Tillamoolc Notice of Hearing Petition to Form Drainage District. to the quarter section running East and West through said 'Section, and running thence East along the quarter section line to the East line of the proposed district,, or so far as may be found necessary for the drain­ age purposes in question. I he two ditches are to be the main ditches for the drainage proposed, and they are to be constructed with such laterals as may be found neces ary to make the drainage effectual. 1 he land in­ cluded in the proposed district is so situated that without ditches being constructed the water is not drained off and the land remains cold and sour. There is a fall of about 25 feet from the East side of the district to the West side thereof, and it is be­ lieved that with the construction of the ditch as proposed the water will be drained off from all of the lan<(s so tliat they will dry much more rap­ idly, and the same will be in proper condition for cultivation, and much more productive. Headlight, June IO, lOlo at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the ___ on the 15th hour of to o’clock a.m. ¡915, day of June, 1, „ and at that time publicily opened and read. ‘ Each'bid shall be accompanied by a certified " ounty check made payable to the C by law. Clerk, for an amount equal - ,— to -- 5 .. per . cent of the amount of the total of said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case the bid be accept­ ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for a period of five days after which the award is made to enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required Bids will be received for the clear­ ing, grading and excavation for lay- ing the following kinds of pavement under standard specifications for each 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete base. 3— Light Bitulithic on Concrete base. 4— One course grouted top Concrete 5— Wood block on Concrete base. According to the plans and specifi­ cations on file in the office of County Clerk. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this the 27th day of May 1915. J. C. Holden, County Clerk First publication, May 27, 191=;. Last publication, June 10, 1015- Notice of Intention to Improve Cer tain Stieets in Tillamook City Oregon Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, deems it expedient to improve certain streets in 'I illamook City, Oregon, and to that end said Common Coun­ cil did on the 26th day of May, ¡915 at a special session called by the May­ or for that particular purpose, adopt a Resolution and Notice setting forth therein the streets that said city pro- poses to improve, and also the kind and manner of improvements that said City proposes to make, the estimated cost thereof and defining ' the boundaries of the assessment dis trict to be benefitted thereby and as­ sessed therefor, which said resolution and Notice and the whole thereof, is I in words, letters and figures as fol­ lows, to-wit: Resolution and Notice of Intention to Improve Certain Streets in Till-, X. mook City. Oregon The signers of this petition agree Be it resolved, that the Common that they will pay any and all expens­ Council of Tillamook City, Oregon es incurred, and any tax or taxes that deems it expedient, and hereby de­ may be levied against their respec- clares its intention to improve the fol ive lands for the purpose of paying the lowing streets in said city, to-wit: expense of organizing or attempting Fifth Street from the East line of to organize the proposed distiict, Second Avenue East, East to the such expense to be taxed against the center of Sixth Avenue East, and lands of the signers in proportion to Third Avenue East, from the South the number of acres owned by them line of Fourth Street to the North and affected by the propo ed drain­ Summons. line of Fifth Street, in the following age. ------o----- manner: XI. of the Circuit Court of the State In__ _____ By establishing the grades of said Wherefore, your petitioners pray of that the lands described herein, or Oregon in and for the County streets; By grading said streets to proper such of them as may be found by the Tillamook. court to be properly included in the Lee R. Ijams, Laura M. Kerron sub-grade; • I. By rolling the roadway thereof; proposed drainage district either per­ formerly Laura M. Ijams,Les­ The name proposed for such dis- manently or until further investiga­ lie Ijams, Evelyn Ijams and B? laying on said streets a concrete trict is “Tillamook Drainage District” tion and surveys may permit elimina­ Ethel Miller, formerly Ethel roadway 34 feet in width, 4 inches in II. thickness at the sides and 5% inches tion, shall be declared organized into ijams, Plaintiffs, The boundary lines of the proposed a drainage district under the provis- in thickness in the center. Together district are as follows: vs. with a standard sheet asphelt wearing ions of Chapter 340 of the General Beginning at a point 20 feet East Laws of Oregon for the year I9>5- Mrs. Melvin Venen and John surface l'/i inches in thickness. of the West line of Section 31, In Doe Venen, her husband. By constructing along each side of Dated this May 28th, 1915. 'Township 1 South, of Range 9 West, Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe said roadway a combination concrete M. W. Harrison W. M., and 30 rods South of the Le Duck, his wife, Geo. Williams curb and gutter; * Northwest corner of said Section, Defendants. Mary N. Williams By building concrete catch basins and running thence East to the West John To Mrs. Mejvina Venen and Albert Marolf and laying drain pipe, together with line of the James and Anna Quick zzuc Doe Venen, »ecu, ut. her husband; , Frank E’"1 Le I inlets and making provisions for the Jeff Harris Donation Land Claim in Section 32, Duck and Mary Roe Le Duck, his wife necessary surface drainage of said . Bertha Hunt. said 'Township and Range; thence and to you and each of you, defend­ streets, with all of the appurtenances L M. Furrer South to the South line of theNorth- Jeff W'allacc ants above named, in the name of t(ie thereto, and west quarter of the Southeast quarter Martha E. Wallace State of Oregon you and each of you By laying and constructing con- of slid Section 32;thence West to the Ira Tomlinson are required and hereby commanded evrete headers with sheet asphalt Southwest corner ‘of the Northeast B. L. Beals. to appear and answer to the com-' wearing surface. quarter of the Southwest quarter of State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ plaint filed against you in the above I Al! of said improvements to be said Section 32; thence South to the mook, SS: entitled suit on or before the 25th I made in accordance with the charter, South line of said Section 32; thence I, B. L. Beals Sr., being first duly day of June, 1915, bcinb more than I resolutions and ordinances of 1 illa­ West to the Southwest corner of said sworn say that I have read the fore­ six (6) weeks from the date of the I Section 32; thence North to the going petition Mid that I believe the date of the first publication of this 1 mook City, Oregon , and in accor­ dance with plans, specifications uanvv win* the gz.s»..u>, .---- Southeast corner of the Northwest allegations thereof to be true, I fur­ quarter of the Southeast quarter of ther state that the signatures appear­ summons, and if you fail so to appear 1 and estimates of work therefore, and i iiiid pruuciuic cosi thereof, me j probable cost made and Section 31, in said ■'Township and ing to said petition are true and prop­ and answer to the said complaint, for land Engineer B------ of Range; thence Wist to the South­ er signatures of the persons whose want thereof these plaintiffs will ap- prepared by the City ' L.. west corner of the Northwest quarter names appear signed thereto, and ply to the Court for the relief prayed Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed in of the Southeast quarter of said that each and all of said signers of for in their complaint, in substance | the office of the Recorder of said Section 31; thence North 1954.2 feet aid petition are ow ners of the land as follows: For a decree determining Tillamook City. Oregon, on May 26, ----- -- -r — :J improvements '■----------- •- and J all of said to to the Ninth line of tract owned by within the proposed drainage dis- the-adverse interests in and to block' 1915, fifteen (15) in and of Miller’s Addi­ be made at the expense of the prop­ Ben Jacob; thence West to the East tricl as set forth in said petition. tion to the Town of Tillamook in the erty, and all thereof adjacent thereto line of the County Road on the East B. L. Beals, County of Tillamook and State of and especially benefitted by said im­ side of Trask River; thence following Subscribed and sworn to before me Oregon and declaring these plaintiffs provements and within the limits of the East line of said county road in a this 2nd day of June, 1915. to be the owners in fee simple and the assessment district established Northwesterly direction to a point J. C. Holden, entitled to the possession of said and defined by this ordinance. within 20 feet of the West side of County Clerk, premises as against any and all per­ Be it further resolved, that the said Section 31; thence North to the hirst publication June 3, 1915. sons whomsoever, and yourselves in I plans, specifications and estimates place of beginning. Last Publication July 1, 1915. and 1 for the proposed improvements so particular, and for their costs 1 Such lands constitute a contiguous disbursements of this suit, , and for | made and prepared by City Engineer body of swamp, wet and over-flow Notice to Creditors. such further relief as to the Court and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of lands. I the probable total cost of said im­ may seem meet in the premises. Notice is hereby given that the This summons is served upon you provements as made and prepared by The total acreage included in the County Court of the State of Oregon, by virtue of an order of the above the City Engineer being the sum of said proposed district is 555 acres. for the County of Tillamook, has ap­ entitled Court, which order was made $10,369.82) be and the same are here­ IV. I pointed the undersigned administra­ and entered on the 17th day of May, by approved. The names of the owners of the nd in said proposed district, as tor of the estate of Thamas B. Wat­ 1915, directing that publication there­ That the boundaries of the assess­ shown by the records of Tillamook kins, deceased. All persons having of be made in the Tillamook Head­ ment district to be benefited by said County, Oregon, and the acreage claims against the said estate arc re­ light, a newspaper of general circula­ 1 improvements and assessed therefor owned by each of said owners is as quired to present them, properly tion published in the County of Tilla­ be, and the same is hereby establish­ verified, to the undersigned at his mook and State of Oregon for a ed as follows: follows : M. W. Harrison................ 102.5 acres office in Tillamook City, Oregon, period of six (6) successive weeks. Beginning at the intersection of the within six months from the date of Date of first publication May 20, 1915. center of the West line of Block 7 of George W illiams and Mary the first publication of this notice. Nettie Williams, husband Date of last publication June 25, 1915. Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook (now 100.5 acres First publication, May 20th, 1915. and wife ........................ Charles A. and Claude M. Tillamook City) with the East line of acres Last publication, June 17, 1915. Bertha Hunt . ................. 7« Jones, 1307-9 Yeon Build­ Second Avenue East, and running 65 acres B. L. Beals, Sr................ A. H. Gaylord. thence East to the center of said ing, Portland, Oregon. Thomas J. Harrison, Jr. Administrator of the Es­ 14 acres Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Block 7; thence North to the North Albert Marolf ................ . 22 acres tate of Thomas B. Wat­ line of said Block 7; thence East J. I). Wallace and M. 1- kins, Deceased. along the North line of said Block 7, Citation. Wallace husband and wife S acres and of Block 8 in said Addition, to Ira Tomlinson .................... 9 acres Notice of Guardian Sa'e. the center of the North line of said In the County Court of the State of Block 8; thence South to the center Hattie Marolf.................... 4 acres Annie Metzger .................. 20 acres Notice is hereby given that by vir­ Oregon for Tillamook County. of said Block 8; thence East along the In the matter of the estate of T. B. center line of blocks 8, 18, and 35; of Alexander Marolf ............ 35 acres tue of an order of the County Court Handley deceased. t’lara Mayer, Frank Mayer of Tillamook County, State of Ore­ Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City To Iola I. Handley, Charles B. to the East line of said Block 35; Mary Mayer, Albert Mayer gon, made and entered on the 27th Lena Mayer, Rosa Mayer, 35 acres day of May, 1915 licensing the under­ Handley, T. B. Handley Jr., E. A. thence South to the center line of Fred Marolf........................ 22 acres signed to sell the real property here­ Handl y and George Dewey Handley Block 36 in Thayer’s Addition; Albert Marolf.................... < h ) acres inafter described, the undersigned ■ and all persons unknown interested in , thence West, following the center 2.50 acres will on and after the 24th day of June ■ said estate. In the name of the State ; line of Block 36, 19, 10 and 9 in Jefferson Ogg.................. it. ’ pi Oregon, you and each of you are 1 Thayer's various Additions to Tilla- ). M. Furrer........................ 5 acres 1915, at Tillamook Oregon sell at pri- \ . vate sale, for cash, to the person of f(-_ 1 hereby cited and required to appear , mook City, Oregon, to the East line The proposed reclamation and pro­ ering the highest price therefor.all the > in said court on the 4th day of June, | of Second Avenue East; thence North tection of said lands is lor sanitary right title and interest of Frances | 1915. at ten o’clock in the forenoon, along the East line to the place of and agriculture purposes, ami such Xavier Moreau (Frank Marcy) in and at Tillamook City, Oregon, and then . beginning. proposed r,cc1amalion and protection to the following described real estate, ; and there show cause, if any exists, ' That the said assessment district will be conducive to the public health towit: why an order should not be made shall be and is hereby designated as ami welfare, and of public utility and Beginning at a point 58 16 chains directing the administrator of said "Local Improvement District No.l,” benefit. west and 42.15 chains south of the estate to sell, at private sale, for cash, the property, and all thereof VI. northeast corner of Section 21, T. I the following described real property included within said Local Improvc- All of the lands included in said N., Rartgc to West of the Willamette to-wit: That parcel bounded by be-1 I ment District No. 1, is the following: proposed district are properly includ Meridian, thence north 74 degrees ginning at the S.E. corner of a tract In Thayer's Addition to Tillamook cd therein, and will be beneficially east 7.08 chains for an initial point of conveyed to Jacob Jacobson bv John City, Oregon, the following: affected by the operations of the pro­ tract herein conveyed, said point be­ B. Handley and E. C. Handley, ex­ Lots 2, 3, and 4, in Block 7; Lots 1, posed district. ing the southeast corner of what is ecutors, by deed recorded on page 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 8; Lots 1 and VII. 600, Book 43 of Deeds, Yamhill Coun ­ known as the Ralston 5 acre tract, The benefits of such proposed re­ thence north 16 degrees west 220 feet, ty. Oregon, thence East to the center 2 in Block 9; Lots I, 2, 3, and 4, in clamation and protection will exceed thence south 74 degrees west 23.456 of B St. in the Townof McMinnville Block to; Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block the damage to be done ami the best feet to the northcast corner of tract in said county, south 222 feet to S.E. 18; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 19; interests of the land included, ami of sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife to corner of tract conveyed by Geo. C. Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 35, and the owners of such land as a whole, Frank Marcy by deed dated October , Chandler to Charles Handley, by Lots I, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 36. Be it further resolved, that the City and of the public at large will be to, 1902 amt recorded in Book "Z” of deed recorded on page 328 Book L., promoted by the formation and pro­ deeds, page 31, records of Tillamook records of deeds of said county, west Recorder be, and he is hereby in­ structed to cause this Resolution and posed operations of said district. County-, Oregon, thence south 15 de­ 264 feet to S.W. corner of last men­ Notice to be published for three con- Mil. tioned tract, thence north to place of grees cast 220 feet to southeast cor­ The formation of a diainagc dis­ ner of Marev tract, thence north 74 beginning. Also all of lots 8, 9, and 10 sective publications in the City offi­ trict under the provisions of Chapter degrees east 23.456 feet to the initial , of Cozines acre lots in College Addi­ cial newspaper, and that the City 340 of the General Laws of Oregon point, all in Tillamook County, State tion to town of McMinnville, Yam­ Engineer be, and he is hereby direct­ ed to cause to be conspicuously post­ for 1915, under the provisions of of Oregon. | hill County, Oregon, which lies west ed at each end of the line of the con­ which this petition is proposed, is a . °f the O. &. R. R ’ s tract, except a And that said sale will be made sub­ proper ami advantageous method of ject to confirmation by said court. I strip t8 feet wide along north side of templated improvements a copy of this Resolution and Notice within 3 accomplishing the reclamation anil N. McMillan, guardian of said lot 8. Also lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of days from date of the first publication protection of the lands included in the person and estate of Block 4 of Mrs. W. F. Chandler’s Ad­ of such notice. The said published said proposed drainage district. Frances Xavier Moreau dition to the town of McMinnville, Resolution and Notice, and the post­ IX. (Frank Marcy.) | I Oregon. A one seventh interest in the ed Resolution andNotice. to also con­ The proposed plan for the reclama­ First publication May 27, 1915. . above described tracts be sold. tion and protection of the property Last publication June 24, 1915. | 1 his citation is served upon you bv tain all of the matters with reference in the proposed drainage district is. j order of the above named court May to said proposed improvements that that a ditch shall be put in running 5, tots, by publication thereof, anil are required by the charter and ordi­ from the West side of the proposed Notice to Contractors. the date of the first publication is nances, and resolutions of Tillamook district (connecting with a ditch run­ 1 May 6, tqt s and the date of the last City, Oregon, and all persons con­ ----- o------ cerned arc notified to govern them­ ning along the West side of the dis­ Sealed proposals addressed ----------- N------- to „ the publication is June 3, 1915. trict which empties into the Trask ( ountv Court of Tillamook County, Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, selves accordingly.” All persons concerned are hereby Riven,) easterly along the foot of the Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to County Judge of Tillamook County, hill which is along the North side of complete the, Oregon, and the seal of said cour af­ further notified that the first publi­ cation of this notice is made the 28th the district, following the line of the I I illamook Fairview County Road, fixed this 5th day of May, tote. day of May. 1915, and that objections ditch already partially constructed in from Station o plus 70 to Station 65 J. C. Holden, and remonstrances to said proposed that locality to the East side of the plus 99. ____________ Clerk. improvements may be filed with the district. Also there is to be construct­ in accordance with the plans and ed another ditch connecting with the specifications thereof on file in the Why should the declaration of war City Recorder of Tillamook Citv. Oregon, within 20 davs from the said ditch above mentioned running South 1 office of the Coun'y Clerk of Tilla­ by Italy cause a drop in the price of date of the first publication. mook Countv, Oregon, will be receiv- t This notice is given bv the under­ In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of 1 illamook. Notice is hereby given that hearing on the following petition will be held at the Court House in the City of '1 illamook, County of Tillamook, State of Oregon, on the 16th day of July, 1915, for tiie purpose of deter­ mining whether the prayer of the said petition shall be granted. All persons owning or claiming an interest in lands described in said petition are hereby notified to appear at said plase and on said date and at said place and on said date and prayer in said petition should not be granted. J. C. Holden, Clerk of the County Court o------ To the Honorable County Court of 'Tillamook County, State of Oregon: The undersigned being the ow ners of more than fifty per cent of the acre­ age of the contiguous body of swamp, wet and overflow land in Tillamook County, Oregon, hereinafter describ­ ed, do hereby petition your Honor­ able Body to cause to be organized a drainage district for the purpose of having such land re-claimed and pro­ tected from the effects of water for sanitary and agricultural purposes, and for the convenience and welfare of the public, and for the public util­ ity and benefit, and for the purpose of this petition we state the following matters as required by Chapter 34'J of the General Laws of Oregon, for the year 1915: in. mon Council of said 1 illamook City, Oregon, as set forth m said Resolu­ tion and Notice. . 1 . Witness my hand and official seal this 28 day of May, 1915- , . John Aschim, As City Recorder of Tilla­ mook City. Oregon. Notice of Intention to Improve Cer­ tain Streets in Tillamook City Oregon. That the boundaries of the assCI. ment district to be benefitted by uta sewer improvement and assessed thereof be, and the same are herebQ established as follows: Beginning at the center of the East line of Block 6 in Park Addition t0 Tillamook, and running thence South to the center of the East line of Block 7, said Park Addition; thence West along the center line of sau Block and Blocks lying West thereof to the West side of Block 8 of part. Addition to Tillamook City; thence North to the West corner of Lot c in Block 5 of Park Addition to Tills- niook City; thence East to the place of beginning. That the said assessment district shall be and is hereby designated as “Local Improvement District N’o and the property, and all thereof'in. eluded within said Local Improve­ ment District No. 4 is as follows; In Park Addition to Tillamook Citv Lots 5, 6 7, and 8 of Block 5; Lots 5, 6, and 7 of Block 6; Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Block 7 and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Block 8. 4 Be it further resolved, that the City Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ ed to cause this Resolution and Nitice to be published for three consecutive publications in the city official news­ paper, and that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed eo causeto be conspicously posted at each end of the line of the contemplated improve­ ment a copy of this Resolution and Notice, within three days of the date of the first publication of such notice The said published Resolution and Notice, and the posted Resolution and Notice, to also contain all of the matters with reference to said pro­ posed improvements that are requir­ ed by the Charter and Ordinances, and Resolutions of Tillamook Cit- Oregon, and all persons concerned are notified to govern themselves accordingly. All persons concerned are hereby further notified that the first publica­ tion of this notice is made the 28th day of May, 1915, and that objections and remonstrances to said proposed improvements may be filed with the City Recorder of Tillamook City. Oregon, within 20 days from the said date of the first publication. This notice is given by the under­ signed as the Recorder of Tillamook Citv, Oregon, by order of th$ Com­ mon Council of said Tillamook City, Oregon, as set forth in said Resolu­ tion and Notice. Witness my hand and official seal this 28th day- of May, 191-5. John Aschim, As City Recorder of • Tillamook City. Oregon. Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that the Common Council of 'Tillamook City, Oregon, deems it expedient to improve certain streets in Tillamook City, Oregon and to that end said Common Council did on the 27th day of May, 19J5 at an adjourned session of a special meeting called by the Mayor for that particular purpose adopt a Resolution and Notice setting forth therein the streets that said city proposes to im­ prove, and also the kind and manner of improvements that said city pro­ poses to make, the estimated cost thereof and defining the boundaries of the assessment district te- be bene- fitted thereby and assessed therefor, which said Resolution and. Notice, and the whole thereof, is in words, letters and figures as follows, to-wit: Resolution and Notice of Intention to Improve Street in Tillamook City, Oregon. Be it resolved, that the Common Council of '1 illamook City, Oregon, hereby deems it expedient, and declars its intention to improve the following street in Tillamook City, Oregon, to-wti: Fifth Street, from the center of and Sixth Avenue East, Easterly E__ East to the East boundary of Tilla- mook City, in the following manner: By establishing the grade of said street; Bygrading said street to proper sub-grade; By rolling the roadway thereof; By laying on said street a concrete I roadway 30 feet in width, 6 inches in thickness. By constructing along each side of said roadway a concrete curb; By building concrete catch basins and laying drain pipe, together with inlets and making provisions for the necessary surface drainage of said street, with all of the appurtenances thereto, and By laying and constructing concrete headers with sheet asphelt wearing surface. And to lay and construct a sewer along said street from the flush tank near the West side of Park Street, East to a point 30 feet west of the East boundary of Tillamook City. All of asid improvement to be Notice to Contractors. made in accordance with the charter, resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ Sealed proposals addressed to the mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ ance with the plans, specificatior s I County Court of Tillamook County, and estimates of work therefor, and Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to probable cost thereof, made and pre­ complete the, Tillamook-Bay City County Road pared by the City Engineer, of Till»-: moog l ily, Oregon, and filed in the from Station 28 plus 78 to Section 52 office of the Recorder of said Tilla- I plus 59. mook City, Oregon, on May 27, 1915, ' in accordance with the plans and and all of said improvements to be specifications thereof on file in the made at the expense of the property, ' office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ and all thereof adjacent thereto and mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ especially benefitted by said improve- | ed by the County Court of said Coun­ ments and within the limits of the ty, at its office in the Court House, assessment district established and at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the defined by this ordinance. I hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 15th Be it further resolved that the day of June, 1915, and at that time plans, specifications and estimates ' publicity opened and read. Each bid for the proposed paving improve­ shall be accompanied by a certified ments so made and prepared by the check made payable to the County City Engineer and filed as aforesaid I Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 per (the estimate of the probable total cent of the amount of the total of cost being the sum of $10,548.91) be, said bid, which shall be forfeited to and the same are hereby approved. the County, in case the bid be accept­ That the boundaries of the assess­ ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect ment district to be benefitted by said or refuse for a period of five days paving improvements and assessed after which the award is made to therefor be, and the same are hereby enter into a contract and file a bond es’ablished as follows: I satisfactory to the Court as required Beginning at a point in the West by law. boundary of Block 34 of Thayer’s Bids will be received for the clear­ Addition to Tillamook City, 167 feet ing, grading and excavation for lay­ North of the Southwest corner of ing the __ ______ __„ ...... _. following kinds of r pavement said block HB _____ o thense under and running 2 standard _ 2_ specifications for ' each ~i • I — ... — . *- — Southeastery in a direct line, to in­ 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. tersect a line 105 feet North of the I 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete South side of said Block 34 at a point I base. too feet East of the West line of said 3— Light Bitulithic on Concrete Block 34; thence East along the said base. line in said Block 34 and the center 4— One course grouted top Concrete line of block 3 and 4 of A. A. Miller’s 5— Wood block on Concrete base. Addition to Tillamook, and Block 4, According to the plans and specifi­ 5 and 6 of Park Addition to Tilla­ cations on file in the office of County mook City, to the boundary line of Clerk. said Tillamook Ci’v, thence South 1 The County Court reserves the along the East boundary line of right to reject any and all bids. Dated Tillamook City to _ the center _____ line this the 27th day of May 1915- _ . North and South, of Block 7, in Park i J. C. Holden, County Clerk- Addition aforesaid; ”____ /_______ „ thence West First publication, May 27, 19’5- along said center line through Blocks Last publication, June 10, 19I5- 7, 8, and 9, of said Park Addition, and Blocks 5 and 6 of A. A. Miller's Ad­ Notice to Water Consumers. dition to Tillamook, and Block 37 of Thayer’s Addition, to the West line Notice is hereby given that the Til­ of said Block 37; thence North to the lamook Water Commission has m place of beginning. 1 hat the said assessment district Monday, June 14th, 1915, as the shall be and is hereby designated as for the hearing of objections and "Local Improvement District No. 3,” monstrances if any there be, to tne and the property and all thereof in­ schedule of water rates as formulste« from t cluded within said Local Improve­ under recommnedation . ment District No. 3 is the following: State Rair-road Commission. A copy of the proposed rate 1» ® In Thayer s Addition to “Tillamook file with the City Recorder at t City, Oregon, as follows: All that part of Block 34 lying City hall and all water users and t* South of a line running from a point peyers are requested to call there an ln the W est line of said Block 167 inspect the same, Office hours 8 a. feet North of the Southwest corner to 5 p.m. • The metineg will be held at the Ci. of said B.lock and thence Southeast­ erly to intersect a line 105 ft. North of Hall at 7:30 p.m. and if no objectio the south side of said Block at a point are presented at that time, these ra too feet East of the W’est line of said will be adopted and declared m Block, and running thence East to mediate effect. John Aschim. the East side of said Block 34, and Collector Lots I, 2, 3 ami 4 of Block 37. In A. A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla­ Notice Ot Annual School 1eetin< mook (now Tillamook City) Lots 12 to 22 inclusive, in Block 3- Lots 5, 6. 7. and 8 in Block 4; Lots I NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN «• to it inclusive of Block 5, and lots I the legal voter» of School District • 2. 3 and 4, in Block 6. of Tillamook County, State In Park Addition to Tillamook City 9 gon, that the ANNUAL SCH Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 4; Lots MEETING o( said District wt» " 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 5; Lots 5, 6, held at the High School Butldtnf and 7 in Block 6; Lots 2, 3. and 4 in Tillamook City, to bdgin at th« ' Block 7; Lots I, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 8 of 1:00 o’clock P. M. on the third and Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4 in Block 9. day of June, being the 2ist