trict for the purpose - of building a commenced. T his seemed a surprise Eilers Music House vs. tv. v. road to connect the two suitable 1-— to the members of the courts, but as Dwight. counties, which is an improvement contracts are being let at a low figure A. G. Beals vs. F. H. Wilkins and been undertaken that should have this year, a considerable saving is go­ Burton Rice. arrangement was years ago. T his T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. F. D. ing to be made 111 building the road a Bi„u <•«. meeting of the two agreed at *• a Mitchell. County Courts in this city yesterday. this year.________________ George Dustan vs. W. C. Hawk et County Judge J. B. Dodson and Printing the News. al. Commissioner W. S. Allan represent­ T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. Axel ed Yamhill County, and County Judge We often hear some thoughtless Anderson. A. M. Mare and Commissioners Ella Hempie vs. Emery Wagner Frank Owens and Geo. R. McKim- fellow say. “If 1 was running a paper* and Roscoe Barker. ens represented this county. Road­ 1 would print the news. 1 don’t care James Bibby vs. Josef Blaser. master Hobson, of Tillamook was who it might hit. If they don t want J. C. Perry vs. Louis U. Albert. to get into the paper, let them keep also in attendance. Carl A. Patzlaff vs. Janies W. of trouble." We remember one Both counties have $15.00 each >or out and A. M. Myer. particular instance in which a similar the purpose of constructing a road Louis Albert vs. Jeff Fleck and between the two counties, and when remark was made. W e had, through Ben Via. the pleadings of a mother and a tear ­ the movement was first started Polk Dan Nicklas vs. S. L. Rathburn. “Killed 1 ” a good story county was included in the project, ful sister, "Killed Olympia Beer Co. vs. E. F. Laugh­ a rather concerning the escape of but after the first meeting that coun­ ty dropped out, leaving the other two worthless young man. But to his lin.Coats Driving and Boom Co., vs. ­ counties to come to some amicable mother and sister he was not worth S. Johnson. arrangement in * financing it. 1 wo less, and they prevailed upon us not Alma <1 r rd ■ i {5 ci 11 v 111 * 1» c» ft Bernheim Distilling Co. vs. E. F. routes were proposed. One by way oi of to print the item which would dis- Laughlin. Bentley and the other the Sour Grass, grace them for ever. And we did nut Oregon Motor Car Co. vs. L. M. of and over these two routes there, print it. So we were accused and Dennis. naturally, was some contention, for cowardice by this certain critic The Adjustment Bureau of Port­ local reasons more than anything were told that we did not know how land vs. B. L. Beals, Jr. else. Both counties had these two to run a newspaper. In vain we tried L. S. Miller vs. Laneda Inc. routes looked over and they were i to explain that many things besides B. F. Laughlin, vs. G. L. and L. E. _j and Road- our own personal likes and dislikes surveyed by engineers also instructed entered into our w'eekly labor. It was Dick. master Hobson was a., Chas. Ray, et al, vs. L. W. V to go over the routes and report. no use, he said, we should print the Dyke. They all reported in favor of the news. Six months later the same man W. G. Dwight vs. S. G. Reed. Sour Grass route, which necessitates came sneaking up to our home in the Jno S. Meek vs. J. E. Williams and the building of 4(4 miles of new road dead of the night to plead and beg in Yamhill County and one mile ,11 with us not to print a much worse Lillian L. Williams. L. S. Miller vs. E. H. Lane and story in which he himself was mixed Tillamook County. Yesterday there was some little de­ up. We had the story but had no in­ Mertie E. Lane. Carl O. Shragren vs. The “Arab.” lay in the members of both courts tention of printing it, for it was one Grace Johnson vs. J. C. Johnson. arriving at a decision on account of of those things that it is best for all W. G. Dwight vs. John Krebs ct al. of what territory should be taken in­ concerned and for the public to sup­ Sylvia I. Rice vs. Earl E. Rice. to the new road district and what press. But our critic had heard that G. F. Chaphe vs. R. H. Ashcroft ct amount oi money should be paid by we knew' the details and, with the un­ each county, as Commissioner Owens fairness that charactered his first ut­ ab Guy O. Smith vs. Merton R. De- wanted the Little Nestucca road cm- I ( terance, at once jumped to the con­ braced in the new district. This Judge clusion that we would chortle with Long, et al. Morrison Mills vs. Randolph Lamb Dodson would not agree to, and it joy over a chance’ to flaunt such 1 a f„.»_ of and Sarah L. Lamb. was finally agreed that 4(4 miles in choice bit of gossip in the faces Evan J. Owens vs. Alberta Frock, Yamhill County and one mile in T ill­ our readers. Remembering his atti- amook County form the road district. ' tude on the other occasion we let him ct al. John Hahn vs. Gus Mahne and Then the matter of how much money squirm a bit. We reminded him of each county should appropriate was a the former statement and intimated Marie Mahne. F. S. Whitehouse vs. Calvin S. bone of contention. Judge Dodson that he had at that time opened our and Commissioner Allan contended eyes. "We should print the news. If Black et al. J. Baumgartner vs. Martha Psetak, that the building of the raod was of anyone did not want to get into the more benefit to Tillamook than to paper, let them keep out of trouble.” et al. George L. Hamlin vs. Lydia S. Yamhill county, which the members He remembered. He admitted that of the Tillamook County Court had he had so expressed himself. And this Morgan. Dennison Billings and Anna Bill­ to admit was the case. Judge Dodson case was different. Moreover, he was said they had come over here with a a prominent man—and married—and ings vs. Frank J. Dye et al. he had a family — and 4II of the same Jeff D. Matney vs. Lizzie Matncv. proposition that each county donate M. Abplanalp, administrator of the $10,000. Although they had $15,000 sluff that every editor hears when appropriated they had a large amount some one gets into trouble. Well the estate of M. Irndorf, vs W. R.Lusbv, et al. of work to do on connecting roads, story was not printed. It never would Sarah E. Blazer vs. Charles H. which would take more than $5,000. have been. But we feel sure that our Commissioner < Iwcns endeavored to critic believes that the only thing Blazer. W. G. Dwight vs. J. A. Ross et al. have I illamook's appropriation plac­ that kept it out was his ‘prominence E. H. Gray vs John Bash and Annie ed at $7,500 but the Yamhillers would and influence.” No, dear friend, not budge, and it was eventually about the only clement that was tot­ I. Bash. School District No. 54 vs Frank agreed that both counties should con­ ally ignored in coming to our decis­ Barnes and wife. tribute $10,000 ami the additional ion was you, yourself. John Stoker vs. Otis Jones etal. J. H. Hicks vs. B. L. Beals, Jr. et al. bred Lange vs. R. P. York Samuel Leback et al, vs. Allan II. \\ ilson et al. Alfred Gubser vs. G. W. Wilks et al Lee R. Ijams et al vs. Mrs. Melvina Venen et al. lillatnook County Bank vs. Francis Gasoline and Cylinder Oils, Auto Repairing done at D. Mitchell, et al. Reasonable Figures. Work guaranteed. Feeney & Bremer vs. M. H. Dennis et al. Amos Vaughn et al vs. Gug Vaughn ct al. Frank Hancnkratt vs. U. G. Jack- son. Evelyn Rhodes vs. Frank Rhodes Eliza D. Bailey vs. A. M. Myers et Tillamook Garage and Machine | Shop. OPPOSITE THE SAW MILE. LAWYER & SLYTER, Prop. HERE YOU WILL FIND BARGAINS INNUMERABLE. Not in this Ad. of co irsj, sproa psrmds of mintion ora few on'y, but at thy store reprasintid by th:s announoamont will you fiud BARGAINS in every Dipt., 01 every Counter, Show Case, Dis­ play! fixture and table, at tha store of nationally advertised and nationally known Merchandise. Everything in the Store Reduced in Price. 4UXôm’s BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. The Dry Goods Section is alive with Bargains, and you would do well to sjiend a few minutes in look­ ing over the displays of merchandise so frequently made n this section. A meri can Calicoes, 5c. 'vi HARM« .ADJUSTABLE, Ï DRESS / )w