Tillamook Headlight, June 3, l91-• accompanied by a certified cl1CfL Notice to Contractors. made payable to the County Clerk. the probable total cost of said im- * and all thereof adjacent thereto ami Also the following described tract Notice of Intention to Improve Cer- Scaled proposals addressed to the for an amount equal HI/ UVUl-llHVM . . mip • • o. . ' proveincnts as made and prepared by ' especially benefitted by said 5 prr «nt of land, to-wit: . tain Streets in Tillamook City of 1. ....:......... 1 being :....... the 7. ___ . ....... ..»a -oh <1 the ....... units oi ‘ the ‘he tot | , Hl u vyiniin - t° and within limit» ‘‘*® County Court of Tillamook County, the amount Beginning at a point on the South the City Engineer sum - of i 1 ' nients Oregon. said bid, which __ _ nt district established and shall ' assessincr.. --------- Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to line of the Edrick 1 homas Donation $10,369.82) be and the same arc here­ forfeited to the County, in case j defined by this ordinance. Notice is hereby given, to all whom Land Claim, 30 feet West of the by approved. complete the, , bid be accepted and the bidder*shall Be it further resolved that the Tillamook-Fain tew County Road, That the boundaries of the assess­ it may concern, that tlie Common Township line between Township l __________ and 1 estimates fail, neglect or retuse for a period nl from Station o plus 70 to Station Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, South, Ranges 9 and 10 W est. W. M., ment district to be benetited by said plans, specifications proposed paving improvc- five days after which the award j< --.-a , r 1 deem it expedient to improve certain and running thence West 105 feet; improvements and assessed therefor tor the J ,-.-- ^accordance with the plans and made to enter into a contract and fife streets in T illamook City, Oregon, thence South to the South boundary be, and the same is hereby establish­ nients so made and prepared by the City Engineer and filed as aforesaid specifications thereof on file ■» “‘c a bond satisfactory to the Court u and to that end said Common Council line of Tillamook City; thence East ed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the (the estimate of the probable total oifice of the County Clerk of I ilia required by law, did, on the 12th day of May, 1915, at to a point due South of the place of The bids are to cover the cleari#, an adjourned session of a regular beginning; thence North to the place center of the West line of Block 7 of cost being the sum of $10,548.91) be, mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ Thayer's Addition to T illamook (now 1 and the same are hereby approved. meeting thereof, adopt a Resolution of beginning. ed by the County Court of said Coun­ of the right-of-way, Dredging an(j t’ That the boundaries of the assess­ ty at its office in the Court House, rip-rap the dyke or fill, from Station Also the lollowing described tract Tillamook City) with the East line of and Notice setting forth therein the Second Avenue East, and running ment district to be benefitted by said at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the 212 plus 84.25 to Station 296 plus streets that said City proposed to im­ of land, to-wit. Beginning at the intersection of the thence East to the center of said paving improvements and assessed hour of to o'clock a.m. on the 15th according to the plans and specific, prove, and also the kind and manner tions on file in the office of Count» of improvements that said City pro­ East line of Second Avenue East Block 7; thence North to the North ! therefor be, and the same are hereLy day of June, 1915. y15, itiici and a 1. *«•**>■ * . ” poses to make, the estimated cost with the South line of Eleventh line of said Block 7; thence East established as follows: d and read. Each bid Clerk. publicily open«, Beginning at a point in the West thereof and defining the boundaries Street in Tillamook City, Oregon, along the North line of said Block 7, nied by a certified The County Count reserves the shall be accompai Block 34 °f Thayers __________ to the County —..—.., of — ------- right to reject any and all bids, of the assessment district to be bene­ and running thence East 7‘-5 feet; and of Block 8 in said Addition, to, boundary - 2 ■ ---- ’ z City, ' - - 107 z- feet t check made payable to Tillamook fitted thereby and assessed therefore, thence South to a point 101.5 feet the center of the North line of said ' Addition Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 per Dated this 17th day of May 1015. 27 __ ‘ t corner of Block 8; thence South to the center j North of the Southwest South and 101.5 East of the which said Resolution and Notice, J. C. Holden, County Cleric. cent of the amount of the total of ...^ ■ i said —id block id~~k and running thense said bid, which shall be forfeited to First publication May 20th. of the Edrick of said Block 8; thence East along the and the whole thereof, is in words, Southeast corner belivi UlU, Vv invìi . . . «. center line of blocks 8, 18, and 35; of i Southeastery in a direct line, to in- "in Thomas Donation Land Claim letters and figures as follows, to-wit: the County, in case the bid be acccpt- accept- Last publication June 3rd. Resolution and Notice of Intention to I Section 30, Township I South, Range 1 Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City [ tersect a line 105 feet North of the ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect the Eiast line of said Block 35; South side of said Block 34 at a point or refuse for a period of five days Improve Certain Streets in Tilla­ 1 9 West, VV. M.; thence west to a to « r South - . « to *_• _ _F — f the 1_ — \ West ♦ 1 line • l/i Notice to Contractors. the center •• line of r | _ 100 feet »T?__ East . of of CO said point 101.5 feet East of the West line thence mook City, Oregon. 34; thence East along the said after which the award is made to Addition; Block 1 Be it resolved, that the Common ' of Section 30, Township 1 South, Block 36 in Thayer’s in said Block 34 and the center enter into a contract and file a bond Sealed proposals addressed to the Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, , Range 9 West, VV. M.; thence South thence West, following the center i line line of block 3 and 4 of A. A. Miller s satisfactory to the Court as required County Court of Tillamook County to the boundary line of Tillamook hne of Block 36, 19, 10 and 9 in deems it expedient, and hereby de- i I by law. _______________ , , . Addition to Tillamook, and Block 4, dares its intention to improve the 1 City, Oregon; thence West to a Thayer’s various Additions to Tilla­ i 5 and 6 of Park Addition to Tilla- Bids will be received for the clear- Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to T illa- point 30 feet East of the West line mook City, Oregon, to the East line following streets; ing, grading and excavation for lay- complete the, mook City, to the boundary line of Tillamook-Bay City County Road , Second Avenue East, from the of Section 30, in Township 1 South, of Second Avenue East; thence North said Tillamook City, thence South ing the following kinds of pavement North line of Niti th Street to the Range 9 West, VV. M.; thence North along the East line to the place of | along the East boundary line of under standard specifications for each from Station 28 plus 78 to Section 52 South end of laid Street. Also, that to a point 30 feet South of the South beginning. 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. plus 59. That the said assessment district Tillamook City to the center line street sometimes described as Twelfth line of the Edrick Thomas Donation 2 — Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof on file in the Street, which connects the South end Land Claim; thence East to the East shall be and is hereby designated as North and South, of Block 7, in Park base. No.lr” Addition aforesaid; thence West office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ of Second Avenue East with the line of Second Avenue East in Tilla­ “Local Improvement District no.i, 3 — Light Bitulithic on Concrete thereof said line "■ through property, and all tucicui ' , along — - center ------ ; ---- ’.’r? • Blocks mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ South end of Stillwell Avenue, from, mook City, Oregon; thence North to the included within said Local Improve- 7> 8, and 9, of said, Park Adhiition, and base. the West side of Ninth Street West the place of beginning. 4— One course grouted top Concrete ed by the County Court of said Coun­ Blocks 5 and 6 of A, A. Miller's Ad- Be it further resolved, that the City _________ - ................................. ! ment District No. 1, is the following: ty, at its office in the Court House 211.5 fee‘ ‘o ‘he West side of the 5— Wood block on Concrete base. In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook dition to Tillamook, and Block 37 of I According to the plans and specifi­ at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the street running South along the Town­ Recorder be, and he is hereby in­ structed to cause this Resolution and | Thayer's Addition, to the West line City, Oregon, the following: hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 15th ship line between Township 1 South, Lots 2, 3, and 4, in Block 7; Lots I, of said Block 37; thence North to the cations on file in the office of County day of June, 1915, ami at that time Range 9 West and Township 1 South Notice to be published for three con- Clerk. sective publications in the City offi ­ place of beginning. 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 8; Lots 1 and Range 10 West, VV. M., and that The County Court reserves the publicily opened and read. Each bid That the said assessment district certain street, the center line of which cial newspaper, and that the City 2 in Block 9; Lots I, 2, 3, and 4, in right to reject any and all bids. Dated shall be accompanied by a certified Engineer be, and lie is hereby direct ­ shall be and is hereby designated as Block 10; Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block check made payable to the County is the Township line between Town this the 27th day of May 1915. ed to cause to be conspicuously post ­ 18; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 19; “Local Improvement District No. 3,” ship 1 South Range 9 and to West, W Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 per J. C. Holden, County Clerk ed at each end of the line of the con ­ Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 35, and and the property and all thereof in- M., from the South line of the. Edrick cent of the amount of the total of First publication, May 27, 1915. I eluded within said Local Improve- Thomas Donation Land Claim South templated improvements a copy of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 36. said bid, which shall be forfeited to 1 rViont Uictrirf NT r» 1 «C t bl n ( ol 1 nwi 11 (T • Last publication, June 10, 1915. Be it further resolved, that the City ment District No. 3 is the following: to the South boundary of T illamook this Resolution and Notice within 3 the County, in case the bid be accept­ days from date of the first publication Recorder be, and he is hereby in- ‘ In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City, in the following manner: I ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect of such notice. The said published structed to cause this Resolution and City, Oregon, as follows: Notice to Contractors. By establishing the grades of said or refuse for a period of five days Resolution and Notice, and the post ­ Notice to be published for three con-1 All that part of Block 34 lying itreets; after which the award is made to ed Resolution andNotice, to also con ­ South of a line running from a point sective publications in the City offi ­ By grading said streets to the prop­ Sealed proposals addressed to the enter into a contract and file a bond tain all of the matters with r ference cial newspaper, and that the City in the West line of said Block 167 er sub-grade; County Court of Tillamook County, satisfactory to the Court as required to said proposed improvements that feet North of the Southwest corner Engineer be, and he is hereby direct ­ By rolling the roadway thereof: Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to by law. By laying on said streets a concrete are required by the charter and ordi­ ed to cause to be conspicuously post­ of said B.lock and thence Southeast­ complete the, Bids will be received for the clear­ nances, and resolutions of ’ Tillamook erly to intersect a line 105 ft. North of ed at each end of the line of the con ­ roadway 24 feet in width, 4 inches in Tillamook-Cloverdale County Road, ing, grading and excavation for lay­ City, Oregon, and all persons con- the south side of said Block at a point templated improvements a copy of thickness at the sides and S'/i inches from Station o plus oo to Station 51 ing the following kinds of pavement in thickness in the center. Together cerned are notified to govern tliem- this Resolution and Notice within 3 100 feet East of the West line of said plus 60 under standard specifications for each selves accordingly. ” Block, and running thence East to days from date of the first publication with a standard sheet asphalt wear­ 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. in accordance with the plans and All persons concerned are hereby the East side of said Block 34, url of such notice. The said published ing surface 1 ' j inches thick. 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete specifications thereof 011 file in the publi- Resolution and Notice, and the post­ Lots I, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 37. further notified that the first By constructing along each side of cation of this notice is made the 14th In A. A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla- office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ base. said roadway a combined concrete day of May, 1915, and that objections I ed Resolution andNotice, to also con­ 3— Light Bitulithic on Concrete mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ curb ami gutter; I and remonstrances To said proposed tain all of the matters with reference ' mook (now Tillamook City) I t: 12 to 22 inclusive, in Block ' 3; „. ed by the County Court of said Coun­ base. By building concrete catch basins improvements may be filed with the to said proposed improvements that ' Lots 4— One course grouted top Concrete ty, at its office in the Court House, and laying drain pipe, together with City Recorder of Tillamook City are required by the charter and ordi- Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8Jn Block 4; Lots 1 at Tillamook City', Oregon, until the 5— Wood block on Concrete base. inlets and making provisions for the Oregon, within 20 days from the said nances, and resolutions of Tillamook to 11 inclusive of Block 5, and lots I, hour of to o’clock a.m. on the ' 15th According to the plans and specifi­ City, Oregon, and all persons con­ 2, 3 and 4, in Block 6. necessary surface drainage of said daleof the first publication. In Park Addition to Tillamook City day of June, 1915, and at that time cations on file in the office of County cerned arc notified to govern them­ streets, with all of the appurtenances This notice is given by the under­ selves accordingly.” ' Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 4; Lots publicily opened and read. Each bid Clerk. thereto, ami The County Court reserves the as the Recorder of Tillamook All persons concerned are hereby _____ 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 5; Lots 5, 6, shall be accompanied by a certified By laying and constructing con­ signed City, (Ircgon, by order of the Com­ further notified that the first publi­ and 7 in Block 6; Lots 2, 3, and 4 in check made payable to the County right to reject any and all bids. Dated crete headers with sheet alphall wear­ mon Council of said Tillamook City, cation of this notice is made the 28th Block 7; Lots I, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 8 Clerk, for an amount equal to' 5 per this the 27th day of May 1915. ing surface. J. C. Holden, County Clerk, Oregon, as set forth in said Resolu­ day of May, 1915, and that objections and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 9. cent of the amount of the total of All of said improvements to be tion and Notice. First publication, May 27, 1915. said bid, which shall be forfeited to and remonstrances to said proposed I Be it further resolved, that the made in accordance with the charter. I Witnc ..... s my hand and official seal improvements may be filed with the plans, specifications and estimât s the County, in case the bid be accept­ Last publication, June io, 1915. resolutions and ordinances of Tilla- I ' City Recorder of Tillamook City, i for the proposed sewer so made and ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ this 14th day of May, 1915. John Aschim, Notice. Oregon, within 20 days from the said prepared by the City Engineer and or refuse for a period of five days ance with the plans, specifications As City Recorder of Tilla­ date of the first publication. I filed as aforesaid, and the estimate of after which the award is made to and estimates of work therefor, and mook Citv. Oregon. This notice is given by the under­ the probable total cost thereof as enter into a contract and file a bond Notice is hereby given, that the probable cost thereof, made and pre­ ---------------- c------- signed as the Recorder of Tillamook made and prepared by the City Engi­ satisfactory to the Court as required County Court of Tillamook County, pared by the City Engineer of said by law. Oregon, will receive sealed bids for Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed in Notice of Intention to Improve Cer­ City, Oregon, by order of the Com­ neer, being the sum of $463.90, be and Bids will be received for the clear­ one hundred cords of wood for the mon Council of said Tillamook City, ' the same are hereby approved. tain Streets in Tillamook City the office of the Recorder of said ing, grading and excavation for lay ­ Oregon, as set forth in said Resolu­ I That the boundaries of the assess- Oregon court house, at its office in Tillamook Tillamook City, Oregon, on May 3rd, tion and Notice. ! ment district to be benefitted by said ing the following kinds of pavement City,, Oregon, until the hour of iq 1915, and all of said improvements to under standard specifications for each Witness my hand and official seal sewer improvement and assessed o’clock a.m. on the 4th day of June, be made at the expense of the prop­ Notice is hereby given, to all whom 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. 191=, and at that time opened and I thereof be, and the same are hereby erty, and all thereof adjacent thereto it may concern, that the Common this 28 day of May, 1915. 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete read. John Aschim, I established as follows: and especially benefitted by said im­ Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, As City Recorder of Tilla­ Each bid shall be accompanied by Beginning at the center of the East base. provements and within the limits of deems it expedient to improve certain 3— Light Bitulithic on Concrete a certified check made payable to the mook City, Oregon. line of Block 6 in Park Addition to the assessment district established streets in Tillamook City, Oregon, Tillamook, and running thence South base. County Clerk, for an amount to equal and defined by this ordinance. and Lu that end said Common Coun- 4— One course grouted top Concrete to 5 per cent of the amount of the bid Be it further resolved, that the cil did on the 26th day of May, 1915 Notice of Intention to Improve Cer­ to the center of the East line of *—Wood block on Concrete base. plans, specifications and estimates at a special session called by the May­ I Block 7, said Park Addition; thence According to the plans and specifi­ which shall be ferfeited to the county tain Streets in Tillamook City West along the center line of said in case the bid be accepted and the tor the proposed improvements so or for that particular purpose, adopt Oregon. Block and Blocks lying West thereof cations on file in the office of County bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse to made and prepared by said Engineer a Resolution and Notice setting forth Clerk. enter into a contract and file a bond to the West side of Block 8 of Park and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of therein the streets that said city pro­ Notice is hereby given, to all whom Addition to Tillamook City; thence The County Court reserves the satisfactory to the Court. the probable total cost of said im­ poses to improve, and also the kind it may concern, that the Common right to reject any and all bids. Dated The bids are to be for one hundred North to the West corner of Lot 5 in provement as made and prepared by and manner of improvements that cords of either Hemlock, Fir or Al­ the City Engineer being the Slim of said City proposes to make, the Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, Block 5 of Park Addition to Tilla­ this the 27th day of May 1015. deems it expedient to improve certain J. C. Holden, County Clerk, der wood cut 46 inches in length and $8,812,(19), be and the same are here­ estimated cost thereof and defining mook City; thence East to the place First publication, May 27, 1915. by approved. corded in the basement of the court the boundaries of the assessment dis­ streets in Tillamook City, Oregon of beginning. That the boumlaries of the assess­ trict to be benefitted thereby and as­ and to that end said Common Council That the said assessment district Last publication, June 10, 191c. house. . The County Court reserve the right ment district to lie benefitted by said sessed therefor, which said resolution did on the 27th day of May, 1915 shall be and is hereby designated as improvements and assessed therefor, and Notice and the whole thereof, is at an adjourned session of a special "Local Improvement District No. a," to reject any and all bids. Notice to Contractors. be and the same is hereby established in words, letters and figures as fol­ meeting called by the Mayor for that and the property, and all thereof in­ Dated this the 18th day of May, I9>$- particular purpose adopt a Resolution cluded within said Local Improve­ as follows: J. C. Holden, lows, to-wit: Sealed proposals addressed to .... the County Clerk. Beginning at the Northwest romer Resolution and Notice of Intention aud Notice setting forth therein the ment District No. 4 is as follows: County Court of Tillamook Countv, that said city proposes to im­ of Lot 4 of Block 15, in Thayer’s In Park Addition to Tillamook City Oregon, and indorsed Froposasl to to Improve Certain Streets in Till-, streets prove, and also the kind and manner Addition to T illamook City, and run. Lots 5, 6 7, and 8 of Block 5; Lots How’s This? mook City, Oregon of improvements that said city pro­ 5, 6, and 7 of Block 6; Lots 2, 3, and complete the ning thence East along the center ol We offer O ne H undred D ollars R bwaid lie it resolved, that the Common poses to make, the estimated cost Garibaldi-Wheeler Road from Sta ­ said Block 15, 71.5 feet; thence South Council of T illamook City, Oregon, 4 of Block 7 and Lots I, 2, 3, and 4 of tion 527 plus 91.4 to Station 664 plus or any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured to a point 101.5 feet South and 101.5 deems it expedient, and hereby de­ thereof and defining the boundaries Block 8. by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. 035- of the assessment district to be bene ­ feet East of the Southeast corner of clares its intention to improve the fol­ Be it further resolved, that the City F. J CHENEY & CO., Tcledo. 0. fitted thereby and assessed therefor, Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ in accordance with the plans and the Edrick Thomas Donation Land lowing streets in said city, to-wit: We. the undersigned have known F- J- specification thereof on file in the of ­ I which said Resolution and Notice, Claim, thence West 101.5 feet East of ed to cause this Resolution and Nitice Cheney for the last 15 years, and W«” Fifth Street front the East line of the West line of Section 30, Town­ Second Avenue East, East to the , and the whole thereof, is in words, to be published for three consecutive fice of the County Clerk of Tilla­ him perfectly honorable in all bu.’in transactions and financially able to canj letters and figures as follows, to-wit: mook County, Oregon, will be receiv ­ ship 1 South, Range 9 West, VV. M.; center of Sixth Avenue East, and publications in the city official news­ out any obligations made by his firm. thence South to the South boundary 1 bird Avenue l ast, from the South! Resolution and Notice of Intention paper, and that the City Engineer be, ed by the County Court of said Comi­ NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, 0. line of I illamook «.'itv; thence West line of Fourth Street to the North j to Improve Street in Tillamook and he is hereby directed eo cause »o ty, at its office in the Court House, Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken intern"«* along said South boudary line to a line of Fifth Street, in the following City, Oregon. be conspicously posted at each end of at Tillamook City, Oregon until the acting ’ directly upon the blood and mu<’° point 135 ft. West of Township line mantier: Be it resolved, that the Cotnmon the line of the contemplated improve­ hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 4th day surfaces of the system. Testimonials se | Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, ment a copy of this Resolution and of June, 1915, and at that time public­ free. Price 75 cents per bottle, lold by between Township 1 South, Ranges By establishing the grades of said Pnurd»*» 9 and 10 W est, VV. M.; thence North streets, I deems it expedient, and hereby Notice, within three days of the date ly opened and read, Each bid shall be Take Hall'» Family Pill, for constipât«»" accompanied by a certified check to the South line of the Edrick By grading said streets to proper ' declars its intention to improve the of the first publication of such notice. made payable to the County Clerk, I homas Donation Land Claim in sub-grade; . i following street in Tillamook City, The said published Resolution and Section 25, township I South, Range Oregon, to-wti: Notice, and the posted Resolution for an amount cquai to 5 per cent of By rolling the roadway thereof; amount of the total of 10 West, W M.; thence l ast 105 feet; Fifth Street, from the center of and Notice, to also contain all of the the By laying on saiil streets a concrete The mint makes it and under the bid, which shall be thence North 135 feet, thence l ast to roadway 34 feet in width, 4 inches in 1 Sixth Avenue East, Easterly and matters with reference to said pro­ said the Southeast corner of Lot 5, i" thickness at the sides and 5'j inches East to- the East boundary of Tilla­ posed improvements that are requir­ forfeited to the County, in case the terms of the Continental Mortgage Block 4, of Drew Addition to Tilla- in thickness in the center. Together mook City, in the following manner: ed by the Charter and Ordinances, bid be accepted and the bidder shall Company you can secure it at 6 per mook City; thence North following with a standard sheet asphelt wearing By establishing the grade of said and Resolutions of Tillamook Cit" fail, neglect or refuse for a period of cent for any legal purpose on approv­ the center line of Block 4 and 2 in surtace 1' inches in thickness. street; Oregon, and all persons concerned five days after which the award is ed real estate. Terms easy, tell u* Drew Addition, and Blocks 5 and 4 in Bygrading said street to proper are notified to govern themselves made to enter into a contract and file By constructing along each side of R R. Hays’ Addition to Tillamook said roadway a combination concrete sub-grade; a bond satisfactory to the Court as your wants and we will co-operate accordingly. City, to the center of said Block 4; curb and gutter; Bv rolling the roadway thereof; with you. All persons concerned are hereby required by law. thence East to the place of beginning. The bids are to cover the clearing Bv laying on said street a concrete further notified that the first publica­ PETTY & COMPANY. By building concrete catch basins That the said assessment dis­ and laying drain pipe, together with roadway 30 feet in width, 6 inches in tion of this notice is made the 28th Grubbing and grading from Station 513 Denham Building Denver, Cok>. trict shall be and is hqgeby designated inlets and making provisions for the thickness. 527 plus 91.4 to Station 664 plus 03.5 day of May, 1915, and that objections as “Local Improvement District No. necessary surface drainage of said By constructing along each side of and remonstrances to said proposed according to the plans and specifica­ 2." and that the property, and all streets, with all of the appurtenances said roadway a concrete curb; improvements may be filed with the tions on file in the office of County thereof, included within said Local I thereto, and By building concrete catch basins City Recorder of Tillamook City. Clerk. Improvement District No. 2, is the The County Court reserves the By laying and constructing con- and laying drain pipe, together with Oregon, within 20 days from the said following: right to reject any and all bids, I evrete headers with sheet asphalt inlets and making provisions for the date of the first publication. In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook wearing surface. necessary surface drainage of said This notice is given by the under­ Dated this 17th day of May 1915. (Tty, Oregon, the following: J. C. Holden^^Qaunty Clerk. All of said improvements to be street, with all of the appurtenances signed as the Recorder of Tillamook Block 15, lott; in Block 25. Lots made in accordance with the charter, thereto, and Citv. Oregon, by order of the Com­ First publication May 20th. 1 and 4; in Block 26, Lots 1 and 4. ■ resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ By laying and constructing concrete mon Council of said Tillamook City, Last publication June 3rd. In Drew Addition to Tillamook mook City, Oregod , and in accor­ headers with sheet asphelt wearing Oregon, as set forth in said Resolu­ City, Oregon: tion and Notice. Notice to Contractors. I dance with the plans, specifications surface. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 2; and estimates of work therefore, and And to lay and construct a sewer Witness my hand and official seal and Lots 6, 7 8, and 9 in Block 4. along said street from the flush tank this ¿8th day of May, 1915. I and probable cost thereof, made and Sealed proposals addressed to the In R. R. Hays’ Addition to Tilla- prepared by the City Engineer of near the West side of Tark Street, John Aschim, County Court of Tillamook County, mook: East to a point 30 feet west of the I T illamook City, Oregon, and filed in As Citv Recorder of Oregon, and indorsed Proposasl to In Block 5, Lots 1, 2, 7, anil 8; in 1 the office of the Recorder of said East boundary of Tillamook City. Tillamook City, Oregon. complete the Block 4. Lots 7 and 8. All of asid improvement to be I Tillamook Citv. Oregon, on May 26, Bayocean County Road from Sta­ Also the following described tract 1015, and all of said improvements to made in accordance with the charter, Notice of Stockholders’ Meeting. tion ill plus 84.2$ to Station 296 of land, to-wit: be made at the expense of the prop­ resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ plus 08.9. with the problem of buying Harre»« Beginning at a point 30 feet North erty, and all thereof adjacent thereto mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ The annual stockholders' meeting in accordance with the plans and you will find it distinctly advant»- and 30 feet West of the Southeast and especially benefitted by said im­ ance with the plans, specifications corner of the Edrick Thomas Dona­ provements and within the limits of and estimates of work therefor, and of the Tillamook Hotel Company specification thereof on file in the of­ geoue to come and do your select tion Land Claim in Section 30, Town­ probable cost thereof, made and pre­ will be held in the parlors of the ho­ fice of The County Clerk of Tilla­ ing here. ' You will get tbe be« ship 1 South, Range 9 W est. VV. M . the assessment district established pared by the City Engineer, of Tilla- tel on Monday, June 7th, 1015, at mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ , qualities, the moat thorough «■“ 2 00 o'clock p to. for the election of ed by the County Court of said Coun­ conscientious workmanship ano and running thence North lftl.87 feet: ami defined by this ordinance. Be it further resolved, that the moog Citv. Oregon, and filed in the directors and transaction __ of such ty, at its office in the Court House, charged the most reasonable lr,cf?. thence West 105 feet; thence South office of the Recorder of said Tilla ­ 56.87 feel; thence West 46.5 feet; plans, specifications and estimates mook < itv, Oregon, on May ¿7, 1015, other business as may become before at Tillamook City, Oregon until thi We can supply single or drub** (or the proposed improvements so I the meeting. hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on the 4th day I Sets or any single article that y00 thence South 105 feet; thence East to 1 made and prepared by City Engineer i ic place of beginning. of June, 1915, and at that time public­ may be in need of. r. J. Morral!. Pres. I aud tiled as atgisaid (the estimate yt j E. I. Claussen. Sec. ly opened and read, Each bid shall be im a a t “ MONEY.” W.A, Williams A Co. I