Tillamook Headlight, June 3, 1915 provides that no brand and cargo. H — There arc but two classes of nicr- them in the wrong way anyhow. chants—those who advertise and believe I could fix things if they to determine the character of the sustained, but grew as one number house, and his rendition was perfect, Stewart, the baretonc singer, has a , . , . , , , . | followed the other. The quartets were his fine soprano voice being impossi­ magnificent voice. His greatest ap­ those who do not. The man who ad­ would let me. If they don't 1’11 get a ship, but it took no chance of permit- a j| Kood vertises has the best of the deal. He lot of other fellows like myself and plause was won when he rendered his ....... | Perhaps the most novel feature of ble to distinguish from that of a instrumental numbers. Stewart is keeps himself before the public—lie we will have a law passed to make ting a possible enemy to escape. woman. His voice is a wonder, and he the United The suggestion that ___ __ ______ the program was the soprano solo by is entitled to all the praise he has re­ considered America’s most accom­ keeps his wares before the public— others do things the way we want and lie keeps their quality and price them done. I do not believe that the States can buy safety for its citizens 1 Mr. Payne, “Ave Maria,” by Millard. ceived at the hands of the press from plished negro concert pianist. His I Mr. Jayne took B flat above the staff the Atlantic to the Pacific. uppermost in the public mind. I’eoule town ought to grow. It is too big now work Friday night at the piano elicit­ and ' trilled trflled just just as as any any weH-trained talk about a man who advertises, be­ 1 believe in fighting every public im­ by including the enemies of Germany . • and S. S. R. S. Stewart, the baritoi.e, ed wondrous applause and repeated cause they know he has something provement and in spoiling every­ to relax the severity of their blockade i lyric soprano would do. He is a pianist, soloist, was also fine, and he encores. importation of 1UUU food to Ger- singer, t*u and the worth advertising—or he wouldn't body’s pleasure. I am always to the against HJipui IdllUII Ut LU kJ CI“ i ! wonderful wuuuvmui two-voiced L u-» viv vu .111151.1, The jubilee singing was as good as received loud and long applause at front in opposing things and never many asumes that we are willing to ' audience recognized advertise.—News Reporter. _................................... his ability. Be­ the conclusion of his selections. four men can do. The jubilee song, ' y< t have I advanced an idea or sup­ fore the program began Mr. Brews­ The tenor soloist is the possessor “Reign, Massas Jesus, Reign," was We arc not prone to the devotion port a movement that would make ptyebase our unquestioned rights I ter requested that there be no en­ of a most unusual voice. The four superb, as was also the closing num­ from Germany by obtaining from her of gathering statistics- usually a dry people happy or add to the pleasure cores, but when Mr. Payne had fin­ ber from “Lucia,” “What Withholds and thankless proposition—but we of man, woman or child. I am oppos- concessions from her enemies. The I ished “Ave Marie,” the immense aud­ singers each have very fine voices My Angry Fury?” and they respond to the encores will ­ cannot refrain from the following: < d to fun and am happiest at a funeral United States will never bargain for ience could not refrain from applaud­ If the enthusiasm of those who ingly anil quickly. We have a linotype in our office I believe in starting reforms that will ing it. Marysville Appeal (Calif.) heard the entertainment last night which, in five years has set five mil­ take all the joy out of life. It’s a sad elementary rights, the loss of which Mr. Stewart, at the piano, was at continues today it is believed that the world and I’m glad of it. Amen.— would lose us our place among na­ his best and he astonished his hear­ lion lines. Five million Oxnard, Calif. Fraternal Aid opera house will be Banks Herald. galley to galley, amount tions, for it would render us in effect ers by his slyph-like touch as he I I On all sides nothing but praise was packed tonight. inches or 69,444 feet, or a subject nation of any buccaneer played “The Last Hope." ------ o------ heard of the excellent work of your Germany's Plea in Evasion. Figuratively and literally power which ravages the seas. Our quartet at our high school last night. Daily Oregon Statesman Salem, Ore. that machine has "traveled (Oregonian.) Santa Cruz Evening Surf (Calif.) Astorian. JUBILEE SINGERS PLEASE. The California Jubilee Singers The singing of the old time planta­ The summary of the German reply differences with Germany must be tion melodies was of the true genuine to President Wilson’s note regarding settled without reference to any ne- pleaScd an audience which literally southern style, and that is praise Musical Ones Make Great Hit in The Portland lawyer who declared filled the Opera House last night. Salem. gotiations we may have with Britian. his income is $160,000.00 a year and the Lusitania massacre and the at­ There really wasn’t a seat left vacant. enough. Mr. Payne is an extraordin­ Those who were fortunate enough We have important questions to set ­ ary, double-voiced singer, doing re ­ who testifies that $8,000 was a low tacks on American ships is an eva­ The program was very entertaining to hear the California Jubilee Singers fee for a lawyer to charge for pcr- sion of the issue and is an implied at­ tle with Britian regarding the block­ throughout. There was a remarkable markable work both in lyric soprano at the Grand opera house last night forming work that the court had al- ... tempt to justify crimes which would ade of Germany, but we will sc’tle variety, considering that there were and- rich baritone. Mr. Stewart is an will recall the superb selections ren­ exceptionally good pianist. lowed less than a thousand dollars for them without reference to our .ela- only four men—no women. But why Speaking to school principals I can dered before the audience last even­ must have magnified his ability or still be crimes were all the excuses carry a soprano, whe nMr. Payne can ing. Not a word of praise more to one else that expense of his early educa­ offered by Germany valid. But they tions with Germany. They dj not do the deed himself? He wore a fetch­ sav that they can feel assured that the than to another of the members of entertainment the quartet will give is concern the safety of life and limb, tion for grafting was dearly paid for. are not valid; none of them are valid. ing black satin costume, assuming a all right. It is clean and good, and "it this quartet is deserving. Every mem­ Possibly a comparison of these fig­ The facts on which Mr. Wilson therefore will brook no delay within very feminine gait with a slight Gre­ takes.” ber is a soloist of the highest class. Very truly yours, ures with those of his income tax cian bend, as it used to be called. He reason. Our differences with Ger ­ There is no better cure for bad hu­ HERBERT LEE, statement might develop that he is a based his demand for reparation and sang to high B— a musical friend in ­ Principal High School. mors and no medicine more pleasant colossal liar if not a purjurer.—Sheri­ for cessation of submarine attacks on many relate to the very life of our sisted to me that it was C. Pretty to take than an evening's entertain­ dan Sun. merchant ships can easily be proved. citizens, therefore are matters of ur­ high, any way. Otherwise he was ment at the hands of a good company gent haste. second tenor in the quartet, with a Forest Grove, Ore. '1 he proof was in the President’s pos­ of jubilee singers. baritone range and quality at times. If we remember rightly, the coun­ session before he wrote his note. The The students and faculty of Pacific More than three weeks have now tries of England, Germatfy, Belgium, Mr. Stewart, the pianist, played University and townspeople of Forest passed since the Lusitania was sunk Prescott (Ariz.) Herald. only condition on which the* Presi ­ France, Italy, Austria, Russia and Liszt’s big Rigoletto Fantasie with Grove were delighted with the pro­ STEWART CONCERT CO. and the sea was strewn with the dead Serbia, belong to the so-called “Chris­ dent could, with due regard to the much facility anil musical quality of gram given this evening by the Cali­ The concert opened with a piano tian nations" and are constantly send­ dignity of the American people, post­ and dying. More than two weeks tone. The quartet work was good, fornia Jubilee Quartet. They live up ing missionaries to the "heathen" pone compliance with his demands have passed since Mr. Wilson's un­ and there were several very comical to their advertisements, every mem­ selection by Mr. Samuel S. R. S. countries of China and Japan. Just real jubilee songs, including "Heaven’ ber is an artist. The program was Stewart, a musician and composer of this week the two heathen nations until this proof had been furnished to equivocal demand was made on Ger­ a perfect gem. above the average and every number music. Mr. Stewart is one of the most many for reparation for past offenses settled a dispute without going to war Germany would be that during the was given in a finished manner. This talanted young musicians in the west. and have signed a treaty of peace. necessary period of delay, all Ger­ andfor assurance that these barbar­ is their second appearance in Forest He has made a close study of his pro­ From Imperial (Calif.) Look at the difference between this man attacks on American ships and ous methods of warfare would be Grove, and we will look forward to fession. Mr. Stewart has a free, de­ Successful Entertainment. and what is going on in the civilized, cided manner of touching the keys of their coming again. The Jubilee Singers who sang in abandoned. The answer is not a frank i Christian nations noted above and on belligerent ships carrying Ameri­ the piano that is very entertaining. (Signed) Pres, of W. M. C. A. I mpcrial last Tuesday evening under then study the problem; why is it?— can passengers should cease. Rut avowal of wrong done and a solemn the auspices of the Christian Church, He plays the most difficult selections Pacific University. Umpqua \ alley News. from the old masters with a grace while the German reply was in course pledge that it shall not be repeated. entertained one of the largest 'aud­ ------o----- and ease that is refreshing. Mr. Stew­ of preparation another American ship Nor is the answer a bold defense and iences ever assembled in that hand­ Sacramento, Calif. art was loudly applauded each time ) on know that your Gerinan-Amer- the Nebraskan, wa< torpedoed. This defiance. It is an evasive plea in ex­ some edifice. The California Jubilee Quartet gave Their work wes very good; in fact, a song service in our auditorium yes- he appeared on the stage. can neighbor is a most excellent citi­ ship had lowered her flag at sunset, tenuation, an apparent play for time, ------o------ zen- and it is hardi) fair to him to about the best Imperial has ever had terday afternoon, January 25th. Their Stockton Record, (Calif.) assume that he can ever be anything according to custom, but it was not while the objectionable course is still an opportunity to enjoy. performance was greatly enjoyed by else. His trials arc great if he must vet dark and her name and nationality pursued. Docs Germany imagine that So well satisfied was everyone who a large audience. Not only have the AN ATTRACTION WORTH SEE- choose between loyalty to his citizen­ could have been read by the subma­ the American people arc so weak that attended that the hope is being ex- members of the quartet beautiful ING. ship and sympathy for the fatherland, rine's commander. Not even this they will permit themselves thus to ' pressed that many entertainments of voices, but they sing their songs with It was a pleased and joyous au­ but his decision should not be in . a similar character will be brought to intelligence and faultless enunciation. dience that left the Auditorium las* doubt. Many public expressions are much care was taken, much less was be trifled with? Or has she become so this city. There was much of the true up-lift in night at the end of the two hours made through authoritative sources the ship visited and searched, as re­ reckless that she invites addition to what was said and sung. What they program of the California Jubilee that their loyalty will surely be on quired by international law. There the number of her enemies? Unless Quartet, under the auspices of the St. gave us was really a song service. Redlands Review (Calif.) the side of their adopted country in Paul’s Rible class. we greatly mistake the temper of Mr. CHARLES G. TITUS, was absolutely not the slightest ex ­ QUARTET OF JUBILEE SING ­ the event of hostilities. Happily it John Payne, the man with the dou­ ERS GAVE VERY GOOD General Secretary, may not be necessary to choose.— cuse for the attack on the Nebraskan, \\ ilson, as revealed in the note cal­ ble voice, was the sensation of the Y. M. C. A. ENTERTAINMENT. 1 elephone Register. except that she had sailed from a bel­ ling Germany to account, his rejoind­ evening. In the quartet numbers foe A program that will linger long in ligerent port. She carried no contra­ er will leave no doubt in the German carried the baritone part; but in his the memory of all who heard it was Oregon Normal School, solo he came upon the stage in a An Iowa farmer has devised a rat band. for she was in ballast. She had mind that he means to do precisely that given last evening by the Cali­ Monmouth Oregon. woman’s costume and sang ‘Carmean trap on which lie claims a patent but passed into the open ocean and was what he said in his first note—not to fornia Jubilee Quartet. This is to say the the California in a way that would have done credit which anyone troubled with rats can Between five and six hundred gath ­ use He purchased a big galvanized therefore not in British waters. Ger­ omit any word or any act," that may ered in the Congregational Church, Jubilee Quartet played to a large and to any high soprano. appreciative audience in the Normal These entertainers will appear un­ iron bucket, or garbage pail, and plac­ many, instead of making amends for become necessary to exact prompt ed it in the barn. He filled it two- past offense and giving earnest of her and full compliance with his demands. filled the balconies and overcrowded Chapel last night. The program ren­ der the auspices of the class at the onto.the porches and sidewalks, and ____ ____ __ ______ dered was of a high order, especially thirds full of water and on top of the purpose to offend no more, has re­ Should words not suffice and should listened to a perfect silence until the Mr. Pavne, in his^imitation of Black Auditorium again tonight. water placed a lawyer of chaffy oats ------o------ acts become necessary, we doubt not last note of every number had died Patti, and very much enjoyed bv an inch deep. The next morning peated and aggravated the offense. “ The Mail ” of Woodland, (Calif ) awaw, before busting into the tumult every one. Germany pleads in extenuation that that the American people will support he emptied out mixture of water, oats JUBILEE QUARTET IN SPLEN­ Respectfully submitted, and drowned rat*. He rebated his the Lusitania was armed, She was him to the last man and the last dol­ of applause that invariably greeted it. S. S. R. S. Stewart, who has been trap and the next morning he figured not armed, and the charge DID CONCERT. J. H. ACKERMAN, that she lar in the effort to make the name of called "The Black Paderewski," results and found he had aimlessly The California Quartet gave one of President. was includes a charge that the Unit­ the I nited States respected and to charmed his hearers with a selection (Formerly State Superintendent of the most enjoyable concerts heard in but with malice aforethought gotten rid of eighty-nine rats He declares it cd States has committed a breach of establish the right of Americans to from “Ri'’oletto," and as an encore Schools.) this city for many months. I* wa* played the sextette from “Lucia” with will rid a barn in a short time.—lone neutrality. ------ o------ under the auspices of the Young Peo* travel the high seas unharmed. bis left hand. The closing number on | Journal. pie’s Society of the Methodist church Germany alleges that the Lusitania Long Beach, Calif, the program was another selection I heard with mingled pleasure the and was well patronized. carried explosives in violation of from “ Lucia, ” “ What Withholds My ' * “ « All-Star • — — - ­ Another way > farmer has of pre­ The voices of the participants are Under the new brand law. Governor American law. She carried only small concert given • by the Cali venting his bovs from lea ving the Angry Fury?” sung by the quartet. Withyconib« is empowered to ap­ fornia Jubilee Quartet” at the Long remarkable and the blend was perfect It is understood that the society will point one inspector for each county arms ammunition, which is not an ex­ farm is to acquire enough adjacent endeavor to have these clever enter- ■ Beach Auditorium last evening. The quartet, four in number,, calT'd in the state Each inspector in turn is plosive, and to carry which is no land to give them each an eighty tainers here again later in the season. The audience was great and more first on the program, and . whetted when they come of age. Rut it some ­ authorized to appoint deputies in the more a violation of law than would than pleased by the truly artistic the expectation of the audience *o times nearly p-uts Pa in the i»rave to various parts of the county. The in­ be the carrying of a supply of cart- do singing of this quartet. the solos, which followed. it. spectors are compensated for their The Austin Express (Aril.) The program ended with the ■ eT* We shall welcome them again if ridg s for a passenger's revolver. service in the sunt of ten cents per Mr. Samuel S. R. S. Stewart-gave a they return to our city. tette from "Lucia” and it has W hen you meet a man who head on the first twenty-five animals Germany had a right to stop and doesn t smoke. swear or flirt, j-ou musical recital last evening which 1 1 heartily commend them to all been better sung in this city. inspected and three cents each for seize the ship and its contraband have to admire him, but you don't was one of the rarest treats that the lovers of music. entertainment is deserving of all * every additional one, and ten cents a HENRY I. RASMUS. praise a short notice is capable o have to marry him until you discover citizens of Austin have had the pleas­ mile for the distance they travel to cargo She had no right to kilt 1500 what ure of listening to for a long time. Pastor First M. E. Church. giving. worse habits he has in place of .... *' inspection I hr state v. terinar unarmed people, including hundreds these,” r • -- - - - - - jx-officio state recorder of of neutrals, iu order to destroy ship haps its 1 backbiting State Press Flashlights. ! b1ra'1'1,,r “"** 1 j kiiull COMING ! The California Jubilee All-Star Quartet. Entertainment FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, JUNE 11th, JUNE 12th, 8 to 10 P.M., AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Read What Others Say of these “4-STAR” Entertainers I i I Christian Church, June 11 and 12. Remember the Dates.