1 illamook Headlight, June 10, l915 .11 I State Press Flashlgihts. in Kindnes», conciliation and Dissolution of Partnership. the influence ot good example—these the true and effective means of If the worst comes, and our trouble are 1 'i!-C .Par,,!er:’,,ip C. C. Smith and L with Germany must be left with the reform.—Seaside Signel. L. r.. cartridge, doing business at the arbitrament of war, we are willing to tuem Theatre, has been dissolved by have the matter settled by single Drifting From Diplomacy to War. mutual consent. May 16, 1915. "'bat and nominate Colonel 1 heo- C. C. Smith. OUR PURPOSE IS TO SERVE THE )ore Roosevelt as our champion nnL ■ Iwill write another L. E. Partridge. note asking Germany if she "intends against the Kaiser. Arms, tongue and PUBLIC WELL to be guided by the accepted princi­ chin--The Spectator. ple; of international law and the Notice of Appointment of Admin­ Our plant is well equipped and istrator. of neutrals, or if she purposes I he chief of St. Louis, Mo., detec­ rights 'j maintained in perfect running following her own rules of marintime tives says that there is no particular warfare. Í4Í In other words, President K ’ ctiv is hereby given to all whom order IB of man who goes wrong, but there is Wilson will ask if Germany intends one distinctive type who doesn t go to continue to sink American ships it m.'y concern: that by an order of \Ve can furnish you with any­ th': County k ourt, of T illamook wrong and he is the fellow who lives and ships in which American citizen ; County, Oregon, made and entered of (■ thing in electric supplies or iix- within’his means. The information is are travelers. record thcriin on the tilh day of nothing new, when one conics to tures for wiring, lighting, heat­ Germany will reply that it is ncc - ■May, 1915, the undersigned was ap­ • hint about it. A man can't be hon.st sary to her existence to inflict on hi ’ pointed the administrator of the ing, power, or cooking. and live beyond his means, and that’s enemies all the injury possible, and estate of Jasper V.. Buckles, deceased a)| th.rc is to it. When one contracts that within the naval war zone that We have ex peril need and capa­ All pirscns having el; i.ns against ,, (.j. which he knows he cannot pay she has established enemy comme.’ce estate are hereby notified to pre­ ble men to attend to our lines and A n bi- earnings, he is not living will be destroyed at every oppor­ said sent them, vi lified as required bv honestly; he is going ’wrong.—ltcm- tunity. It will give the imperial gov- law to tlo house wiring and instilla­ to the undersigned as st id adinij- Ì3 izer. eminent great and sincere regret to istrator at the office of Webster tions. learn that neutrals happened to be 0:1 Holmes, in T illamook City, Oregon, « The real "good fellow” is the fellow the enemy ships that were sunk, but within six months of the date of this who knows something good about the reply will state that the exigen­ notice. everybody and tells it. He never cies of submarine warfare do not per­ Dated this 13th day of May, 1915. » knocks on his neighbor or digs up the mit the commanders of the destroyer Clark Smith, past He always leads a helping hand time-to inquire into the identity of Administrator of said estate. to the fellow who is up against it and passengers traveling on the enemy’s gives him a chance to make good. He craft. < Notice to Contractors. never forgets to do anti say the little And then, what’ We have stated things that make his wife happy. His that we shall hold the imperial gov- children find him a jolly chum and an eminent to “strict accountability” for Sealed proposals addressed to _____ the ever-ready playmate. His home is a any injury done to American life c/ County Court of Tillamook County,, heaven of love happiness and content­ property. In what manner shall we Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to ment. The real “good fellow” is the *v- make good this threat if the imperial complete the, world’s greatest asset.—Bert Morc- government continues to violate the Tillamook-Cloverdale County Road, house in Ginger. accepted principles of international from Station o plus 00 to Station 51 < warfare? Shall we avenge our mur­ plus 60 President Wilson has nearly rcach- dered citizens by declaring war, which in accordance with the plans and ed the parting of the ways, and it is we could but feebly prosecute? Or specifications thereof on file in the to be hoped he will be correctly ad­ shall vve express our abhorrence of office of tig: County Clerk of Tilla­ vised and receive the support o* every the Kaiser's barbaric attacks on help­ mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ true American in choosing the blood­ less and non-combatant women and ed by the County Court of said Coun­ less path in his dealings with the children by merely breaking off dip­ ty, at its office in the Court House, warring nations. The United States lomatic relations with Germany? at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the does not court war, neither does it Truly, the one would cause the Kais­ hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 15th day of June, 1915, and at that time want to be disgraced and degraded er as much concern as the other. Our position is delicate and serious. publicity opened and read Each bid among the nations, and it is a wise leader who will steer the ship of state We are dealing with an arrogant and shall be accompanied by a certified , safely between the two alternatives. desperate monarch, to whom con­ check made payable to the County BEEF pot ROAST At 12'.c. and 13jc. per pound. Let us hope that President Wilson tracts mean nothing and who has Clerk, for an «mount equal to 5 per is the pilot who is able to do this.— changed the principles of internation­ cent of the amount of the total of At 15c. per pound. RIB ROAST al warfare to suit his own style of said bid, which shall be forfeited to Sheridan Sun. fighting. We are asking him a ques­ the County, in case the bid be accept­ RIB OUilj l\U) BOII . ’ 'At 11c. per pound. Henry Rohm of this city predicts tion which, if it is answered in the ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect 1 ¡BRISKET BOIL or refuse foi a period of five days At 10c. per pound. affirmative, convicts him of violating that we will have a wet summer, and bases his prediction on the theorv the rules of so-called civilized warfare after which the award is made to At 12}c. to 15c. per pound. STEAKS that cannonading affects the atmos­ and which, if answered in the nega- enter into a contract and file a bond 1 lc. and 121c. per pound. CORN BEEE At phere. He rememKers that during the tive, makes it necessary that we shall satisfactory to the Court as required civil war there was a great deal of proceed to put into effect our threat by law. Bids will be received for the' clear ­ HAMBURGER STEAK . At 121c. per pound. rain due to the cause. We have of holding him to "strict, accounta- ing, grading and- excavation for lay­ put Henry’s prediction down for1 fu­ bility.” It looks as if President Wilson ing the following kinds of pavement These Prices are guaranteed on Tillamook ture observation, just as we did that of Phin Small some time since, when might have to put aside the work he under standard specifications for each Products. 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. he said that on or about May 27 the took up as head of our dinlomatic 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete service and assume the duties of com ­ European war would come to an end. Phin’s forecast did not quite, hit the mander-in-chief of the army and base. 3— Light Bitulithic on Concrete mark, but possibly the entrance of navy.—The Spectator. ' Price List on U.S. Inspected Prime Steers base. Italy into the fray may be the begin­ June Wedding. 4 — One course grouted top Concrete from Portland. ning of the end.—Telephone Register - —Wood block on Concrete base. According to the plans and specifi ­ At 8 o’clock on June 2nd, at the < ! SIRLION STEAKS At 20c. per A pretty maid can make a wise home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and cations on file in the office of County man a fool. ROUND STEAKS . At 18c. jx-r Clerk. Mrs. A. Forkncr, near Beaver, Ore. She can make a wise man dippy. The County Court reserves the Mr. Frederick Bronn^r and Miss Etta She can turn sunshine into gloom, or Forkncr, were united in marriage un­ right to reject any and all bids. Dated . , POT ROAST BEEF At 16c. per misery into joy. » SHORT RIBS AND an artistic arch made of white this thè 27th day of May tom. She can have a train of voungbloods der I. C. Holden, County Clerk, blossoms, ivy and roses. to 15c. per pound. and bald headed old bachelors trot­ hawthorne PLATE BOILS . At beautiful ring ceremony was read First publication, May 27, 1915. ting after her like a pack of hungry The Last publication. June to, 19m. by Rev. Dora Young, Miss Thelma < J PrimeRIB ROASTS, At 18c. per pound. dogs trailing a bone. the four year old sister of the bride < She can raise more simon pure un­ acting Notice to Farmers. as ring-bearer. Miss Roxie These Prices are subject to change. adulterated hell in a man’s heajt in Wood was bride’s maid and Robt. a minute than he can dispell in a Forkncr, brother of the bride was The Tillamook Lime Products Co., lifetime of effort. best man. Mr. Bronner is manager of She it an object of envy and a thing the stamp department at lrwin-Hud- is ready to furnish ground lime stone of joy, and there is no end to her ska Co., Portland. Miss Forkner has to the farmers. The lime stone is possibilities. worked at Olds, Wortman & King in For all the world admires a pretty the silk department for the past four ground so as to pass a 1-6 inch wire screen. maid.—Ione Journal. years. The bride carried bride's roses The lime stone will cost $5.00 per and was dressed in light blue silk, On Monday, June 21, there will be trimmed in old rose. A fine supper ton in sacks at the plant. A charge of an election in Corvallis, to select one was served. Besides the immediate 3 cents per sack or 60c. per ton extra new member of the board of direc­ family were Lloyd Wood, Miss will be made for the sacks unless tors, but is reasonably safe to assume Gladys Davis and Robt. McClcay and sacks arc furnished by the customer. that a very small proportion of those family. Only grain or meal sacks with a close who are entitled to vote at such an election know anything about it, for weave should be brought as the fine Winners of School Track Meet. the reason that it has not been given dust or powder will all be lost it the due publicity. Following the antiquat­ Seventh grade won the cup which a sacks have a course weave leaving ed custom, which provides that the number of the merchants of the city clerk shall post notices of such elec­ have put up for the grade showing u-> only the course grains of limestone in tion on some telegraph pole or other best in the spring track meets which the sacks. public place, the law, made and pro­ with the meet last Friday af­ A set of new grinding rollers arc vided, has been complied with, but in closed ternoon. and fifth grades tied being installed to increase the capac­ this day and generation, the people for second Fourth place. ity and produce a finer product. have something else to do besides boys were classified according Address all comi’iunh-a'ions to U. going around to hunt up information to The A .*erfact Dak r—c’>sc’ it. dependable, every day. year in. height, boys of about the same year out. ch honor, of ino best materials. of any coming event, when it can be height G. Jackson, Box 413, Tillan.or-I'. competing in each class. The brought right into our homes;—Cor­ points won by the boys of each grade Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges vallis Gazette. 77ic only rar.ffa mode ondrety of charcoal and malleable iron, from the fourth to the eighth inclus­ Malhur Storm Freakish. l.lallea'jla break -charcoaliron uon't runt like ct—L —•—o ive were added together and this sum The principal revenue of the news­ divided by the number of boys in the , Economical In Fuel paper is money derived from selling room. This tended to stimulate every Thu r-'irrs of the MajetCe arc rn>eted (not put toKsther with Baker, Or., June 2—The champion L. i L i arid f' ve putty)—they will alivaya remain air tight, space to advertisers. The desire of boy to take part. freak storm of Malheur County was L aurr* nc Lh» r h at n >r cold r.fTects them. The Majeetic people to have certain facts made 1 he running broad jump and the ioo reported here today. A heavy rainfall ov< n i.i I ned throughout w h pure aebeetce board, he! i in placo by an iron iruling you can «««it — and known to the masses of the people yard dash were the two events in L «»ays .here always. A r tig it junta and pur« aslxBUja and the possibility of business being which the boys competed Friday. I and wind did heavy damage through­ lin*..z lMure an even l>«!.ing hcaL, savinic one-half the fu«L created by the people coming into Winners of first places in the five | out the county, but the edge skirted / J doerr. dr^rr to fem rirrid ehe’vre. N' i . tpringe. Malleai le iron oven rack» sL^e O-t Uu’uMnaUcaUy, h<44~ possession of facts through the news­ classes in the broad jump were Ivan | the town of Malheur. With a heavy v.hatever they contain. paper, makes it possible for the pub­ Knight, Leslie Conover, Ernest 1 lisher to issue papers such as we have I Dodge, Jesse Shortlidge and Arthur roar a hailstorm broke there and m the country. The masses of the Harris. Second place winners in this hailstones as big as bantam eggs People know very little of the cost of event were Russell McKenzie, James raised welts all over the bodies ci publishing a paper and a large per­ Campbell, Percy Thayer, Goeffry horses and cattle. The ground was cent of them at some time or other O’Donnell and Alfred Smith. W m- I have something which they desire to ners of thirds were William Monroe, soon covered with hail three inches get before the people. It is often th’ Bob Switzer, ? Willie Le- ¡ deep. .......- Campbell, , case that the newspaper is asked to land Dorr and Arthur I ravis. In the In some spots the sun shone through ChaYcoal and Malleable Iron publish material that will not increase ioo yard dash Ernest Dodge, Janies out the pelting storm. Trees were Ivan the sale of the paper and would not Campbell, Arthur Travis, “ring revenue of any kind to the pa­ Knight and Leslie Conover took also damaged. per if it was published. It is necessary firsts;.Car) Knight, Alfred ’ 'C-J Smith, i tor the paper to exercise judgment in Schuyler Fletcher, V\arren ........... Poland Is the reminder that the first elec­ aft copper rawrMr worh I. «U !£’« • t'*a kettle throufh » *cceP*ing public matter and make a and Arthur Harris seconds and Jim­ tion was in the Garden of Eden in­ r , r . t .t- .ped tmra r-nn r y,u t ut greatest hnpruvemaat Don’t try to bully the world. It I at Koch’s Drug store Saturday. 1 he ever put ft a ran*r. Don't buy tho r .r.ge yon erpect to last a life Those five Mexicans under death ,es not pay. Whoever enters the I cup won by the seventh grade is on tlir.e "tmsagnt, uiiaeen.'* or you II l>e sure to be dia- e > ir‘ !. (t/tye to our store, and »re the Grail nng for a rough and tumble fight exhibition in the window of Harns , sentence Arizona have Mad« of 5cnlclltv in ---------- - - doubtless -- ><-/ t'ic — have ita many exchenv« feature« •«- b’î- i find out why the Ma/ettlc ia WH atron jewelery store. The Tillamook Head- i be(_n congratulating themselves that Charcoal than all other ranr*n wh« r« mœt range« ar« weak«at. Iron, ryentually, to be "knocked out.” So- light kindly did the printing on the i It is the beet r mpi at any prie« «ad It abould fjve Atnericanl u -ic- under be u> your I ul U r n. addine tv' l . 'S a Briareus, and who would I ribbons awarded at this part of the tr.ey ... FOR SALK BY death sentence in Mexico. 360% to mink of encountering with a single ________ pair of fists a hundred-armed fellow? meet. Dr. Baff, who professes to be able Ma of ALEX. McNAIR & CO. Better shake the multitudinous hand to pick affinities l>y use of a tape Rango 01 tne giant, good-naturedly, than un- Deafness Cannot Be Cured measure, might explain how he could nfcessarily provoke his wrath. Des- determine tact, cheerfulness, sympa­ P>se the world if it so pleases you, thy, trust and a few other desirable * you have to live in the world and to lean on the world it is just as qualifications by linear measurement. 1» inflamed . tou rntirelv well to treat it civilly. Shrewd men, tube or Imuerfect heanng. and when H .. entity We are in perfect accord with the who understand their race, never elowZ lieaines. i. th. retmlt. ^n |hJj resolution that “all difficulties among r seek a quarrel with society. They un- thejnflammation ca I nations ought to be justly settled, erstand that it is possible for an in- O'v'dual to lead and quietly control a CATh°T. nothin, but an inflamed condi- without recourse to war." Ail private community, but not to fight it down individuals also ought to be law D°"ir’ IT ?ot ,0 force it their way of think- “ We wilUP™“ O"‘ abiding, kind and considerate, and wi ■"”.by means of narrow laws. If you • ought not to be put to the expense oi “"sire to reform supposed or rea’ 10., Toledo,Ohio or disabuse your fellow men of ■end maintaining police forces. t 'eir prejudices, the surest way not to i . irest way no! to f’r ‘ ' »ucceed is to resort 1 to denunciation j Take h t . • P Coast Power Company. ELAND B ERWIN, J PIANO INSTRUCTION. Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All h ssons given at Studio. T BAALS. M D., P PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Suigeon S. P. Co. (I 0.0. F. Bldg ) Tillanicck .... Oregon ATTOR N E Y AT LAW, COM M E RC I AL BUI LDING, FIRST STREET. - TILLAMOOK, ’ OREGON. E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phones. . Tillamook • Oregou . . » rp H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Office: O pposite C ovet H ouse , Tillamook • • Oregon. ( J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - . . - Oregon ROOM NO. an J. CLAl’SSEN, . LAWYER, E DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT 2!3 T illamook B lock Tillamook Oregon QR. JACK CLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook . Oregcn T. Bo rra L-J A A • ,, Tillamook Meat« Company,, The ^reat HOLMES, ERSTER Reduction in the J. £ Price of Meat As our Grass Fed Cattle are now ready for the Market, we are making the following Prices on our , ( Meats, for CASH I. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books 1 Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ore iron QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, - Oregon. - P)K ELMER ALLEN (SucceHHor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Tillamook Commercial Building', QARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY AT-I.AW. T illamook B eock Tillamook *. Oregon |)R. GE LVGIi PETERSEN J DENTIST, Successor to Dr. Perkins OREGON. TILLAMOOK, BORGE WILLETT, ATTORNEY AT I AW T illamook C ommercial B uiloima '1 illamook .... Oregou R. E. K, DAN1KLS. CHIROPRACTOR. Ixx al Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY At All Grocers