Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 06, 1915, Image 6

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Notice to Contractors.
ceeded in this salvage job, because ity, a clinch in which the several
Sealed proposals addressed to the
it’s the hardest we ever tackled.
------- OH—
ties of treasure without a prospect of County Court of Tillamook County,
1 r'j .
hampion Diver Tells How he Went
present or future return, lhe money
Rural Credit Problem.
Down to the F-4.
side of the contention may shortly complete part of Bayoccan County
How it feels to go down, down into
its main salient. Mr. Asquith Road improvement.
Notwithstanding the tendency of
he clear depths of Honolulu Bay to
in accordance with plans and speci­
Live the mystery of the submarine some individuals who have been ac- lias stated frankly the size of the bills fications thereof on file in the office
•■-4’s fate is told by Chief Gunner's live in attempts to establish rural England is paying, and the other of the County Clerk of 1 illamook
late Frank Crilley, United States credit systems to dogmatize on the combatants can mislead nobody by County, Oregon, will be received by
4avy. Crilley broke the world’s subject, it is evidently still a problem obscuring the size or nature of the the County Court of said County, at
ecord in deep-sea diving April 14, filled with difficulties. It is the unan­ financial puzzle in billions.
its office in the Court House,, at
I anding by the side of the submarine, imous conclusion that short-term
Tillamook City, Oregon, until the
loans on farm land are too expensive
Woman's Wasted Love.
•88 feet beneath the surface.
hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the 8th
day of May, A.D. 1915, and at that
■•" Crilley was not allowed to talk be- In addition to high interest charges
While little children are starving | [ime anJ p|ace publicly opened and
ore this tirne, because he was under and commissions for renewals there
he care of physicians, recovering is the expense of frequent bringing of in Poland and Belgium and the poor­ read,
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
rom the tremendous exertion neces- the abstract down to date. There is er classes in all nations are feeling
dialed by his feat and h:s subsequent always hanging over the head of the the economic strain of the war, the certified check on some responsible
live of 220 feet to rescue Diver borrower the fear that financial con­ money that is being lavished on pet bank in the State of Oregon, in the
'.Loughman, who had became entan­ ditions will be such at the maturity dogs seems like a mockery of human sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­
gled in his lines at that depth. He is of the mortgage that he cannot get a need. The child that is born with the closed therewith, said check shall be
ill right now, he says, and ready to renewal at reasonable rates. There is proverbial spoon in its mouth never made payable to the County Clerk of
Let Us Write Your Next Policy
ago down again whenever he is called apparently general agreement that received more attention than was be­ Tillamook County Oregon, to be held
some form of bonded indebtedness stowed on some of the dogs on ex­ as liquidated damages in case the bid
'on. Here is his story:
II Honolulu, April 21.—I never dived must be advised. It is urged, in illus­ hibition at the dog show at Madison I be accepted and the bidder shall fail
under such splendid conditions or in tration, that the public borrows Square Garden in New \ ork City. I refuse or neglect to enter into the
’ such wonderful water as here at Hon- money in this way and that our great Four little Japanese spaniels have contract, and file therewith the nec­
industrial development would have been provided with minature country essary bond for the faithful perfor­
"The Insurance Man."
; olulu.
' On the east coast the water is dark been impossible without the sale of frame houses by their loving mis­ mance of the work, within 5 days
sometimes so black you have to feel 1 bonds.
tress. The house has plate glass doors from the date of receiving notice
But here the agreement ends. Some and windows, regulation chimneys, from the County Court that the con-
your way with your hands, and the
bottom is muddy, but going down in would have the national government stairs and bedrooms. Each dog has tract is ready for signature,
All bids shall be made on blank
this beautiful water is like passing or the state lend money to farmers its own private room. They eat from
at low interest rates. Others would gold inlaid chinaware and rest their forms furnished for such purpose by
through a wonderful picture.
1 didn’t have many sensations. I use banks supplied with capital by little heads on hand worked Japanese the County Court; must state plainly
knew 1 was going to get down to that I state or nation. Some would exempt pillows. The whole house is lighted the price of each item of work bid up- j
submarine, because off Race Rock the capital of such banks from taxa­ by tiny electric lamps. We believe in on and must be signed by the bidder.'
Derrishak went down 274 feet, and if tion. Others would exempt the bonds kindness to dogs and all other ani­ and also state his business address.
The successful bidder will be re- i
he could do that I knew I could go from taxation, using the familiar ar­ mals. But when a women showers
300 or better here, and so could any | gument that the land is already taxed her attention and money on dogs quired to furnish a suerty bond satis­
Under Management of
an argument which would apply to while children cry for bread, she has factory to the County; Court for the
of the boys.
I got on the cable and went down
reversed the order of nature estab-1 the sum of 50 per cent of the entire
without any trouble. It is easy to go land. Two speakers considered the lished by
the Creator—Yeoman I amount of the bid.
down on the cable, which doesent problem before the Southern Com­ Schild.
| Each bidder shall be required to (
make any trouble as long as you keep mercial Congress at Muskogee, My­
satisfy himself, by examination, the I
your lines straight. I kept looking up ron T. Herrick, who has specialized
Uncle Sam’s Fox Farm.
location, nature and extent of the 1
a good deal, to see that the lines on rural credits more than any other
work to be performed, and all bids
prominent American, and George
didn't foul, and slid down fast.
Probably a good many of our read­ are to be compared on the basis of,
Before I got to the bottom—in fact
ers were surprised to learn that Uncle quantities shown on the bidding ,•
as soon as I got 25 or 35 feet down— I intimate acquaintnce with the work­ Sam had just sold twenty silver foxes blanks and as included between Sta­ 1
I could see it. It was a beautiful place ings of the Farm Mortgage Bank of at $312 a pair for breeding purposes tion,
a beach, as pretty as any beach you I that city. Both protested against state and wondered how he got them. It from Station 48 plus 00 to Station 69
ever saw, clean, white sand, with lit I or national "subsidies of the farmer.” seems out of line of ordinary function p]us -2^
I Mr. Herrick criticised exemption of governmental administration. But
tie riplets made by the water.
Upon thp deposit of $5
a set of
Sees the F-4 Plainly.
I from taxation, on the ground of in­ it appears that there are many more I plans, specifications, forms for pro­
The beach slopes up at quite an equality. Taxes must be paid and he silver foxes in the government reser- posal, contract, and bond, may be ob-
angle, and right there lay the F-4, on I argues that farmers who are not bor- vation on the Pribiloff Islands, where I tained at the office of the County
her side, her bow toward the shore, I rowing money would join other clas- the seals used to congregate, and Clerk.
inclined enough to show the slope of I es of taxpayers in resisting what Lncle Sam is devoting the time and
The right is reserved to reject any
the beach. The water was so clear I I would be a gross discrimination. Mr. energies of his employes there to do- or all proposals, or to accept an/
could see her full length. It was clear I Woodruf would exempt the deben­ ing a little business in fine furs.
I proposal or proposals, as may be
enough and light enough down there ture of bonds from taxation, using
The price may seem large to many, deemed best for Tillamook County,
to take pictures if there were any way the general objection to double tax­ but if the foxes are of good grade Oregon,
I On the Beach at Bar View, Tillamook
of getting a camera down, in an ation. The Joliet plan of amortiza­ it is exceedingly low. Up in Prince
By order of the County Court,
County, Oregon.
open chamber, for instance, as Wil- tion, by which twenty year lonns are Edward Island they have gone mad
Dated this 20th day of April, 1015.
paid out in forty equal semiannual* over silver foxes in the last few years
liamson does at Bermuda.
J. C. Holden,
[Operated by \V. A. WISE, 210-213 Failing Building, Port-
When you look up the water is a payments, appears to have been a and the price has risen t_
_ - —
County Clerk.
to 7^-,
land and Bar View.
light green, but when you look down success. It reduces to the minimum * yes $40,000—for a single pair. There
Make a leader on clams, crabsand chicken dinners. We will
it is a deep clear blue. One of the one of the greatest dangers, that of, are thousands of foxes in the island
Notice to Contractors.
most marvelous things, to my mind, overvaluation of the security, for j mostly controlled by stock compan-
Sealed proposals addressed to the
try hard to give you sea foods to eat when you come to
is that there is no weeds down there, each semiannual payment, the secur- ies and their estimated value is morei County - Court
------ -- of ------
-------- County,
------- 7,
Bar View. Order house for those who wish to
no vegetation, no fish, nothing but ity becomes stronger. Congress and than of all the rest of live stock in the Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to
use a sleeping tent and board out.
white sand like the slope of a hill.
the various legislatures have few ’ region. The foxes are not killed for Complete the Blum-Hemlock County-
be at the Hotel from May 1st to May H5th,
The cable I was on led under the more important problems before their skins, but when one dies the fur Road improvement,
work by appointments.
F-$’s stern. I worked around until I them. While immediate action is de-1 gets to market, the price for the best |‘n accor<iance with plans and I speci-
could get on top of her. The divers sireable, the devising of an equitable skins being about $2,500, or was at I fications thereof on file in the office
who followed me went down on the and workable plan is more important 1 that figure before the war. It ¡s pl °f the County Clerk of Tillamook K»OOO&OCGQ€OCOQGOSO&&CeCC3OOQOSOOO&Q0OO9QOOQOOC 00803
County, Oregon, will be received by
other cables and were able to land still.
sumed that members of the r"yal I >1.«
r__ _ -t —-J 7-___
square on top of the submarine.
families are not buying furs so lavish- I the County Court of said County, al
the Court House
Cost of the War.
I wasn't nervous, because I was
ly as formerly. Reports from Princc
Oregon, until
sure the lines were all right; there
Edward Island are that the prices are
Accurate news from the front i 1,1 ( being maintained for the live animals hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the
was no danger from that, and then
Mr. Stillson was up above loakin.; Europe is obtained with difficulty ’ but as breeders sell only to each day of May, A.D. 1915, and a
out for me, and wouldn'e let me stay but some that is mathematically ex-1 other, it is not hard to maintain the time and place publicly opened
down too long.
act comes from the rear. Premier J market.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
I got an idea of the lay of the lines Asquith estimates that England is j But if Uncle Sam has good breeds
soon, and then went up again Of spending $10,000,000 a day for milli-Jin
the Pribiloffs,
the price is certified check on some responsible
•••zllvllj) I then
IlC 11 111
bank in the State of Oregon, in the
course it was a long time before 1 tary purposes. It is probable that the certain to come
----- —,...2 world over. sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­
reached the top, because of the care
We await with much interest a bulle-
used in raising men from these lions of Europe on their armies and tin from the'Àgricu'Üurâï Department closed therewith, said check shall be
JL« *•*■**
A -•’er/crf Raber— absolutely dependable, every day. year in«
• subject.lt
... may be that revenue made payable to the County Clerk of
navu-s amounts
amounts to $50,000,000 a day, 1 I on the
depths, but I was glad to know that navies
yeax* out. Built on honor, of tae best materials.
at least we had reached the F-4, lo­ or $t,000000,000 every twenty days, from raising foxes will help the Wil-
Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges
cated her and would soon be raising
conflict [ son administration out of a financial as liquidated damages in case the bid
Tle,nn(v, rnr,ge made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron.
l/iaMatu iron cent break—charcoal iron won't Tint likt »taeL
• .
” —* in ( hole. It needs all the assistance pos- refuse or neglect to enter into the
That's the job we came from the war chests nearly $20,000,000,000 ' sible.
Economical In Fuel
contract, and file therewith the nec­
Thei a ra ms cf ’he Majestic rro riveted (not put together with
Brooklyn to do, and our personal to pay the bills for the next twelve
putty)—they will always remain air tight,
feeling don't couht. Its all in a day's months. It would take the world at
Notice to Farmers.
because n t her heat nor cold affects them. The Majestic
P'T?.13 .'incd throughout with pure asbestos board,
the present yield nearly half a cen­
ne.a m place by an open iron grating — you can see it —and
from the date of receiving notice
it stays there silways. Air tight joints and pure asbestoe
Nobody but a medical man can tell tury to extract that much gold front
The Tillamook Lime Products Co., from the County Court that the con­
liaing arnu; e an even baking hoau saving one-half the fueL
just how deep a diver can go here. the earth. Where is the money to( is ready to furnish ground lime stone tract is ready for signature,
( ■-
*° lornl
•helves. No spring*,
iron oven racks slide out automatically! hold*
the farmers. -• The lime stone is
It depends ■upon the ability of the come from from
, ... - 11 the *1' gigantic
— ... , • ! to
ing whatever they contain.
All bids shall be made on blank
it I-...— ..„„A’
1 - -
diver to stand the depression changes )( long continued? The question will ground so as to pass a 1-6 inch wire forms furnished for such purpose by
But I am sure I can make 500 feet in be pressed home by the course of screen,
the County Court; must state plainly
these waters, with the lines all clear events, and statesmen of foresight I The lime stone will cost $5.00 per the price of each item of work bid up­
and no diagonial cables to worry and practical judgment will not view ' ton in sacks at the plant. A charge^of on and must be signed by the bidder
it as a secondary matter. The bourses 3 cen,s Per sack or 60c. per ton extra and also state his business address.
Hardest Job He Ever Had.
have an impersonal way of imposing w'1' be made for the sacks unless
The successful bidder will be re­
On a job of this kind the diver, so ( I their views. Industrial situations pre- j ■ sacks arc furnished by the customer, quired to furnish a suerty bond satis­
^^C-tcrcoor/ and Malleable Iron
long as he is coming up or going sent their arguments quietly, U;
but !
grain or meal sacks with a close factory to the County Court for the
down or moving around on the bot­ i forcibly. England, for example, i_
¡s weave should be brought
as the fine faithful performance of the work, in
tom, is too busy to think of danger. rich, but a doubling of its national dust or powder will all be lost if the the sum of 50 per cent of the entire
He has to watch the lines too closely debt in about one year would suggest safks have a course weave leaving amount of the bid.
the rakes’ progress.
and make observations.
. only the course grains of limestone in
Each bidder shall be required to Lined
'' -1«
> te. tetti». throng »
1 ■ V,'5X ?
from on. Piro, tf co, «r, aettin. K>i
If thi world can afford to spend the sacks.
One of the things that struck me
f v .
it So’l. 15 »allei of waler In * reir
satisfy himself, by examination, the with
Lwt-Tiiw •
‘«P-'"« » leve.- theTrome »nd nrwrroir movro
the most was this white, beautiful $20,000,000,000 a year for war, what 1 A set of new grinding rollers arc location, nature and extent of the Asbestos
»»nyl.-ve .VO Anerclu.iw.r.Un
fvxturo. Ope»«-«*
n"’; v
r' ordina a hoe.—ventilated ash
beach so far under water, and the might it accomplish with one-fourth being installed to increase tiie capac­ work to be performed, and all bids Boati d
'3 floor iron cite’. .. .' ’ - v — iit ® cun catches Mhea.
tu to si:^zc yju i.:j greatest improventtnit
ever pur »1 a » rn<re.
submarine stretched out on it, so the amount invested in works of ity and produce a finer prxtuct.
are to be compared on the basis of
tn- rarer«, you expect to Icrt a lit®
dark and still.
l.m . t’n-.ii,r.t. uruten, or jrcu’!I 6« ¿ure io be d*«-
peace and productive enterprises?
Address all comi'iuni.-a’ions to U. quantities shown on the bidding Made of
ri p- nt<«d. ( aneto o”r st-wv. hd -1 soe the Grsas
What I did any of the boys can do.
G. Jackson, Box 413, Tillamoc.F.
£; '
n -nT '
features ex-
tn. i 7. c cr r.'nrw where most rantres are weakest.
Every man is anxious to do his duty several times the Panama Canal and
, . t •
t rang« tt aay px.ee aad il auoukl
De ui jfvux «uUbcn,
00 plus 00 to Station 24 plus 46.5 of 3CC%to
arid takes his turn. I merely happen­ Cape to Cairo railroad. But war is a diked tide lands and fine
ed to be called on to make the first compulsory visitation, as human na- BOTTOM LANDS I150 AN ACRE the said road survey,
life of
t of
descent and to go deeper than the ture now goes, while the advance-
others, because I went clear to the nient of trade, commerce and indus­ I will sell you to to 40 acres and plans, specifications, forms for pro­
posal, contract, and bond, may be ob­
bottom, while the others landed on try holds a back place, and can only
the submarine, at about 18 feet less wait lor saner national and interna­ you wapt them. Write me for further tained at the office of the County-
tional relations. In many ways the information. \\ m. G. Stearns, S26 Clerk.
The right is reserved to reject any
The deepen I ever went before
war as now waged is contemptible. Corbett Bldg. Portland. Oregon.
or all proposals, or to accept any
aM>ut 136 feet. I have been diving The daily killing of a few noncom­
Germany is to make butter from proposal or proposals, as may be
sine« ipoj, some of the time in very batants with bombs, and the sinking
oil. Here is where the Kan­ deemed best for Tillamook County,
cold water, on the east coast. I'm sor­ of two or three trading or fishing
ry I can’t give a better statement, but vessels, is a paltry item in such a col­ sas farmer reaps another rich harvest Oregon,
Huerta has disappointed the pro­
By order of the County Court,
d ”t just a Job of work to be done, ossal outlay. Just where the present
Dated this 20th day of April, tgtj.
^hsras put on It, and 1 went down.
tension will break cannot be foreseen phets who predicted that he had
J. C. Holden,
boys are glad we've suc- but it is for alt concerned an absurd- come to the United States to mount
the water wagon.
_ __
County Clerk.
OVER $160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS
Represented by this Office.
Bar View Hotel-Furnished Tents
Now Open for the Season
Bar View Hotel
<.-. Some of the Reasons Why
The Great
M ajestic