Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 03, 1915, Image 1

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Frank Hyde has bought the ma-
Mrs. Art Casc is in Portland visit-
chinery cf the sash and door factory ing her mother and friends,
at Bay City and shipped it to Tilla-
Attorney H. T. Botts left on Mor.
l icok, where a new sash and door
day for Salem, where he argued a
company will be formed.
case in the Supreme Court.
Prominent Soprano Soloist from
Mrs. Sturgeon, who has been visit­
Portland, who will give a benefit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Kiger, return-
Concert at the High School Auditor­
fed to her home the first of the week.
ium, Friday. June 4th, under the
management of Elizabeth L. Glafkc. j Don’t forget those busted castings.
We have made special arrange- Can be welded for half. Goods sent
ments with the Telephone Co., to ' by parcel post and express promptly
connect you directly' with our office, returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
in case you
, __ wish any of our GOOD Oregon.
COAL, I.amb-Schrader Co., Call 28W j
j The dates have been set for the bet­
Prof. Onthank left on Monday for ter babies contest in connection with
Hood River, and it is reported tha< ’ the Tillamook County Fair. The first
he has a matrimonial bee buzzing in i will be in the north part of the coun-
his bonnet, and that when he returns . ty and will be held at Nehalem on
to the city he will be under petticoat (July 27; for the south end of the
county the date is July 29 at Clo ver-
| Any farmer wanting some fine • dale, and for the center part of t lie
young pigs will do well to call on county July 31, at Tillamook
Neilson & Melchior. They will have
Inspector C. H. Gram was in the
a lot of them for sale at their barn
city this week. He stated that he was
next Monday, the seventeenth, Full
recently in British Columbia, where a
blood Pohl and China pigs.
large number of sawmills and shingle
1 here will be- a program in the mills were being erected on account
Academy Hall on Wednesday even­ of free trade with the United States,
ing, June 16th. The young ladies of and in one establishment there were
the sodality will be in charge and an between 600 and 700 men employed,
enjoyable evening is expected. Every less than 50 were white men.
one is cordially invited.
Interested in Coming Pays Eloquent Tribute to Soldiers
The petition of J. J. McCormick for
| Judge Bagley has notified County a liquor license was taken up by the
Clerk Holden that he will hold circuit Caounty Court on Wednesday and
The benefit concert to be given at
At the Christian Church on Sunday
court in this city on Monday, June 21, was adjourned until Saturday. It is
the High-School Auditorium, Friday the members of the G. A.R post and
to dispose of the equity cases on the said that some of those who are op­
(June 4th, by Katherine Ncal-Sim- W. R. C attended memorial sendees
docket. No criminal cases will be posing the license have been in the
| mons, under the auspices of the in a body. Rev. Van Winkle in bis
taken up.
bootlegging business, but there were ! Presbyterian Ladies Guild, is creat-
address, which though carefully pre­
All parties having any calves to seL no remonstrances on file when the | ing great enthusiasm. It is interesting pared was short, paid tribute to the
| will do well to call up Neilson & Mel- petition was taken up.
I to note that Mrs. Simmons is very soldiers of America—to those of the
■ choir in Tillamook City on the Mu­
active musically, being at present, North and the South and said they
Carl O. Shagren vs. the
tual phone. You might get more suit filed in the circuit court to re- Secretary of the ‘MacDowell Club,” did al! they could do. But in words
money for your calves as they are cover $149.00. It was at the special re­ Portland’s leading Musical Club.
that came as though inspired he told
paying the highest prices.
Mrs. Simmons is an American So­ of the sorrows and losses of war, and
quest of the owners of the Arab that
Wanted to trade or sell house and Henrietta No. 2 succeeded in pulling prano. Her Lyric Voice is one of un­ of the glories .and advancement of
I 1 lot in Tillamook or
in Portland for the Arab off the sand and from usual clearness and purity, always peace. He urged patriotism and the
second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre danger of destruction on the beach of
glory of dying if need be in a great
tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S. Tillamook Bay and towed her
cause for what was right. Tears came
Stephens & Co., Room I, Commercial Tillamook City and to recover
to theeyes of many who were remind­
Building, Tillamook, Ore.
♦ amount of the expenses and for
ed of the incidents which happened in
the great struggle, especially the
For Sale—One seven horse power ch nrs the plaintiff brings suit.
many hardships they endured, but
wood saw, with standard gasoline
At the special election on Tuesday
would not give up fighting for right
engine for $350.00, this an exception­ the vote on the question of bonding
and home and country.
ally good bargain. One, Mitchell
the city, not to exceed $30,000, for a
Lewis & Staver Gasoline Wood saw,
To Whom It May Concern.
new city hall, carried by a large nia-
,6 horse power, $300.00. Inquire of A. jority. There were 433 votes cast, 311
K. Case.
being in favor of the amendment and
North British & Mercantile Ins. Co.
The annual meeting of the school 113 against, with 9-spoiled ballots, 8
Policy No. -'1957*7. charged to our
district will be held on Monday, June of which were in favor and I doubtful
Tillamook agency, S. B.
2i, for the purpose of electing one This is a good expression of public
Whitehouse has been lust and this Is
school director and a clerk. Attorney opinion, and shows that the citizens
to advise that we do not assure any
H. T. Botts is the retiring director are in favor of a new city hall 3 to t.
liability under this number.
and Attorney E. J. Claussen is the The City Council is now ready to re­
H. E. Smith General Agt.
ceive plans from architects.
524 Henry Bidg., Portland Ore.
Ask any of our customers
about F irst National service.
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you ivhy
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore.
Money PILEI) I P in the bank is the one sure protec­
tion against the storms of adversity.
No man who has a home and family should endanger
the security of his home or the comfort of his family
should he be taken away from them.
— insure
the com-
fort of a man’s wife and children, As you earn money
bank it regularly and make your family independent.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We psy 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits.
Tillamook County Bank.
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage,
Pork, Veal and old fachioned country
sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co.
Bring your Kodac troubles to C. I.
Mrs. Spitznogle who was visiting
Clough Co.
at the home of F. C. Cardiff, left for
Bring your Beeswax to us now. , her home at St. Helens on Tuesday.
C. I. Clough.
For chicken lice in nests or on set­
Rough Lumber
mook Feed Co.
sale.—Tilla- ting hens use our special prepared
1 powder, 25c. a pound.—C. I. Clough.*
Now is the time to can berries.
Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla-
' Leave your orders at the Fruit Palace
mook County Bank.
for all kinds of berries, the best in
The place to eat is at
the market.
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
One ton of coal equals two cords of
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying wood and you don’t have ‘o sow and
ten cents for green hides.
* I split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello
F. S. Whitehouse and wife left on Centray Gi’tne 28W.
Saturday for Forest Grove.
Will Spalding formerly of the
light company of this city,
Sewing machines for $10.00. Singe r I
was in the city on Monday as : agent
Sewing Machine Exchange.
of the Walker Electric Trucks.
P. D. Sniystcr, of Fort Wayne, Ind.
The meeting called for last Friday
For Sale—Five year old mare,
Congregational Meeting.
Oscar Johnson vs P. Krall, E. W. father of Mrs. Russell Hawkins, was evening to discuss
weight about 1500 lbs. Inquire of Paul
the proposed
in the city the first of the week with change in the schedule of the water
Erickson, Tillamook Oregon.
re will be a Congregational
filed in the circuit court to recover J. D. Edwards, this being his first rrtes, was adjourned until Monday, |
A fine quality of Tillamook made
meeting at the Guild hall on Friday
$185.15 for work in clearing land.
visit to the jumping off place of the Ju te ¡4, at the city hall. As there was
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
c\filing at 8 o’clock, June It, to call
Wanted by gentleman, room or northwest. He is greatly pleased with quite* a number of persons who want­ conveyi ig a message to her audience. a. pastor forthe Presbyterian church.
We are in a position to make sohic
ed to be present, but were al the She is capabl ■ of rendering the tend-
room and board in private family, the country.
long time farm loans. First National
scfcool graduating exercises, the crc-st reflections in the most artistic
state price and number in family,
A farewell party was given to Miss
P O . Box 261, Tillamook, Ore.
* Maude Overfelt, of Missouri niece of adjourtmeot will give them an oppor­ manner, and captivates her audience
Ira Latimer and wife, of Portland,
tunity to be heard. It was practical/ with her charming personality.
The County Court is in session this Mr and Mrs. H. T. Botts, who is cal­
visited relatives here Sunday and
Mrs. Simmons will have the inspira­
on Fiddly to reduce the fig­
week, it being the regular monthly
tion of an excellent accompanist in the
meeting. There are several road con­ party was at the home of E. D. Reed,
person of Miss Constance Piper, who
Dairy Ranch for rent, Two miles tracts to let at this term of court.
when 45 young persons weri present not to charge SOC. for washing ma- will also give a piano number. Miss
Piper is the daughter of Edgar Piper,
from Tillamook City.
and had a god time at a candy pull. chines.
Protect your valuable papers from I
Editor of the Oregonian. Lucia Bar-
Box 143.
J. W. Sharp, former treasurer of the
ton-Gillhousen, Violinist who wi l
Con rad
the unexpected fire by renting one of
The berry season is now on. Fresh i
our safe deposit boxes. Only one Miami Lumber Co., and well known violating the factory inspection law i appear on the program with Mrs.
strawberries every day at the Fruit
Tillamook County in this city, died at his home at Los and was fined $25 »"'I ‘he casc Simmons, is a Violinist of unusual
dollar per year.
ability, ami will be heard ro advan­
Angeles, Cal., on May 20th. He was against his manag tr, J. R. Montgom­ i tage in “Traumeri.”
Rexall Rheumatic Treatment.—If
ery, was dismissed. It wa* decided
For Sale—Nice driving horse, gen- located at Hobscnvillc for about two
Ailment can be got out of the air,
it does not relieve you, your money
tie and good traveler, also harness years and he m.'.Je many friends in that if Krebbs wouli’ make the im­ I the chemists tell us; does this ac­
back.—C. L. Clough.
and fine Bailey Buggy like new,
count for a man on a diet of one
Gram, within a certain time ami pay shaving of lean meat a day and two
Frank Taylor, editor of the Clover­ reasonable, Inquire of R. J. Watt, death.
dale Courier, left Tuesday on a busi­ Tillamook, Ore.
I have a small tract of land half the cost the fine would be remitted. apples growing constantly fatter?
Mvtuol Tele-
ness trip to Portland.
Young man of 19 wishes steady a mile of city limits of Corvallis, Ore The case against the
phone Co. for
Mrs. J. D. Cutlip, of New Mexico, ' work of any kind, cheese factory pre- 7 roomed house and good barn. AA'ill
was ajêêJEJE/aJFLTb’c
sister of deputy sheriff Campbell, is fered. Has experience with cows. trade for Tillamook County property.
Write to W. Kramer, Milwaukee, Anyone desiring to locate at Corvall­
in on a visit for a few days.
is would do well by calling at my to violate the law on the part of the
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent,
address, W. W. Conder, Tillamook, company.
$oc. per hour. Apply at the Electric For Sale—High grade Cornell gents Oregon.
C. F. Doane, expert in charge of J
Store next to Gem Theater.
* bicycle in excellent condition, com­
investigations of the U. S. De­
plete with acetylene lamp etc.; price,
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ $15.00. Address W. B. VanGraven, Harry Kerr died on Friday from partment of ‘\griciilturat, with head- I
sey "Good Eats." M. A. Olson for
dihptheria in this city and the remains q> arters at Washington, D. C., and G.
Box 140 Tillamook.
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
were buried from Henklc’s undertak­ E. Frevert, da'ry manufacture and ii-|
I The Star Theatre will have a new
Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ Powers 6-A machine on Saturday, ing parlors on Saturday. The child vestigations of Western States, wi h
l' 1
ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ replacing the old machine. This will was one year and 8 months old, and headquarters nt Salt T- akc, cam in on j
Saturday to study conditions in I illa-
mook Meat Company.
give this theatre first class apparatus plored by the parents.
rnook County. With County Agricul­
Miss Mabel Goyne is in McMinn­ for the display of pictures.
Mrs.Ella M. Edwards w-as grant d turist Jones they spent Sunday at the 1
ville visiting at the home of her sis­
For the information of the patron,
factory of if ’<• Tillamook
a divorce from her husband Charles cheese
ter Mrs. W. R. Rutherford.
' of Tillamook post office, mail should
G. Edwards and given the custody of Creamery and o" Mondtty visited the k v’ J
Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Bert King be in the office at to:to a m. for the the children in the Marion Circi
other large ch.'ese ft .etcries and
left for Walla Walla, Wash., on Sat­ mail going north on the P. R. « - _• Court last week. They were marrivd farms in this itcirity, anc' took up the
urday, to attend the annual confer­ and at 2:30 P«- for mail go,n,r 5OU,h at Merced, Cal., in January, 1904, and matter ol organiz-ition at. I selling of
by the stage.
ence of the Nazarine church.
cruelty was the grounds upon which cheese with Car! Habetl: eh. They
were zondfr fully well pl« »*‘1
the plaintiff sought ’he divorce.
the dr/;ry industr} ' of Tillain' ok comi- ’
That the law passed by the recent
Legislature regulating co-operative ty.
On page 8
Special Flour & Feed Prices.
« «
Tillamook, Oregon.
Drop in and Look Around-”
associations is not I retroactive and
that associations organized before j
the passage of the lav. may operate
un’der the old law, is an opinion ren-
d:rcd today by Attorncy-Genera.
lions organized aft ♦
the new law ent into effect mr»t
comply with its provisions says the
All trade coupons
by the
Grand Leader »ill
be redeemed at ■any time in cash SA
the Grand I.ea<U-r. "We are now giv-
2 Scrip, a mi!« i" i travel for a dol­
lar in trade. Scr .p
•” ,oc • a?£'-
and $t.oo dca^rninations.
Pure White Flour, $1.85 sk., $7.20 bl.
Highland Blend Flour, $1.80 sk., $7 bl.
Olympia Patenl Flour, $1.80 sk., $7 bl.
Snow White Flour, $1.75 sk., $6 80 bl.
No. 1 White Oats $35 ton, $1.85 cwt.
Process Rolled Barley $34.00 ton,
$1.35 sk.
Wheat $2.50 per cwt.
Scratch Food, $2.40 per cwt