Tillamoolc State Press Flashlights. These arc the days when the teach­ ers are scouring the country in search of better jobs. School boards arc al­ ways ready for changes and for that reason many teachers are accommo­ dated.—News Reporter. buy arms for their own defense. If the president and congress of the Uniteel States should attempt to withhold the trade in war materials, they would probably soon have a lit­ tle war of their own at home.—Tele­ phone Register. Headlight, and without whose consent he made no appointments. Once only did Roosefelt seek office without the aid of the bosses, and that time he was defeated. We find, too, that corpor­ ations that made large contributions to his campaign fund were not dis­ turbed in their practices, while their rivals, which refused to buy immunity with slush subscriptions, were expos­ ed as great malefactors. As he writhes in the witness chair, Roosevelt is a very pitable object. As w e note him dodging and squirming in an ineffectual effort to escape answering the probing questions of his cross examiner, we can’t help thinking that the best thing to do with some of our'ex-presidents is to chloroform them the moment t they leave the office.—Spectator. ay 6. 1015 NOTICE. M I'.. Hearn, Garibaldi. H. W. Wright, Garibaldi. F. H. Illingworth, Garibaldi. T. B. Meade, Garibaldi. W. Willey, Garibaldi. Harrison Peters, Garibaldi. Jack Levenhagen, Garibaldi. Robert Plummer, Garibaldi. A. E. Graham. Garibaldi. I. V. Gibson. Garibaldi. Mrs. r\. E. Graham, Garibaldi. Frank Buckles, Garibaldi. F. W. Hock. Garibaldi A. Zuercher, Garibaldi. Leslie Penwell, Garibaldi. Graut Brcnsqu. Garibaldi. Eli Ypcnich, Garibaldi Tozi Bapota, Garibaldi. Chris Stovcheff, Garibaldi. John Aris, Garibaldi. C. G. Klingensmith, Garibaldi. F. F. Auiick, Garibaldi. C. C. Schrock. Garibaldi. I.. Gillespie, Garibaldi. H. H^bestreit, Garibaldi. R. S. Acorn. Garibaldi. Notice is further hereby given, that said petition will be presented to the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, on the 2nd day of June, 1 15, and at the hour of 10 o’clock A.M and based thereon said J. J. McCormick, will at said time and date, apply to said County Court for a license to be granted to to said J. J. McCormick to sell with­ in said Garibaldi Precinct, and at his hotel bar in Garibaldi, spiritous, malt and vinous liquors, near beer and hard cider, for a period of six months from the date of said license. Dated this 29th day of April. IQ15. J. J. McCormick Petitioner. State of Oregon, County of Tilla- mook, SS. I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn say:—That I am one of the petitioners within named, and that I circulated the same, and that each and all of the foregoing named peti­ tioners signed the same with his own hand in my presence; that each stated his name, postoffice address and resi­ dence correctly, and that each one is a legal voter within Garibaldi Pre­ cinct, and has actually resided there­ in for more than thirty days next preceeding, April 20. tots, and that all of the facts set forth in said peti­ tion are true as I verily believe. J. J. McCormick, Address, Garibaldi, Tillamook County. Oregon. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of April, 191c. Webster Holmes, (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. ------ -----» 1 1 ■ ^,»111 » said property, except statutory right or tedemp.fiop, and for general xc- > lief.-------------- ( v .( This summons is published in pur­ suance of au order therefor made by the Honorable A. M. Hare, County Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, made and filed on the 13th day of April, 1915, and the tiipe thereby pre­ scribed for the publication thereof is once a week for a period of six weeks and the first publication thereof is made; this April 15th, 19'15. H. T. Botts, Attorney for Plaintiff. Last publication, May 27, 1915. Notice is hereby given that a peti- tion has been tiled in the County Court of the State of Oregon, jor the County cd Tillamook, a true copy and transcript thereof and of the whole thereof, is in words, letters and fig­ ures as follows to-wit: Petition.. Joy Riding into Debt. In the County Court of the State oí An eastern paper says the repubV- Oregon for Tillamook County. can party is having a hard job to In one county 71 per ev.it of the In the matter of the application of J. J. McCormick for Liquor mend its fences. That’s right. They farmers who were delinquent in pay­ License, Garibaldi Precinct, must be kept high enough for pro­ ment of 1913 and 1914 taxes were said County and State. tection and low enough for an occa­ recent purchasers of automobiles. I Comes uow herein the undersigned sional Bull Moose to jump into the and represent to this Honorable A county official told this to me on County Court, and allege the follow­ corral.—Astorian. a recent visit to Portland. He’ h»d ing facts that all of the undersigned checked over the tax roll and marked . are legal voters of Garibaldi precinct, Forty-six thousand men have been the names of the delinquents who had ( Tillamook County, Oregon, and all Notice to Creditors. working on day and night shifts at bought machines writhin the last two . each and every one are qualified resi­ the great Krupps works at Essen, or three years. dents of said precinct and County and I Iu the district Court of the United have been for more than thirty davs not stopping for Sunday. No wonder Nearly three of every four were let­ . States for the district of Oregon. prior to the presentation of this that country can place a gun in the ting their tax penalty pile up along petition to this court. In the matter of Ward L. Mayer hands of every man the moment he is with the expense of new tires, oil and That said McCormick is a citizen Sunday Closing Referendum. Bankrupt; No. 3304 in Bankruptcy. ordered to respond to his call.—Um­ gasoline. of the L’nited States, of the State of Notice is hereby given that on the Oregon, and a legal voter, in said pqua Valley News. A few years ago in Portland it be­ The city council has authorized a precinct, is the owner of valuable 26th day of April A.D. 1915, Ward L. —o----- came the fashion to mortgage the referendum vote on the Sunday clos­ real estate in said precinct, in Gari­ Mayer, of Wheeler, Oregon, the The banks of the country are full of home in order to indulge in the ________ _ the _______ _ petition baldi, in said County and State and of ing ordinance, necessary bankrupt above named, was duly ad­ money, but the fact does not seem pleasurable recreation of spinning in having been filed with the city auditor, valuable personal property and is the judicated bankrupt; and that the first owner of a he -I in said Garibaldi, to make it any easier to pav the rent one’s own car over the nice new j The original ordinance was passed I said hotel being a bona fide hotel meeting of his creditors will be held and the grocer's bill than it was be­ pavements which cost $10.000,000 of by the city council April 9, 1914. It with accomadations for at least fifty at my office, Rooms 830-831 North­ fore the federal reserve materializa- bonded indebtedness to provide. has been very unsatisfetory to a large guests. western Bank Building, Portland, ed. What the people want is an in­ That said McCormick resides at The fashion has spread to the coun- * number of people, on the ground that Oregon, on the 13th day of May, 1915 said hotel, with his family consisting dividual federal reserve and its try. Perhaps the health, pleasure and (it discriminated principally against of himself and invalid wife. at 11 A.M., at which time said cred­ mighty hard to acquire.—Observer. fuller enjoyment of life more than the sale of groceries on Sunday, That said McCormick, is now and itors may attend, prove their claims, ------o------ compensate for the embarrassment while it permitted other than strictly has been for a long time past con­ appoint a trustee, examine the bank- The setting hen is going to pass be­ and worry of debts overdue. Perhaps grocery stores to deal in many of the ducting a bar in connection with said rupt, and transact such other business cause of the modern electric incuba­ hotel, for the sale of intoxicating it would have been wiser to have lines of goods handled by grocery as may properly come before said liquors. tor. Such an incubator has been con­ waited just another year. Perhaps not stores. The referendum was invoked | That it is the desire of said Mc­ meeting. structed to handle 6,000 eggs at once. It is an individual problem. ' by the Portland association of retail Cormick, and your petitioners that he Claims must be presented in forms This means the taking the place of be granted a license to sell at retail When it comes to the community grocerymen and others. required by the bankrupt act, and 500 hens and means the production of at his bar in said hotel, such intoxi­ itself rushing pell mell into costly ex­ The law is an ingenious measure, cating liquors, and that he be grant­ sworn to. some 2,000 dozen eggs. We are be­ penditures and hastily assuming * as it extends the privilege of Sunday ed a license so to do in the manner The schedule filed discloses doubt­ coming to realize that hens are too I bonded indebtedness, it is more than ( opening to a great many lines of ac- provided by law, for a period of six ful assets of $1,000.00. precious to he wasted giving warmth an individual problem, What's the ' tivities w’hile denying them to a few. months from the granting of said Dated April 29, 1915. to eggs when we can get a dynamo license. matter with taking it a little easier? The ordinance provides: A. M. Cannon. G. H. Benson, Garibaldi. to take their place.—News Reporter. What’s the matter with paying as we “It shall be unlawful to keep open A. J. Baier, Garibaldi. Referee in Bankruptcy. ------ o----- go? Sort of old fashioned doctrine, any shop, store or grocery for pur- Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. Teddy has been enjoying himself little heeded in these days, but ought pose of labor or traffic, on the first J. A. McKee, Garibaldi. on the witness stand in telling what Notice to Contracte r*. for the day of the week commonly called H. Champhe, Garibaldi. he knows about corrupt politics in we not go just a bid slower C. H. Lyster, Garibaldi. ‘ Sunday ’ or the ‘ The Lord ’ s day', ex- * we are Louis F.ckloff, Garibaldi. New York Council for presecution sake of feeling surer of w'hat Sealed proposals addressed to the I cept for works of necessity or char- j doing? — Oregon Voter. Ed. J. Lyster, Garibaldi. who wants big damages from the ex- County Court of Tillamook County, R. E. Miller, Garibaldi. ity.” president for talking and writing too Oregon, and indorsed "Proposal* to Mrs. J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. This last is defined as follows: The Pitable Roosevelt. much, thinks Ted is an extraordinary H. Thiessen, Garibaldi. Complete W. S. Cone County Road” "In works of necessity or charity ' M. J. Beamish, Garibaldi. ------o----- witness and requested the court to in accordance with plans and speci­ We have the sworn statement from shall be included whatever is ne dful Lloyd C. Smith, Bar View. make him just an ordinary one. It’s fications thereof on file in the office D. L. Terwilliger, Bar View'. Notice of Hearing of Final Account of the County Clerk of Tillamook angle worms to male crabs that Ted­ Theodore Roosevelt's own lips that for the good order' or health of a Mrs. A. C. Smith, Bar View. when he called William Barnes a community, and acts for the perser- j Leonard Pearson, Bar View. and Objections Hereto. dy tops the bunch.—Sheridan Sun. County, Oregon, will be received by crook, corruptionist, and liar nothing vation of life or property.” F. C. Robison, Bar View. ------- o the County Court of said County, at In the matter of the estate of Ella its office in the Court House,, at If literature will do the work the personal was meant by the epithets. i The prohibition is invoked against James D. Powell, Garibaldi. 1 Ella Smith, Bar View’. i Tillamook City, Oregon, until the house-fly ought to be put out of his It may be assumed, therefore, that I the following, with the penalty of a C. F. Grabel, Bar View. R. Hays, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the 8th death dealing business without delay. the colonel's billingsgate was used in f fine not to exceed $50 in case of I John A. Nelson, Garibaldi. Geo. W. Phelps, Garibaldi. dersigned have filed in the County day of May, A.D. 1915, and at that There are now leagues and crusades a Pickwickean sense. It is quite pos­ violation of same: P A. A Pkolne riko LI i “Groceries, clothing, haberdashery, ' 1 F. Phelps, Cn Garibaldi, Court of the State of Oregon for Till­ time and place publicly opened and without number engaged and barrels sible that if the colonel were held to dry goods, sporting goods, boots or 1 A. B. Sheldon, Garibaldi. amook County, their final account as read, of printer's ink are being used to financial account for his outrageous I C. Pearson, Garibaldi. Each bid shall be accompanied by a executors of the estate of Ella R. combat the promoter of typhoid and attacks on other notable Americans shoes and hardware.” I F. McGinnis, Bar View. Specifically the ordinance does not ' R. H. Tyson, Bar View. Hays, deceased, and that Court has certified check on some responsible infant mortality. Health statistics he would try to dodge responsibility 1 I Ben Center, Garibaldi. __ appointed Tuesday, May it, ¡915, at bank in the State of Oregon, in the show by the decrease in the deaths by declaring that he “meant nothing apply to: Garibaldi, "Theaters, drqg stores, shoe shin- I Mrs. Ellen Center, Garibaldi. 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, at the sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­ due to the diseases spread by the fly personal by them”. Theodore Roose­ ing stands, garages, bakery and deli- 1 Krumlauf, Garibaldi........... Court room of said Court, in Tilla­ closed therewith, said check shall be that the campaign of the last few velt seems to be about nine-tenths f . _ 1 i Mrs. C. E. Johnson, Garibaldi. Garibaldi, catessen, places of amusement, un- '. G mook City, Oregon, as the time and made payable to the County Clerk of years has had an appreciable effect. I bluff. G. Marghal Marshall, |^ Garibaldgi. Garibaldgi. dertakmg establishments, livery sta- B en Johnson, Garibaldi. From the admissions that have place for the hearing of said account, Tillamook County Oregon, to be held When refuse heaps and garbage con­ Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. and any and all persons interested in as liquidated damages in case the bid tainers are no longer to be found ex­ been extorted from him by merciless blcs, butcher shops.” J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. Meals may be served by caterers. cross-examination in the libel suit, said estate, arc hereby required to ap­ be accepted and the bidder shall fail posed to the open air the "swat the Wm. Dowd, Garibaldi. i Roosevelt is nothing more The following may be sold in an nor less pear at said time and place and make refuse or neglect to enter into ths fly” appeal can be abandoned. The A. Blazer, Garibaldi. their objections, if any they have, to contract, and file therewith the nec­ Z. Hughes, Garibaldi. time to make every stroke count for a I than that despicable creature whime orderly manner. "Tobacco, fruit, soft drinks, news­ I J. B. Langley, Garibaldi. said account, and a settlement of essary bond for the faithful perfor­ great deal is now when the first warm he has so often held up to public ■ T. Fuller, Bar View. mance of the work, within 5 day* said estate. days are at hand.—Polk County scorn—a boss-made politician. Platt papers, milk, confectionery, ice cream 1 E. W. Johansen, Bar View. from the date of receiving notice periodicals, medical and surgical ap ­ made Roosevelt Governor of New Dated April 6, 1915. Itemizer. I Ed. Erickson, Bar View. from the County Court that the con­ York, and the boss had a hard time pliances.” R. Blaine Hays, Charles Bowers, Bar View. ------ o------ tract ia ready for signature, The number of exceptions is very H. T. Hewitt, Bar View. to square with the facts the colonel ’ s Thos. Roberts, A vote of protest is being heard All bids shall be made on blank C. R. Arnold, Bar View. large, while, especially in the line of affidavit, made to escape taxation in Annie Roberts, with regard to the Salmon River toll ' E. F. Jackson, Bar View. Executors of the last will and tes- forms furnished for such purpose by road. A prominent man from that ' the empire state, to the effect that he groceries, there is a big margin of W. J. Burgan, Bar View. the County Court; must state plainly overlapping in the restrictions and lament of Ella R. Hays, deceased. was a resident of the city of Wash ­ , E. Johnson, Bar View. section recentaly informed us that privileges named in the ordinance. It . Nels Brandin, Bar View. Carl Ilabcrlach, Attorney for said the price of each item of work bid up­ practically nothing was being done ' ington. on and must be signed by the bidder I Carl Johnson, Garibaldi. is safe to say that no such ordinance estate. shouting, threatening, Squirming, toward the up-keep of this road, but j I and also state his business address. Mrs. C. Morgan, Garibaldi. First publication is April 8, 1915. the toll is still collected with regular- ' perspiring, bullying, and cringing could be drawn that would anywhere I Mr*. E. Stabers, Garibaldi. The successful bidder will be re­ meet the objections that might be of ­ Last publication is May 6, 1915. John A. Benson, Garibaldi. ity. The case of the people vs. Boyer ' Roosevelt admitted that he took in- quired to furnish a suerty bond satis­ comes up in the state court soon, and structions, not only while he was fered to it. It is very clear, too, that C. M. McGinnis, Garibaldi. factory to the County Court for the V. Lalonc, Bar View. it will be impossible to get a larger Summons. they are hoping for relief. That the ; governor of New York, but while he I Harry R. Williams, Garibaldi. faithful performance of the work, in people there ought to have the ad- ! was president of the United States, number of people to agree on what is I , Thos Purris, Garibaldi. the sum of 50 per cent of the entire In the Circuit Court of the State of amount of the bid. vantage of public roads seem clear to 1 from "Boss” Platt, who the moral "Sunday”, “Sabbath” or the "Lord’s 1 Harry Ford, Garibaldi. Oregon, for Tillamook County. any thinking man. No permanent and political censor of the country Day”, in a country which places a i J. A. Randall, Garibaldi. Each bidder shall be required to A. E. Giebisch, Garibaldi. Tillamook County Bank, a progress can be made so long as ■ afterward held up to scorn and ob- special emphasis on the right to prac­ I J. E. Mann, Garibaldi. satisfy himself, by examination, the efforts, tice all forms of religious observan­ Steve Balocco, Garibaldi. Through Platt’s corporation, the important function of means of j loquy. location, nature and extent of the for the ces, not in contravention with estab­ Jos. Rasmus, Garibaldi. Roosevelt was nominated Plaintiff, transportation is farmed out to pri- ' work to be performed, and all bid* Francis D. Mitchell and Ida vate individuals for the purpose of governorship of New York; and be- lished morals, when and how each in­ Jas. H. Snydow, Garibaldi. arc to be compared on the basis of Frank Abrams, Garibaldi. J. Mitchell, G. W. Rice quantities shown on the bidding letting them make nt?ney. As we fore Roosevelt accepted the nomina- dividual pleases.—Oregon Voter. Tom Troy, Garibaldi. and Jane Doe Rice his wife, tion for vice-presidency he consulted blanks and as included between Sta­ have before stated we have not the . F. Blake, Garibaldi. Having solved all other problems J. Strom, Garibaldi. Defendants. tion, least animonsity toward Mr. Boyer, Platt; and Roosevelt made no ap­ the Carnegie Institute is trying to Peter Gunderson, Garibaldi. To G. W. Rice and Jane Doe Rice, pointments as governor and few as 35 plus 00 to Station 46 p|us 00 of but we do think the day of the toll find out why men cat from 5 to 6 J. W. Hilton, Garibaldi. his wife, of the above named defend­ the said road survey, road is past; that the demand of the president without getting Platt’s ad­ I Mrs. M. B. Tompkins, Garibaldi. per cent more than women. ants: Upon the deposit of $5.00 a set of present is for transportation facili­ vice. To such an extent did “Boss” , Mrs. M. E. Smith, Garibaldi. In the name of the State of Oregon plans, specifications, forms for pro­ Platt dictate the subservient Roose ­ Over 30,000 women have registered W. J. Mann, Garibaldi. ties that will make possible the habi- [ you are hereby required to appear posal, contract, and bond, may be ob­ tation of Uncle Sam’s domain with­ velt’s policies and actions, that it did in England to make munitions and P. Simpson, Garibaldi. Benj. W. Laing, Garibaldi. and answer the complaint filed against tained at the office of the County out paying tribute to private owners not seem extraordinary when the perform other industrial labor con­ Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. you in the above suit on or before Clerk. of roads. Public necessity demands colonel’s implacable cross-examiner nected with military operations. Be­ Mrs. Bessie Stapen, Garibaldi. the expiration of six weeks from the The right is reserved to reject any blandly said: "Tell me, please, Mr. yond question they will be efficient Earl B. Inman, Garibaldi. public ownership, and some means date of the first publication of this or all proposals, or to accept any L. A. Inman, Garibaldi. Roosevelt, did Mr. Platt fix the workers, and the proposal to pay should be devised to attain this end.— summons, and if you fail to so appear proposal or proposals, as may be hours for your meals?” The verac­ them, for like results, the same wages A. Yank, Garibaldi. Willamina Times. J. E. Dean, Garibaldi. and answer, for want thereof plaintiff deemed best for Tillamook County, ious reporter of the trial remarks as are allowed men is laudable. One O. K. Emery, Garibaldi. will apply to said court for the relief Oregon, Many people think the United that Roosevelt ground his teeth with reason why nations that enforce the M. I. Halpin, Garibaldi. demanded in the complaint, which is By order of the County Court, R. J. Buettner, Garibaldi. States should not sell to warring na­ fury at the question. universal conscription of young men that the plaintiff have judgment Dated this 20th day of April, 191$. Ever since Roosevelt has been have been able to carry militarism L. L. Smith, Garibaldi. tions the munitions of war. From the i against all the defendants named for R W. Smith, Garibaldi. J. C. Holden, ideal standpoint we should not. But known to the people of the United to such lengths is that the women M. Flenker, Garibaldi. the sum of $1,173.00, with interest County Clerk. from the legal, the practical and States, he has been the national pros- among them take their places in agri­ Jack Plummer, Garibaldi. thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per jury, cross-examiner, culture and some mechanical trades. F. A. Young, Garibaldi. business standpoint this country is ecutor—grand annum from July 3rd, 1914; for the Beware of Ointments for almost forced to trade with the bat­ and judge. He has found indictments It is probably true that France, Ger­ Lida Dean, Garibaldi. further sum of $125.00 attorney’s fees, Laura Randee, Garibaldi. Catarrh that Contain Mercury tling nations. The right tq^sell was against all and sundry for the henious many and Austria-Hungary can raise J. J. Hedrick, Garibaldi. and for the cost* and disbursements !<• mercury will lurrly deatroy the aenM »mell and completely derange the whol« long ago established in the Declara­ offense of disagreeing with him; has crops sufficient to sustain their popu­ Ed. Johnson, Garibaldi. of this suit, upon a promissory note of •yetem when entering It through the tion of Paris, to which the countries tried them in his own court without lation, though nearly all their able- M. B. Tompkins, Garibaldi. mucoue «urine*« Much article« «houhl never executed by the defendants Mitchell, be u«ed except on prescription« from repu- Hans C. Nelson, Garibaldi. now at war subscribed. We would hearing a word for the defense; has bodied males are at the front. Vo­ and for a decree of foreclosure of a tnble physician« a« the damage they will Joel Laaksa, Garibaldi. • Io 1« ten fold to the g hh ! you can po««lbir rather Europe would remain at peace found them guilty, without the right cation* for women as related to army Tony Goesner, Garibaldi. mortgage executed by said defend­ derive from them. Ilail*« Catarrh Cur*. 1 manufactured by P J Cheney and buy goods we are proud to make of appeal, on evidence submitted by service are likely to multiply. Wom­ C. F. Marshall, Garibaldi. ants Mitchell to secure the payment Teledo, <)., contain, no mercury, A and Co., la and sell, but if she prefers war, and himself; and has sentenced them to : en could not «pend a winter in tren­ Horner McCutchin, Garibaldi. of said note, which mortgage is re­ taken Internally, acting directly noon th* I blood and rnut nu. aurracca of the *ayatem E. L. Palmiter, Garibaldi. life membership in the Ananias Club - wants only our munitions of war. we ches, nor, for that matter, can men corded in book "U", page 413 of the In buying Hall'. Catarrh Cure be aura you James Bibby, Garibaldi. the genuine. It la taken Internally and And Roosevelt has ever been a bit- ■ with any advantage to the cause they would be unjust to our own people Record of Mortgages of Tillamook 1 get made In Teledo. Ohio, by P J. Cheney i Co. M F Bowman, Garibaldi. free. to refuse the trade. No one can suc­ ter speaker and writer against the represent. Going into winter quarter* Wm. Hartzell, Garibaldi. County, Oregon, and that the prop­ Testimonial« gold lij Itrogglat. Prlee ftfi. per bottle M F. Robison, Bar iVew, bosses and spoils of system, in whose fake Hair a Family Ulla for conatlpatloau cessfully argue that because one Eu­ is ' practically a necessity in cold erty in said mortgage described, to- ropean nation has been subsidizing dispraise he has valiantly unsheathed latitudes. A different policy with an Walter Kent, Bar View. wit: Lot 44 of Block 54, Bayocean, in RE. Jackson, " “ Bar “ View. cannon factories and stocking up with his glittering tongue and unlimbered • army cost* more than it come* to. L. B. Ivancovich, Garibaldi. Tillamook County, Oregon, be sold Philadelphia is announced a trans­ and the proceed* of said sale applied lation of languages found on tablet* arms and ammunition preparatory to the battery of hi* formidable teethe Exhaustion is a poor starting point Charles Hunt, Bar View. to the discharge of said judgment, 4915 year* old. But it cannot find war, we should refuse to other na­ find him now, by hi s own admissions' fOr a spring and summer campaign, Ivy Bibby, Garibaldi. and barring and foreclosing the de­ anything written prior to the middle tions, who had meantime been de­ the mere creature of bosses, from 1 The quietude along many long line* . C. E. Johnson, Garibaldi, i H Jackson. Garfibaldi. fendant* and all of them of all right, of the last century to support it* lib­ voting themselves to the art* and whom he humbly accepted nomina- in Europe suggest* physical trouble* j Wm. Kennedy, Garibaldi. title, interest or estate in or to the erty bell myth. pursuit* of peace, the right to tion, to whom he reported for order»,k due to exposure to cold and wet. J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. I I i .4