Tillamook Headlight, June 3, i91o. er accomplished anything so marve- lous. Sixty-five years ago the national wealth was only $7,00,0000,000 or about one twenty-sixth part of what it is now. Only a little more than 15 per cent of our present wealth is given as real estate, the rest is what our people have made out of good old mother earth. What astonishes us most is that Ill­ inois is placed a little ahead of Pen- nyslvania in the matter of wealth. It it is true that the difference is only a OF THE paltry $26,000,000, which, we^presurne any patriotic Pennsylvanian would gladly have contributed to give our state second rank. If Illinois is real­ ly richer than Pennsylvania we should like to know on what basis RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. the computation is made. It is evident (Strictly in Advance.) that natural resources are not highly One ycai ........................................ $1.50 capitalized, otherwise this state would Six months ............................................ 75 lead its Sucker sister. Chicago must Three month*............ . ......................... 50 have been making an awful lot of money lately, and, of course, we must THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT admit that Pennsylvania has lost some billions of late through the Editorial Snap Shots. policies of the Democratic party. But ------ o--- — we can reform all that in a short Bro. Trombley is twitting Repub­ time. lican standpatters. It’s a wonder to us The amazing thing is that the see how often Bro. Trombley “flops” whole of the British empire is valued that lie stood pat long enough to be at only $108,000,000,000, of which on­ born. ly $73,000,000,000 belongs to the Unit­ ed Kingdom which is a little less than Water power washing machines the sum assigned to Germany. don’t do a thing to the pressure on These are all ante-war figures. the water system on Mondays. Sup­ When the combat is over our prem­ pose a fire occurred in the city with Did Bro. Trombley ever stop and iership will be much more striking. these washing machines running, there would be very little pressure to figure it out how free lumber has in­ We will then take the leadership of jured one of the best industries in the the world.—Ex. fight fire. Northwest? He ought to know that It seems to us that the County timber owners and saw mill men are "TELESCRIBE” NEW EDISON The Tillamook Headlight recently gave away a five passenger Over­ Court of Yamhill County should lose up against it good and hard, for this land Automobile, Two Trips to the Fair and a Gold Watch. This was INVENTION JUST COM­ no more time in organizing with reason, they have to compete against done to advertise the Headlight and the Overland autos, which are the best PLETED. '1 illamook County for the purpose of 50c. timber and Hindu labor at from machines on the market for the money. That’s why we gave away a Over­ building the new road into this coun­ 75c. to $1.00 a day. As a result of free Records in Wax Messages. Received land, and which had the recommendation of A. K. Case, the local agent. ty. The Tillamook County Court is trade, the enormous body of timber And Given Over Telephone. The Tillamook Headlight have entered into an agreed with the Great anxiously waiting and ready to go in Tillamook County have depreciat­ ed in value to a large extent. The ahead with the organization and work Northern Manufacturing Co. of Chicago to advertise and boost their cele­ That he has finished his thirty- only way that local mill men can brated Aluminum Ware in Tillamook county, which is handled by the eight years of labor on a new inven- hope to compete with Canadian lum ­ It was expected that Germany well-known arid reliable firm of Alex. McNair & Co., so we want to place would place the blame on the English ber is to hire Hindu labor and force lion which he has styled the "tele­ one article of Aluminum in the homes of the people of this county, for we announcement of scribe ” was the for destroying the Lusitania, when the timber owners to dispose of their are sure, after using the Great Northern Manufacturing Co.’s Aluminum over ¡00 Americans lost their lives. timber at 50c. a thousand. But what a 1 homas A. Edison at his laboratory Ware, the ladies will want no other. This makes a serious situation, for big howl our Democratic friends l he device will record telephone con­ cither Germany or the United States would kick up if the local saw mill versations, even though speakers are Every home should have a Coffee Pot Percolator and other Aluminum must back down to prevent a diplo­ men did that and that the timber men 3000 milesa part, and a simple small Ware. It’s the thing, and housewives, once they obtain one piece, want matic rupture between the two conn showed that their timber had depre­ box on a business man's desk will be more of it to do their cooking. ciated one half in value and demand­ his guarantee against misunderstand­ tries. f As the State will go “dry’’ the first of next year, here is an opportunity ing language used by him to the ed that the assessment be made one- to boost the sale of coffee. But you will have to have a Coffee Pot Perco­ The Tillamook high school gradu­ half what it is to-day. But this is others as well as an insurance that he lator to make good coffee for the man who is going to “swear off’’ when ating class lacked in education. Not what Democratic free trade will got messages to himself correctly. The contrivance consists of a sensa- withstanding a large amount of local eventually bring about. the State goes “dry,” and coffee will be a good substitute to satisfy their tive telephone, arranged for desk use, money had been contributed in taxes thirsty appetites. for their education, none of the grad­ The snap shot man has been im­ with controlling buttons to operate There is only one condition connected with the giving away of Coffee uates had been taught to patronize portune to create a sentiment against the special recording device conve- Pot Percolators, and it is this : Those who subscribe and pay for the Tilla­ iently placed near it. Keen as the Oregon made goods and local enter­ employing Dago labor on roadwork mook Headlight for two years in advance, or renew their subscription for prise, for the class sent cast and had in Tillamook County. We know a human ear and highly sensitized, the their graduating announcements large number of men have been out of slightest vibration does not escape two years in advance, will be given a Coffee Pot Percolator. They retail printed there. Isn’t that poor grati­ work the past winter, and who have the recorder. The telephone receiver at $2 50 to $3 00 We want to place one in every home in Tillamook to in­ tude ? obtained considerable credit at gro­ is placed upon a small amplifier and troduce this company’s goods, and good, live advertising in the Tillamook cery stores throughout the county, the sound communicated to the wax Headlight, the home newspaper that goes into the homes of a large propor­ Bootleggers are a wise lot of guys. and were entitled to the work.We do cylinder instantly and accurately. The tion of the people of Tillamook county, is bound to do this. Coffee Pot If they are opposed to a saloon at not feel like criticising the County telcscribe is a sequel to Mr. Edison’s Percolators is the only article we intend to give away at this time. Alumi­ Garibaldi, it is safe to say that they Court, for the reason it became neces­ inventions of the carbon telephone are aiming to get back into the boot­ sary to let road work by contract be­ transmitter and the phonograph, and num Tea Pots, Saucepans, Kettles, etc., can be obtained at Alex. NcNair & leg business. We think this way as all cause, in years gone by, many per­ his total patents now have passed the Co.’s store, or other hirdware stores who handle this company’s goods. saloons will go out of business the sons who worked on the roads fell 1500 mark. This is the largest number end of the year, we hardly think it far short of doing a day’s work. This of brain productions of any one in­ fair to deprive one hotel keeper of a may not have been so bad in recent dividual, yet Mr. Edison is by no license and not the others. Anyway, years, and with the demand that road means "through.” give them all the same time to dis- work be let by Coming as it does in his 68th year, In a demonstration privately of his contract, those who pose of their stocks, for these hotel advocated this the telescribe bids fair to be followed device a typist copied the conversa­ can see what it has keepers have vested rights that brought about: Dago labor at $1.00 a by other creations. Mr. Edison has tions on a standard printed form, REJoLVED should be respected. day in competition with $2.50 now been at work from time to time from known as the "telescript.” These may WE .STAND BEHIND 1877 on the device, and patiently for There is a question whther water paid to men employed by the county. hours, despite pessimistic statemenst be signed and mailed by one party to OUR GooDJ AND WE power washing machines should pay Another thing which a large number of associates, he has labored with the the other, and with the exchange completed both have written records special water rates. There is not much of our citizens did, and those who MAKE GOOD ON EVERY secrets of telephony and phonography as well as the wax recording cylin­ logic in the argument that it is prop complained about high taxation, they in his task of combining the two as ders for reference. These take the DEAL-CUR GROCER­ er to tax a person for washing liim- voted for the eight hour law, and, this an auxiliary in the transmission of place of dictated letters and, of self in a bath and not taxing h ini too, has induced cheap foreign labor permanent and valuable records, in­ course, one operator is a check upon IES MAKE GOOD. WE for the washing of his clothes, which to come to Oregon. Probably, had stead of receiving momentary and the other. the snap shot man had anything to takes fifty times more water with the ook care to get fleeting conversations, to use his lan- washing machine. We are not advo­ do with road work he would have guage. THAT KIND. cating that washing machines should stretched a point a little in behalf of One of the economies of the new Surveyors to Make Survey of Ship local people who were needing work be taxed, but we do advocate that affair in long-distance calls was ex­ Channel From Tillamook Bar. there should be a flat rate for rcsi ami who were in debt to the stores C ertainly : plained as follows: If a party calls for their winter ’ s grub. Although it dences, and no extra charge should be another on a business matter and is United States Surveyors came to made for toilets, baths, etc., for these would,’probably, tickle a good many not in the office the button may be I illamook Wednesday to make asur- are modern sanitary conveniences persons if we jumped onto the Coun­ pushed by the party answering the vey of the shipc hannel from the bar, ty Court for Dagos working on Coun ­ that should be in every home in the telephone and the sender’s message a distance of three or four miles, for ty roads, it would hardly be fair to do city. so. The court is not responsible but can be given and studied when the the purpose of estimating the amount recipient arrives in his office. Mr. of dredging that will be necessary to It is now up to the City Council to those who were not content to let Edison humorously remarked the deepen the waterway to a stage of 16 well enough alone and who shirked go ahead with the erection of a new telescribe can end for all time the at the zero mark. The party is in city hall, for it was a most decisive their work when working for the vote that was cast in its favor on county, anyway, the County Court is mooted question involved when an charge of Norman C. Bray, one of interviewed person denies, following the surveyors who was stationed at I'nesday. What is wanted is a con­ following the law, and the citizens their publication, remarks attributed Big Eddy during the construction of venient, business building, without who talk recall should look up the to him in a newspaper. lhe Dalles-Celilo canal. law. and after doing so, they will find any frills. It should have a large 1 hev can’t ‘come back’ at you The survey will be conducted un­ auditorium suitable for holding con­ out that the County Court had to let when you have their statements' in der the direction of W. G. Carroll, ventions, for there is no reason why the work by contract. How foolish. cold wax," was the inventor’s view assistant L nited States engineer, who 1 illamook cannot be made a conven­ to talk recall when the court is fol- Informed that the telephone has has been looking after river and har­ lowing the law. tion city. Another important feature been used at the rate of a million bor work in that part of the first dis­ Royal Club Coflce 1 lb. can 40c. should be suitable quarters for the times an hour, much more frequently trict. On completion of the task it is Royal Club Coffee 3 lb. Can $1 00. public library and a reading room, a Our National Wealth. than letters and telegrams. Mr. Edi­ the intention to transfer the dredge gymnasium and rooms for the Com­ ------o- - - Royal Club Coffee 5 lb. can $1.50. son for the past few months has been Oregon from Grays Harbor to Tilla­ mercial ( lull and Woman’s Civic If $ jooo were placed on every mile Imported Crystal Ktcc Rice Joe. 25c. per pkg. mipuiuu vrxscaj Improvement Club. Probably an ex­ of the distance from here to the ..... more active than usual in his labora­ mook to dig the channel to the pro­ e sun tory experiments and the study of posed depth. She has been employed Royal \\ kite Soap 6 bars for 25c. penditure of $20.000 will be sufficient it would just represent the wealth of to build a suitable city hall, for econ­ the I idled States. That it i, va,i„ t0 acoustics, to harmonize the telephone in the Seattle district at Grays Har­ A. N. \ aughn 1-ancy Creamery Butter 60c per roll. and phonograph. bor for several months and will com­ omy should not be overlooked. understand that One Hundred and ’Science provided the telephone for plete operations there in a short time. Standard Corn $2.00 per case. — ■ o------ Eighty Seven Billion with Seven Jetty construction is under way at Standard Tomatoes $2.00 per case. The snap shot man is going to turn Hundred and Thirty-nine Millions rapid transmission of intelligence,” said Mr. Edison, discussing his latest 1 illamook. Nehalem "knocker," but it is the kind of and Coquill 1 thrown in for good measure. Leave orders with us for land plaster. work, "and with the tclescribe we can bars, entailing the expenditure of “knocking" that every fair minded 1 hi* makes an average of nearly now project our spoken words into many thousands of dollars. It is said person will indorse We hear a great | *J'W0 for eVfry man, woman and written and wax records that will be that each of the projects is progress­ deal about unsanitary conditions and | child in the country, although only disease breeding cess pools, but when permanent. The world will ,OOn rec­ ing most satisfactorily. When the . .»bou>$35 of that is in cash. The rest ognize it as a commercial asset and it GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, veg last survey was completed about a ever a citticn ii enterprising and con- J consists of the accumulations of past "ill not only make the telephone nccts hi* premises with the »ewer year ago the channel over Tillamook ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. > ears and about all of it in the mem- »»stem, then an additional tax It im- ' ory of living men. It reads like a more useful and -he phonograph bar was 17 feet deep at the low water more valuable: it will make both stage, sufficient to accommodate any 1 ILLAMOOK, - . . OREGON po»ed upon him. while the perftm •-»•ry stcry, Lvcn Aladdin’» lamp nev-l more necessary." f of the ordinary coasters. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line............ $ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards one month ................................ 1.00 Homestead Notices .................... 5.00 T'imbe/ Claims ............................ . 10.00 Local* per line each insertion. .05 Display advertisement, an inch, cue month .................................. All Resolutions of Condolence -nd Lodge Notices, per line.. Cards of Thanks, per line.......... Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines...................... who retains the dirty, filthy, disease breeding cess pool is not taxed, lhe proposed schedule to tax toilets 50c. is outrageous. It is taxing cleanliness and sanitary methods. The snap shot man believes it is the property own­ ers who have the dirty, unsanitary cess pools on their premises who should be taxed, and taxed good and nigh, for jeopardizing the health of their neighbors and the entire city. ------o----- Now and again we hear the re­ mark that Tillamook city is church poor. There may be some just ground for this assertion, for somehow, re­ ligion is not run on the same econ­ omical basis as business is transacted. Everybody wouldth ink it absurd to have a postoffice for every Protestant denomination in this city wouldn’t they? Yet, as a matter of fact, that is what the church people of 1 illamook are doing when it comes to public worship , and it is no wonder that some of them have a hard time rustl­ ing money to meet expenses. Really, if we could all place our religious prejudices aside, wouldn’t we have to admit that we lacked business sa­ gacity, when one large church is all that is needed. Religious prejudices, however, are so strong that no de­ nomination will budge, and we sup­ pose that small congregations and empty pews will prevail for a long time yet. FREE ! TO SUBSCRIBERS TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. $ THE LEADING COUNTY NEWSPAPER. 1,000 Coffee Pot Percolators'! to be Given Away To Subscribers of Tillamook Headlight. ¡' GOOD T You Grocery Specials This Week RAY & CO. E »vera, »verai Tillar,