Tillamook ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line $ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards one month ................................ Homestead Notices .................... Timber Claims ............................ Locals per line each insertion. Display advertisement, an inch, one month ................................. All Resolutions of Condolence -nd Lodge Notices, per line.. Cards of Thanks, per line.......... Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines...................... .10 •05 •5« ■05 .05 .35 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (Strictly in Advance.) One year ..................................... $1-5° Six months........................................... 75 Three month«....................................... 5° THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Editorial Snap Shots If there are to be any change in the water rates they should be reduced— not raised. Anyway, we don't see what the State Railroad Commission has to do with water rates. We are about tired of commissions butting in, and it is time the people “swatted' all the commissions that are doing business and sucking at the taxpayers teat at Salem. Press dispatches say the German spy system is also in operation in the United States. As it is known that Germany’s military machine embraces elaborate plans to envade every coun­ try in case of war, the United States has not been overlooked in this re- spect and the spy system that the Germans have maintained for so ....... , , years ----- ... many in European Countries, is, no doubt, well established in the United States. Surely Oregon has its fill of freak experiments in law making but just to keep the pot boiling the Oregon Slate Grange now advocates a com­ mission form of government for the state. Instead of creating any more commissions it seems to us that the State Grange should have started a movement to "swat” the remaining commissions now in existance. Please give Oregon a rest from freak Legis­ lation and freak experiments. We want to speak a word of praise for J. H. Dunstan, who worked most energetically to make the Oregon State Grange a success. He is deserv­ ing of a great deal of credit. There is one little joke on Mr. Dunstan that is not generally known. When the special train pulled out of Bar View he was on board and had to hunt up the conductor to stop the train and let him off. When he returned tin local contingent, who were there to sec the visitors off jollied him and decided that it was Mabel who was the attraction. We haven’t much sympathy with business men who will give credit to everybody that conies along, and then complain that they cannot make collections. Isn't the business men of this city running too much risk in this respect? The way to stop book account:', is to shut off credit, for this is a poor time to be increasing them. The mail order houses don't give credit and have no bad debts to wor­ ry about, and isn't it a fact that some people will send cash to the mail order houses and stand the local mer- chant off as long as possible? The snap shot man believes that $1.00 a month water rate for a small family is plenty, this to include sink, wash tub, hath and toilet. Why pay so high a price for water when it is the most plentiful thing in Tillamook ' Surely the citizens ut this city have had to pay too high a price for their water, lor if it was some private in dividual or corporation that was "soaking” them the same as the Water Commission have been doing, what a great big howl there would be for lower rates. So instead ot raising the rates the citizens should turn out and demand a lower rate than they are now paying. W e have been asked by the Chris tian Science Society to reconsider our refusal to publish an answer to Rev. Nan Winkle's sermon. As we stated last week, we do not allow anyone to start a religious controversy in the Headlight, and for that reason we do not intend to recede from our posi­ tion. Ils up to the Christian Society to meet Mr. N an NN inkle in a debate and fight it out on the rostrum. There are humbugs in the business world and humbugs in the religious world, and as Byrum said the American pen- pie liked to be humbugged, that, no doubt, is why so many persons arc being humbugged by Eddyistn. Co-operation appeared to be the key-note of a great many subjects discussed at the Oregon State Grange last week. It was co-operation of the Granges, the Women's Civic league and the Tillamook Commercial Club that made the meeting in this city so pleasant for the visitors. It was, how- ever, Prof. French and President Kerr, of the Agricultural College, who spoke of the need of co-opera- lion between Grange, and Commer- cial Clubs, and especially between the farmer, and the business men, for it is to their mutual interest to work hand-in hand. This was good advice, and we hope the Grangers and the business men of this county will un­ derstand one another better and fit together in the future. The cement men have been doing some wire pulling, who are advocat­ ing cement to be used on hard sur­ facing the roads in Multnomah Coun­ ty, and their attorney appears Headlight, May 20, lOlo. same thing for the improvement of community property. I’ay as you go is their advice to the body politic: pay a long time in the future is their hope for the individual. The Oregon­ ian is not at this time indorsing a large bond issue for road work, but what is the difference in principle, pray, between mortgaging all prop- P---- ---------*••’ ’s • benefit and erty for all property mortgaging a farm for the farmer's 1 benefit ? ,.Kz stands for a single The Grange legislative nine to fif­ cgislative house l.u_.. of _. from .. - teen ecn members to sit permanently i- also of more than passing interest. Yet we are reminded that when the State Land Board was asked why it referred the Summer Lake leasing .... . v is ,, good ground „_____ for believ­ project to the Legislature when it There ing that when Europe was plunged had full authority to enter into the into war, it was a well planned contract, the reply was that the mem­ scheme on the part of the Kaiser to bers of the board felt that so impor­ bring about a world wide power for tant an issue should be decided by a Germany. zNnd, no doubt, the Kaiser body more representative of the en­ believed he could terrorize and defeat tire state. one nation after another with his Here wras a matter not local in any military machine. With that idea still sense and presumably of great conse­ in his mind, we hardly think the quence to the state. It was quasi­ Kaiser is going to back down in com­ legislation. but still exactly of the pliance with President W ilson’s mes­ type which advocates of commission sage. The tone of the German press state government assert would he have been exceedingly hitter against acted on most intelligently by a small the United States for allowing muni­ legislative body. Yet it was passed up tions of war to be shipped to England to the legislature by a commission and France from this country. The not because of legal necessity but be­ people of the United States are cause it was felt that the men elected eagerly waiting for the rep'y from from and representing every locality Germany, but we hope they will not in the state were best able to judge be disappointed, for we expect to of the needs and desires of the com­ hear that Germany, will, as usual, monwealth. place the blame on England and will If important matters ought not to continue destroying merchant vesse's bn intrusted to a board or commis­ and killing non-combatants and sion. what of local legislation con- women and children of this and other •■erning which it would not have first­ countries. It places the United States hand information, hut to considera­ in an embarrassing position, for it tion of which is a large part of the must protect the property and lives of ordinary session is now devoted?— its citizens. How to do so without Oregonian. ____________ plunging the country into war is a grave and perplexing question for The Beautiful Adventure. President NVilson and his cabinet to solve. Facing sudden death in a sea trage­ dy that will rfever be forgotten, Char­ The Oregon State Grange is opphe citizens needs. of the United States shall not travel Moreover, if our information is cor­ to any country with which this natidn rect, the road laws of iqlj are pretty is at peace. Those who issued the no­ nearly if not quite just as urged upon tice or who caused it to be issued the l egislature during the session by­ plotted deliberately against the lives Mr. Spence one of the Grange leaders of the Americans as against the lives and head of the legislative committee. of any suspected combatants on the Has the road law proved itself a fail­ Lusitania, and whatever unprejudiced ure so soon? public opinion there is left in the In another resolution there is more or less of an indorsement of rural world will hold them guilty of the credits. The State Grange is thus on murder of otis citizens.—Spectator. record as encouraging the individual Says the w av side philosopher: to obtain long-time loans for im­ "There is a vast difference between provement of his own propertv, but economy and stinginess.” Stinginess objects tq the community doing the is more thorough. ELAND II. ERWIN, L'gJ2EE!2EIE13IEIBlBfiEJEIEEffií3/3íB/BEEE/2ÍEEi'2/3E®EJS3Jc,J3IBIEEEí3ia, I have been quite successful in pulling the wool over the eyes of some Grangers who indorsed that material. I here are some good practical men at the head of the road work in that county and we are waiting to see what material will be decided upon in expending the $1,250,000 bond issue Other counties can afford to sec how matters develop in Multnomah Coun- It'S u» .. ..................................... Here I.......... in Tillamook, . ' . we understand 1 1 i ' : members chat a ......._______ large number of ' the of the i- Fairview Grange, 2__ „ . ‘ having seen surface road put tv. <> picct , . of ... hard 1__ ____ . ’t want down north of town, don < cement for hard surfacing the road at Fairview. Coast Power Company. OUR PURPOSE IS TO SERVE PUBLIC WELL I THE Our plant is well equipped and maintained in perfect running' order. We can furnish von with any­ thing in electric supplies or fix­ tures for wiring, lighting, lieat- itig, power, or cooking. We have experienced and capa­ ble men to attend to our lines and to do house wiring and instala- tions. PIANO INSTRUCTION. Diploma from Chicago ¡4^ College.—Beginners receive the uj, careful training as the most adnntti Terms:—$-1-00 per months lng^. tion. All lessons given at Studio. T BOALS, M.D., ! A » id PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillantook • I X^yTEBSTER HOLMES, * ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, Reduction in thef j I Price of Meat. «• OREGON. veterinary . Both Phones. Tillamook ... • Oregon $As our Grass Fed Cattle are now | H- goyne , ready for the Market, we are I Office: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. O pposite C ourt Hou I making the following Prices on our Tillamook .... Oregotj Meats, for CASH • JOHN LELAND HENDERSOÜ BEEF POT ROAT . At 121c. and 131c. per pound. RIB ROAST . At 15c. per pound. RIB BOIL . . At 11c. per pound. 5 brisket boil STEAKS . At 12ic. to 15c. per pound. CORN BEEF . At 11c. and 12jc. per pound $ HAMBURGER STEAK . At 12ic. per pound. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - . - Grego: ROOM NO. 261. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, These Prices are guaranteed on Tillamook Products. $ DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT 2’3 T illamook B lock Tillamook Price List on U.S. Inspected Prime Steers from Portland. R. JACK OLSEN, ..? ’ ‘ ' r’- r (not put together with b 1 j ? and stove putty)—they v . t c/tuaya remain air tight, b x-iuse neither heat nor col l ¡ Teets them. *1 he Majestic c vn i. l.ned throw,ho’it v,il’i pure asbestos board, heij in place by cn open iron inje — you can see it—and il stays there always. A:r i yht joints end pure asbestos linin'? aasure assure ar. even baking ba’iinjf heat, u.vi saving one-b-lf the fuel, drop to ta fjr.n r rieid sh< .‘ il d>ors d-'p ~iJ shcloes. b'o springe. McLeable iron oven racks La-3 out a-lumatically, hold­ in» ing whs! whatever they contain. QARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B eock Tillamook The Great 0R. M ajestic ; Made of Charcoal Iron, addin* 300% tn life of i i re-e.Srvn catche, m J. m . 1- MAJÍSTIC i| •im-r ,'srr,.’rnu to laut a life orayou ‘1 Bur" to be S-r pr";e *“a “ FOR SALE BY ALEX. McNAIR & CO GEORGE Orerei PETERSEN J. Successor to Dr. Perkins TILLAMOOK, OREGON ■ ** J. DENTIST, -^Charcoal and Malleable Iron Lined with Pure Asbestos Board Till®®00* BORGE WILLETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW T illamook C ommercial B ci U’D* Tillamook .... OrtfO* E. E, DANIELS. CHIROPRACTOR. Local Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK • ORE • EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKE* y Robt. ij. Sat . Gut A Le E. Pat Wm. I Con N F rank Jim B John 1 John 1 Glen N John I Jim C< Joe Lc Lyle C Chas N A. A. I Friti E J. E- S. Hugh i Joe Lir John Bi Andy I Ole Ret Abner ( J. T. Da S. C. W Abner ( NV. A. F J. M Ba Ed Wor Dr. Boal Albert E Hiner 4 Cloverda G W NN E. G. Ar Beaver I It Thom long 4 < Eagar Al anese.,S Frank T: Beall 4 ( Total ’ «8-e G Myrtle O