Tillamook Headlight. April :T~I. I An Old Story, Always N«w I Notice to Contracte r». Dated this 20th day of April, 1915. J. C. HoMen, County Clerk. ) T. BOALS. M.D., F < ■ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook .... Oregon governed accordingly. There seems Sealed proposals addressed to the to be some confusion in regard to the The penalties of crime are not writ­ Notice to Contractors. number of representatives to which a ten in the statutes. They are branded County Court of Tillamook County, Meets at Tillamook May 11-14— Grange is entitled. The bylaws pro­ Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to on the hearts and minds of men who Complete W. S. Cone County Road Sealed proposals addressed to the Standing Cimmittees. vide that "Each Grange shall be en­ Every day gives in accordance with plans and speci County Court of Tillamook County, wrong their fellows, titled to one representative,” but a higher power fications thereof on file in the office Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to EBSTER HOLMES, The forty-second annual session of further provides that if representa­ pathetic evidence of to inflict and of the County Clerk of Tillamook Complete the Blum-Hemlock County the Oregon State Grange will meet at tive has a wife and she is a matron, than that of man ATTORNEY-AT LAW, There died in the county County, Oregon, will be received by Road improvement, ___ „_____________ Tillamook on Tuesday, May II, at 10 she shall be a voting member of this scourge. other day ■» the County Court of said County, at in accordance with plans and speci­ hospital at Chicago the session for o'clock and will be in body, or if the representative has a COMMERCIAL BUILDING, himself a four days, closing on the following husband and he is a husbandman, he charity patient calling the city di- its office in the Court House,, at fications thereof on file in the office FIRST STREET, Friday evening. t shall be a voting member of this name not to be found in him, but no Tillamook City, Oregoft, until the of the County Clerk of Tillamook hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the 8th County, Oregon, will be received by The Fairview Grange, the \\ oman s body. It is evident from the by-laws rectory. No one knew OREGON. about the identity of a man day of May, A.D. 1915, and at that that the County Court of said County, at TILLAMOOK, e_______ Civic League and the Tillamook that the basis of representation from one cared . ---- , o f tuberculosis, the and time and place publicly opened Commercial Club are making ar­ each Grange is one representative, in the last stage its office in the Court House,, at E. REEDY, D.V M., rangements for the entertainment of with the provisions that the husban I smaif remnant of whose life must run read, Tillamook City, Oregon, until the Each bid shall be accompanied by a hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the 8th the visitors, and their plans will be and wife have equal privileges if out almost as the sand in an hour glass. He was a stranger and they certified check on some responsible day of May, A.D. 1915, and at that VETERINARY. tL_l made known later. they arc both 4th degree members in took him in; sick and they mimstered bank in the State of Oregon, in the time and place publicly opened and State Master C. E. Spence has good standing. The same conditions Both Phones. ... sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­ read, named the different committees, and apply to the alternate. If the alternate unto him. Before the end came, but not unti closed therewith, said check shall be Oregou issued full instructions to the subor­ has a wife and she is a fourth degree Each bid shall be accompanied by ft Tillatnoolt dinate Granges which are as follows member in good standing she shall be death was standing at his elbow, the made payable to the County Clerk of, certified check on some responsible 1. Credentials—Mary S. Howard, a voting member. No one can be sub­ pauper announced himself to be Ig­ Tillamook County Oregon, to be held . bank in the State of Oregon, in the natius J. Chlieski, who four years as liquidated damages in case the bid i H. GOYNE, Mulino; R H Wellman, Freewater, stituted for the wife or husband, sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­ ’ ' ■ in earlier had fled the city, and the be accepted and the bidder shall fail closed therewith, said check shall be R. 2; Alfred Niblin, 1771 Mor’ either case. country, a fugitive from justice, after refuse or neglect to enter into th: j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. rison 9t., Portland; Mrs. C. L. Beach, made payable to the County Clerk of The usual convention rates on the Corvallis; Mrs. C. H. Bailey, Rose­ certificate plan for all members of having had, as a lawyer and private contract, and file therewith the nec- Tillamook County Oregon, to be held banker inspired and then betrayed essary bond for the faithful perfor- [ burg. as liquidated damages in case the bid Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , the order who attend the session 2. Division of Labor—L. S. Tenny, have been ordered by the following the confidence of hundreds of people mance of the work, within 5 days, be accepted and the bidder shall fail Tillamook Oregon, Estacada; Laura E. McMorris, Con­ transportation companies: All sta­ who placed their money and proper­ from the date of receiving notice I refuse or neglect to enter into the ty in his charge. Not until after he from the County Court that the con- contract, and file therewith the nec­ don; Wilfred Brown, Camas Valley, tions in Oregon on the O. S. L., O. Mrs. W. H H. Dufer, 313 Abbington W. R. & N. and S. P. & S. except had stolen and lost $100,000 of the tract is ready for signature, JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, trust funds and the day of his reckon­ All bids shall be made on blank: essary bond for the faithful perfor­ Bldg, Portland. Columbia River points, Southern ing was at hand did he flee the wrath work, within 5 days mance of the forms furnished for such purpose by j ATTORNEY 3. Finance—John A. McMorris, Pacific lines, includng Klamath Falls, from the date of receiving notice Condon; O. C. Brown, Dicksonville; C. & E„ P. E. & E-, P. R- & N. Co., to come. Escaping the vengeance of the County Court; must state plainly from the County Court that the con- AND S. Weckert, Sherwood; Henry Freek- I. & M. Ry., S. F. C. & W Ry. W: the law, and the trailing of pursuers, the price of each item of work bid up- J COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. he became a wanderer on the face of on and must be signed by the bidder | tract is ready for signature, sen, Shedd. have not been able to get interchang • T illamook B lock , All bids shall be made on blank the earth, all of whose ventures were and also state his business address. 4. Elections—J. E, Whitehead, between the Oregon Electric and S. forms furnished for such purpose by Tillamook • Oregon. The successful bidder will be re­ the County Court; must state plainly Turner; E. W. Dunbar, Hood River; P. lines as yet, hence those coming dogged by ill luck, and whose ROOM NO. 261 strength under the strain of adver ­ quired to furnish a suerty bond satis­ the price of each item of work bid up­ Mrs. H. G. Howell, Salem; Mrs El­ over the Oregon Electric will buy to sity, fear and remorse, was yielding mer Pearl, Brownsville. Portland or Hillsboro, then to lilla- to the weakness of disease. And ever factory to the County Court for the on and must be signed by the bidder J. CLAUSSEN, faithful performance of the work, in and also state his business address. 5. Pure Food—Mrs. Chancey mook. The P. R. & N. train leaves . ’ I.AWYER, Sickles, Harrisburg; Geo. C. Dallas, Hillsboro at 10:27 a.m., and as there there was a hand beckoning him the sum of 50 per cent of the entire The successful bidder will be re­ back to the scene of his crime, where DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Clackamas;, R. D. 1.; S. I.. White, is but one train each way daily it will amount of the bid. quired to furnish a suerty bond satis­ Rickreall; Mrs. W. H. Christensen, be necessary to leave Hillsboro on at last, he came, broken in fortune, Each bidder shall be required to 213 T illamook B lock health ar.d spirit, to say to the wife satisfy himself, by examination, the factory to the County Court for the Oretown. that train Monday morning in order faithful performance of the work, in 6. 'Forestry—C. B. Stokes, Forest to be on time for the opening session and children called to his mendicant location, nature and extent of the the sum of 50 per cent of the entire Tillamook Oregon deathbed: “Tell my old friends I work to be performed, and all bids Grove; Mrs. Rosina Lee, Elmira; 1 uesday morning. have paid my folly with my life. are to be compared on the basis of amount of the bid. Mrs. Annie White, Barlow; Charles All persons purchasing tickets on Each bidder shall be required to 22R. JACK OLSEN, Carlson, Shedd; Victor A. Blackely, these lines will pay full fare to Tilla­ Gambling did it all.” quantities shown on the bidding satisfy himself, by examination, the We need jump at no conclusion Glide. mook or as far as a ticket can be that it was gambling on the stock or blanks and as included between Sta­ location, nature and extent of the DENTIST. 7. Legislation—Louis Funk, Ore­ purchased, getting a certificate each tion, work to be performed, and all bids grain exchanges, though it may have (I. O. O. F, Bldg.) gon City, R. 2; Chas. L. Beach, Cor­ time. Do not neglect to secure a cer­ 35 plus 00 to Station 46 plu3 00 of are to be compared on the basis of vallis; Chancey Sickles, Harrisburg; tificate. If the agent has no regular been. We do not have to assume that the said road survey, quantities shown on the bidding Tillamook - Oregon Upon the deposit of $5.00 a set of Mrs. Cena Kinyon, Aurora, R. 31 Mrs form of certificate, require him to it was gambling with cards or with blanks and as included between Sta­ dice any more than we have to as ­ Nellie V. White, Rickreall. specifications, forms for pro ­ plans, give a receipt; if nothing is secured T. Bon a 8. Assessment and Taxation—W. to show that a full fare was paid it sume that it was not. What we know, posal, contract, and bond, may be ob­ tion, 00 plus 00 to Station 24 plus 46.5 of H. H. Dufer, 312 Abbington Bldg., will be impossible to get the reduced with a positive certainty past all tained at County L. the .... office of the " ATTORNEY-AT LAW. the said road survey, Portland; Andrew C. Crow, Merlin; return fair. Upon presenting of the doubting, is that the man is gambling Clerk. Upon the deposit of $5.00 a set of Complete Set of Abstract Books i Mrs. Bell Funk, Oregon City, R. 2; certificate properly signed to the who does that thing which is a crime The right is reserved to reject any Office. Mary A. Link, Goble; S. Weckert, agent at Tillamook, the holder will not only against his victim, but or all proposals, or to accept any plans, specifications, forms for pro­ against both divine and human law. proposal or proposals, as may be posal contract, and bond, may be ob­ Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Sherwood. be entitled to a return ticket at one- In this city we have, at this moment 9. Woman's Work—Mrs. R. H. third fare. T illamook B lock , deemed best for Tillamook County, tained at the office of the County Clerk. striking examples of the desperate Oregon, Wellman, Freewater; Mrs. Wilfred Tillamook .... Oregon All members should give careful chances taken by gamblers who gam­ The right is reserved to reject any Brown, Camas Valley; Mrs. E. W. attention to the subject that will By order of the County Court, Both Phones. or all proposals, or to accept any Dunbar, Hood River; Mrs. Jennie come under consideration by the ble with fate in the hope of winning, Dated this 20th day of April, 1915. proposal or proposals, as may be by taking risks of exposure and re­ Lovelace, Rainier. J. C. Holden, committees to which they have been tributive justice, for fraudulent gain. C. HAWK, deemed best for Tillamook County, 10. Co-operation—C. H. Bailey, County Clerk. assigned. Oregon, There is no form of gambling worse Roseburg; W. H. Christensen, Orc­ Chairman of all important commit- than this. It is gambling against God. By order of the County Court, town; I. E. Shirley, McMinnville; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Notice to Contractors. tees should communicate with the It is better that divine as well as Dated this 20th day of April, 1915. Mrs. Ella Weckert, Sherwood; Mrs. other members and discuss with them J. C. Holden, Oregon Josie Carlson, Shedd; Mrs. C. Cava­ the general features of their report so human law can be suspended or Bay CitV Sealed proposals addressed to the County Clerk. evaded by false pretenses and shal­ naugh, Gresham. as to have the matter well in hand low subterfuges. The men who play County Court of Tillamook County, 11. Oregon Agricultural College— before going to the session. QR. L. L. HOY, such games of chance think to load Orison, and indorsed “Proposals to J. T. Apperson, Parkplace; Wilfred Opportunity will be given at least the dice against others, but ever they Complete Pacific City County Road Brown, Camas Valley; Mrs. Clem - by the morning of the second day for PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON EAT VIERECK’S are loading them against themselves, Improvement, Davis, Marion; Mrs. I. B. Shirley, ’ introduction of resolutions to be re­ whether the game run for days or for in accordance with plans and speci­ McMinnville; Chas L. Beach, Cor­ T illamook B lock , ferred to committees, and any reso­ years. Every violation of the moral fications thereof on' file in the office vallis; Mrs. Emma Duncan, Nyssa. BREAD, lution of importance should be pre­ law, every stifling of conscience and of the County Clerk of Tillamook Oregon. Tillamook, 12. Transportation—G. W. McFar­ pared in duplicate form, ready for every sinning against light, is a bet County, Oregon, will be received by land, Cottage Grove; Rosco C. Reem- I _ introduction at this time, in order that nature and nature’s laws can be the County Court of said County, at TILLAMOOK BAKERY ing, Estacada; Mrs. George C. Dallas. that the committee may get to work, defeated. It is the bet of fools; the its office in the Court House,, at 12)R. ELMER ALLEN Clackamas R. 1; Mrs. J. W. Turvev. ’1 Delegat tes should be on hand bet of men gone mad in lust of wealth Tillamook City, Oregon, until the Williams, L. S. Tenny, Estacada. ’ promptly nrrimntlv Tuesday morning and not (Successor to Dr. Sharp), fame, or pleasures of any kind which hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the 8th 13. By-Laws—W. R. Wing, Irving; At All Grocers , expect to leave until Saturday morn­ break the law ordained by mankind day of May, A.D. 1915, and at that DENTIST. Henry Freerksen, Shedd; W. C. Kin­ ing, as there are four full days’ work for the preservation of organized time and place publicly opened and yon, Aurora, R. 3; Mrs. Charles I- to be done, and all delegates are ex­ society and the keeping of social read, Commercia! Building-, Tillamock Beach, Corvallis; Mrs. Emma Tenny, pected to attend the full session. Each bid shall be accompanied by a • impact. Such men are the most de ­ Estacada. On Saturday following the session luded of all gamblers, for they delude certified check on some responsible 14. Good Roads—R. N. Lovelace, QARL HABERLACH, I the Grange Committee on arrange- themselves with the notion of de­ bank in the State of Oregon, in the Rainier; Clem Davis, Marion; Mrs. I ments, of Tillamook County, pro- frauding the state itself with the sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­ Watherine Wing, Irving; Mrs. I. B. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shirley, McMinnville; Alfred Niblin, ( pose an excursion to the beach, and a tricks of the card sharp. They lose, closed therewith, said check shall be I clam bake, then the excursion train as Ignatius Chlieski lost. Gambling made payable to the County Clerk of I T illamook B eock 1771 East Morrison St. Portland; | will take the members to Portland in docs it all, whether the bets be laid Tillamook County Oregon, to be held Mrs. Mattie J. Zeek. Bandon.. Tillamook !- - - .Oregon 1 the afternoon. against bulls and bears or against the as liquidated damages in case the bid 1$. —Mileage and Per Diem—O. be accepted and the bidder shall fail world and the most high God. C. Brown, Dixonville; William White refuse or neglect to enter into the Women Do Men's Work. Barlow; Mrs. Hattie E. McFarland, 0R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN contract, and file therewith the nec­ Notice to Fanners. Cottage Grove; Mrs. M. J. Scott, essary bond for the faithful perfor­ DENTIST, Tangent. Zola in "La Debacle” tells how ’ a The Tillamook Lime Products Co., mance of the work, within 5 days 16. Education—Mrs. O. C. Brown, peasant of the neighborhood went on from the date of receiving notice Successor to Dr. Perkins Dixonville; Wirt Sappington, Clover­ plowing his field while the battle of is ready to furnish ground lime stone from the County Court that the con­ with the problem of buying Harness TILLAMOOK, to the farmers. The lime stone is OREGON. dale; C. E. Peck, Nyssa; Mrs. Nellie Sedan was in progress. Soldiers w< ere you will find it distinctly advanta­ tract is ready for signature, V. White, Rickreall; Mrs. Catherine fighting close at hand, but that was ground so as to pass a 1-6 inch wire geous to come and do your select ­ AU bids shall be made on blank ing here. You will get the beet screen. McBee, Springfield. their business, while his was to break forms furnished for such purpose by qualities, the moat thorough and QEORGE WILLETT, The lime stone will cost $5.00 per 17. Agricultural—Jay Mitchell, up the soil and get it ready for aut­ the County Court; must state plainly 1 conscientious workmanship and be Corvallis, R. 1; S. E. McBee, Spring umn planting. We need not believe ton in sacks at the plant. A charge of the price of each item of work bid up- charged the most reasonable price«? 3 cents per sack or 60c. per ton extra ATTORNEY-AT-LAW field; Mrs. Victoria Crow, Merlin; that French peasants of today have on and must be signed by the bidder ''® can ••Pfly Single or double will be made for the sacks unless | Sets or any single article that yon T illamook C ommercial B uildin « Mrs. C. H. Bailey, Roseburg; C. B. been equally indifferent to the war and also state his business address. may be in need of. Zeek, Bandon. to credit the statement that France is sacks arc furnished by the customer Tillamook - • - Oregon The successful bidder will be re­ 18. Dormant Granges—M. L. Car­ getting in big crops. The section of Only grain or meal sacks with a close quired to furnish a suerty bond satis- : W.A. Williams & Co. weave should be brought as the fine ter Alicel; J. W. Turvey, Williams; France yet touched by the war is but factory to the County Court for the K. E, DANIELS. Mrs. Anna Freerksen, Shedd; Mrs. a fraction of the total area. Several of dust or powder will all be lost if the faithful performance of the work, in sacks have a course weave leaving I Maty A. Apperson, Parkplace. Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., the great winemaking regions have CHIROPRACTOR. the sum of 50 per cent of the entire Surveyor. , 19. Appeals—A. W. Howell, Salem ( not known the war by actual exper­ only the course grains of limestone in amount of the bid. Local Office in the Commercial F. W. Roberts, Gobel; Mrs. Gather-1 ience, and there is no reason to doubt the sacks. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ Each bidder shall be required to A set of new grinding rollers are retary Treas. , Attotney-at- ine McBee , Springfield; Mrs. Josie the assertion that the vintage of 1914 Building. satisfy himself, by examination, the I.aw, Notrary Public Carlson, Shedd. is more abundant than usual. France being installed to increase the capac­ location, nature and extent of the TILLAMOOK - ORE 20. Good of the Order—Mrs. Nel­ has an area of more than 207,000 ity and produce a finer product. work to be performed, and all bids Tillamook Title and Address all communi.-a ’ ion* to U lie Sappington, Cloverdale; John H. square miles, and the war is confined are to be compared on the basis of Scott, Tangent; Elmer Pearl, Brown to one of its corners. The great soutl G. Jackson, Box 4t3, Tillamook. Abstract co. quantities shown on the bidding sville; Mrs. Jennie Lovelace, Rain of France has seen no hostile soldier« blanks and as included between Sta ­ The most strategic thing a Mexi­ Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, ier; C. Cavanaugh, Gresham and its industries have been affected can general can do is to capture a tion, Surveying, Insurance. at Resolutions—Mrs. E. A. Nib­ only by the withdrawal of men to do telegraph line that has an end in the 00 plus 00 and Statoin 43 plus 60 o: Both Phones. lin, 1771 East Morrison St. Portland their military duties, Women and United States. the said road survey, also Station 00 TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. Frank T. Lee, Elmira; F. W. Roberts boys are taking the places of men »11 plus 00 to Station 34 plus 29.2 of ex­ On your front porch can be lit Goble; Mrs. E. W. Dunbar, Hood the field and anyone who has seen The old-fashioned Populists have tention of said survey, every night until midnight River, R. D.; Michril Link, Goble; J. French peasant women at work will derived much satisfaction from the Upon the deposit of $5 00 a set of and register not over M. Duncan, Nyssa not need to be told that they are triumph of some of their once ri di­ plans, specifications, forms for pro­ J^ELAND B. ERWIN, fifty cents per month (This completes the list of delegates stalwart and industrious and able to culed theories. Now comes a New posal, contract, and bond, may be ob­ in the meter. PIANO INSTRUCTION. for whom credentials have been re- I j keep the youngsters from neglecting Jersey man and vindicates Jeremiah tained at the office of the County eeived to date. This is the second their share of the labor.—Boston that the "growing conservatism" is Clerk. Diplom» from Chicago Musical COAST POWER COMPANY- year under the new system of elect­ | Transcript. The right is reserved to rejoct any College—granted June, 1911—on ihn an effect of a growing popular dis­ - ing delegates by the subordinate satisfaction with costly investigations or all proposals, or to accept an / following subjects Piano, Hirmnty, Granges entitled to representation ii The woman who has became th of everything that employs labor am proposal or proposals, as may b,- Musical History S'ienc? and Peda I When Uncle Russell Sage was eat* the state Grange. The rotation wil bride of the tot-year old Joplin niai disburses capital on a large scale, am deemed best for Tillamook County, gogv (Teaching!. TERMS—OU for 20 weeks in­ ' ing 15-cent lunches, did he ever be completed next year, then each is likely to discover that he is some­ which revise down nothing eise to t Oregon, struction. .dream that his wife would giv< Grange will know its turn and be I what "sot in his ways." I By order of the County Court, much as trade and commerce. All lessons giveu at Studio. 000 for the protection of wild life? * OREGON STATE GRANGE^ I I 1 • J I E « S? A15 Watt Mazda Lamp