CATHOLICS ACCUSE BOARD kind. But, (................... But what? OF DISCRIMINATING. , ,\Oiy they hiked, that's what, and can you conceive of anything worse: leachers ought to go straight home ironi school urtnk a cup ot tea crawl into bed and let their nerves snap so tney can be in a cheertul mood the I Sections Two, Three and Four. next day. 1 hen again, he actually I Article one of the Bill of Rights in went to her home on a number occa­ I the Constitution of Oregon are re­ sions and 'it is said’ stayed quite late. Waymirc Visits OU1 Home spectively as follows: I "Not that there is anything in that ol "All men shall be secured in their .course, But..................... But what? Did’ natural right to worship Almighty they spend their time cooing and ' God according to the dictates of their maxing googoo eyes or did they con­ own consciences.” cern themselves with school matters, “No law shall in any case whatever did Mr. Crenshaw work on his course control the free exercise and enjoy­ in Dairying? With all its mountain: ment of religious opinions or inter- of rumors coming to the Board did ier with the rights of conscience.” any of its members ever say anything "No religious test shall be reguired to Mr. Crenshaw: Did they ever say I AS A QUALIFICATION FOR anything to her: Mr. Crenshaw is m ANY OFFICE OF TRUST OR the good grace of the Board, let him tel! them about it. And then let them ' PROFIT.” 1 publicly charge the school board tell us, who acted indiscreetly (as cf District No. 9 with a violation of they say) with her AND WHY Fit. Reply of the Schocl Board. the spirit of the above, with a viola­ HAS Bt-EN RETAINED BY THE I To the Editor and to the public: — tion of the spirit of our national in­ SCHOOL BOARD! 1 asked Mr., Our attention has been called to a stitutions and with having set up in Botts this question and he couldn t our midst a Despotism which is oper­ answer it except to say that he wasn’t circular issued by the Speaker of the Foresters and ’ a committee regard ating against efficiency and the best exactly satisfied with Mr. Crenshaw's to action of the school board in interests of our school, which at­ retention. No one member of the not the retaining Mrs. Stockham as a tempts to crush tli« natural rights of Board seems to be exactly satisfied teacher in the public school for the school teachers and interested, par­ all around, it appears to be a ques­ next year. ents and which has resulted in an at­ tion of give and take,—so many to In view of the fact that the school titude of mind on the part of the you and so many to me. Who formed Board’little short of Omniscience,— the majority that voted him in and board is misrepresented, we think it this statement in an attitude which treats with effront­ WHY ? I wish here to express my re- proper to make , , «_„. j to the affair: ery the petitions of a substantial gret that it is necessary to mention ' reference Mrs. Stockham was entp y Mrs. during Stockha presen school year body of taxpayers, and so lacking in Mr. Crenshaw’s name and I wish to ¡ teach during the th< fairness that it dare not open its pro­ assure this gentleman that I believe ’ teach Nothing was said about her being 1 ceedings to the inspection of interest­ in his integrity and manhood and that employed for any longer t tn . j I ' ‘ know — w he _____ associates, in common • charges were made against her > ed citizens. This is the task before me and I j with all of his ■ type, with 11 others -«*-- ■ - only I board, because none were called tor. proceed reluctantly for it is always a . those who promote the best things in I Mrs. Stockham was not re-employed tragedy when one most needs sacri­ I life. Mr. Botts said, further, that fice friendship in order that he may some people complained to the Board for next year. The board thought it perform his duty as he conceives it, j or members of the Board because better otherwise, and knew of no rea­ and yet, there is on« thing more j teachers attended public dances and son why Mrs. Stockham or any other tragical and thatis to renounce your as a result the Board issued some- teacher should consider that they had convictions and cling, out of policy, , thing or did something (for the life1 any claim to be re-employed in the school. The board has cast no reflec­ to those who have disappointed you of me 1 couldn’t tell you) so that the , tions upon Mrs. Stockham, and any in a manner vital to real friendship, j teachers wouldn't do ----- such ----- things -------- ...Bs any reflections which may have arisen A year ago Mrs. V. Stockham came more. As --------- near as I can get at it, it came out of the publicity which has to Tillamook at the earnest solicita­ ’ was rose-scented hint handed to Mr. tion and on the recommendation of Onthank with the request that he been given to the matter by Mrs. Mr Onthank. She was hired to teach : pass it around to the teachers. It is an Stockham’s friends. The claim that Mrs. Stockham was >»»»♦ Mr. X<- ''A *’ 1 was the eighth grade. Her recommenda- • Often open CPrroF secret ♦ that Onthank I tions were of the highest order—her not in sympathy with the request, or I not retained' for religious reasons is reputation and character beyond the suggestion or whatever it was, and, absolutely untrue. There were other shadow of suspicion. She is a women therefore, when he had occasions to . reasons which the board considered that possesses that great qualification mention it to the tachers he did so in sufficient to justify its action in the for teaching—love for it. She has a light vein. And it is reported by Mr. matter, and at the time it was decided worked as no other teacher. She has Botts that he had no sooner done so not to re-employ Mrs. Stockham, the brought with her the necessary when Mrs. Stockham arose and is board did not know of her religious connection. Mr. Shaw was so inform- knowledge and an inspiration and supposed to have said: “Well I’m go­ z.zl enthusiasm that is contagious. Mr. ing to a dance.” and attended public Mr. Shaw interviewed the members Onthank, principal of the school, has dances after that request. Mrs. said that she did the work of two Stockham stoutly denies it, but on of tlie board, stating that he came as teachers and Mr. W. S. Buel, County ( the other hand we are reliably in­ a representative of the Foresters. He Superintendent, who has had her . formed that several of the teachers was informed that the board consid­ work under observation, says that she who have since been hired for anoth­ ered it had sufficient reasons for not is one of the best teach rs in the er year actually did go to public re-employing Mrs. Stockham, but C. H. Waymirc. County and that the eighth grade has , dances thereafter. Why did her fail­ that no religious reason entered shown improvement under her—has ure to attend.them and their failure in fact advanced one-half school to stay away get her a dis­ year. missal and them a job for another A petition signed by every interest­ year? Perhaps she made the fatal ed parent with the exception of one, mistake of understanding the request. has been submitted to the Board ask- It seems impossible sometimes to un- ing that she be hired for another year. ’ derstand the Board and at other Everything is favorable to her and I times you are not supposed to under­ defy the Board to name one thing of stand it. Well, I declare 1 don’t un­ consequence that isn’t and yet in the derstand how the Board ever came to face of the facts they h ve dared to any concerted action in her case be­ drop her from the list. WHY. cause no two offer the same excuse Frankly I cannot tell you. I have in­ for their action. Every time they of­ terviewed all the members of the fer a ‘reason’ and it is shot full of Board and honestly tried to learn holes they grab for another straw. their reasons. They have not refused Mr. Lamb assured me in the presence 1 DIKED TIDE LANDS AND FINE to talk about the matter, when cross- of Mr. Botts that he was ‘some’ I BOTTOM LANDS $150 AN ACRE examined, but they are individually teacher himself and his principal and collectively unable to give a con­ reason for not wanting Mrs. Stock- I sistant and reasonable explanation of ham wa? because he had had her 1 their action. The situation seems to class room work under observation | be something like Topsy “it just and concluded she wasn’t the best grew” and no one is responsible for teacher they could get for the job. it. Mrs. Everson told Mrs. Stockham Mr. Lamb must observe with some that Mr. Geo. B. Lamb was respon­ kind of an absent treatment observa­ sible for it but Mr. Lamb refuses to tion. He was in her rooms during accept the “great honor” and contin­ January and May conducting eighth How’s This ? ually talks about “We”. One who was grade examinations BUT HF. present at a meeting when Mr. On­ NEVER OBSERVED A CLASS un- ! thank pleaded for Mrs. StoUnham s der her charge and we challenge him , retention, says that the Directors to swear under oath that he ever has. i , didn’t appear to have any clear reas­ For that matter none of the others | | ons for not hiring her but seemed to have. And they all call themselves think that she shouldn’t be hired be­ DIRECTORS! h cause each thought that the other Compare their lack of observation . t members knew something that he or with the scientific method of the she didn’t know. If this sounds in­ principal and the County School volved you must blame your School Superintendent and note that those Board, for it is their method of reas­ who don't know what they are talk­ oning not mine. Now. Mrs. Stockham ing about say one thing and those went to Mrs. Everson for the purpose who do not know what they are talk­ of learning in what way her services ing about say something entirely dif­ were not satisfactory but Mrs. Ever­ ferent. And then there is Mrs. Ever­ son either didn't dare to tell her or son who offered one of the cutest else she didn’t know. When the writ­ "reasons” you ever heard. It’s a The mint makes it and under th« er asked Mr. Botts in the presence of double jointed affair that compli- terms of the Continental Mortgage Mr. Lamb why Mrs. Everson had re­ ments you and slaps you at one and Company you can secure it at 6 per fused to inform her he said that Mrs. the same time. She says Mrs. Stock­ Everson is not the chairman of the ham’s personality is too strong. I cent for any legal purpose on approv­ Board and when I then asked if he, would like to tell her what her hus­ ed real estate. Terms easy, tell us as chairman of the Board, would in­ band said about this, but it is not your wants and we will co-operate permissable. Well Onthank admits form her, he beat around the bush with you. and finally said he didn't care to she attended strictly to her owji make a definite answer. The Board ( business and there was no friction. PETTY & COMPANY, has been open to all manner of re­ ' However, it MUST be that she in­ 513 Denham Building Denver, Colo ports bearing on Mrs. Stockham but | terfered with the Board's conception ¿hey have never given her an oppor­ 1 of DECIPLINE,— a conception we tunity to say one word in her behalf. had a taste of about one year ago When I galled Mr7 Botts attention to when classes were expelled because this in pretence of Mr. Lamb he some girl lost an undergarment. At stated the could have come to meet­ times the Board makes everyone suf­ ings. It is as though one taid: “We fer for the act of one and then again I are not particularly interested in reverses its policy and makes one 1 hearing your side, but if you insist suffer for the acts of all. You get the ppon forcing yourself into meetings point don’t you? I went to the Board as a represen­ where we are discussing some other tative of a number of interested citi­ matters, why come ahead.” I call that ghivalary and a square zens and asked that she be given a deal don’t you,—NOT? As a matter SQUARE DEAL but 1 have been re­ of fact if any teacher attended to her fused. She has been refused, Every­ school duties as Mr.,Botts has attend­ one has been ignored who has her in­ Both l'honea ed to his school duties as a director, terests at heart. By innuendo and sly comments her reputation has been they wotlid have been out of a job , Leland P. Erwin a long time agp. But of course one is clouded in the eyes of those who are i not really acquainted with her. We only a teacher—the other a director. have demanded a public hearing in (Who does not direct.) i I and a number of my friends be­ the name of Justice and Decency, we came Intereated in this case wheH we have requested that she be permitted saw what a rank deaf they were try­ to have her day in court, and the ing to put across and I determined on Board make an explanation of a nom- fhe start that if the least evidence ber of matters that we cannot con­ were adduced to justify their course, veniently include in this circular but J would not object to their action again I say, we have been refused. I'll tell you what's wrong,—its big­ realizing that a Board must be given some latitude.—but I would not ac­ otry. It's in the marrow of their bones and it crops out so strongly cept tyrany as a justification or sub­ pnpe in a while that in an unguarded Tillamook Title and stitute of Justice, I called on mi . moment we are presented with the Botts first. After considerable ques­ Abstract Co. tionin'’ I learned that she had been in fine 'AMERICAN’ example of a Board of a free, public school discus­ • way” indiscreet with Mr. Jesse sing the religion of a teacher,—Mrs. Crenshaw. It seems that she and Mr. Stockham’s religion. Mr. Botts ad­ Crenshaw had taken a number of hikes together. Not that there was mits it with the qualification that it (The editor has «riven both sides an "was after meeting". Mrs. Everson !'"vthin'’ >n their conduct on such oc­ denies it. It was mentioned to Mr. opportunity to be heard, and as we casions that was subject to serious Lamb and he did not deny and there consider this sufficient, nothing will OCQCCOCO&QG* pbjection, QL no! Nothing of that A I This is Emphatically Denied by the Members of the School Board. YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE Represented by this Office AFETY” ERVICE OUR-AIM ECURITY. Let Us Write Your Next Policy ROLLIE W WATSON ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooQ CHAS. I. CLOUGH Reliable Druggist’ Wier Sprechen Deutsth. ooonoooQ ) KEJoLVED |THAT WE AKE AL- WAY 5 AWAKE. .AWAKE TO THE IN- ¡TERE5T5 Of OUK PA- TKON5 AND AWAKE To WHAT THEY KE- 2VIKE. WE AKE NOT A5LEEP, BUT KIGHT ON TIME. “ MONEY.” GROCERIES, SMOKED ME ATS,JFR (JITS, VEG ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. TILLAMOOK, - - - ORPGnN O ® G G G G G G G G G G G O G G G G G G G O G City Meat Market euloirs; we sell only U. S. Imped'd Beef. No