Olatiwk ish /vs Vol. XXVI ♦ 4 ♦ MAY 27, 1915, »1.50 PER YEAR. I 1 tic annual meeting of the Pomona LARGE GRADUATING CLASS. J Grange will be held 1 hursday June 3, .4 at inc- Nestucca Grange hall. Congressman C. N. McArthur Will . Mrs. Cel. Cosgrove, of Chicago, a Make the Address Friday E/ening. trund ci Chas. Mowery, is in on a , visit. The Tillamook High School has a A moving picture appropriate for graduating class ci 24 this ytar, the memorial uay will be shown at the largest i-i the history of tile school, iji-.n 1 heatre, May 30th. 1.4 and, consequently there is consider­ j Born, on the 22nd, to the wife of able more interest taken in the grad­ ■ James Williams, a son; and on the uating exercise's, which will take • 23rd, to the wife ot W. D. Gladwell, place at the Christian Church to­ ! a son. morrow (Friday) evening, fcr which I Now ij trie time to c^n berries. ____ __ an interesting program is prepared. l eave jour orders at tne Fruit Palace 1 he address to the graduating class . for ait kinds of berries, the best in will be made by Congressman C. N. I the market. McArthur. The graduating class is as follows: I'hil C. West, a former resident of Pauline Beals, Alfred Boquist Hel­ this county, is in the city in the inter­ est of the Columbia Lite and Trust en Case, Margaret Coates. Thomas ! Coates, Lottie Crane, Lelia Drew, Co. of Portland. Ebinger, Howard Drew and wife came in Frank Ebbeson, Gertrude Everson, last week on a visit to relatives from Forrest Erickson, Areta Helix, wn z I », Tillamook County Bank. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS / I 4 i On page 6 Iofans UAJVIAR’S variety store , Tillamook, Oregon. t j " Drop in and Look Around- y __________ __________ 1 % I t I *