'T i I Tamook lid State Press Flashlights. i th< Kaiser ‘ -—o------ J. Hennessy Murphy, Portland lawyer and wit, in Chapman’s Oregon Voter arise to remark: “Rumor has it that the administration has at last determined to take a firm slJMid and send cx-Govcrnor West as ambassa­ dor to Mexico.”—News Reporter. -7---O------- The Salem Statesman has drawn a prize packagi in the shape of a libel suit over tin use of the word “sold,” instead of “gave” in the repo rt of a recent trial in which “-im person was convicted and lined >- 1 or pass- ing over a glass of beet to an other party. The Stale .nan thinks the suit is instigated by the liquor crowd which it has attacked, and says it will be loaded for them when the trial comes tip. This shows how necessary it 13 to have a book of synomns handy on the reportorial or editorial desk. —Umpqua Valley News. E. I- Davidson, for many years famed as justice of the peace at Os­ wego, and known throughout the county as “the judge who ate the evidence,” has been named postmast- • et at Oswego. His fame in re gard to eating evidence came- to him list year when a game warden arrested a man for shooting China pheasants out of. season, and left the dead birds in the judge's office to be preserved as evi­ dence. The judge, on returning, saw the birds, and being particularly fond of pheasant, took the 111 home and ate them for supper, Next day it was necessary to turn the prisoner free because the evidence in the case was strangely City mi -sing. Oregon Courier. off of hell? Bill Kaiser.” “Bill is marching in the procession 1 to the funeral of his own greatness,’ etc. We now know that the letter was true of Elbert Hubbard and we have yet to barn whether the statement applies to the King and Emperor Wil liam. 1. king his departure on the doom- 7> 976, and 1035, the first two being issued on the 2$lh day of October, 1913, and the last on the 8tli day of April, 1915, by the Tax Collector of the County of Tillamook, State of ('regon, for the respective amounts of $<>.88, $5.44 and $18.56, the sum be­ ing the amount of taxes then due and delinquent for the year 1911, together with penalty, interest and costs there­ on, upon the real property herein­ after described, assessed on the tax roll for the year 1911, to and in the name of A. H. Malaney, as follows, to-wit: Certificate No. 977 for and 7 of Block 3 of Pacific City, as per the recorded plat, situate in the County of Tillamook, and State of Oregon, tax etc. $6.88; Certificate No. 978 for lots 18,19 and 20 of said blorx 3 of said Pacific City, tax etc. $5.44; Certificate No. 1035 for lots 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, ¡6, and 17 of said Block 3 of said Pacific City, tax etc., $18.56; Totaling $30.88; all of which aid real property is assessed to you, and you appear to be the owner of record. You are further notified that said Walter J. Logus has paid all unpaid taxes on said premises for prior and • ulAequcnt years with rate of interest on said amounts as follows: 1 >2, ■ lOl« • * ()ffte hr< 11J V e A- Date of first pu publication wc don't have ...... that kind —J here. But are ‘ ounty Judge ot Tillamook Date of last publication Tune 25, 1915. P.M.; Salmonberry, 12:27 P.M.; Mohler, -, 1:12 P.M.; at that the c perience of the I .it ch- victories which have been gained ( m o,' “ nt-v- s,a‘e of Oregon, in the ab- Charles A. and Claude M. field (III.) Herald is interesting. It lately were those in the Journal’s si nce of the Judge of the Circuit Wheeler (10 minutes for lunch), 1:30 P M.; Rock- Jones; 1307-9 Yeon Bulki­ says: “ Not E„. 1...... ................ .. came into Extra and they seem to be won no n' mat SlldtS°'in,ly’.k nd sa,<1.order hmg ago a man ing, Portland, Oregon. away 1:50 P M. ; Barview, 2100 P. M ; Bay City, this ollice and stopped In , . - is paper bc- where else. M iv in l- ' ‘r . h,*i .¿,st.day °.f Attorneys for Plaintiffs. cause lie said s.d.’ it was always printing a 2:'20 P.M. May, 1915, the first publication of 1 I he war for w hich Germany alonc lot of thing js about the same people which is the 27th day of May, 1915, Citation. and he was sick of it. Now when was prepared i was started by the and the last publication is the 29th Tillamook, 2:40 P.M. something goes wrong with the Kaiser; lie does I not appear to have day of July, 1915. All papers and pro­ country the government appointed a gained much by his advantages of cess in this proceeding may be served In the County Court of the State of commission to investigate and find prepardness I Oregon for Tillamook County. upon the undersigned residing within He is farther from Paris out wli.it is the matter, and the first In the matter of the estate of T. B. the State of Oregon, at the address thing a Commission i stigati s is today than he was a month after his hereinafter mentioned. commission im investigates I Handley deceased. the man who made tin- holler to > see catefully planned and sudden dragon­ Address: Tillamook City, Oregon. I To Iola 1. Handley, Charles B. it thi holler wtis reasonable. So w e nude into Belgium; the dinner he-.aid John Leland Henderson. I Handley, T, B. Handley Jr., E. A. appoint a coniiitission consisting I of hl would .it in the France capital on Attorney for Plaintiff. I'Handl y and George Dewey Handley ourselves to investigate tin- man. We land all persons unknown interested in On the same date, in addition to re ‘ liti-tilia- has not yet been cooked; jest follow ed lite man's carver v ver I said estate. In the name of the State since wc km u him. The Inst I hing hi took I i ige and lost I'rzcmsyl; lie Notice of Stockholders’ Meeting. I of Oregon, you and each of you are gular train between Portland and Til­ that happened to that man was that ha915 i a ‘ ten o’clock in the forenoon, although his parent' were entitled to the trawlers and merchant marine of Will be held in the parlors of the ho­ at 1 illatnook City, Oregon, and then the ctedit. When In was in his early warring and neutral nations, and now tel on Monday, June 7th, 191s, at I.eave Mohlerat 9:CO A.M. and 4:10 P.M., stopping and there show cause, if any exists, twenty's lie got married, We men- and then a cruiser, but his commerce t ,ock I’111-. ‘he election of why an order should not be made at all points. Arrive Tillamook, 10:20 A.M tinned that including rhe name of the has been destroyed, and the sun that directors and ..... 1 transaction of such directing the administrator of said and 5:30 P.M. bride, the preacher, vie, in fact we other business as may become before estate to sell, at private sale, for cash, shines on all the seven seas never mentioned i very thing but the preach- the meeting. the following described real property ’ it’s fee, which was not worth men­ catches a glimpse of his flag. Leave Tillamook 7:30 A M. and 2:40 P.M., stopp­ I’. J. Worrall, Pres. to-wit: That parcel bounded by be-, tioning. W e never mentioned the fact I he Medford Sun's kind of neutral­ ing at all points. Arrive Mohler 8:50 A.M. E. J. Claussen, Sec. ginning at the S.E. corner of a tract that he never won any premiums at ists may see ultimate victory for the conveyed to Jacob Jacobson bv John) and 4:00 P. M. the couniv fair, because he never ex Notice to Creditors. B. Handley and E. C. Handley, ex­ hibited anything. We never mention­ Kaiser in past and "present dcveloj ecutors, by deed recorded on page Full particular j with copy oj folder ed bis name in the lit- of committees ment; it is doubtful if the Kaiser la Notice is hereby given that me the 600, Book 43 of Deeds, Yamhill Coun­ - because lie never attended anything so optimistic. The Spectator. giving full train schedule from ty, Oregon, thence East to the center 1 unity t ourt ot the State of Oregon W c never mentioned his name in the | tor |«»r the il.d Comity ___f of Tillamook, . has"ap- 0 * of B St. in the Townof McMinnville nearest Agent of the P.R, U N. . 1 - - -. • -- — list of donor-, because he never do­ fw 11 «» • . . 1 » 1. - ..... • . *>«ao . . op r — romtcil the undersigned administra- in said county, south 222 feet to S.E. nated as much as a doughnut. W e cer tor of the estate of f hanias " b ’ wm - corner of tract conveyed by Geo. C. lohn M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon- tainly have been treating the man kw-. deceased. All persons having Chandler to Charles Handley, by shamefully, but w e agree to run a | ' urns against the said estate arc re­ deed recorded on page 328 Book L., nice obituary wluu the lime conn-.'' quired to present them, properly records of deeds of said county, west > - New- limes. '(’ittcj. to the undersigned at his 264 feet to S.W. corner of last men­ office in Tillamook Citv, Oregon, tioned tract, thence north to place of Hubbard vs. The Kaiser. witlun six months from the date of beginning. Also all of lots 8, 9, ansi 10 of Cozincs acre lots in College Addi­ tbe lust publication of this notice, The following inti resting extract is tion to town of McMinnville, Yam­ first publication, May 20th, 1915. taken from an article by Milo C hill County, Oregon, which lies west I ast publication, June 17, 1915. King published in the Gresham (hit °f -theo?' & R' R s ,ract> e««Pt a A. H. Gaylord. look of May 11; Administrator of the Es­ strip t8 feet wide along north side of “Hubbard was on hi w ay to Er.rr'C ' tate of Thomas B. Wat­ said lot 8 Also lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of to be at a close but < fc range from Block 4 of Mrs. W. P. Chandler’s Ad­ kins, Deceased. the German^, and to continue his j> p 'ti 1 dition to the town of McMinnville inightier th,s.n-the sword alt acks upon ! Oregon A one seventh interest in the Notice to Water Consumers. them and their part and conduct i in I ab°*S described tracts be sold. ------ o------ the European war. ’ with the iHoblemof t.uv ng IlMrnesa This citation is served upon you bv Notice i< hereby given that the Til- “His 'Philistine' the 'Fra Mie .'■'•1 will tin.l it .liMincth advanht- '■k Water'temmi^ion1 ha's ‘sei I e“ Vt^b JUn’edi C°Ur‘ M’V tion- are top heavy w ith o Phone J 27. 1st St. a d 2nd Ave. lion us to mine anil <|<> vnttr select Fridav Mav ->8th ton as the «H e ¡V’L. 'V.?I,?,,on ‘hereof, and and expressions as follow s I"g here. You will get the beat for the hearing of objections and re- ' May 6 '9°^ and th7dateUbonh°n 1 ’’ "Hell was made in , un.ilitiei, the most thorough and Xduu'vr ,f.an> ,herC ?*' ‘b'!P“Mi««ion i:h.ni\dUK0f ’ ' Uit “Come let us worship." 'J r < oiisnemmu. woi kma aslnp and be vludule ot water rates as formulated : Witness the Honnnlil. i xr u has decorated God with < H ugi ll the tn >st reasonable prices. revommnedation from the Countv In«)»» ^are> All papagraphers wh?(-Jjo» ttoss of the second cla-. " ol New York Evening We >an supply single or dotille under State Riir-road Commission. In ------ - 'anTIh. f T! la.moSlk County. 1 Oregon '-«»“‘X. Ma,‘ »X« «» should have been ".when from calling Colon a is good in Gcrmauv with >< tsoranv -ingle article that you \ o’l'V of the proposed rate i in n In- in need of. 7 ter the fire which burned make wooilcn legs." "Bill •lie with the City Recorder at the will ptease step forward "ni- the world's road hog.” “ W.A, WilliamsCc. tit> J. C, “ Holden, ball ajid all water users and tax-I •'* °!?,en,- Plant to the westw ard, though our —"Glad to see you sir. Do f Clerk. I space is small. à lonesome?” ; Important Train Changes on the Pacific Railway & Train No. 142—-Tillamook -Portland : ARRIVE Train 141 Portland to Tillamook: ARRIVE NEW MOTOR SERVICE EXCLUSIVE TAILORING Spring Suits From $30.00 and up. We also do CLEANING AND PRESSING. J. w. EDWALL, TI v . ..... . ,u AMOOK. l~-^~:----- '—- - ■”> vfK ---