Tillamook s I « J I I I I I i ) I I i * 4 i Headlight, i91o. ................. . .. ...... Ed. Johnson, Garibaldi. They fill the mangers in the evening , of the O. *. R. K's tract, except a M B. i ompkins, Garibaldi. Hans C. Nelson, Garibaldi. and give the horse all that he will , Joel Laaksa, Garibaldi clean up in the morning but no more. JTony Goesner, Gar,J’a1,'1.1: C E. Marshall, Garibaldi. The farmer makes the most money Oregon. A one seventh interest in the Homer McCutchin, Garibaldi. who devotes his fields to the growing ve described tracts be sold. E 1 Palmiter, Garibaldi. of crops to feed stock, making use of ' | his citation is served UP°" y0^* James Bibby, Garibaldi. all 'the raw products at home, thereby or.b r of the above named court May M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi. not only saving much of the cost of" e 1015 bv publication thereof, and Win. Hartzell, Garibaldi. dale of the first publication IS M. F. Robison, Bar n ew. transportation, but also maintaining the May 6, 19K and the date of the last Walter Kent, Bar View. the fertility of the soil. Taking every­ publication is June 3, {9*5- R. E. Jackson, Bar \ !£W Witness the Honorable A. XL Hare, t B Ivancovich, Garibaldi. thing into consideration, corn will County Judge of Tillamook Count . Charles Hunt. Bar View, probably produce more food per acre Oregon, and the seal of said cour a fvy Bibby, Garibaldi. for animals than any other thing fixed this 5th day of May, 19^ C. E. Johnson, Garibaldi. that can be grown, and there are but H. Jackson. Gariibaldi. Clerk. few feeds which can be fed in a great Wm. Kennedy, Garibaldi. J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. er variety of ways. notice . M E. Hearn, Garibaldi. The future of a steer is made dur- H. W. Wright, Garibaldi of its life. Once ing the first year Notice is hereby given that a pet>- F H. Illingworth, Garibaldi. growthy and thrifty, it takes lost of tion has been filed in the County T B Meade, Garibaldi. food to maintain that condition. The Court of the State of Oregon, for the W. Willey, Garibaldi cunty of of 1 illainook, a true copy and Harrison Peters, Garibaldi well finished steer at two years of County transcript thereof and of the whede Jack Levenhagen Garibaldi. I J. age will bring more than the same thereof, is in words, letters and fig Robert Plummer, Garibaldi. animal would at four years of age in ures as follows to-wit. 4k E Graham, Garibaldi. Petition.. the same condition. It is a great mis­ J V. Gibson, Garibaldi. of In the County Court of the State Mrs A E. Graham, Garibaldi. take to send unripe beef cattle to for Tillamook County. Frank Buckles, Garibaldi. market. They will not ripen on the Oregon L In the matter of the application F W. Hock, Garibaldi. “The Insurance Man.” road. One of the chief advantages of of J. J. McCormick for Liquor A Zuercher, Garibaldi. feeding a small number of animals is License, Garibaldi Precinct, Leslie Penwell, Garibaldi. 1 Phone Us, Todd Hotel. .-—2 Grant Bronson, Garibaldi. that of getting a better class of feed­ said County and State. Comes now herein the u"der*,gnb^ ers. The farmer who makes beef from and represent to this Honorable Eli Yoenich, Garibaldi. Tozi Bapota, Garibaldi his own corn, which he grows on his County Court, and allege the tollow- Chris Stovchetf, Garibaldi. own land and under ordinary favor­ ing "acts that all of the undersigned John Aris, Garibaldi. able conditions, can fatten beef cattle are legal voters of Garibaldi Precin ,.’ C. G. Klingensmith, Garibaldi, cheaper than any professional feeder Tillamook County, Oregon and all f; F. Amick, Garibaldi. each and every one are qualified resi C C. Schrock, Garibaldi. in the business. dents of said precinct and Countj and L’ Gillespie, Garibaldi. Finally, my boy, get this straight in have been for more than thirty day H Hebestreit, Garibaldi. your head and never forget it: Pedi­ prior to the presentation of this R S Acorn, Garibaldi. Notice is further hereby given, that . . gree of the right sort is a fine thing, Detition to this court. P That said McCormick is a cll‘z£,i said petition will be presented to the but its not always understood. It is of the United States, of the State o Countv Court of the State of Oregon only a genealogical record, showing Oregon, and a legal voter, in said for Tillamook County, on the 2nd the relationship of animals. Some precinct, is the owner of valuable day of June, 1915. and at the h,our of pedigrees arc as worthless as the pa­ real estate in said precinct, in Gari, to o’clock A.M. and based thereon per on which they are written. A baldi, in said County and State and o. said J J- McCormick, will at said valuable personal property and is he time and date, apply to said County good calf with a good pedigree in owner of a hotel in sa.d Garibaldi Court for a license to be granted to good hands, where there is plenty of said hotel being a bona fide hole to said J. J. McCormick to sell with­ good feed, is a good combination. with accomadations for at least fifty in said Garibaldi Precinct, and at his The owner of the calf may live on BUThat said McCormicx resides at hotel bar in Garibaldi, spiritous, malt and vinous liquors, near beer and pedigree, but the calf cannot. said hotel, with his family consisting hard cider, for a period of six months of himself and invalid wife. from the date of said license. Tl at said McCormick, is now and Dated this 29th day of April, 1915. The War and Prosperity. has been for a long time past con­ J, J. McCormick Petitioner. ducting a bar in connection with said first The balance of trade for the TENTING GROUNDS. hotel, for the sale of intoxicating State of Oregon, County of Tilla- A. WISE, PROP. BAR VIEW HOTEL nine months of the fiscal year, July liquors. . , ., ,, mook, SS. e 1 That it is the desire of said Mc­ I, the undersigned, being first duly i, 1914, to April 1, 1915, reaches the enormous total of $719,803,000. 1 hat Cormick, and your petitioners that he sworn say:—That I am one of the be granted a license to sell at retail petitioners within named, and that I is to say that we have sold to foreign at his bar in said hotel, such intoxi­ circulated the same, and that each countries in that period nearly three- cating liquors, and that he be grant­ and all of the foregoing named peti­ quarters of a billion more than we ed a license so to do in the manner tioners signed the same with his own have bought from them. 1 hat vast provided by law, for a period of six hand in my presence; that each stated months from the granting of said his name, postoffice address’ and resi­ sum has been placed to our credit license. dence correctly, and that each one is and much of it is now circulating G. H. Benson, Garibaldi. a legal voter within Garibaldi Pre­ through the commercial veins of the A. J. Baier, Garibaldi. cinct, and has actually resided there­ in for more than thirty days next country, putting new life into busi­ Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. preceeding. April 29, I9I5> and that ness, starting the wheels to turning, J. A. McKee, Garibaldi. H. Champhe, Garibaldi. all of the facts set forth in said peti­ Operated by W. A. WISE, 210-213 Failinff Building, Port­ and giving fresh courage to trade in C. H. Lyster, Garibaldi. tion are true as I verily believe. land and Bar View. every line. Louis Eckloff, Garibaldi. J. T. McCormick, Make a leader on clams, crabsand chicken dinners. We will Address, Garibaldi, TillamooK Although the greater portion of this Ed. J. Lyster, Garibaldi. County, Oregon. unprecedented export business, total­ R. E. Miller, Garibaldi. try hard to give you sea foods to eat when you come to Mrs. J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. Subscribed and sworn to before me ing approximately two billions for H. Thiessen, Garibaldi. this 29th day of April, iort. Bar View. Order house for those who wish to the nine months, is due to the war, M. J. Beamish, Garibaldi. Webster Holmes, use a sleeping tent and board out. we may consol ourselves with the Lloyd C. Smith, Bar View. (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. Dr. Wise will be at the Hotel from May 1st to May 15th, thought that arms and ammunition D. L. Terwilliger, Bar View. Mrs. A. C. Smith, Bar View. Summons. from comparatively a small part of it. Leonard Pearson, Bar View. and will do dental work by appointments. While it is the war that is restoring F. C. Robison, Bar View. In the Circuit Court of the State of prosperity to us, it is not the instru­ James D. Powell, Garibaldi. Oregon, for Tillamook County. ments of war that are pushing it this Ella Smith, Bar View. C. F. Grabel, Bar View. Tillamook County Bank, a way but mainly the supplies that come John A. Nelson, Garibaldi. corporation, from the field and the factory to Geo. W. Phelps, Garibaldi. Plaintiff, which no taint of blood can apply, F. A. Phelps, Garibaldi. Francis D. Mitchell and Ida A. B. Sheldon, Garibaldi. Nearly $500,000,000 of this export J. Mitchell, G. W. Rice business is made up of breadstuffs C. Pearson, Garibaldi. F. McGinnis, Bar View. and Jane Doe Rice his wife, alone, and to this we have added R. H. Tyson, Bar View. Defendants. cotton, counting up into hundreds of Ben Center, Garibaldi. To G. W. Rice and Jane Doe Rice, millions also; of clothing an incon­ Mrs. Ellen Center, Garibaldi. his wife, of the above named defend­ E. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. ceivable quantity, and many other Mrs. C. E. Johnson, Garibaldi. ants: commodities which are the bone and G. Marshall, Garibaldgi. In the name of the State of Oregon sinue of trade in times of peace. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. you are hereby required to appear Much as we deplore the horrible, Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. and answer the complaint filed against and, as it seems to us, unless war J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. A. Perfect Rafccr—absolutely dependable, every day, year in, Wm. Dowd, Garibaldi. you in the above suit on or before year tat. T iilt on honor, of the best materials. that is devastating Europe, we can­ A. Blazer, Garibaldi. the expiration of six weeks from the Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges not avoid admission of the fact that Z. Hughes, Garibaldi. date of the first publication of this 77» c on Ay re vge made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. it is bringing us an enormous busi­ J. B. Langley, Garibaldi. Malleable it an break—charcoal iron won’t rust like stssl* summons, and if you fail to so appear ness. We would rather, much rather, T. Fuller, Bar View. Economical In Fuel and answer, for want thereof plaintiff W. Johansen, Bar View. get our business in some other way, E. The reams of the Majestic are riveted (not put together'with Ed. Erickson, Bar View. will apply to said court for the relief boils and str?e putty)—they will always remain air tight, but the war was not of our making, Charles Bowers, Bar View. demanded in the complaint, which is be ...use neither heat nor < old affects them. The the trade it has given us is legitimate H. T. Hewitt, Bar View. oven is l>ned throughout with pure asbestos board, that the plaintiff have judgment he Id in place by an open iron pfrating’— you can see it— ana C. R. Arnold, Bar View. and we are entitled to such profit as it stays there always. Air tiprht joints and pure asbestos against all the defendants named for E. F. Jackson, Bar View. lining- assure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fuel. may honorably accrue from it. A W. All doors drop to form ririef shelves. No springs. J. Burgan, Bar View. the sum of $1,173.00, with interest of them out. Malleable iron oven racks Slide out automatically* hoW* moral question may be raised, and is E. Johnson, Bar View. thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per ing whatever they contain. A chicken should never be eaten raised, as to a part of it, but that part Nels Brandin, Bar View. annum from July 3rd, 1914; for the the day it is killed. The tenderest alone would have had little influence Carl Johnson, Garibaldi, further sum of $125.00 attorney’s fees, fresh-killed chicken will be tough im­ in returning prosperity to thia land. Mrs. C. Morgan, Garibaldi. and for the costs and disbursements Mrs. E, Stabers, Garibaldi. mediately after the animal heat has John A. Benson, Garibaldi. of this suit, upon a promissory note Citation. left the body. In about twelve hours, C. M. McGinnis, Garibaldi. executed by the defendants Mitchell, 1 V. Lalone, Bar View. however, the muscles will relax and it and for a decree of foreclosure of a of Harry R. Williams, Garibaldi. In the County Court of the State then becomes fit for food. mortgage executed by said defend­ Thos I’urris, Garibaldi. Oregon for Tillamook County. Never make an open dish if it is In the matter of the estate of T. B Harry Ford, Garibaldi. ants Mitchell to secure the payment possible to drain the land with tile, Handley deceased. J. A. Randall, Garibaldi. of said note, which mortgage is re­ To Iola 1. Handley, Charles B. A. E.Hiiehisch, Garibaldi. A tile drain cost» but little more corded in book “U", page 413 of the Handley, ..«i.uivjr, T. I. B. ... Handley Jr., j ■., — E. . A. J. F.. Mann, Garibaldi. Ilian a properly constructed open Handl y and George Dewey Handley Record of Mortgages of Tillamook Steve Balocco, Garibaldi. ditch having proper sloping banks, and all persons unknown interested in Jos. Rasmus, Garibaldi. County, Oregon, and that the prop­ ej, copper rjRtrvoir which boats Tike a tea kettle, through s r .pper rcx k. t atarnoe l irora one p of ' epp r. FOttin? and unlike the open ditch it leaves the said estate. In the name of the State Jas. II. Snydow, Garibaldi. ' erty in said mortgage described, to- Lined I 11 tr.r.d ot f.»-o bcx. It boils 15 n' ana of water in a v erf With L of Oregon, you and each of you are Frank Abrams, Garibaldi. ie"7 TTjr.ntoA and by turning a lever the inme { nd reservoir land perfectly smooth, without any Pure wit: Lot 44 of Block 54, Bayocean, in awwirurni -e. Anc^cluaivepatented mature, hereby cited and required to appear Tom Troy, Garibaldi. Asbretot > non do-*-» away with ehovelin? a? es -vcntHatca oj n waste of cultivation. Tillamook County, Oregon, be sold Board pit prevents floor catching fire— asa cup catches ssne*. in said court on the 4th day of June. F. Blake, Garibaldi. •'Y Zufc ro xfcj ffreatejt Here is something about hay worth 1915, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, J. Strom, Garibaldi. and the proceeds of said sale applied a range. . Don t buy th<» rrtnjre yon expect to last • 1 remembering: When it is 2 or 3 years at Tillamook City, Oregon, and then Peter Gunderson, Garibaldi. to the discharge of said judgment, time ‘unsight, unseen,** or you’ll bo g’jre t-» M » arpeinted. Come to our store, and see the Ofvc’ of old it is worth more for feeding than and there show cause, if any exists, J. \V. Hilton, Garibaldi. and barring and foreclosing the de­ Mdo Mcfcstic — have ita many exclusive feaioreec* why an order should not be made Charcoal plained -find out why the Tt «/*-.• ric 1» it is when a year old. It goes much directing the administrator of said Mrs. M. B. Tompkins, Garibaldi. fendants and all of them of all right, that ail ether rnnrvs where most rai'^cs are weARehj. Iron, Mrs. M. E. Smith, Garibaldi. I k Um best range at a../ price w-d it mvumj farther, probably due to the fact that estate to sell, at private sale, for cash, \V. J. Mann, Garibaldi. title, interest or estate in or to the add mgr oe in your FOR SALE BY it contains less moisture, and that a the following described real property P. Simpson, Garibaldi. said property, except statutory right 3C0% tft That parcel bounded by be­ Benj. \V. Laing, Garibaldi. life of given bulk of it will contain more to-wit: or redemption, and for general re ­ Range ginning at the S.E. corner of a tract ALEX. McNAIR & CO. lief. feding matters. Moisture is filling conveyed to Jacob Jacobson b>- John Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. Mrs. Bessie Stapen, Garibaldi, but'not nourishing. R. Handley and E. C. Handley, ex­ Earl B. Inman, Garibaldi. This summons is published in pur- ' IS GALLO'S.' I co**crt A good horseman never trots a ecutors, by deed recorded on page L. A. Inman, Garibaldi. suance of an order therefor made by ptAtwvota 600, Book 43 of Deeds, Yamhill Coun ­ draft horse, even when he has no load ty, Oregon, thence East to the center A. Yank, Garibaldi. the Honorable A. M. Hare, County win. r.«vt vou eo»LiN WATE« Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, That is not what they are for. Some of B St. in the Townof McMinnville 1 J. E. Dean, Garibaldi. ; O. K. Emery, Garibaldi. made and filed»- on the 13th day of degree of speed is necessary, however in said county, south 222 feet to S.E. M. I. Halpin, Garibaldi. April, 1915, and the time thereby eyen in a drafter, and the fast walk is corner of tract conveyed by Geo. C. R. J. Buettner. Garibaldi. to Charles Handley, by L. Smith, Garibaldi. not only the proper thing, but the , Chandler scribed for the publication thereof is deed recorded on page 328 Book I... ; L. once a week for a period of six weeks ohly speed to which a draft horse be records of deeds of said county, west R. W. Smith, Garibaldi. M. Flenker, Garibaldi. and the first publication thereof is 464 feet to S.W. corner of last mtn- ! Jack permitted to go. Plummer, Garibaldi. made this April 15th. 1915. Most horse owners feed too much 1 , Honed tract, thence north to place of E. A. Young. Garibaldi. Also all hast and mitre than he will eat up. 1 beginning. . . of , lots 8. 9, '* and » i , to Lida Dean, Garibaldi. H. T. Botts. . .. . , , of < oztncs s acre lots in College Addi- \ddi- Attorney for Plaintiff. I elean Many experienced horsemen ti„n to town of McMinnville. Yam- Yam­ Laura Randee, Garibaldi. Last publication. May 27, 1915. give no hay at all at the noon meal. I hill County, Oregon, which lies west J. J. Hedrick, Garibaldi. Í YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE WITH THIS-AGENCY, Uncle Silas Says. ----- o----- If you need more phosphorus in your system, listen to the «men of science, who says that pumpkin pie is what you need. The humble pumpkin is more than thirty-three per cent phosphorus, while the lordly apple is only 15 per cent. And the winter squash contains about the same amount of phosphorus as the pump­ kin, Therefore if you want to shine in the world eat pumpkin and squash and you’l get there with both feet. The garden was designed as the most suitable Sbode for man and woman. Our Creator placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, sur­ rounded with all the beauty and sub­ limity of nature.. But they let the weeds and the serpents thrive, and they finally caused the owners to be driven out. There are still people who let weeds grow in their gardens and not a few abandon the garden be­ cause of the weeds. Grease is cheaper than horses, yet many who use wagons overlook greasing the axels at the proper time. Heavy wagons must often be used on rough roads, and when it happens that the matter of greasing the wa­ gon has been overlooked the horses are made to do perhaps double work. If you want to learn about horses you must learn from horses,” is an old saying and a good one. A man to be successful must be with horses and a close observer of their moods, man­ ners and make-up. A colt should be trained from the first moment he is helped to his feet. If taught to yield early to man’s restraint and guidance he will never need “breaking”. To fol­ low his master’s wishes will be second nature. Never speed a colt too young, and when he is given speed permit it for short spurts only as he can bear it. Because an individual cow is a good producer, it is not safe to buy her calf for a good producer unless she have a line of producing ances­ tors on both sides behind her. Not every cow descends from good pro­ ducing ancestors is herself a good producer, but she is much more likely to be than if selected in any other way, and this probability has a mon­ ey value. After all, many of our despised weeds are useful to the farmer. Even sweet clover is a splendid renovator, • nd a good pasture plant for hogs, Most farm animals will eat it when it is young and tender, and it can be kept so by the hogs and the mower. It also chockes out other weeds. Try some of it in a jimson or sunflower patch. When we consider that large por­ tion of the cow’s body is composed of water; that milk contains more water than any other one ingredient, and that it must require a great quantity of water to keep the temperature of the animal down during extremely hot weather, we should realize how necessary it is to keep her well sup­ plied with pure drinking water. . Horses sleep but little—usually three or four hours in the twctity- four. Consequently whatever can should be done to make them com- fprtable. Narrow stalls, insufficient bedding, stiffened joints on arising all discourage the horse from lying down as much as it should, and some from lying down at all. These con­ ditions should be remedied. Stalls should be wide and well bedded. A high-headed tree is easier culti­ vated, but the low-headed tree makes fruit picking easier. The ground dries out more quickly under a high-head­ ed tree and more fruit is blown off by the wind. Whenever you find cross branches rubbing each other cut one OVER $160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS Represented by this Office. AFETY” ERVICE OUR AIM ECURITY. Let Us Write Your Next Policy ROLLIE w. WATSON Bar View Hotel-Furnished Tents.j Now Open for the Season Under Management of DR. W. A. WISE. Bar View Hotel AND FURNISH TENTS On the Beach at Bar View, Tillamook County, Oregon. Some of die Reasons Why Tie Great M ajestic Charcoal and Malleable Iron l all I