Double Gold Bond Stamps Civen with every' Cash Purchase on Fridays. School Notes. Next Thursday evening. May 27. the Senior class will have Class Night at the High School Auditorium. The class will, class prophecy, and so I has many triends who will wish 1 quirrtl to present them, properly b< ’ lim abundant happiness and success verified, to the undersigned at his f 1 office in Tillamook City, Oregon« through life. "The ride came from Oregon a fs'v within six months from the date <4', t ie first publication of this notice. months ago, and has been making her First publication, May 20th, 191$. home with her brother and family Last publication, June 17, 1015. Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Blazer, in l>ry A. H. Gaylor* | Creek Valley. Administrator of the Es­ "On their return from the 1 wedding tate of Thomas B. ’Wat­ kins, Deceased. , trip, the younjr couple will live u i becoming Dont Miss These Sales in the Bargain Squares. Suits as we offer for this price. Every size is in­ Y qu should make a point of looking over the Bargains shown in the Bargain Squares every time you visit this store, for there you will find genuine money saving purchases at all times. cluded in the selection and there are EXCLUS1VE AGENCY FOR “CARHARTT “CARSON’S" GLOVES such popular colors as Blue, Brown, Green, as well as a choice of Black and White checks so greatly in favor. the Orrin Pierce cottage, in Dry Creek Valley. “The Tribune joins in wishing them a long life of health and prosperity “ For Sale. Hotise and two iots each lot 52% by 105 feet in Thayer’s Add. Price $500. $¿.50 down balance easy terms. W. G. Dwight “ MONEY.”' The mint makes it and under the terms of the Continental Mortgage Company you can secure it at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on approv- ed real estate. Terms easy, tell us your wants and we will co-operate with you. PETTY & COMPANY. 513 Denham Building Denver, Colo. ¿MISS JONES’ Engagement with this Store Terminates in a few Days. We wish to repeat our announce - ment regarding en­ Miss Jones’ Both Phones. Leland B. Erwin <00000000000000000000900 1 Sidney K. Henderson, Free., 1 Surveyor. I John Leland Henderson. Sec­ ret»! ry Treat., Attoiuey-at- [ Law. Notrnry Public ; Tillamook Title and Abstract co. Law, Abetr.icts. Reni Estate. Surveying, Insurance. Doth Phones. TILLAMOOK I - - OREGON. Sale of Laces, Sale of Silks, oa/e 0/ Wash Goods, Sale of Underwear, Sale of Embroideries, Sale of Dress Goods, Sale of Ladies’ Shoes. Sale of Misses Shoes. REMNANTS OF LACES AND EMEROIDERIES 5c., 9c. and 19c. gagement with this store as manager of our Millinery section. As previously stated, Miss engagement was for a limited Jones’ time only and as she will only be a few- more days in Tillamook we would be glad if those patrons desiring her ad­ vice and experienced help in Milli­ imitas nery Matters pay her a visit as early as possible to avoid disappointment in having their wants filled. Millinery Dept. Exclusive Agency Balcony. I I have recently »eucred the 1 ''actory Agency for the High Grade Chute A Butler Pianos and Play­ ers, manufactured at Peru, Ind. Anyone in the market for an instrument will do well to see uie be­ fore Buying. Wash Silks, Seed Voiles, White Lace Cloths, Flowered Organdies,etc. If the governments were not so tyrannical, citizens of hostile coun­ tries might "pair" in a great many in­ stances and stay at home to attend to the crops. Bulgaria is not in the war, quite likely because two wars quite spent her furor Bulgariacus. That’s some­ thing that has to accumulate like steam in a boiler. One lady 74 years of age is mayor of an lllinios town, and another one aged 72 finds a reflecting glory of be­ ing the mother of the mayors of two others. Red "takes" black in photography, which seems to have been overlooked by an actor in one of the movies who daubed his lower lip generously with rouge.__________ How’s This ? for Wayne Knit Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. time%pTm?n\SXXuMXd°f thi p ? app C ars , he Colonel *”«¿2 ed to thinking and ■ < Dr \vi