TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Glen Oliver, Shingler Mutual phone. $i. <> ------------------------- ~ ,■------------- ----- -------------------------------------------------------- --- ~ SATURDAY, MAY 8, the f o £ of the decade starts T / < - HE raising of rent tells the final, fatal story. Lseless to go into thunderous sale details, the entire community will readily grasp the situation, knowing it will be an occasion of intense importance tojthoae who study economy. Hundreds of dollars of New Spring & Summer Merchandise has been purchased for this store by Mr. Stillwell just before and after his return from California. You will only have just 20 days at mighty savings to purchase your present and future needs. We want to impress upon you that never before, anti probably never again will such drastic price cutting, tremendous sacrifices, and sensa­ tional values of high grade, new merchandise, be so generously, and lavishly displayed. It will be an occasion of the greatest double importance—Where you save on what you spend and maRc on what you buy. STILLWELL’S Tillamook, Oregon >