Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 06, 1915, Image 1

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MAY 6, 1915,
Glen Oliver, Shingler Mutual phone.
The fruit,candy and drug stores
For light cooking, the El Grilston
opened up as usual last Sunday.
for $3.35 is a wonder of usefulness.
A marriage license was issued to Sale at special price at the Coast
Power Company closes this Saturday.
Ray Hushbeck and Edna Compton.
Protect your valuable papers from
A fine quality of Tillamook made
unexpected fire by renting one of
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * .
' our safe deposit boxes. Only one
We are in a position to make some | dollar per year.
Tillamook County
long time farm loans. First National Bank.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian
On May 31 memorial exercises will Guild will serve dinner at the Guild
be held at the Christian church at 1C j ! Hall on Thursday next, during the
visit of the State Grange to Tilla­
We weld castings of all metals. mook.
Boiler welding a specialty.—Hiner i
Governor Withycombe has advised
* that the entire state devote the period
The berry season is now on. Fresh of May 4 to 11, inclusive, to the
strawberries every day at the Fruit cleaning and painting up of unsightly
♦ back yards and buildings.
We have made special arrange­
County Judge A. M. Hare returned
ments with the Telephone Co., to
to the city Monday from
connect you directly with our office,
in case you wish any of our GOOD
Mayor S. A. Brodhead designated
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
to-day (Thursday) and to-morrow
An accident happened to the new
(Friday) clean up days.
church that is being built at Hemlock
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent, last week, a strong northwest wind
50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric ' uprooted a tree, which struck the
Store next to Gem Theater.
building on the corner doing some
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ damage.
sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­
For the information of those who
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
* ' make butter, as well as the stores that
Is it vottr house ? Are
I jfOttr jewels, heirlooms an 1 valuable papers being burnt
HH> ? Not if you are a " prudent” man. They are in one
(.of our FIRE-PROOF and burglar-proof Safety Deposit
T Boxes. Be secure—rent one to-day—for $1.00 per year.
1 Place your WILL, your jewelry and valuables in it and
■ you will have peace of mind.
Mrs. E. E. Shaw has moved from I handle it, in the future the words
the McGee apartments to the N. E. “Oregon Creamery Butter” will have
corner of 5th Ave and 8th street.
to read “Oregon Dairy Butter” on
butter paper.
Saturday is the last day to get a
$5.00 El Grilston for $3.35 at the
Coast Power Co., Masonic Bldg. *
'illamook County Bank
Mrs. N. W. Phelps and children,
came in on Monday on a visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Rowe.
Houses to Rent, see W’atson.
Bargains at the Grand Leader.
Removal sale at the Grand Leader.*
Glen Oliver, Shingler Mutual phone.
Bring your Kodac troubles to C. I.
Clough Co.
Films developed 10c. roll (6ex.) at
C. I. Clough Co.
Don’t miss the removal sale at the
Grand Leader.
Safe deposit boxes lor
n:ook County Bank.
Buy your films, plates, paper, etc.
from C. I. Clough Co.
The place to eat is at
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
We develop and print for the ama­
teurs,—C. I. Clough Co.
A car load of choice seed potatoes
just received at Ray & Co.
*The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying
ten cents for green hides.
U. S. Lawver and Lee Slytcr have
leased the Lamb building near the
saw mill and have opened a machine
shop and garage. They have incor­
porated under the name of Tillamook
Garage and Machine Shop.
G. A. R. Post, No. 35, and the W.
Wanted to trade or sell house and
R. C. will attend memorial services
lot in Tillamook or in Portland for
at the Christian Church May 30.
second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre
Preserve eggs while they are cheap, tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S.
Water glass is safe and reliable. Stephens & Co., Room I, Commercial
Clough will tell you how to use it. * Building, Tillamook, Ore.
Dr. W. A. Wise will be at the Bar
All parties having any calves to sell
View Hotel from May 1st to May 15, will do well to call up Neilson & Mel-
and will do dental work by appoint­ choir in Tillamook City on the Mu­
tual phone. You might get more
Rev. J. Frances Ashley, of Forest money for your calves as they are
Grove, changed pulpits with Rev. paying the highest prices.
Van Winkle at the Christian Church
For Sale—One seven horse power
on Sunday last.
wood saw, with standard gasoline
Preserve eggs while they are cheap, engine for $350.00, this an exception­
Liq Glass will do it perfectly, fresh ally good bargain. One, Mitchell
stock with full directions at C. I. Lewis & Staver Gasoline Wood saw,
Clough Co.
♦ 6 horse power, $300.00. Inquire of A.
K. Case.
For Sale—New visible Oliver Type­
Married on Monday, at the home
writer, absolutely as good as new,
will take $80.00 cash or payments.— of L. S. Hushbeck on First street by
Rev. E. Gittins, pastor of the M. E.
Leland B. Erwin.
One ton of coal equals two cords of Church, Ray Hushbeck and Miss
Edna Compton. Both are from Clov­
wood and you don’t have o sow and
split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello erdale where they will make their
future home.
Centray Gi’me 28W.
When returning from the Maple
The El Grilston being sold during
factory on Saturday, H. C. Han­
Ray & Co. have just received a this week only at the Coast Power
car load of Burbank seed potatoes. * Co. for $3.35, is not a toy, but a stove sen’s team became scared when op­
posite Foland's and bolted, throwing
of actual usefulness and economy. *
him out of the wagon. He fortunately
For sale—six roomed house and escaped with a few scratches, but was
two lots corner 5th and Park Street. shaken up some.
Small cash payment, and balance on
The long spell of dry weather and
easy terms. Enquire of E. Kirk.
cold nights have not been very favor­
The County Court is in session this able to the growth of grass, but it is
week and on Saturday bids will be hoped by most dairymen that the dry
opened and passed upon for the W. spell will soon be replaced by a wet
S. Cone County Road, Blum-Hern- spell, otherwise grass will be short
lock County
Road, Pacific City this year. Every indication seems to
County Road, Squires County Road, be that this county is going to have
and the Bayocean County Road.
another dry summer.
Tillamook, Oregon.
“ Drop in and Look Around-
Ask any of our customers
about First National service
First National Bank
Tillamook, Ore
High School Auditorium
Assisted by Dr. Monk, ’Cello ;
Mr. W. Broughten, clarinet ; and Mr. Bisbee
Invitation can be had from students, The
Studio, or Tillamook Drug Store.
No charge for admittance.
Coast Power Company.
Our plant is well equipped and
maintained in perfect running
We can furnish you with any­
thing in electric supplies or fix­
tures for wiring, lighting, heat­
ing, power, or cooking.
We have experienced and capa­
ble men to attend to our lines and
to do house wiring and instala-
¡ •
of the decade starts
IIE raising of rent tells the final, fatal story. Useless to go into thunderous sale details, the entire community will readily grasp the situation, knowing it
will be an occasion of intense importance to’those who study economy. Hundreds of dollars of New Spring & Summer Merchandise has been purchased for
this store bj Mr. Stillwell just before and after his return from California,
You will only have just 20 days at mighty savings to purchase your present
and future needs. We want to impress upon you that never before, and probably never again will such drastic price cutting, tremendous sacrifices, and sensa­
tional values of high grade, new merchandise, be so generously, and lavishly displayed.
It will be an occasion of the greatest double importance—Where you save on what you spend and make on what you buy.
STILLWELL’S, Tillamook, Oregon