Tillamook Headlight, June 3, I«l6- Notice of Hearing Petition to Form to the quarter section line running East and West through said Section, Drainage District. and running thence East along the On Monday the members of the In the County Court of the State of quarter section line to the East line Corinth post, Grand Army of Repub­ Oregon, for the County of 1 illamook. of the proposed district,, or so far as lic, marched in company with the Notice is hereby given that hearing may be found necessary for the drain­ purposes in question. 1 he two on the following petition will be held age members "of the omen s Relief ditches are to be the main ditches for at the Court House in the City of Corps and school children, to the Tillamook, County of Tillamook, the drainage proposed, and they are Christian Church where the memorial State of Oregon, on the 16th day of to be constructed with such laterals exercises were held. The procession July, 1915, for the purpose of deter­ as may be found necessary to make mining whether the prayer of the said the drainage effectual. The land ii* was lead by the drum corps. eluded in the proposed district is so At the church which was decorated petition shall be granted. situated that without ditches being All persons owning or claiming an constructed the water is not drained with flags and banners and flowers, interest in lands described in said and the land remains cold and We made a full statement last week regarding a large crowd had assembled. petition arc hereby notified to appear I off sour. There is a fall of about 25 feet The opening service was given ac­ at slid plase and 011 said date and from the East side of the district to the combination of circumstances causing us to in­ cording to the G. Al R. ritual, and at said place and on said date and the West side thereof, and it is be­ prayer in said petition should not be lieved that with the construction of augurate this money saving offer right in the middle the drum corps gave a selection, J. H. granted. the ditch as proposed the water will of the season, and it is therefore unnecessary) to Johnson read Lincoln’s Gettysburg J. C. Holden, Clerk of the County Court be drained off from all of the laticL? address,” admirably. A recitation by so that they will dry much more rap­ again go into details. Rowena Hanson, was well spoken as idly, and the same will be in proper Honorable County Court oí To the _________ condition for cultivation, and much was the one given by Nevelie Smith. Suffice it to say everything in the store is genu Tillamook County, State of Oregon: The violin solo by Chester McGhee The undersigned being the ow ners of more productive. X. inely reduced in prices, even Merchandise received was very pleasing, The recitation more than fifty per cent of the acre­ The signers of this petition agree spoken by Mrs. Lucas reminded us all age of the contiguous body of swamp, that they will pay any and all expens­ this week being put on Sale at specially reduced of what we shall have to do after the wet and overflow land in T illamook es incurred, and any tax or taxes that price. County, Oregon, hereinafter describ­ last of the G. A. R. veterans have ed, do hereby petition your Honor­ may be levied against their respec- ive lands for the purpose of paying the Every Ladies’ Every' Yard of answered the roll call yonder. The able Body to cause to be organized a expense of organizing or attempting dialoque by Kenneth Rugar and Bil­ drainage district for the purpose of to organize the proposed district, SUIT, COAT, DRESS, WASH GOODS such land re claimed and pro­ such expense to be taxed against the ly Stillwell was heartily applanded. having tected from the effects of water for In the Store is SKIRT, WAIST, Etc. Rev. Gittins delivered the sermon and sanitary and agricultural purposes, t lands of the signers in proportion to the number of acres owned by them REDUCED IN PRICE. In the Store is in his address paid due tribute to the and for the convenience and welfare I and affected by the propo ed drain­ The whole of our superb selection REDUCED IN PRICE. dead soldiers. The Star Spangled of the public, and for the public util­ I age. and benefit, and for the purpose XI. Banner, was sung by Mrs. Page, with ity of Wash Goods for present wear is Too much emphasis cannot be of this petition we state the following I Wherefore, your petitioners pray much spirit and impressivness, the matters as required by Chapter 31° on Sale at prices offering i savings placed upon the importance in sav­ that the lands described herein, or recitation by Commander Reynolds of the General Laws of Oregon, for such of them as may be found by the usually only obtainable at Season ing possibilities to you of the price was well rendered, also the memorial the year 1915: court to be properly included in the Clearance Sales. proposed drainage district either per­ exercise by the first grade children, reductions in Ladies Ready-to-wear. The name proposed for such dis­ manently or until further investiga­ We mention only four i of the Neville Smith, Mary Joliffe, Marion trict is "'¡illamook Drainage District tion and surveys may permit elimina­ Lamb arid Gerald Crenshaw. The II. groups included in this great price Every SUIT Reduced. tion, shall be declared organized into The boundary lines of the proposed quartet by Mrs Trombley, Mr. Goyne a drainage district under the provis­ reduction event. Every COAT Reduced. are as follows: ions of Chapter 340 of the General Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds was exqu'site district Beginning at a point 20 feet East Laws of Oregon for the year in harmony and particularly affecting of the West line of Section 31, .n Actual to 20c. Value Every SKIRT Reduced. Dated this May 28th, 1915. the lines, “Cover them over with Township 1 South, of Range 9 West, WASH GOODS, M. W. Harrison E very DRE 5 5 Reduced beautiful flowers.” the piano duett by W. M., and 30 rods South of the Geo. Williams Northwest corner of said Section, Mary N. Williams Miss Wolfe and Miss Riggs and the and running thence East to the West Every) WAI5 T Reduced Albert Marolf solo by Mrs. Williams enjoyed by line of the James and Anna Quick At this price you will find Self Ready-to-wear Dept Jeff Harris Balcony. every one the recitation, spoken by J. Donation Land Claim in Section 32, Bertha Hunt. Color Indian Head Suitings, Voile H. Johnson aroused the audience to said Township and Range; thence J. M. Furrer South to the South line of theNorth- Molineaux. Chambray Nonveaux Jeff Wallace Every Ladies’ the significance of memorial day. west quarter of the Southeast quarter I and white figured Waistings. While the audience sang America, of said Section 32;thencc West to the First publication June 3, 1915. TRIMMED HAT Last Publication July 1, 1915. Rowena Hanson and Kenneth Rugar Southwest corner of the Northeast In the Store is Actúa/ to 30c. Value appeared in a tableau, "We arc for quarter of the Southwest quarter of Notice, said Section 32; thence South to the REDUCED IN PRICE. WASH GOODS World Peace” which had especial South line of said Section 32; thence Notice is hereby given, that significance to many in the audience, West to the Southwest corner of said Wc want you to thoroughly under­ whose thoughts were directed to the Section 32; thence North to the City Council will receive sealed stand that no matter what Hat you war in Europe. After the program Southeast corner of the Northwest for the delivery of pit-gravel on Included in this selection there arc quarter of the Southeast quarter of would like to wear you can purchase was concluded at the church, the Section 31, in said Township and ious streets in Tillamook City. Argent Crepes, Rice Cloths, Cirey it now for less. All bids to be filed with the city re ­ members of the W. R. C. conducted Range; thence West to the South­ Mulls, Dotted Swiss Muslins, White the ceremony, according to the ritual, west corner of the Northwest quarter corder not later than noon of Mon­ Every Hat shown was made in our Waistings, White Voiles and Check­ of casting flowers upon the water of of the Southeast quarter of said day, June 7th. own workroom under the direct su­ Section 31; thence North 1954-2 feet Copyright Ilart Schaffner & Marx ed Nainsooks. Hoquarton slough, in memory of to the North line of tract owned by I Further details will be furnished pervision of Miss Jones of Portland sailors lost al sea during the Civil Ben Jacob; thence West to the East by the City Recorder at the City Hall. and the selection represents the new-' John Aschint, Actual to 35c. Value line of the County Road on the East war. Actual $25 and $27.50. City Recorder est and most stylish features in Dinner was served to the post by side of Trask River; thence following WASH GOODS the East line of said county road in a HART SCHAFFNER the W. R. C. Ladies wear for today. Northwesterly direction to a point Notice Ot Annual School fleeting within 20 feet of the West side of _____ & -yVIARX Millinery Dept. Balcony. Tillamook Wins Opening Game. . srid Section tl; thence North to the This selection offers a choice of p ‘ce"f beginning. < NOTICE *8 H,WnGW° Suits for Men, Such lands constitute a contiguous the legal voter» of School District No, some of the prettiest goods in stock. Ladies’ and Misses' The opening game of the new Tilla­ flow body of swamp, wet and <••.— over —- -- — - 9 of Tillamook Counts, State of Ore- Choose from Seed Voiles, Floral igon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MIDDY WAISTS, mook County League was played here lands. I MEETING of said District will be Crepes, Ravolie Silks, Lennox Pop­ last Sunday when I illamook crossed III. Every Hart Schaffner & Marx The total acreage included in the held at the High School Building in bats with the fast Beaver team. .Tillamook City, to begin at the hour Suit in the store is now being offer­ lins, Sunray Silks, etc. etc. said proposed district is 555 acres. [ of 1:00 o’clock F. M. on the third Mon­ It was a very interesting contest For Actual Values to $1.48. IV. ed at a Sale Price that means money day of June, being the 21st day of Actual to 50c. Value and full of thrills from start to finish A special purchase made within The names of the owners of the June, A. D. 1915. back to you on your purchase. Beaver took the lead in the early part land in said proposed district, as I This meeting is called for the pur­ WASH GOODS the last few weeks enables us to of­ of the game with three scores and shown by the records of 1 illamook pose of electing one director and one You get splendid value in the two County, Oregon, and the acreage fer this special in Middy Waists for clerk and the transaction of business Tillamok was second best up to the owned' by each of said owi ners is as .usual at such meeting. grades mentioned above and just Ladies and Misses. last half of the eighth, when, with follows: Undoubtedly the cream of our ! Dated this 1st day of June 1915. now you can buy them in any size two out and two strikes on Blanchard M. W. Harrison................ 102.5 acres Attest: E. J. Claussen, District Clerk. There are all sizes from ¡2 to 20 Special Wash Goods offerings is Bobby Driscoll who was running for George Williams and Mary y H. T. Botts, for the saving price of this selection at 35c. When you re­ and 36 to 40 and the Waists are Wallace, scampered home on a pass­ Nettie Williams, husband 100.5 acres Chairman Board of Directors. and wife ............................ 1 ed ball, tying the score four to four, Bertha Hunt ...................... 7« acres alize that at such a saving price you shown in several styles the trim­ “ ELROMO” «*cooooQococoeooocc>o0oooe Beaver failed to gain in the ninth. B. L. Beals, Sr................... Ö.5 acres can secure Lace Cloths, Floral Seed mings being of Blue, Red and Tan HEADWEAR. Sidney K. Henderson, I’rea., | Tillamook went out one, two, three. Thomas J. Harrison, Jr. . U acres Voiles, Plain and Figured Piques, on White, and Blue and Red on Tan. 22 acres Surveyor. ' Beaver tied again in the tenth, but Albert Marolf .................. • • The Newest and most I J. D. Wallace and M. E French Voiles, and Linen Suitings in vain. Manager Millis read a few of Wallace husband and wife John Leland Flenderaon, Sec- | 5 acres FIGURED retary Treae., Attotney-at- ( the fundamentals of base ball to his Ira Tomlinson .................... 9 acres Becoming Ladies Caps you will agree that our assertion is MESSALINES, Law, Notrary Public. warrors, and they went to bat. Dris- Hattie Marolf .................... 4 acres no exaggeration. for Automobiling, coll singled, Heitinian went out to Annie Metzger .................. 20 acres acres Tillamook Title and ; Sale of first. Millis took a long healthy Alexander Marolf ............ r 35 Clara Mayer, Frank Mayer swing on the ball for what should be Mary Mayer, Albert Mayei r Abstract co. A new and Special Purchase of sii NEW LACES AND a two begger, Millis had his head Lena Mayer, Rosa Mayer, 35 acres beautiful colors in 24 inch figuredJ For Actual 75c. Values. Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, EMBROIDERIES. working and stretched it to a three Fred Marolf........................ 22 acres Surveying, Insurance. acres Messalines of exquisite texture these! 60 An express shipment of these dain­ We arc able to announce the arriv­ begger where he was out, but Bobby Albert Marolf.................... 2.50 acres Doth Phones. Jefferson Ogg .................. lovely waisting silks are shown inII ty and altogether desirable Automo­ al of a hurry-up shipment of Torch­ got around in the meantime for the 5 acres J. M. Furrer TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. ] such shades as Wisteria, Old Rosed I V. winning score. bile Caps arrived this week and they on, Valcncienne and Allover laces JOCOOCOCeOGOOGOCGOOGCGGOC' The proposed reclamation and pro­ Belgian Blue etc. etc., and are prced|| Blanchard, for Tillamook got 11 are now on display in our Neck­ as well as a new line of flouncing strikeouts, while King got 0 to his tection of said lands is for sanitary and agriculture purposes, and such wear Section. and allover embroideries. Specially per yard credit. proposed reclamation and protection o i o o o o 1 Beaver 002 Showing in non-dust-showing 4 will be conducive to the public health There are exquisite designs shown Till#. 0001 o i o i i l I 5 and welfare, and of public utility and I have recently secured Sale of shades they are tastefully trimmed in the selection and every piece is Bay City won from Nehalem, , 6 to bi nefit. the Factory Agency for SATIN TAFFETA with silk in colors of Royal Blue, put on Sale at a reduced price offer­ vi. I 2, it was a good game, and these the High Grade Chute & All of the lands included in said Alice Blue, Emerald Green, Red and ing an opportunity for making con­ RIBBONS teams promise to be well up in the Butler Pianos and Play­ pioposed district arc properly includ- a 11! be 1 - beneficially 1 • f i a t n 111* percentage column when the final cd a therein, Black and White Checks. ers, manufactured at and I will siderable savings. At Practically game is played. affected by the operations of the pro­ Peru, Ind. Anyone in the HALF REGULAR Tillamook Nehalem will play at posed district. market for an instrument VII. next Sunday, and Bay City will play PRICES. will do well to see me be­ The benefits of such proposed re­ A new selection of really wondef1 Beaver. fore Buying. clamation and protection will exceed Standing of Teams. ful value ribbons in all the new** the damage to be done and the best Both Phones. Pct. Won Lost interests of the land included, and of and most desirable colors **^ ** 1OOO the owners of such land as a whole, o Tillamook Leland B. Erwin. I «XI and of the public at large will be o Hay City widths from 5 to 200, or 1 inch to ooo promoted by the formation and pro­ 1 Beaver «H> 1 Nehalem inches. posed operations of said district. VIII. Nos. 5-7 Special 5c Christian Church. The formation of a drainage dis­ trict under the provisions of Chapter Nos. 9-12 Special 8c Last Sunday closed my first year s 3|O of the General l aws of Oregon for 1015, under the provisions of Nos. 40-60 Special 17c- work as pastor of this church, a brief which this petition is proposed, is a report of which will be published in proper and advantageous method of Nos. 80-200 Special 50<\ accomplishing the reclamation and next week’s issue of the Headlight. protection of the lands included in More than joo people were present said proposed drainage district. at the regular service last Sunday IX night and excellent interest was mani­ The proposed plan for the reclama­ Cloverdale and Nestucca Valley News for the past year has been torn down Mrs. L. Jensen, of Hebo, in * fested. Our music, under the able tion and protection of the property oring to carry a boiler of clotb«*l in the proposed drainage district is, and moved to the rocky grade. We V. Baird , is worthy leadership of J. Dr. Shearer reports the birth of a that a ditch shall be put in running understand they will move the crush­ side the house the latter part of a hearing. boy to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gist last from the West side of the proposed er there soon. week, slipped and fell, spill*** Next Sunday, being Children's day ' district (connecting with a ditch run­ Sunday night. The rain being limited in Clover­ contents of the boiler upon b«*| a program will be given by the chil- I ning along the West side of the dis­ A Tillamook truck and two livery dale, road work is once more in full was scalded severely from her J dren at the morning hour, after which trict which empties into the Trask River,) easterly along the foot of the the problem of buying Harness rigs delivered twenty-two Greeks in sway. ders to her hips and is now in a brief report of the work done in hill which is along the North side of with y ou will tlnuuih. Range a Wc»*. a -a Due Tribute Paid Nation’s Heros. SHOP HERE NOW AND PAY LESS. Everything in the Store is Reduced in Price--You Know Why. 14c. 28c. $23.85 $1.19 35c. $23.85 69c. a W.A, Williams it Cc. 95c. I