Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 10, 1915, Image 1

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b-v Justice of
1 i * VCU E-
Stanley, in this city
{.chu Seamen and Miss Iva Maj
«“•er, both of Wheeler, Ore.
O . large amount of money paid
out last week by the County Court
lor load work ought to help relieve
tne money situation in this county.
I rotect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
dollar per year.
Tillamook County
Ban ;.
x V *
The berry season is now on. Fresh
strawberries every day at the Fruit
Bi Is will be received up to June 24,
for the' use ot land abutting on Wil­
son river for fishing purposes. Ad­
dress H. F. Goodspeed, Tillamook
Agriculturist Roy Jones and his
father drove to Portland in their auto
Wednesday, where they will meet
Mr. Jones sister, who is coming from
the East.
© *
Money PILED UP in the bank is the one sure protec-
tion against the storms of adversity.
j »
No man who basa home and family should endanger
' the security of his home or the comfort of bis family
should he be taken away from them.
MONEY IN 1HF BANK will best insure the com-
( ifort of a man's wife and children. As you earn money
bank it regularly and make your family independent.
J »
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per- cent interest on Time Deposits.
* '
Houses to Rent, see Watson
Rough Lumber
mook Feed Co.
Safe deposit boxes tor
mook County Bank.
rent. Tilla-
The place to eat is at
Eats," Ramsey Hotel.
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying
ten cents for green hides.
Sewing machines for $10.00. Singer
Sewing Machine Exchange.
A fine quality of Tillamook made
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent,
50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric
Store next to Gem Theater.
Try these 25c dinners at the Ram­
sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Try one of our fancy dressed chick­
ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­
mook Meat Company.
Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage,
Pork. Veal and old fachioned country
sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co.
Don't forget those busted castings.
Can be welded for half. Goods sent
by parcel post and express promptly
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
We have made special arrange­
ments with the Telephone Co., to
connect you directly with our office,
in case you wish any of our GOOD
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
Any farmer wanting some fine
young pigs will do well to call on
Neilton & Melchior. They will have
a lot of them for sale at their barn
next Monday, the seventeenth. Full
blood Pohl and China pigs.
All parties having any calves to sell
will do well to call up Neilson & Mel-
choir in Tillamook City on the Mu­
tual phone. You might get more
money for your calves as they are
paying the highest prices.
Parted to trade or sell house and
lot in 1 illamook or in Portland for
>econd hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre
tracta of land for sale—Apply to J. S.
Stephens & Co., Room I, Commercial
Building, Tillamook, Ore.
All trade coupons
by the
Grand Leader will
be redeemed at any time in cash at
the Grand Leader. We are now giv-
*nK Scrip, a mile in travel for a dol­
lar in trade. Scrip given in 10c., 25c.,
an'l $1.00 denominations.
A suit was filed in the justice court
in which Q. I. Pangborn sued A. E. |
Doerge for $8.70. Another suit was i
filed by G. L. Dick against C. T. I
Dewey for $22.00.
County Judge Hare and Commis­
sioner McKimens and Owens were in |
the south part of the coun.y on Mon­
day and looked over the proposed 1
new road to Dolph.
A large herd of beef cattle was
driven to town on Monday by Mat
Thompson and Ralph Welsh from
Blaine. They, with other cattle wpre
shipped to Montana.
W. S. U’Ren, Jr., of Dayton, Ore.,
and Miss Margaret Miles, a daughter
of H. A. Miles, of W oods, were mar­
ried in Portland on Friday, and came
in on Saturday, spending a few days
in the south part of the county. They I
left for their home in Dayton on
“ Coming"
Tillamook County Bank.
Rev. J. E. Ycuel, pastor of the
Spokanc-Avenue Prcsbjterian church
of Sellwood, has resigned to take ef­
fect June 20, who is to bccomepastor
of the Presbyterian church in this
Oeo. H. Glynn, of Portland, repre­
senting the Ellison-White Chautau­
qua system, was in the city on Wed­
nesday, arranging for the Chautauqua
which is to be held in this city next
Two bids were received last week
by the County Court for 2'/j miles of
work on the Bayocean road, M. I.
O’Donnell's bid being $11,997.60 and
Collins & Stevenson 12,759.70. Both
bids were rejected.
Young man cf 19 wishes steady
work oi any kind, cheese factory pre-
fered. Has experience with cows.
Write to W. Kramer, Milwaukee,
Ore., Box 6.
At the City Council meeting on
Monday an order was ¡nadeto adver­
tise for bids for the sale of $21,000 of
bonds, the proceeds of which to be
used in the construction of a new city
hall and fire apparatus.
Mrs. Eva Rugcr, president of the
Woman's Relief Corps, left Tuesday
to attend the Rose Carneval in Port­
land, and on Monday will go to Mc­
Minnville where the 31st convention
of the W. R. C. is held.
Attorney Geo. Winslow will leave
for Portland on Friday. Some of his
brother attorneys say that he is go­
ing to Salem intent on matrimonial
business. Well, good luck to you
George; we hope you will win your
H. M. Farmer went to Portland on
Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I.
Clough Co.
♦ j
Get free Kodak instructions at C. I.
Clough Co.’s.
Gooseberries and Currants for sale 1
by Mrs. E. Trout.
Mrs. Ralph Bacon left on Monday
to visit friends in Portland.
We are in a position to make s-'mc
long >ime farm loans. First National
F. S. Whitehouse has bought prop­
erty in Forest Grove and will move
Mrs. G. L. Dick, with three children
have gone to Dallas to spend the
R. H. Hcnkle is attending the con­
vention of undertakers in Portland
this week.
Miss Mamie Henkle, came in on
Sunday to visit her brother from
Dr. Boats reports the birth of a
girl, on Tuesday,to Mr. and Mrs.
Zeno Bizer.
The County Court refused the an-
plication of J. J. McCormick for a
liquor license at Garibaldi.
Mrs. J. B. Cutlip, sister of Deputy
Sheriff Campbell, left for her home
in New Mexico on Monday.
A. J. Stillwell has moved his stock
of good from this city to Bar V icw,
where he has opened a store.
W. E. Claussen brother of Attorney I
Claussen, was in the city and will sub­
mit plans for the new city hall.
For Sale—Milking strain of Short
Horn Bulls of serviceable age. Ad­
dress Hugh G. Fisher, Albany, Ore.
For sale or trade—A first class
second hand automobile. Inquire oi
R. B. Walls, Pacific Telephone Co. *
Wanted a smallf arm, with about
T5 cows, to rent. Will pay cash rent.
Arnold Von Wyl, Tillamook, Ore-on.
Walter Fremont Schenck vs James
Wilson is a suit filed in the circuit
court to recover $120 on a promissory
J. S. Diehl has gone to the Rose
—» * . a and 1 will
til _ attend
aa a m >1 the G. A. if R. .
Encampment at McMinnville next
Captain W. D. Stillwell, grand com­
mander of the Indian War Veterans,
is in Portland this week for the re­
H. C. Viereck, son of S. V *?,re.'k’
returned home on Sunday from Phila­
delphia where he has been studying
Now is the time to can berries.
I cave your orders at the Fruit I alace
for Ml kinds of berries, the best m
the market.
A number one farm for dairying.for
sale $150.00 per acre; ten years time
Call or write L. H. Kring, Ramsey
Hotel, Tillamook Oregon.
Christian Church,
Friday & Saturday Evenings.
Every One a Soloist
Every One a Star.
• •
Drop in and book Around-
Ask any of our customers
about First National service.
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you vvhy.
First National Bank
Tillamook, Ore.
The County Court let a contract for
wood last week, the lowest bidder be­
ing George Vandersee, who furnish­
ed too cords of Hemlock wood and
stacks it in the basement of the court
house for $3.39 per cord.
I have a small tract of land half
a mile of city limits of Corvallis, Ore
7 roomed house and good barn. Will
trade for Tillamook County property.
Anyone desiring to locate at Corvall­
is would do well by calling at my
address, W. W. Conder, Tillamook
Drs. Lowe & Turner, the well
known eye specialists, of Port
land, will be in Tillamook at Jenkins'
Jewelry store Friday and Saturday,
June 25 and 26. They will also be in
Cloverdale, Tuesday, June 22; Beaver
Wednesday, June 23rd; Bay City.
Thursday, June 34. Consult them at
hotel parlors.
On Monday evening about sixty
friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Curry
and Miss Pearl Church gave them a
farewell surprise party previous to
their departure from this city, as Mr.
and Mrs. Curry will make their home
in Eugene and Miss Church at Kelso,
Wash. The evening was most enjoy-
ably spent and refreshments
At the meeting of the County Court
last week bids were opened and 1
contract let for the Garibaldi-Whc»'
er road, which was to construct a
piece of that road at Brighton. Fcl
lowing were the bids: Jeffrey & Bui
ton, $9,234.66; A. Arstill, 8,490; Sand­
berg l.ogus Co., $12,654.92; I ilia
mook Bay Construction Co., $9,472.!''
A. Arstill was awarded the constrct.
The contest of the Ladies Guild
closed last week, Mrs. McGhee’s side
only one ahead. Mrs. Tait is cer­
tainly an able worker. All members
are invtied to lie present on Tuesday
lune 15th, where Mrs. Tait and I k .
co-workers will entertain Mrs. Mc­
Ghee and her workers. This bring the
last meeting of the season, a two
month's vacation will be taken. Guild
will open again the beginning of Sep­
Married on June 6th, at the home of
the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Bewley, in this city. George Giddens
to Miss Ruth Bewley, the Rev Git-
tens of the M. E. Church performed
the ceremony. Mr. Giddens come to
Tillamook about'a year ago, having
made many friends since he cai'c
here. The bride is a young worn- 1
highly respected in this city. '1 he
wedding was attended by the imrned
iate relatives of the contracting par­
ties. who were the recipients of many
useful presents.
The Star Theatre has par excellent
serial photo play coming Monday
night, “The Black Box.” The mighty
mystery drama in 15 installments of
two reels each week,without a doubt
this will prove to be the best seri'il
photo play we have had. You will
have an opportunity to sec the first
tw o installments of “The Black Box.”
with the last two installmcnfs of
Elaine. If you have not been follow­
ing the "Exploits of Elaine,” yiu will
enjoy the last two, for they are the
best of all. "The Black Box" is con­
sidered by a number of exhibitors in
and around Portland to be better
♦han "Lucile Love” or “The Trey O'
Goeres-Swenson Wedding.
There was a large gatrering of
relatives, friends and old timers at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Swenson, north of town, on Wednes­
day evening, to witness the marriage
of Mr. William P. Goeres and Miss
Emma Swenson, Rev. Ed. Gittins,
pastor of the M. E. Church, perform­
ed the ceremony after which the hap­
py couple received the congratula­
tions of those present and best wish­
es for their future happiness. Mr<-
Swenson served an elaborate wedding
feast and Mr. and Mrs. Goeres were
the recipients of many
wedding presents. The happy couple
left this morning for Portland, and
after spending a few days there will
go to California to spend their honey­
moon. They will be gone about six
weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Goeres are
amongst our most highly respected
citizens and their numerous friends
wish them a long life of happiness.
Civil Service Examination.
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an exam­
ination for the County of Tillamook,
Oregon, to be held at Tillamook,
Oregon on June 26th, 1915 to fill the
position of rural carrier at Nehalem,
Oregon, and vacancies that may later
occur on rural routes from other
postofficcs in the above mentioned
county. The examination will be open
only to male citizens who are actual­
ly domiciled in the territory of a post
office in the county and who meet
the other requirements set forth iti
form No. 1977. This form and appli­
cation blanks may be obtained from
the offices mentioned above or from
the United States Civil Service Com­
mission at Washington at the earliest
practical date.
United States Civil Service Com­
On page 6
Let us Furnish Your Winter Wood.
Special Prire on Large Quantities
Tillamook, Ore.
URMAR’S variety store ,
Tillamook, Oregon.
JUNE 11th and 12th.
Under Contract with Til'amook Band Boy».
Come and enjoy the Evening.
ADULTS, 50 c .
CHILDREN, 25 c .
Spring Suits From $30.00 and up. We also do
1st St and 2nd Ave.
Phone J 27.