Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 29, 1915, Image 6

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    Headlight, April 29.
The Sunday Closing Bubble.
It was mutually agreed between the
O. A. C. Short Course at Tillamook fruit and candy stores that they
Proved Highly Successful.
1 would close their businesses last Sun-
Varsity Fifty-Five
e Agency tor Wayne Knit H q ^
American Lady Corsets, La Porte
Dress Fabrics^
A Suit for Young Men
I day with the exception of Leo Mur-
Wednesday night ended what has ' rison's store, so as to give District
been, on a whole, a very successful 1 Attorney T. H. Goyne an opportunity
Agriculture and to institute proceedings, and notwith­
short course in
Home science at Tillamook. It is standing that Mr. Goyne has prepar­
hard to pick out anything that was of ed the complaint he seems to have
more importance than in the meet­ met with a snag, for no one will sign
for young men.
ings than the others. Mr. David Mon­ it, and he is in a quandry whether to
roe, of Spokane, and Prof, l ilts, oí proceed or to lit the matter drop.
O. A. C., handled the subject
of Sheriff Crenshaw refused to sign it,
breeding for milk in a very efficient as well as other leading citizens, who
manner, emphasizing the importance think it is a mistake to attempt to en­
of records and obtaining the right force the Sunday closing lkw. As it
sort of a dairy sire. The registry pa­ is hard to find anyone who is want­
per does not guarantee the transmit­ ing the law enforced, there is not
ting power of a dairy bull, but this much doubt but what Mr. Goyne will
Have put all the latest
along with large records of produc­ allow the matter to drop on account
tion in all the females in the near of the strong opposition to what he
and best style features
ancestry is an almost sure guaran­ intended to do.
into this model.
tee that production will be handed
Swastika Club.
down and augmented.
This was
The Special Features
brought out very aptly by Mr. Mun­
are 30 inches long ; 3
roe with illustrations of the ancestry
of the great Holstein world's record held at the home of Mrs. C. \V. Mill­
buttons, two to button;
heifer. Finderne Holingon Fayne, er.
Besides games Mrs. MacKenzie
soft roll front, wide
with about 246,000 lbs. of milk and
1116 lbs. butter fat in a year. He favored the ladies with several vocal
lapels. Waistcoat : 3
showed that the record was produced selections, after which delicious re­
Buttons ; Semi snug
not merely by chance but by the freshments were served.
'J lie invited guests were Mrs. Baker
judicious combination of the blood
w ¡listed.
of eight of the greatest sires of the Mrs. McNair, Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs
Trousers : En
breed. Mr. Munroe, one of the great­ Edwards and Mrs. Alderman.
The April meeting was held at the
est Holstein breeders of the North­
with turn
west, if not in the United States, paid home of Mrs. Burge, where a delight­
cuffs and tunnel
many tributes to the cows of other ful afternoon was spent. The hostess
Copyright Hurt Scliaffn r i Marl
dairy breeds. He said he would rev­ served a dainty luncheon, after which
erently doff his hat in the presence of the ladies adjourned to meet with
Murne Cowan, Sophie 19th, Aucher- Mrs. Harrison the following month.
Mrs. V* Holden was elected as a
brain Brown Kate 4th, or any of the
Are all wool Glen Urquharts, tartans, check and
large producers, and his only regret new member. The invited guests were
patterns and they are all here in great
was that there was not enough of this
caliber to furnish bulls for every
variety. Prices vary from
Students’ Recital.
dairymen in the country. The Tilla
mook Breeders’ Assiciation, by pay
The students of Mr. and Mrs E. E.
ihg the expenses of Mr. Munroe on
Many other splendid makes from
will give a recital at the High
this trip, have done a great thing,
$11.85 to $18.50.
not only for the breed but also for
the dairy industry of the County and Monk, Cello; Mr. W. Broughton,
for every dairyman, no matter of clairnet; and Mr. Bisbee, flute, on
what denomination who took advan­ May "th. Persons who desire invita­
tage of the opportunity to hear him. tions can obtain them of the students
Splendid Selection and
The make for style,
Prof. Reynolds talks on swine feed­ or Mr. and Mrs. Koch. Following is
every size.
comfort and w_ar.
ing and management, as well as the
demonstration of detection of un­ Cecile Waltz .................
soundness in horses, were very
Two Selections ..........Crosby Adams.
enjoyed by all present.
Professors Lamb and Brown Oil I I.rma Ball, 9 weeks instructions.
poultry and horticulture, w hile not Duet ..................................... Wohlfahrt
Wanda llaltoni.
having subjects of quite so much in­
terest to the T illaniook dairymen, Lullaby ... ........... Crosby Adams.
With and without soft
Jewel Whitehouse.
still brought out many points which
Collars, all sizes,
are of greatest importance on every ' Hand in Hand (March) . . . . Ducelle.
Mildred Butts.
farm. These arc the things that make I
........................... Wohlfahrt.
life worth while on the farm, the Duet
Errald Haltom.
ability to produce most of our food
and have it in the best of condition I Scenes that arc Brightest ... l’apini.
Helen Case.
while the poor city man eats Chinese
Flag Day March ............... Streabbog
eggs and wilted radishes.
One ton of coal equals two cords of
workmen of the shop. After refresh­
Emma Groat.
I lie talk by Fro. Fitts on feeding
ments had been served, a delightful wood and you don’t have *o sow and
and judging the dairy cow were re­ Snowflake ........................... Eckhardt. social evening having been spent, the split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello
Pauline Lamar.
ceived with great interest. It isa well
many friends departed for their Centray Gi'me 28W.
established fact that breeding is 50 Les Sylphes ..................... Bechmamn homes wishing Mr. Heyd many hap-
We desire to call attention to an
La Verna Holden,
per cent and development the other
py returns of the day.
important sale of registered Jerseys,
50 per cent in getting good live stock llumereske .......................... Dvorak.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. which will take place in this city on
The best bred heifer calf in the world
w. Hill, Mr. and Mrs F. J. Pye, Mr. Saturday^ May 8,the car load of stock
never will make a satisfactory cow School March..................... Streabbog
and Mrs. Guest, Dr. and Mrs. Monk, being brought here by Thos. Withy-
unless she is well fed, not only in
Romona Haltom.
Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Bobel, Mr. and i combe & Son.
calfhood but all through life. By i Melody in F................... Rubenstein.
Mrs. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs, F. Car-]
Mend your own tires and inner
well fed" we don’t mean over fed.
Arcta Everson.
diff, Mr. and Mrs. S. Moulton, Mr. tubes with “The Double Mileage
While our I illaniook pastures arc Dreaming Valse ............. . Aguero.
and Mrs. Geo. Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. | Steam Valcanizer.” Can carry it in
excellent, a large producing cow can­
Eugcna Smith.
Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ellison, your machine and mend your tire
not consume a large enoug.h amount Silvery Echos (Duet) .. ... Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rancs, Mr. and Mrs. while on the riir., in any old place.
of grass alone to produce t.o her ca­ I onstance Hoskins and Elizabeth
Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uit- Complete outfit only $7.50. Come and
lioff, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wallin, Mr. let us show you the set. Tillamook
Tillage and manures by Prof. Lar- Traumarei ......................... Schumann.
and Mrs. H. A Williams, Mr. and Feed Co.
sen were talks that every Ja rmcr m
Lee Doty.
Mrs. Buffcn, Mr. and Mrs Morris
the county should apply, but the \ alse Op. 64 No. 1 .......... . . Chopin.
In order to assist the farmers of
Schnal, Mr. and Mrs. F. Feldshau,
great hit of this part of the program
Lane county to determine the value
Marie Holden.
Mr. and Mrs
was the trip to the farm oí B. I.. I Ruins from Athens (Turkish March) Mr. and Mrs. S. Veirick,
of their dairy cows and to eliminate
Bisbee, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maddux,
Beals to inspect his tile drainage . Beethoven.
the poor ones from their herds, the
Mrs. Carl Stewart, Mrs. Black, Mrs.
First National Bank of Eugene plans
system, installed hst winter. Partly i
Marie Nielson.
Barnes, Messrs Barney Gilson, A. K.
AS an effect of this farm demonstra The
1 base
Rhcinbergcr Case, Miss Lillian Guest, Miss Aman­ to place milk testers in the rural
schools of the county, the school
tion it is planed to reclaim several
Gertrude Ebingcr.
da Feldshau, Miss Myrtle Wallin, children to do
hundred acres by creating a drainag I
the testing for the
Miss Conrad and Albert Veirick,
farmers free of charge, under the di-
district in this locality.
Suprise Party and Pie Social.
rection of the county agriculturist. A
l ast, but not least, the I »omestic 1
few of the machines have all ready
Science lectures and demonstrations' Last Iuesday evening, Mrs. Frank
96th Anniversary I. O. O. F.
been ordered and will be distributed
"ere largely attended, and n. me but Heyd gave a very pleasant surprise
among the schools of the county
good words arc spoken fot
Miss' party ami pie social, in honor of her
The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs i
Turley and Miss I'cland, wh o had husband s birthday. A musical pro­ honor of the fitith anniversary of their which are located in the sections
Charge of this department. The art gram, was enjoyed by all present. Dr. order, met at their lodge room on Mon­ where dairying is carried on most ex­
and science of good housekeeping ami Mrs. Monk gave sev ral violin day night and marched in a body to tensively. The plan has the hearty
inlands as much, if n-ot more, aitten selections and were accompanied on the Christian Church where a tine pro­ sanction of the county school super­
intendent and the county agricultur­
«han better farming, for aje not the piano by Miss Conrad. Mrs. Allen gram was rendered.
ist.—Eugene Register.
our children and hoVlt-s of moir im I'age sang "Why don’t You Smile,"
Ross Shreve«, N. G., took charge of
accompanied by Miss Lillian Guest. the meeting and made the announce­
portancc than our acres and c.xttlc?
'Her the last session the ladies of \ violin solo by Mr. Henry Ellison, ments.
"'c Mlamook Ch k League gave d>. a male quartet composed of Messrs
The first number was a piano duet by
very enjoyable reception for the Cardiff, < haffee, hill and Gilson ren­ Mesdatnes Koch and Baird. This was
•makers, and the business men of the dered several selections, and all join­ followed by a vocal solo by Mrs. Allan
r;«> presented each of them with a ed in and sang "Tipperary". This was Page. The third number was a violin
’ o"’"’ America Tillamook Cheese ns billowed by two piano selections by solo by Mr. Koeh. The fourth number
was a beautiful tableau put on by the
a memento vf the county and to help . M iss Lillian Guest.
Rebekahs. This was followed bv a vo­
oung Americans they had at I
cal solo bv Mr. Baird. The Odd Fel­
>ome to acquire a taste for good the guests were Mrs. Cardiff, Mrs. C. lows then put on a fine tableau.
Rev. Van Winkle, pastor of the
, Steiwart, Miss Amanda Feldshau and
< hristinn Church, at the close the pro­
'ide meetings were held on Mrs. Moulton. The affair was a com­ gram gave a find address on the prin­
•ucMlav and Wed'.iesday at Clover- plete .surprise to Mr. Heyd, who bv ciples of thld Fellowship, which
1 d, anf Hay ( y> «nd wfjj|e (|,c a pre-arranged plan was called away full of good thoughts.
attendance was rather slim the inter from the shop on supposed business,
Several good lantern slides were
ext was good. Tiriamook will lie glad ami was kept figuring for an hour, hibited showing interesting scenes
ative to Odd Fellowship.
to well me the O A. C lecturer» and I while a party of men stripped the
The church was well filled and every
Mr Munroe at ■ ome future time
, work benches of racks and tools, con­
one present considered the evening
H C. Jone«
,d the profess prs left verting them into large tables, while well spent.
this morning fc r Nehalem w Acre a the lumber about the shop was used
»hort course is, being held today.
for benches. The tables were beauti­
For Sale.
fully decorated with flowers brought
For «ale— “*®
” c roomed house and
by the guests. Mr. Heyd was the re­
House and two
cai' lot
‘ 52'7
_ by
two Iola corn t 5th ami Park Strtet.
cipient of many beautiful and useful toe feet in Thayer’s Add. Price $soo.
Small cash pt yment, and balance *>n
easy term», f «quire of E. Kirk. • ♦ presents, among which was a large $2.50 down balance easy terms.
office desk, presented to him I by thej
#20.00 to $27.50
$2.00 to $5.00.
$1.50 to $5.00
$5.00 to $6.50.
Electric Store,
W. G. Dwight
Next to Gem Theatre.
Miss Jones
Announces an Important
Sale of Millinery at
For Friday and Saturday Only.
Whilst this sale of millinery offers only a
limited number of I hits, every style shown was
produced in our own workroom, under the direct
supervision of Miss Jones, of Portland. The
styles are therefore absolutely authentic and io
accordance with fashions latest decrees.
The Hats (which are strictly good values).!
will be on display in the Millinery Section on the
Balcony, but will not be shown in the windows,
and will only be purchasable at the price quoted
above on Friday and Saturday of this week.
The Bargain Squares
Under the Balcony.
UST another service feature of Haltom’s
whereby you may secure up-to-date reli­
able merchandise at genuine Bargain
Prices. These Bargain Squares are the
Clearing Houses of the whole store, and in
them you will find short ends of yard goods,
odd lines in which size ranges are broken,
and many other lines of merchandise which,
whilst of the highest merit, it is desirable to
close out.
Everything shown in the Bargain Squares
will be marked at a price to ensure an entire
and early clearance. Just now you will find
in the Bargain Squares Sales of the follow­
ing lines of really good reliable merchandise.
NO. 1.
Sale of Ladies ’ Corsets.
Sale of Spring Wash Goods.
Sale of Laces and Insertions.
Sale of Embroideries and Beadings.
Sale of Ladies ’ Summer Underwear.
(For description and prices of latter see Our Special
Announcement in last week's Headlight.)
NO. 2.
Sale of Boy’s Caps.
Sale of Ladies’ Shoes.
Sale of Misses’ Shoes.
Sale of Children’s Waists.
Sale of Men’s Summer Union Suits.
The Regular Pri'-e is marked on every garment.)
The New Suits,
Coats Dresses & Skirts are decidedly becoming'
You will appreciate the care ■
and taste exercised in the■
choosing of the new Suits I
Coats, Dresses and Separate 1
Skirts for Spring wear.
We should be glad for ycu I
to look over our selections and I
in doing so please rci’ieffl^
that you will not be impor­
tuned to buy.
Watch our Windows for they
contain at all times displays of the most up-to-
date and most authentic styles of the day.
Ready-to-XVear Section —On the Balcony-
Last Tuesday evening was the last
gathering of the Physical Culture
Club for this summer. ^Irs. R. Jones
has been a very efficient leader, and
as she is just about to depart for the
East and being the iSst meeting, the
members planned a pleasant surprise
for her in the way of an appetising
luncheon. There were a g
bcr present and all did
part in the way of story telM ’I
speech making. Mrs. Jones
sented with a book from th* “*’1
a rememberance of their l°rtl
high esteem. The club exp**® 1
sume in the fall,
• . --i