Notice to Contractors. BAY CITY MILL LEASED. Oregon Box Company to use Old Curtis Plant. Noticeto Contractors. Fire Destroys A. Klein’s House. Wheeler Cannery Sends Two for Trans-Atlantic Shipment. Party in Honor of Mrs. G. Kunze. Notice to Contractors. G. A. R. Memorial to be Impressive. Scaled proposals addressed to the County Court of Tillamook County. Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to complete the, Tillamook-Fairview County Road, from Station o plus 70 to Station 65 plus 99. in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ ed by. the County Court of said Coun­ ty, at its office in the Court House, at 1 illamook City, Oregon, until the hour of to o’clock a m. on the 15th day of June, 1915, and at that time publicily opened and read. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the County Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the total of said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case the bid be accept­ ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for a period of five days after which the award is made to enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required , by la w. Bids will be received for the clear-: ing, grading and excavation for lay- 1 iug the following kinds of pavement under standard specifications for each 1— Sheet Asphclt on Concrete base. | 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete base. 3— Light Bitulithic on Concrete base. 4— One course grouted top Concrete 5 -Wood block on Concrete base. According to the plans and specifi­ cations on file in the office of County Clerk. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this the 27th day of May 1915. J. C. Holden, County Clerk hirst publication. May 27, 1915. Last publication, June 10, 1915. Notice to Contractors. Scaled proposals addressed to the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to complete the, Tillamook-Cloverdale Cotfnty Road, from Station o plus oo to Station 51 plus 60 tn accordance with the plans and specifications thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ ed by the County Court of said Coun­ ty, at its office in the Court House, at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on the 15th day of June, 1915, and at that time publicily opened and read. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the County Clerk for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the total of said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case the bid be accept­ ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for a period of five days after which the award is made to enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required by law. Bi