Tillamook I fi III ! f I [I Headlight, ' ay 6, « ri OREGON STATE GRANGE. CITIZENS WANT A NEW CITY Engineer thereupon filed plan, profile HALL ERECTED. specifications, and estimated cost as Holds its Annual Meeting in Tilla­ i directed above. mook City Next Week. The further discussion of pavement Council Puts it Up to the People— » ——-o---- - matters was continued until Saturday More Street Improvements Planned. The forty second annual session of t May 8th, at 7:30 p m. J. W. Maddux appeared and asked I the Oregon State Grange will meet < The City Council met on Monday i i repairs be made on various cross­ in Tillamook City next Tuesday evening Mayor S. A. Brodhead, Coun- 1 morning. May 11, and will be in ses­ i eilmen G. B. I.amb, John Keldson, walks about the city. He was inform­ sion until the following I riday. The ed that the Council would accompany <1 M. Melchior, G. A. Edmunds, R. T. 1 arrangements are in the hands of < Boals, City Attorney H. T. Botts, him ori a tour of inspection of these committees from the Grange, the I : at a near future date. Marshal N. J. Myers and Recorder Q. J. Pangborn appeared before Commercial Club and the Women’s John Ascliim, were present when the the council and explained bill for Civic League. following proceedings were had to- The visitors will arrive in this city $13.45 for gravel hauled on I welfth wit : on Monday on the regular passenger street, and which the Council had The minutes of the meeting held previously rejected as not having train, and it is hoped that as many April 19, were read and approved. of the Grangers and citizens will be The Arbitration Board appointed to been ordered. P. W. Todd also ex­ at the depot to meet them, also those ( plained that he had ordered this settle the difference existing between who have autos to take the visitors A VERY DEPARTMENT in the Store is presenting its quota in a series of Nick Job and the city over land work done while he was Street Com­ to the hotels and private homes. missioner, but it did not go through ' , Bargain Sales for this coining week. needed by the city for the westerly On Tuesday morning the State the regular order for filing lien. 1 he extension of Seventh street in Mil­ The lines offered are strictly up-to-date, good, reliable merchandise, Grange will be called to order by Mr. ler’s Addition, made report that Mr. bill appearing to the Council to be a C. E. Spence, State Master, in the and at the prices quoted will enable you to effect wonderful savings on mid-sea­ was Job be allowed the sum of $50.00 for just claim as far as Pangborn Oddfellows’ Building. son purchases. the land appropriated, which was concerned, it was allowed. Tuesday evening the Tillamook A petition signed by a large num ­ I SALE OF adopted. SALE OF SALE OF read, Commercial Club will give a recep­ The Mayor stated to the Council ber of voters in the city was read, tion at the club rooms, when Gov­ that there still remained a small strip asking that the council proceed to ernor Withycombe, Prof. French and of land west of Block 46, Thayer's build a City Hall at an expense of other distinguished persons will be 29c., Addition, through which street must not to exceed $30,000.00. $17. $13.85, Another petition was also read, present. be run to make 10th street complete, On Thursday morning, at eight for values up to $27.50. for Actual 33c. Values. for values to $17.50. 1 and also stated that the people of asking that the city proceed with the o’clock the visitors will be taken in A beautiful selection of 36 inch Actual savings up to $10.00 do not Seventh Street wished an arbitration building of a city hall, and that pro- I Smart New Spring Styles for Men visions be made for a gymnasium in 'autos to see the surrounding country wide Flowered Crepes, 36 inch wide board appointed to determine the to be conducted and visit the cheese factories in this who want an up-to-date suit at a occur every day on such smart up- Splash Voiles and 36 inch wide the building, same value of land needed by the city in C. A. ' vicinity. On Saturday morning the modest price. All sizes to choose to-date and becoming Suits as we Flow’ered Seed Voiles. These popu­ Block 8, Miller’s Addition, for the under the auspices of a Y. M. or similar organization. ( visitors will leave the city on their from and fittings gladly given offer for this coming week. Every lar weaves are shown in the loveliest easterly extension of this street. Councilmen Boals stated to the return home, and Dr. W. A. Wise whether you purchase at the time or size is included in the selection and of colorings on grounds of white. The Mayor was authorized to act has arranged for a clam bake at Bar council that he thought that a number from the newest there are such popular self colors The Crapes are shown in combina­ for the City in choosing a representa­ View, the train stopping there for not. Choose tion stripe and flowered designs as tive to act for the city in the arbitra­ of the people who signed these peti­ spring novelties in Serges, Wors- Blue, Brown, Green as well as well as in floral and Dolly Varden that purpose. I tion of lands necessary for the ex­ tions had done so without thinking Cheviots and Black and White Checks to choose patterns. teds, Cashmeres, I tension of Seventh and Tenth streets, about the amount of indebtedness the i from. city was assuming, and called atten ­ Find Old Mail in P. O. Building. Tartans. as outlined above. I SALE OF The City Engineer reported that he tion to the fact that should the city SALE OF SALE OF bond for $30,000.00 and add this to Evidences of mismanagement on bad received word from the State Highway Commission to the effect the $40,000.00 already issued, their in­ the part of C. F. Alexander, former that they would assist in any advisory terest would amount to $350.00 per postmaster at Garibaldi were dis­ 98c., $8.45, covered today by workmen who are capacity in the matter of the build­ month. $185, for actual values to $1.67 W. G. Dwight stated that the City tearing down the old Bay View Hotel ing of Hoquarton Bridge. He also re­ for valuer up to $12.50. was at present bonded in the amount Actual 40 to 52 inch wide fabrics for Actual $3.00 values. Garibaldi’s oldest land marks. The ported that he hail submitted other Every Coat in the selection was n such fashionable weaves as Serges data for their advice but had not of $85,000.00, that the water system building Alexnder used for a post­ Yrou can’t afford to miss a < chance purchased for this season’s trade. was paying interest at this time on I office, is owned by Peter Byrom Princess Cloths, Crepes, Voiles and heard from them as yet. like this, for the Hats offered are all They are therefore absolutely in ac­ Panamas, and shown in all the lead­ The city engineer was authorized $65,000.00, that the water system now | 1 estate and is being moved from its to take whatever steps necessary, to had a sinking fund of $30,000.00, that I former position adjoining the old this season’s models and arc shown cord with fashion’s decrees and re­ ing shades of which we mention in all the most fashionable colors present the season’s latest features. Bicge, Tabac, Olive Green, Silver secure permit from the War Depart­ the city has a storm sewer system hotel. nd Steel Greys Navy Blue and Delft ment to build the Hoquarton Slough worth $30,000.00 and submitted that In a room underneath the old post­ and in a full range of sizes. They are all shown in plain colors in view of these facts that the city office building workmen found a ton Blue. See special showing in Dept. bridge. in Checks, Plaids and Fancy Weaves SALE OF The matter of having alley vacated should not hesitate in the building of or more of old papers and letters, SALE OF a city hall such as asked in the peti- 1 in block 3 Norton’s Addition, and much of which was United States SALE OF property cleaned up between Front tion filed. mail that had never been distributed. E. E. McClaren submitted plans of 1 Several packages of letter were yet and First streets, was continued in 29c. a city hall calling for a two story ' | untied and still bore the facing slip the hands of the Marshal. $1.39, The Police Committee recoinended building with basement, and con­ | of the postal clerk who war on the for Actual 50c. values. for Actual $3.00 values. that Ike Shortlidge be appointed day structed of brick. He explained the train at that time. One package in A splendid selection of really for values up to $2.00. Remarkable values in a full range policeman. The question of salary of plans in detail, and stated that the particular bears the date of March 11, i such officer was left with the police estimated building complete with 1914. Some children who were play­ I handsome Silk Ties of beautiful Dainty Lawn Waists in a full range of sizes and widths in Ladies’ But- committee for later report. The re­ heating plant, and ready to furnish, ing around the pile of rubbish happen I colors and designs and splendid of sizes. Seme are finished with ton Shoes of Gunmetal Calf, Vici port was adopted and Mr. Shortlidge would cost about $20,000.00. pretty collars of the latest style and Kid, Patent with cloth tops, and I ed to get hold of a package of these I weaves. I Councilman Boals made a motion letters and in looking them over dis- ' appointed. The kind you pay 50c. for any- others are prettily embroidered, the Patent with mat tops. The heels The License Committee stated that that the hall be not built at this time covered one addressed to W. Beam- ’ where, offered this week at a big styles including low necks as well as arc shown in the popular military they had no report as to license on for lie following reasons: "That it is ish, and took them to him, and took styles. Altogether a selection of the fashionable high neck styles. popcorn wagon proposed, blit they the judgment of the city council that ish and took them to him who discov-1 saving. smart styles and splendid values. wished some change tna