Tillamoolc State Press Flashlights. ------O—— A farmer is always willing to listen to the man who says taxes are too high.—Telephone Register. The new electric sign in the front window of the Farmers’ National Bank is attracting considerable at- tention. The sign is equipped with a stwies of letters so that any wording desired may be used. Last week it was saying, “Taxes now due, pay at this bank. "Taxes now due, pay at borrowing it and putting in the words “Subscriptions now due, pay at this office.”—Ione Journal. ------ o----- The Lane County fair board has abolished ite eugenics department and will apply the money in the dairy­ section. One member of tjie board is quoted as saying: “We thought it better to put this money into stock than into babies.” It is quite fascina­ ting to wonder what influenced the board. Did it think the Lane county­ babies were good enough already? Did it believe that prize money would not stimulate to wholesome competi­ tion the parents there? Perhaps the members are old bachelors, or possi­ bly some of them have served in a baby contest as judges and narrowly- escaped from the just resentment of irate mothers.—Oregon Farmer. The printed newspaper cuts of General Huerta, who only a short year ago occupied the headlines in all re riveted (not put together with I ,.«) >ve put ty)— tin y v. JI alutaye remain air tight, 1, u . • r.‘ i'her Ivat r or • U ufTectt them. The < ■ | ht ir f. I t joints and pure aabeeto« i. ..-mu- un < i taking heat. Having one-half the fueL • II drt,p to form rigid •helve». No tprineg. tTati able irtn oven cache elide cut automatically, bold- irig whatever they contain. 7i?e Great Charcoal and Malleable Iron R ange -ha* o/. rr.pper manrvnfr which hast* like a kettle, through a c m r ihm . t atitmpM from one i> e cf ^»pper. Mitin« kum I I ft. i sn-l i /¡in« of Ar« box. It ».otta 1 » «allori» nr water in a *«ry f a »... n jtz « aa4 by turn.ng a levee th* frame an 1 reeervolr m*>v«à away fHen *'r>3 An ex lux ivo patented Mietile feature (tpenend a i f'/n a pi e /enta fio« fr'ww ratrbing Are a»h rug catena» aahee. A th iu to thmo over fart In a rango. Made of (b.rco.1 Iroa. «Mine 300% ta lit* of Rcnva KUH 5» 1C the greutetl unporaead Don’t buy the rwrijre yon expert ttn.e ■nn»>ght. w H mc K m fouTl he a. t olMed. Corn*» tn our etore, and Afo/.o»fc — ha** it» many exrtasfa Li ned And out wny the Shgeetic i» «tnmger •ri .»( nrr re««There most rangea are weakeet. F» H t’m I*et gt any pnce a»d it aiwuid ba ia jour lulchen, FOR SALE BY ALEX. McNAIR & CO