I < Tillamoolc ‘ C0UN1Y BUSNIESS County Court allows Large Sums for L Road Work. County Poor and Insane. Geo. W. Phelps, inds ...... $ 5-4° 3025 .Mrs A. E. McKune, board .. 6530 Bosenberg Bros. Mds............... 1-55 Crystal Laundry Co................... 2.48 \\. L>. Gladwell, Mds................ 5.00 Grand Leader, Mds. ............... lillamook Meat Co. Mds. ... 1-45 10.05 Bav & Co., Mds. ........................ 9.00 I I. Spencer, work ................. 20x0 s. A. Clark, board .. .................. 12.00 Tohl & Anderson Mds............ 348 £. L. Robertson, Mds............... Tillamook Feed Co., Mds. ... 3445 1.00 I. E. Epplett .............................. 500 Or L. L. Hoy................................ Miscellaneous 24.00 T. H. Goyne, rent, telephone. lones-Rnudson Co. Mds. .. .. 100.00 20.00 lillamook Building Co. Mds. \vi .ters and Hill Work......... H 45 Erwin Harrison premiums on 50.00 bond .......................................... Theil Detective Service ........ 47-55 Glass & Prudhomme, mds 4- 95 -47-50 Irvine Hobson Co. Mds............ j C Holden, express ............... 1 93 Crandall & Roberts auditing . 89-75 22.00 Herald, printing ....................... 12.50 Headlight, printing ................. 7.00 C. T. Dolan, work ................... 5- 00 Tillamook Water Works .... 1.80 King & Smith Co., mds............ 9.00 Mutual Telephone Co................ Pacific Tie & Tel Co.................. 31-24 L. Hiner, work „....................... 29-95 33-31 Coast Power Co. ........................ 9.00 Puroline Disinfecting Co. ... 8.85 Cruson & Myers work.............. 1.85 T. C. Percy, work ................... Frank Severance medical treat ment G. A. R........................... 55-00 J. JI I.ongcor convey ing pris­ 4-50 oner .......................................... E. W. Stanley, justice ........... 11.30 Surveyor’s Office. 208.30 F. E. Hobson, road master 1 John Williams, boat hire .. . 6.50 10.70 George Chaffe, work ............. 25.01 Barthold Barge Co, mds. .. . 16.00 Frank Heyd, work ................. Winter & Hill, work ............ 46.35 1500 W. Kellow, hauling ............... Ross Shreve, expenses ........ 54-38 6.60 Myrtle O. Mills, work........... 120.62 Ross Shreve................................ 107.50 C. A. Dunn ................................ 72.68 A. Gusltrom .............................. 68.44 Wm. Anderson ....................... 8.12 Alfred Hobson ....................... 20.00 H. Angelo .................................. 4.06 Oscar Bergman .,................... 2.50 E. J. Hunter .............................. Ed Parker .................................. 1.56 1.87 W. Lamb.................................... M. E. Gruber............................ 3950 Bill Continued $80.52 Chas I. Clough Co................... 38.20 M. Chelich, interperter ......... Salaries. J. E. Reedy .............................. J. C. Bewley .............................. Geo. R. McKin^ens................. Frank L. Owens ..................... A. M. Hare ................................ W. S. Buel ................................ V. Stockham.............................. Mary L. White ....................... Ellen B. Minich....................... Mrs. H. C. Hanson................. Mrs. L. M. Buell ..................... B. I.. Beals ................................ 0. G. Swenson ....................... C. A. Johnson ......................... H. B. Millis .............................. Ê. L. Webb................................. H. Crenshaw ........................... . W. T. Campbell....................... 0. G. Swenson.......................... J. C. Holden ........................... . Kathleen Mills ......................... Vida A. Millis ......................... T. E. Epplett ............................ Road District No. 1. E. A. Worthington ................. Wm Brobst ................................ Lenord Stimpson ................... Albert Miller ........................... Charles Easom . ........................ Wm. Barker .............................. Emil Ross .................................. Fred Zaddach ........................... Albert Easom ......................... . Roscoe Barker ......................... — Shortridge ......................... Mrs. Ella Hempie................... Lew Kennedy ........................... Ansel Lommen ....................... L. S. Keen .................................. Joseph Angelo.......................... Geo. Balmer.............................. Geogre Davis ........................... Bill Harris.................................. Jack Howland .......................... W. F. Caine .............................. Tony Lagler .............................. G. S. Reed................. ................ Dick Myers ............................... William Gorman ..................... Robert Aldred .......................... O. V. Monte Cristo ............... E. Braunersrenther ................. G. C. Minsker............................ Chas Robitch ........................... D Meyers .................................. Abe Kuppenbender ................. L. Barber .................................... Chester Stouder ..................... Geo. Knight .............................. R. Crawford .............................. B. Tilden .................................... Aug Ludtke ................................ E. Kabbe .................................... W. H. Klein .............................. nn>. Chisholm ......................... O. A. White .............................. G. T. Dougherty ..................... L M. Howland.......................... Wm. Boughman ..................... Jim Cummings ......................... Dell Cummings ....................... Hugh Rittenhouse ................. Don Alley .................................. George Ludke ... Arthur Palmer......................... J, W. Tohl ................................ Frank Alvoid ......................... Cleve Allen ................................ Dick Bartrow............................ A m. Crawford ......................... H. Deacon ........................... t has Haybarker ....................... Hatis Hanson ........................... 8 C. Larson.............................. R. J. Larson.............................. Dick Myers................................ L. A. North ..'............ J. W.Tohl .................................... Ceorge Knight ......................... " irt. Crawford.......................... E. Rittenhouse................... O. F Barnes ............................. * Easom .................................... B- Comstock .............................. T. Tike ....................................... E. Tomlinson .................... S. Vermilyea ................ H. Turner .................... C. V. Stoker .............................. F. Barnes .................... G. Wilks .................. W. H. Sales ...................... J. F. Reeher ....................... F. P. Hobson............................. Bay City Examiner ................ M. F. Bowman ........................ Tohl & Anderson .................... Nehalem Times ...................... Charles Morgan ...................... Grant Marshall ........................ Sam Johnson ............................ Robert Kennedy ...................... Ernest Crown .......................... lohn Paquet .............................. Harry Mitchell ........................ I Darlin .................................... lohn Langley ............................ George Benson ........................ Rufus Kennedy ........................ Fred Paquet .............................. Valentine Stoker ...................... L C. Holden, freight .............. Nelson & Co., mds ............ Geo. W. Phelps mds................. T. H. Pitts, piling .................. Wheeler Lumber Co .............. Road District No. a. H. B. Johnson .......................... I. W. Lyster ............................ John Mix .................................... C. ly 21.87 teens, were swimming near ore of the 13.75 big holes just belu v the Nestucea 18.75 River bridge at Cloverdale, when the 9.37 Lowrance boy, son of John Lowrance, 11.2s got out too far and was caught in a 2.50 powerful eddy and made almost help­ 52.50 less. First, one of his companions 51.25 tried to get him out and then the oth 25.00 did likewise, but to no avail. Then 25.00 the Endner boy tried to get » scow to 26.25 him, but this could not be do e 20.00 Finally, about the time t! e Lowrance 26.25 boy was thoroughly overcome Hie End­ 22.50 ner .... boy „„J made a last desperate ...... effort 17.50 and got the drowning boy by the hair 57.50 and with the aid of the other boy got 45.00 him out. The boys called for help and 45.00 ' at once set to work to revive young 15.00 I Lowrance, but it was not until more 8.75 , ; viiaii than c* a nan half hour iicaci had passed before he 10.00 began to show signs of life. Both young Endner and Arstel) de­ 7-50 19-37 serve a great deal of credit for the manly way in which they stuck to their 47-25 heroic and difficult task. 12.50 15.00 12.50 Tillamook Heads the List. 6.87 750 16 to 6 tells the story of Sundays 7.50 game when Nehalem met defeat at th • 1.25 hands of Millis' aggregation at the 11.87 ball grounds. It was a slow, one s de ’ 29.OO session of the National game, and Ne­ 45.00 halem will have to do some repairing 1.25 before they can hope to conquer the 13.4’ other teams of the new league which 27.59 have played here this season Nehalem, 32.50 however, was in a weakened condition 28.12 Sunday, according to manager Thomp­ 40.00 son, and can be expected to put up a 54.3' much better grade of ball in the fu­ 48.12 ture. Tubbestein, Emery and Mayor 2.50 Atwood batteried for the visitors 36.00 while they were battered bv Blanchard and Wallace. The batting of Wol'e I 4935 and Driscoll, and base stealing by 22.17 Millis were the only features of ti.e 22.50 game. I2.ro Beaver won a fast game from Bay 1 4250 City on the Bay City grounds,score 9 22.50 to 6. The Beaver team has been show­ 23.85 ing up exceptionally well and promises 37-50 to be one of the strongest teams 19.68 the new league. Clint King who 35-00 doing the mound work for Beaver 15.00 well known to the local fans. 12.80 Standing of the teams. 2 0 3-75 I Tillamook 1 ) 2.75 Beaver 1 1 3.12 Bay City Nehalem 0 2 7-50 3-75 938 DIKED TIDE LANDS AND FINE BOTTOM LANDS $150 AN ACRE Bar View Hotel-Furnished Tents. Now Open for the Season Under Management of I)R. W, A WISE. it, »•;« >r. Bar View Hotel FURNISH TENT'S On ths Beach at Bar View, Tillamook County, Oregon. mooocu OOOQOOOOOOOOC. 3 ooscooQoeo&scoGooooccoGGceecool I will sell you 10 to 40 acres and give you easy terms of payment if you want them. Write me for further information. Wm. G. Stearns, Corbett Bldg. Portland. Oregon. “ MONEY L«d Astray. ------ o------ Back in my youth I knew a boy of morals good and true; He’d never swear,nor play at cards nor would he smoke or chew. He always said a little prayer before he went to sleep, And asked the angels' round his bed their guardian watch to keep. At Indian war and cowboys he was One ton of coal equals two cords of never known to play, But wished that Sunday school would wood and you don’t have *0 sow and have three sessions every day. split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello He meant to be a missionary to some Centray Gi’me 28W. savage horde, And now for his goodness he is reap- ing his reward: Yes—he’s acting for the mocies now! He is into every villian sort of row. I have recently secured As a Western dead-shot killer he’s the champion graveyard filler, the Factory Agency for For he's acting for the movies now. the High Grade Chute & And in those happy youthful days I Butler Pianc s and Play­ had a sweetheart fair, ers, manufactured at With big blue eyes and rosy cheeks. and curly golden hair; Peru, Ind Anyone in the I used to walk with her from school. market for an instrument the pretty little miss, wil! do well to see me be­ And in our childish innocence we fore Buying. thought no wrong to kiss. But when she grew into her teens so Both Phones. dignified was she That in our past “frivolities’ she’d sternly censure me: She said she was ashamed of them, and now her life's one aim Was rescuing the millions from the ir course of moral shame; And—she’s posing for the movies now! Every kind of mushy fooling she'll allow; Both in comedy and thrilly-uns she’s a favorite of the millions, For she’s posing for the movies now. —New York Times. Both Economy and Your Safety i Direct yxiu to the Rexall Store whenever you want a Pre- 1 scription tilled. 1 T? C' NT Cl 1VI V I’ccause our superior buying facilities ! UJA! vJ 1VL x brought about through our association with the more than 5,(MX) other lea ling retail druggists of America—enables us to make the very lowest prices con­ sistent with quality. Q A V *,eCiHlse "’e respect our profession, nnd oAx1 x> 1 X win not tolerate any but the most exact methods, the most scrupulous care, and drugs of absolute ! puntv, freshness and strength. CHARLES I. CLOUGH CO, Reliable Druggist, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. OOOC5OOQ99G9QO999O0QO9GOOO<}OOOOOQOQO0OO€«O9K - • Tin r< id is lighter than any other car of iis'sizc and power. Light weight mean« cnuioinj. Economy in gasoline coiiHUinp- tion. Economy in tire expense. Economy in repair bills less than two cents a mile for operation arid upkeep. Yet with nil it i light weight the Ford is the strong cs sturdiest cur that is built. !t is the longest lasting car. Vanadium steel ia responsible for that. “Anti­ fatigue” steel, scientists call it—the strongest, tough­ est steel put in’o automobile construction. Buyers will share in profits if vr sell nt retail 300,(XX) new Ford cars between August 1014 and August 1015 John Leland Hendernon. Sec­ retary Treas , Attomey-at- Law, Notrary Publid Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. OmOON. a W.A, Williams 4c ’I Operated by \V. A. WISE, 210-2¡3 Failing Building, Port land and Bar View. Make a leader on clams, crabs and chicken dinners. We will try hard to give you sea foods to eat when you come to Bar View. Order house for those who wish to use a sleeping tent and board out. Dr. Wise will be at the Hotel from May ; Town Car $WO ; Ccupelet $750 ; Sedan $075, f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment.___________________ M. D. ACKLEY, Local Agent. Tillamook Oregon