*TlîTamook Headlight, April 29. » Wm. Kennedy, Garibaldi. |. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. rest and worship. One of the most | M. E. Hearn, Garibaldi. is hereby given that a peti- H. W. Wright, Garibaldi. will fail in his efforts, for when Judge ADVERTISING RATES. •| I Notice bec-n filed in the County F. II. Illingworth, Garibaldi. Kare Study Klub for April Morrow said the law was unconsti­ prominent Catholic bishops of New 1 The Kill Legal Advertisements. the home of Mrs. Carl Haber- ^r(h’^ tnc the State of Oregon. for the T. B. Meade, Garibaldi. York offered a reward of $1,000 to met at t.. ~ ‘ - tutional in several respects he knew .10 First Insertion, per line $ . .. Bennington being the as- [County of Tillamook, a true copy and W. Willey, Garibaldi. any one who would by the Bible ( Each subsequent insertion, line. -OS what he was talking about, and the prove that he must keep Sunday holy. lach, sistant Mrs. hostess. Mrs. Plank read us transcript thereof and of the whole Harrison Peters, Garibaldi. Plank read the us ! tr, entitled thereof, is in words, letters and fig- Jack Levenhagen, Garibaldi. reason, no doubt, that the district at­ Business and professional cards He still has his money. a very interesting paper < Robert Plummer, Garibaldi. one month ............................. I 00 torney of Lane County did not appeal -. 1 ures as follows to-wit: “What is bad on Sunday is just as Petition.. A. E. Graham, Garibaldi. H omestead Notices .................. 5.00 the case to the supreme court, was bad on any other day and what is fit "Celilo Canal" and Mrs. Edwards In the County Court of the State of J. V. Gibson, Garibaldi. Timbri Claims .......................... 10.00 because he knew he would lose the for a weekday is fit for Sunday. If gave us a short talk on the coming Oregon for Tillamook County. Mrs. A. E. Graham, Garibaldi. “ Women ’ s Convention ” to be held Locals per line each insertion. .05 case if he appealed it. Under these In the matter of the application Frank Buckles, Garibaldi. the church cannot stand without Display advertisement, an inch, circumstances it is up to Mr. Goyne legislative support, the divineness of June 1-2 and 3 in Portland. Several of J. J McCormick for Liquor F. W. Hock, Garibaldi. I 1 of the Club ladies expect to attend. License, Garibaldi Precinct, A. Zuercher, Garibaldi. enc month ............................... • 5® to prove that the law is constitutional .......... its mission is doubtful. ” Leslie Pcnwell, Garibaldi. Guests for the afternoon were Mis- said Count)- and State. All Resolutions of Condolence and he is the only district attorney in For more light on this matter of UUW ra - _ -- _ - • _ • Comes now herein the undersigned Grant Bronson, Garibaldi. dames Wendt, - Whitehouse, Crenshaw .05 Oregon who intends to enforce this and Lodge Notices, per line.. and represent to this Honorable Eli Yocnich, Garibaldi. the state enforcing church doctrines Cards of Thanks, per line......... -OS law, or lay down like all the other Burge. Mrs. Gus C_ Case was County Court, and allege the follow­ Tozi Bapota, Garibaldi. one should pursue the last issue of and _____ ____ ’ r to fill the ing facts that all of the undersigned Chris Stoycheff, Garibaldi. N-tices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen district attorneys are doing Mr. elected the new member "Liberty” magazine published at IttCIll ruvuMCy. The next meeting of are legal voters of Garibaldi precinct. John Aris, Garibaldi. etc., minimum rate, not ex­ Goyne succeeded in one thing, and recent vacancy. the Klub to be met with Mrs. C. W. Tillamook County, Oregon, and all C. G. Klingensmith, Garibaldi. ceeding five lines .................. as that was in closing the pool rooms, Washington D. C. Portlander. each and every one are qualified resi­ F. F. Amick, Garibaldi. Miller the third Thursday in May. which meet with approval. dents of said precinct and County and C. C. Schrock, Garibaldi. » RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. have been for more than thirty davs L. Gillespie, Garibaldi. » BAYOCEAN WORK NEAR (Strictly in Advance.) Multnomah county voted to adopt prior to the presentation of this H. Hebestreit, Garibaldi. The Oregon House. One yeai ............................. .*.... $1.50 bonding for hard surface roads 2 to 1 R. S. Acorn, Garibaldi. petition to this court. Property Owners Named to Direct That said McCormick is a citizen Notice is further hereby given, that Six months ........................................ 75 The question of hard surface roads One of the most interesting build- Improvements. ings at the SanFrancisco exposition of the United States, of the State of said petition will be presented to the Three months.................................... .50 has been settled in the minds of Oregon, and a legal voter, in said Countv Court of the State of Oregon, practically everyone. There is no one In the Circuit Court Judge Gatens is is that that erected erected by t>y the me state .««e of Oregon , precinct, is the owner of valuable for Tillamook County, on the 2nd real estate in said precinct, in Gari- day of June, 1915, and at the hour of THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. arguing against it. It is the only Thursday issued an order appointing It commands admtr ....« beauty. baldi. in said County and State and of to o’clock A.M. and based thereon practically economical road to build a committee of three property own- strength, simplicity, and surround the va|ua|y]e personal property and is the said J. J. McCormick, will at said to meet the conditions of today. Why er, in the Bayocean project to co-' wide porticoes that mat Editorial Snap Shots • ^„ • “Vaid Garibaldi, time and date, apply to said County not submit the proposition to the committee of building are supported by forty-eight ( owner f . I bona hote) operate with a similar c- ......... — __ _____ „ UVInp. .. ~-------- _ __ Court for a license to be granted to I . xt__ «Umnlv mammoth saiu F .. t___ * The legal lights say that it does not voters of Tillamook county to bond three trustees representing the cor- 1 columns that are simply mammotn I with accomadations for at least fifty to said J. J. McCormick to sell with­ in said Garibaldi Precinct, and at his _____ of .. the Douglas fir—from the guests. take the vote of the entire state to and make its main roads hardsurfac- poration to act with S. B. Vincent, 1 1 trunks xizxvk rrAci/Ire are from, jhat said ' McCormick resides Clt hotel bar in Garibaldi, spiritous, malt refer the new judiciary district— ed? Tillamook county sooner or later manager of the properties, to handle forests of Oregon. They . « . »it • ' . said hotel, ...:*ix with hie his fnmilv family consist! consisting and vinous liquors, near beer and Washington and Tillamook counties, will build hardsurface roads and the the affairs of the T. B. Potter Realty four and one half to eight feet in hard cider, for a period of six morths 1, | of himself and invalid wife. longer the delay the greater amount Company and generally to supervise diameter. The bark has been left on, . That said McCormick, is now and from the date of said license. to a vole of the people. It can be of money wasted on temporary road done bv referring it to the two dis­ the installation of improvements and it produces a very attractive has been for a long time past con­ Dated this 29th day of April. 1915. J. J. McCormick tricts. Then don’t lose any more time, building. Once the main lines arc which are to be made on the property effect, which is carried out by the ducting a bar in connection with said hardsurfaced there will be more Petitioner. for there is only 22 days in which to The committee representing the rOugh surfaced, brown-stained boards , hotel, for the sale of intoxicating money for laterals and they, too, can State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ Honors. fdc the petitions. holders is composed of of which the building is constructed. , be hardsurfaccd. Its the wise man property prominent business men and includes ' These forty-eight majestic columns 1 That it is the desire of said Mc­ mook. SS. I, the undersigned, being first duly Cormick, and vour petitioners that he who builds a cement sidewalk around Between 300 and 400 citizens have his house, its the cheapest in the end. Horace D. Ramsdell, manager of represent the forty-eight states of the » be Granted a license to sell at retail sworn say:—That I am one of the signed the petition for the City Coun­ Lipman Wolfe & Co.; Jay Smith, union, and symbolize, moreover, the I at his bar in said hotel, such intoxi- petitioners within named, and that I —Cloverdale Courier. cil to erect a new city hall, and as manager of Marshall-Wells Hard- sturdy citizenship of Oregon, whose catintr liquors, and that he be «’rant­ circulated the same, and that each It took some time to impress one ed a license so to do in the manner and all of the foregoing named peti­ there appears to be very little oppo­ important fact on the taxpayers, and ware Co. and B. O. Case, a wholesale people came from all sections of the provided by law. for a period of six tioners signed the same with his own sition to it, no doubt the nrattcr will months from the granting of said hand in my presence; that each stated that is it is waste of money to spend milliner. The trustees who as a com- I United States be submitted to a vote of the peo­ his name, postoffice address and resi­ large amounts of money to macadam mittee will represent the T. B. Pot- ' Each of these columns contains ( license. ple to bond for the necessary amount. dence correctly, and that each one is the main highway through Tillamook ter Realty Co. corporation are W. J. • enough lumber to build a good sized G. H. Benson Garibaldi. a legal voter within Garibaldi Pre­ In planning for the new eity hall it *. T. Baier, Garibaldi. County, for the maintenance charges Clemens, insurance man; Otto H. dwelling house; they weigh from ! Ghas. Morgan. Garibaldi. cinct, and has actually resided there­ has been suggested that the basement Schwcrdtmann, proprietor of the forty thousand to fifty thousand I A. McKee, Garibaldi. are so heavy that in a few years this in for more than thirty days next be used for a gymnasium. That is .1 I proceeding. April 20. 101c, and that would more than pay for hard sur­ Oregon Box and Manufacturing Co., pounds. H. Champhe, Garibaldi. good idea, for the city needs some­ and M. E. Fouch, proprietor of the all of the facts set forth in said peti­ G. H. T.vster Garibaldi The flagpole of the building is the faced roads. Bro. Taylor is an advo ­ thing of that kind where the young tion are true as I verilv believe. cate of bonding the county to hard Western Electric Works. tallest in the world—251 feet high. It T onis Fckloff. Garibaldi. • J. T. McCormick, men and women ran get some phy- Gd. T. T v«ter. Garibaldi. The joint committee will meet surface the highway, and in that re­ was hewed from a tree 347 feet high, R E. Miller Garibaldi. Address, Garibaldi, Tillamook sical exercise, especially during the spect we know he has a .large follow- ( shortly with S. B. Vincent, manager I and weight 93,600 pounds. There are '*rs T J. MrGormjrV Garibaldi, County. Oregon. long wet season when outdoor rec- ing that is increasing every year. The of the Bayocean properties, to advise I more than thirty thousand feet of rr Thiessen Garibaldi Subscribed and sworn to before me reation is out of the question. this 29th day of Aoril, 191c. snap shot man is a little bid dubious ( ways and means to carry on the im­ lumber—enough to frame and board M T Beamish GnribaUi. Webster Holmes, on the bonding proposition, for wc provement of the beach property. It in five eight-roomed houses—in this T Invd G (¡„.¡th p»r Vi»w. Bro. Trombley, the Democratic (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. think hard surfaced roads can be ob- is the intention of the committee to giant flagpole. It is more than three D L. Terwilliarer. Bar Miew. free trade rooster, is, no doubt, crow­ Mrs. A G Smith. Bar View. install ........ improvements Notice to Contractors. tained in a few years without resort-( «-------------- of conside able ( hundred years old, and it cost over T ennard Pearson P-r View. ing early and late these days now ing to bonding, if the County Court magnitude as fast as financial cond;- five thousand dollars to transport it F. C. Robison. Bar View. that he secs Democratic policies be­ would outline a plan something like i tions will permit. 1 he first project to Tames D Powell Garibaldi. Sealed proposals addressed to the ing carried out, one of which was to -11- C-nph Par Vi-IV, UV undertaken miuviiunvn will wax be 17V the X.XX...I- —...-- and set it in place. this: Ten per cent road tax should be be completion County Court of Tillamook County, The flag that flies from the pole is reduce the cost of living. Tillamook F. Grebnt Bar 5’i»»v of the automobile road from Tilla-| i G Oregon, and indorsed "Proposal« to cheese took another drop on Monday levied in future, which would mean mook to Bayocean. Arrangements thirty six by forty-nine feet.—The Tnhn somewhere near $200,000. Appro- ( complete Squires County Road, ritvq G ao AXT but, then, wasn't that what a large Youth’s Companion. 4 priate $125,000. or $150,000 for that arc about to be completed with the in accordance with plans and speci­ F A number of our citizens voted for matter, for hard surfacing, and in the County Court of Tillamook County A n ShelilG- fications thereof on file in the office when they put the free trade party Notice to Contractors. • r.orîhaMî. r course of a few years the main high­ for the construction of the road. A of the County Clerk of Tillamook into power? Of course it was. Not ' f r b nnîç r new survey is being made around the I v County, Oregon, will be received by being content with Republican pros­ way would be hard surfaced and, at | T> P T- • Do ~ ^rJr>xv, the Scaled proposals addressed to the end of that time, it would be paid bay shore and when completed the the County Court of said County, at C*n r»tv*» 1* P„n r ... perity, they voted for a change and a i road will be one of the most scenic County Court of Tillamook County, If — fll-n C* n*»*/»* ^'’ribaldi. its office in the Court Home» *• change in the price of cheese also. for and no outstanding indebtedness I Oregon, and indorsed “ Proposals to in the state. r v Tillamook City, Oregon, until the And, surely, Bro. Trombley has good to wrestle with. We are willing to complete part of Bayocean County xr, r r '•’--ibaldi. admit that bonding has some ad­ hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the 8th reason to feel happy now that he Road improvement. C vantages, the most important is the Teachers’ Course Offered. day of May, A.D. 1915. and *1 sees what he advocated being fulfill­ n „ in accordance with plans and speci­ immediate use of the hard surfaced time and place publicly open d and C.v, Tlx •« /xrv ed. fications thereof on file in the office highway and money to expend to iht- I It has recently been decided by the G»-îbaldi. read, of the County Clerk of Tillamook T T prove side roads. We do not want to for course faculty .to offer a short I Each bid shall be accompanied by« This is a State Law, but it proves County, Oregon, will be received by A see Tillamook County do as some the benefit of teachers and prospec­ certified check on some responsible that there are other Oregon laws be­ the County Court of said County, at ■7 TT..„l, other counties did, attempt to do too tive teachers who wish to prepare for bank in the State of Oregon, in the side the Sunday closing law that are .1 T T> T « much with insufficient funds. Nor do the coming state examinations to be its office in the Court House,, at m r-..n.. sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­ unconstitutional and cannot be en- Dq r Tillamook City, Oregon, until the wc want to see the State Highway held at the county scat the last of ST - closed therewith, said check shall be forced. Commission come in here and boss June. The course will embrace all hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the 8th V a V made payable to the County Clerk of “No free Negro or Mulattos, not the road work, for day of May, A.D. 1915, and at that z-».. ..» - TÎ TT-, — we know that subjects required for the securing of Tillamook County Oregon, to be held residing in this state at the time .»I there are men here vy„„ who are as capa­ a one year state certificate and in­ time and place publicly opened and TJ -V- tr as liquidated damages in case the bid the adoption of this constitution ble, if not more so, r, * r»„. s’* read, to manage our cludes strong reviews in arithmetic, be accepted and the bidder shall f«il r» nf> a *!-,,, shall come, reside, be within this state road improvements, r? Each bid shall be accompanied by a It is our impres- grammar. United States history, T r>,, — D*.«. refuse or neglect to enter into the or hold any real estate, or make any sion that some definite policy of hard certified check on some responsible geography, spelling, reading, phy­ * -xr-x- T>-- t contract, and file therewith the nec­ contracts or maintain any suit there surfacing should be decided upon as I bank in the State of Oregon, in the T • *. v siology theory and practice, Oregon essary bond for the faithful perfo.- in; and the legislature assembly sha'I soon as possible, for we arc fully con­ I sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en ­ i; r- . .1 ▼ ». —„ mance of the work, within 5 ^avl provide by penal laws for the re­ vinced that it fooling away a lot of school law, civil government and closed therewith, said check shall be sr_, Palmer Method of penmanship. The ST... r? c»«k/x^e r..!t„i.i! from the date of receiving notice moval by public officers of all such good money to keep on spending it ’l made payable to the County Clerk of work will last for six weeks beginn­ T „ * r»._. from the County Court that the con­ Negroes and Mulattocs, and for their in maintenance charges for the high­ i Tillamook County Oregon, to be held ing May 17, with continuous classes C At Mcf- ’"”’* MrCUnnîc ribaldi. effectual exclusion from the state, tract is ready for signature, I as liquidated damages in case the bid way through the county. Whether until the examination dates. Regular V. Lalonr. Rar View. All bids shall be made on blank and for the punishtpent of persons bonding is the best solution or the be accepted and the bidder shall fail forms furnished for such purpose by who shall bring thegi into the state, one we have advanced is for the classes will be held on Saturday refuse or neglect to enter into the Harry R. W illiams. Garibaldi. Thos Purris, Garibaldi. where desired. Aside from the above the County Court; must state plainly or employ or harbor them." citizens to decide. But let us get subjects, work will be offered for the contract, and file therewith the nec­ Harrv Ford, Garibaldi. the price of each item of work bid up­ J. A. Randall, Garibaldi. essary bond for the faithful perfor ­ started on some hard surfaced policy. qualificaton of higher certificates A. E. Giebisch, Garibaldi. on and must be signed by the bidder mance of the work, within 5 days It is easy to discuss Sunday closing Teachers may prepare for a five year J. E. Mann, Garibaldi. and also state his business addreM- and the sacred observance of that from the date of receiving notice Sunday Laws. and a life diploma, classes to be or­ Steve Balocco, Garibaldi. The successful bidder will be re­ day from almost any standpoint We from the County Court that the con- Jos. Rasmus, Garibaldi. ganized in psychology, history of ed­ quired to furnish a suerty bond satis­ still have those amongst us who tract is ready for signature, Jas. H. Snydow, Garibaldi. Portland Oregon, April 21-15. ucation, American and English litera­ factory to the County Court fot tbe All bids shall be made on blank Frank Abrams, Garibaldi. i ture, general history, botany, geology would strictly inforce the Mosaic law Editor Tillamook Headlight. I faithful perfoimance of the work, « forms furnished for such purpose by Tom Troy, Garibaldi. and make people follow it in spirit Observing from the press dispatch­ algebra and geometry, and higher F. Blake, Garibaldi. the sum of 50 per cent of the entire and in letter, while there arc others es that your city is getting consider­ english composition. Work for the County Court; must state plainly J. Strom, Garibaldi. amount of the bid. who believe that law does not belong able advertising these last few days, teachers who desire to secure the the price of each item of work bid up­ Peter Gunderson, Garibaldi. Each bidder shall be required W to this day and generation. The not the kind that helps, the kind that primary five years certificate will be on and must be signed by the bidder J. W. Hilton, Garibaldi. satisfy himself, by examination, the trouble with a large number of per­ tells the world of its famosity for offered if desired. Prospective teach­ and also state his business address. Mrs. M. B. Tompkins, Garibaldi. location, nature and extent of the The successful bidder will be re­ Mrs. M. E. Smith, Garibaldi. sons who advocate Sunday closing dairying, but the kind that hurts, as ers may enter at any time and stay as work to be performed, and all bid» quired to furnish a suerty bond satis­ W. J. Mann, Garibaldi. and who want it observed as a day of long as they wish The terms are being notice served on mankind that P. Simpson, Garibaldi. worship, is that they arc not consis­ factory to the County Court for the arc to be compared on the basil Bcnj. W. Laing, Garibaldi. your city would be a good place to most reasonable. Four dollars per quantities shown on the biddinn tent. For instance, it is nice to have faithful performance of the work, in Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. keep away from, 1 venture to ask the week includes all tuition fees,' board­ blanks and as included from Statiot>| the sum of 50 per cent of the entire 1 Mrs. Bessie Stapen, Garibaldi. electric lights in our places of wor­ ing and lodging. Special privileges use of your columns to quote from a Earl B. Inman, Garibaldi. , amount of the bid. ship, but isn’t someone violating the 35 plus 58 to Station 80 plus 4»- 1 sermon delivered recently by a Uni­ will be allowed to all who form these L. A. Inman, Garibaldi. Mosaic law, to produce them? The Each bidder shall be required to ' . Upon the deposit of $5-0° a set 0 1 classes. Picnic parties, long strolls in tarian minister, the Rev. Clarence J. I man who attends the machinery or plans, specifications, forms for Pr0\ Harris, of Oklahoma City. His re­ the woods, and pleasant profitable, satisfy himself, by examination, the j E. Dean Garibaldi location, nature and anrl evtenr I.'..----- Garibaldi, the fellow who has the hot job feed­ extent nf of »1,* the j rr O. V K. Emery, posal, contract, and bond, may be ob-1 marks struck me with so much force hours out of doors, with the com­ ing the furnaces, should have equal work to be performed, and all bids M. I. Halpin, Garibaldi. tained at the office of the County that 1 believe that they may open the forts of home life, are to be allowed. right to worship as the man in the arc to be compared on the basis of ' R. J. Buettner, Garibaldi. Clerk. The instructions will be individual. eyes of some Tillamookcrs as w<41. pew, shouldn't they? on the bidding L. L. Smith, Garibaldi. The right is reserved to reject any The members of the faculty are hold­ quantities shown He says: R. W. Smith, Garibaldi. blanks and as included between Sta ­ or all proposals, or to accept any, .... o — M. Flcnker, Garibaldi. “No one has a right to compel a ers' of teachers’ state life diplomas proposal or proposals, as may be Jack Plummer, Garibaldi. No doubt it would be the part of law which infringes on the rights of and other evidences of solid scholar­ tion, deemed best for Tillamook County» wisdom for District Attorney T. H. others. Jews and many Christians ship, with many years of teaching from Station 48 plus 00 to Station 09 F. A. Young, Garibaldi. Lida Dean, Garibaldi. Oregon, Goyne to lay down in regard to the observe Sunday, but not once have experience. All the teachers who are Plus 5*3- Upon the deposit of $5 00 a set of Laura Randee, Garibaldi. By order of the County Court, Sunday closing law, but having is- i J. J. Hedrick, Garibaldi. they tried to force legislation to stop contemplating taking a teachers’ re- Dated this 20th day of April, 19*5- sued his manifesto and obtained an the amusement and business of others vew course for the next examination plans, specifications, forms for pro­ Ed. Johnson, Garibaldi. * J. C. Holden, a»e invited to correspond or call posal, contract, and bond, may be ob­ M. B. Tompkins, Garibaldi. opinion from the Attorney General’s on Saturday. County Clerk- tained at the office of the County Hans C. Nelson, Garibaldi. upon us. All communications should office that the law is constitutional, “The law is a confession on the Joel Laaksa, Garibaldi. wc can hardly sec how he can craw­ part of the churches demanding it be addressed to Sister Superior, St. Clerk. Beware of Ointment* The right is reserved to reject any Tony Goesner, Garibaldi. fish. It is true that the law is decide­ that unless they have legislative help, Mary's Institute, Beaverton, Ore. C. F. Marshall, Garibaldi. Catarrh that Contain Mercw or all proposals, or to accept anc dly unpopular, and a large majority their work will go down. Homer McCutchin. Garibaldi. a» mercury will aurely destroy tfce_aoir proposal or proposals, as may be of smell and completely deranire the* E. L. Palmiter. Garibaldi. of the citizens think it is unwise for Harry K. Thaw has been granted a “Sunday religion is the shame of all system when entering it throw1 mucous surfaces. Such articles sho®'d this county to butt in when every religion. One day a week for worship trial by jufy by the New York su­ I deemed best for Tillamook County, James Bibby, Garibaldi. M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi. be used except on prescriptions District Attorney in the state, with will never overcome six days of preme justice in order to determine I Oregon, table physicians as the damage Wm. Hartzell, Garibaldi. By order of the County Court, do is ten fold to the good you can po®** the exception of the District of Tilla­ wrongdoing. his sanity. The trial has been set for M. F. Robison. Bar iVew. derive from them. Hall’s Catarrhi v Dated this 20th day of April, 1915. Walter Kent, Bar View. manufactured by F. J. Cheney • . * mook close their eves to the law and "I am opposed to this (proposed) May t7.This is the first real legal Teledo, O. t contains no mercury. J. C. Holden, R. E. Jackson, Bar View. allows Sunday trading to go on. lint law. for their is no authority what­ victory Thaw has wot in his fight taken internally acting directly gP°tt£> blood and mucous surfaces of the^/y^i County Clerk. L. B. Ivancovich. Garibaldi. should Mr Goyne adhere to what he ever in the Bible for the Christian’s for freedom since his flight from the In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be snj* Charles Hunt. Bar View. get the ftnuine. It is taken ioterMW said m his letter that he was going to Sunday I very individual working Mattcawan hospital for insane. He is made in Teledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney « * Ivy Bibby, Garibaldi. The Tillamook Meat Co, is paying Testimonials free. enforce the law, we predict that he on Saturday breaks the Bible day of j delighted over the prospect. C. E. Johnson. Garibaldi. Sold bv Druggists. Price 75c per ten cents for green hides. * H. Jackson, Garfibaldi. NOTICE. Kill Kare Klub. a I fake Hall’s Family Pilla for coustip®^