Tillamook Headlight. May 20, 1015. WIN, Bills Allowed By County Court. HI CTlox. lli<:aB0 Musiqil reCC,ve >he «Z • e n,osl I ‘“u“ths Instr« I 1 Studio. ’ SVRGEOX P. Co. Bldg.) 'LMES, t - law , ltlding , rest , OREGON M., RY. ea, - Oregon LAW. ’RT Hotd ■ Oregon NDERS w H LAW. CK, ’ Oregot • I il. I -? )KAT on W. Books: ■ ideati. Oregtt IKON. JEON > regol nocl t(rci ; en ox Í« ■ Frank Eckloff ...................... Louie Eckloff .......................... A. W. Me Küster ...................... L F. Wilson ............................ C. W. Henkle ............................ w. M. Miller ........ ................ IVillard Johnson ...................... . B. Johnson .......................... uss Johnson ............................ . W. Lester ............................ . B. Darby ............ ................. ohn Mix .................................... . Crawford .............................. . Mix ......................................... . O. Pilgrim ............................ . Davis ...................................... . Darby .................................... . . Holden ................................... . Jones ...................................... artin Blazer ............................ cd,Gachter ........................ elson Paul ............ :................. 1 be Mapes .................................. if’Harris .................................. . Francis .................................... rank Hediger .......................... ax Reust .................................. ritnk Severance ........................ Brant Mills .................................. Tillamook Meat Co..................... Willard Johnson ...................... Oly Womer ................................ King & Smith ............................ Ed Stasek .................................... C. Peters ...................................... Pac. Tel. & Tel Co .................... Jim Simmons ............................ A. K. Case .................................. W. B. Aiderman ........................ Oscar Tittle .............................. ■. B. Johnson ............................ John Blum .................................. ST W. Lyster .............................. Jf M. Lusberg ............................ Long & Co................................... Hiner & Sor1 .............................. Lamb-Schrader .......................... R. F. Zachmann ........................ City Transfer ............................ Howard Cooper Corporation.. F*eney& Bremer Co................. John Cornett .............................. Joe Monahon et al .................... Nelson .......................................... E. W. Stanley ................ County Poor. H. Crenshaw .................. E. T. Haltom .................. Ray & Co........................... Tillamook Meat Co. ... H. Crenshaw .................. Mrs. B. S. Clark ............ Anna E. M. McKune ... H. Crenshaw .................. E. L. Robertson ............ W. D/Gladwell .............. Tillamook Feed Co. ... Nelson & Co..................... J. J. Spencer .................... H. C. Randle .................. R. H. Cady ...................... Geo. W. Phelps .............. Mrs. Geo. Willett .......... Walter Kinnaman .......... J. J. Spencer .................... Tohl & Anderson .......... 74-5° State Press Flashlights. 60.65 17-35 10.00 405 9.60 20.00 30 25 18.00 3-45 2.40 I5-6c 16.10 12.50 2.00 16.77 5-3° 300 24.00 10.60 8.65 “Sherwood the Onion City” is the slogan adopted by the Commercial Club of that burg. Some strength to that slogan sure.—Yaquina Bay News ------o------ At the present rate of decline of the balance in the Treasury, it won’t be long till a silver dollar will look as big as a cart wheel to Brother Mc­ Adoo. And there are some millions of jobless men to whom a dime will look like a dinner.—Astorian. A Kansas hands out the following cyclonic wisdom: ‘¿Early to bed and early to rise, cut the weeds and swat the flies, mind your own business and tell no lies, don't get gay and deceive your wives, pay your debts, use en­ terprise, and buy from the stores that $290.89 advertise.”—News Reporter. Total ............................ General Fund. F. E. Hobson................ $18.10 F. E. Hobson .............. 200.00 26.00 Tillamook Headlight . T. E. Epplett ................ 1540 Alex McNair ................ 11905 J. C. Holden .................. 2.58 22.00 Dr. Wendt .................... 11.44 J. C. Bewley .................. 20.00 J. E. Reedy .................... Tillamook Herald .... 36.75 1.50 Eugene Jenkins ............ 5500 T. E. Epplett ................ Coast Power Co............. 3241 12.00 Tillamook Water Co. .. 8.10 Grant Mills .................... 50.00 Geo. R. McKimens .... 26.90 Pac. Tel. & Tel Co. ... 20.00 M. E. Gruber................... 17.12 Barthold Barge Co. ... 6.50 R. W. Watson .............. 3832 Ross Shreve .................. 6.65 R. L. Shreve.................. R. L. Shreve ................ 368.19 21.24 P. W. Todd .................. Elmer L. Webb ............ 23 40 10.15 Glass & Prudhomme . . Frank L. Owens .......... 72.50 115.00 A. M. Hare .................... Bushong & Co................ 3715 C. A. Johnson ’ ' ................ 241.25 33.60 Glass & Prudhomme . . . 286.09 B. L. Beals ...................... ” Total ................................ $4.345-35 W. S. Buel ...................... 124.33 208.33 H. Crenshaw ............ Road District No. 3. A. H. Forkner ........................ 45-47 $64.37 Glass & Prudhomme J. C. Creecy ............................ 60.00 J. C. Holden ............ 273-33 R. B. McClay .......................... 32-50 R. L. Huston .......................... Total 25-39 P. J. Trobaugh ........................ 35.00 Notice to Contractors. Fred Lyster ............................ 28.65 Lee Lyster .............................. 16.25 Frank Preseler ...................... Sealed proposals addressed to the 8-75 Robin Lyster .......................... 12.50 County Court of Tillamook Countv, Chas Baker ............................ 1-25 Oregon, and indorsed Proposasl to Eugene Hester ........................ 5.00 complete the J. W. Hester............................ Garibaldi-Wheeler . Road from Sta­ 55-00 T. J. Ayer ................................ 59-50 tion 537 plus 91.4 to Station 664 plus W. D. Winters ........................ 8-75 03-5- Will Ward .............................. 1500 in accordance with the plans and F. ^ffolter ................................ 10.00 specification thereof on file in the of­ W. Affolter .............................. 16.25 fice of the County Clerk of Tilla­ M. D. Sandidge ...................... 7-50 mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ T. Rand .................................... 10.00 ed by the County Court of said Coun­ Thomas Flynn ........................ 10.00 ty, at its office in the Court House, 14. Bailey.................................. 2.50 at Tillamook City, Oregon until the BLR. H. Bailey ........................ 10.00 hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 4th day H Schirzinger ........................ 10.00 of June, 1915, and at that time public­ Chas. Hindshaw .................... 10.00 ly opened and read, Each bid shall be -•red Whitchey ...................... 10.00 accompanied by a certified check Alfred Bauer .......................... 8.75 made payable to the County Clerk, Bn Sutton .............................. for an amount equal to 5 per cent of Mollis Franklin ...................... of the amount of the total K. E. Meyer ............................ be said bid, which shall UL Echirzinger ...................... forfeited to the County, in case the A. E. Meyer........ ................... bid be accepted and the bidder shall P. C. Meyer ............................ fail, neglect or refuse for a period of K. S.TEdwards ........................ five days after which the award is «Ralph E. Welsch .................... made to enter into a contract and file “idpey Moon .......................... a bond satisfactory to the Court as !lyde Lamb ............................ required by law, inos -Straw ............................ The bids are to cover the clearing Jotest McLaughlin .............. Grubbing and grading from Station gidward Gray .......................... 527 plus 91.4 to Station 664 plus 03.5 Rer,ry Gray .... .................... according to the plans and specifica­ Mathew Thompson .............. tions on file in the office of County H. W. Bohna............................ Clerk. D.e Roy Courts ........................ The County Court reserves the Ron. Allison ............................ right to reject any and all bids. R. E. Tcoutman .................... Dated this 17th day of May 1915. Boseph Hollett ........................... J. C. Holden, County Clerk. Mohn Borba ............................ First publication May 20th. ■L C. King .............................. Last publication June 3rd. Bohn Borba ............................ Emanuel Borba ...................... Citation. Besse Gifford .......................... IE Nash .................. .............. In the County Court of the State of (Ralph E.’Welsh .................... Oregon for Tillamook County. It. Y. Blalock .......................... In the matter of the estate of T. B. lohn Creecy ................... ........ Handley deceased. -ester Fortner ...................... To Iola I. Handley, Charles B. klbert Clark ... Handley, T. B. Handley Jr., E. A. .Geo. Kellow ... Handl y and George Dewey Handley [Robt. Forkner . and all persons unknown interested in Ij. Samples ........ said estate. In the name of the State [J. Gustafson ... of Oregon, you and each of you are 1A Learned .... hereby cited and required to appear E Paul-.............. in said court on the 4th day of June, iWm. O’Connell 1915, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, Con Newbill ... at 'lillamook City, Oregon, and then (Frank Nelson .. and there show cause, if any exists, Jim Biggs ........ why an order should not be made John Lowrance directing the administrator of said John Fleck ____ estate to sell, at private sale, for cash, Glen White .... the following described real property John Imlah ___ to-wit: That parcel bounded by be­ Jim Cockerhan . ginning at the S.E. corner of a tract Joe Lowarence conveyed to Jacob Jacobson bv John [ Lyle Craven ... B. Handley and E. C. Handley, ex­ Chas Murphy .. ecutors, by deed recorded on page 1 A. ‘ A. * Imlah .... 600, Book 43 of Deeds, Yamhill Coun­ Frite Drebert .. ty, Oregon, thence East to the center J. E. Sperry ... of B St. in the Townof McMinnville Hugh Arstill ... in said county, south 222 feet to S.E. Joe Lindsey ... corner of tract conveyed by Geo. C. John Burges ... Chandler to Charles Handley, by Andy Heater .., deed recorded on page 328 Book L., Ole Redberg ... records of deeds of said county, west Abner Grist .... 264 feet to SAV. corner of last men­ J. T. Davis........ tioned tract, thence north to place of S. C. Woods ... beginning. Also all of lots 8, 9, and 10 of Cozines acre lots in College Addi­ Abner Griest ... •* W. A. High .... tion to town of McMinnville, Yam­ hill County, Oregon, which lies west J M Baker .... of the- O. 4. R. R’s tract, except a Ed Worthington strip 18 feet wide along north side of Dr. Boals ;........ said lot 8. Also lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Albert Boon ... Block 4 of Mrs. W. P. Chandler’s Ad­ Hiner 4 Reed........................... ? dition to the town of McMinnville, Cloverdale Mercantile Co. .... Oregon. A one seventh interest in the G. W. Wallace ............................ above described tracts be sold. E. G. Anderson ............ ?........... This citation is served upon you by Beaver Lbr. Co. ........................ order of the above named court May K Thomas ........................ ......... 5, 1915, by publication thereof, and 4 Co................................... the date of the first publication is Eofar Allen American Man- • anese- Steel Co........................... K 25 May 6, 1915 and the date of the last i860 publication is June 3, 1915. Frank Taylor ............................. Witness the Honorable A. M Hare. Beall 4 Co..................................... I7425 County Judge of Tillamook County. Total ............................. 12,020.87 Oregon, and the seal of said cour- af­ fixed this 5th day of May, 1915. Justice Court. Tujti-e Cost Bm............... Myrtle O. Mill* ............... Ajo 17.00 J. C. Holden, Clerk. The U. of O. now has a department of Journalism with many strong fea­ tures and an able faculty. Thus the rising generation will have an oppor­ tunity to graduate in an technical school where the scientific principles can be learned, and not in the school of “Hard knocks” where many of the present newspaper men got their education.—Willamina Times An exchange very petinently re- marks: If the editor isn’t tearing his shirt off to boost your interests— take stock with yourself and find out whether he is under any obligation to you. Perhaps you have given him no occasion to enthuse over your in­ terests. Perhaps you are a dead one —a non-advertiser—just walking around to save funeral expenses.— News Times. Europe is asking for contracts in this country on millions of jute bags which will be filled with sand and used as breastworks and other war­ like purposes. We also need many millions, but ours will be filled with wheat, flour, sugar and other produc­ tions of our fields and farms. What a striking suggestion there is even in this little paragraph about the hum­ ble jute bag.—L'mpqua Valley News. ------ o------ “Before taking a partner for life, see who her mother is, advises Dr. Youngson. Many a man, who has seen her mother, has reconsidered.”— This little piece of philosophy clipped from a contemporary has so much of truth in it that every young man ought to frame it for his dresser or­ nament. The trouble is he would for­ get to look at it when he saw the girl. But then the girl is likely to be as good as the boy anyway, so what’s the use?—Mt. Scott Herald. ----- o Over in Salem the other day a married man is said to have dislocat- ed his shoulder by beating a carpet for his wife. It goes without saying that he was a young married man. After several years in the matrimonial harness most husbands have become experienced enough to sidestep all tasks that come in the category of extra hazardous. "Safety first” is the motto they all adopt.either uncon­ sciously or deliberately, after a few house cleaning experiences.—Item- izer. It will not be long before most of the churches will have moving _ pic- tures. About fifty years ago some churches thought the devil had arriv­ ed when the melodion was introduced and now we have brass bands and full orchestras in some of the houses of worship. It will be the same way with moving pictures even though of a religious and moral cast. Poor old convention, so much abused in the past two or three decades, will be ridden over again and all will grad­ ually get acquainted to the new ways and wonder how they ever did with­ out them.—Woodburn Independent. ------o ---- No newspaper man ever did please all the people and no newspaper with brains enough to start the sparker on a doodle-bugs thinking organs should hope to do such a thing. When one adopts the course which appeals to him as being right and then express his own sentiments, he is running a newspaper as it should be run. If he makes enemies under such circum- stances he ought to be proud of it. This is a free country; one man has the same right to express his thought as another, and this paper will always exercise the privilege.—Benton Coun­ ty Courier. will discover some day, that real enc- nies are not the people they are at- empting to destroy, but the rulers .nd military-mad element in their awn country that brought on the war ind are promoting it for their own ■elfish purposes of aggrandizement ■nd vain glory. The peasant and working classes of France, England md Russia have no more desire to ule the Germans than the same class in Germany should have to rule over bcm. Have you yet heard of the leath of a single member of the eigning families of Germany, Rus- ia or England; nor yet one of the members of the high military caste hat are daily engineering the des­ truction of thousands of other men? Think these facts over, and if you lave a relative in any of the belliger­ ent countries ask them why they stand for such things.—News Times RESOLVED WE ARE ON THE WATCH TOR. THIN65. NEW WE KEEP UP WITH THETIME5. BU5TER. bkOWN. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals addressed to the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and indorsed Proposasl to complete the Bayocean County Road from Sta­ tion 312 plus 84.25 to Station 296 plus 08.9. in accordance with the plans and specification thereof on file in the of­ fice of the County Clerk of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ ed by the County Court of said Coun­ ty, at its office in the Court House, at Tillamook City, Oregon until the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on the 4th day of June, 1915, and at that time public­ ly opened and read, Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the County Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the tot 1 of said bid, which shall be torfeited to the County, in case the bid be accepted and the bidder shall tail, neglect or refuse for a period of five days after which the award is made to enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required by law, The bids are to cover the clearing of the right-of-way, Dredging and to rip-rap the dyke or fill, from Station 212 plus 84.25 to Station 296 plus 08.9 according to the plans and specifica­ tions on file in the office of County Clerk. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Dated this 17th day of May 1915. J. C. Holden, County Clerk. First publication May 20th. Last publication June 3rd. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon in and for the Count/ Tillamook. Lee R. Ijams, Laura M. Kerron formerly Laura M. Ijams,Les­ lie Ijams, Evelyn Ijams and Ethel Miller, formerly Ethel Ijams, Plaintiffs, VS. Mrs. Melvin Venen and John Doe Venen, her husband. Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe Le Duck, his wife, Defendants. To Mrs. Melvina Venen and John Doe Venen, her husband; !■'rank Le Duek and Mary Roe Le Duck, his wife and to you and each of you, defend­ ants above named, in the name of the State of Oregon you and each of you are required and hereby commanded to appear and answer to the com­ plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 25th, day of June, 1915, beinb more than^ six (6) weeks from the date of the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer to the said complaint, for want thereof these plaintiffs will ap­ ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, in substance i as follows: For a decree determinin'» the adverse interests in and to block fifteen (15) in and of Miller’s Addi­ tion to the Town of Tillamook in the County of Tillamook and State of Oregon and declaring these plaintiffs to be the owners in fee simple and entitled to the possession of said premises as against any and all per­ sons whomsoever, and yourselves in particular, and for their costs and disbursements of this suit, and for such further relief as to the Court may seem meet in the premises. This summons is served upon you by virtue of an order of the above entitled Court, which order was made and entered on the 17th day of May, 1915, directing that publication there­ of be made in the Tillamook Head­ light, a newspaper of general circula­ tion published in the County of Tilla­ mook and State of Oregon for a period of six (6) successive weeks. Date of first publication May 20, 1915. Date of last publication June 25, 1915. Charles A. and Claude M. Jones, 1307-9 Yeon Build­ ing, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. I Grocery Specials This Week Koval Chib Coffee 1 ll>. can 40c. Royal Club Coffee 3 lb. Can $1 00. Koval Club Coffee 5 lb. can $1.50. Imported Crystal Rice 25c. per pkg. Koval White Soap 6 bars for 25c. A. N. Vaughn I'ancy Creamery Butter GOc per roll. Standard Corn $2.00 per case. ' Standard Tomatoes $2.00 per case. Leave orders with us for land plaster. RAY & CO. GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG ETABLES, HAY,'GRAIN, FEED. TILLAMOOK, - - - OREGON City Meat Market John Dannials, Prop. On Second Ave. East. In Williams Bldg. A fine line of FRESH and SMOKED MEATS and FISH No chance for our Beef to be infected with tub« erculoais; we tell only U. S. Inspected Beef. No •lag hog* go with u* We »ell the be*t country hogs only Now open and ready for business We will deliver to all parts of the city Bar View Hotel-Furnished Tents Now Open for the Season. Under Management of DR. W. A WISE. W. A WISH, I'KOP. THS TINO GROUNDS Bar View Hotel AND Because of the change in the state constitution requiring that all voters must be citizens of the United States, as well as of the State of Oregon, there will probably Lc a rush of nat­ uralization during the next few months on the part of persons of for­ eign birth who have heretofore been voting on their "first papers.” Operated by \\. A. WISE, 210-213 Failing Building', l’Jort Prior to 1906 it made no difference land and Bar View. how long a person waited, after de­ claring his intention of becoming a Make a leader on cliima, criilmand chicken dinners. We will citizen, before he applied for hts final try laird to give you aen fooda to eat when yon come to papers. On September 6th of that Bar \ iew. Order hotiae for tlioae who wiati to year, however, a federal statute went into effect requiring an applicant for naeti sleeping tent and board out. naturalization to complete the pro­ Dr. Wiae will beat the Hotel from May I at to May 15th, cedure within seven years from the date of filing his declaration of in­ and will do dental work by appointmenta. tention. A ruling of the department of Commerce and Labor, bearing upon OOOO9iOO