Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 29, 1915, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVI.
No. 44.
Houses- to Rent, see Watson.
Bargains at the Grand Leader.
Removal sale at the Grand Leader *
Glen Oliver, Shingler Mutual phone.
Bring your Kodac troubles to f. 1.
Clough Co.
Fil ns developed ioc. roll (6ex.). at
C. I. Clough Co.
i •
Money PILEI) UP in the bank is the one sure pro­
tection against the storms of adversity.
< ’
No man who has a home and family should endanger
the security of his home or the comfort of his family
should he be taken away from them.
MONEY IN THE BANK will best insure the com­
fort of a man’s wife and children. As you earn money
bank it regularly and make your family independent.
Make OUR bank YOU R bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits.
I >
Thos. Withycombe & Son
rill sell at Public Auction, at Hanis &
idito Stable, in Tillamook City, a car load
f Young Registered Jerseys, Bulls and
leifers. All from very heavy milking
a ms.
Sale Commences at 1:30 P.M
Credit of six months given for bankable
paper at 7 per cent, ô per cent discount
Bargains at the Grand Leader.
Removal sale at the Grand Leader.*
Glen Oliver, Shingler Mutual phone.
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
dollar per year.
Tillamook County
Mrs. LeRoy Maine received the sad
news on Friday that her sister, Katie
Enners had died at Salem and she
left to attend the funeral, which took
place on Sunday.
Col. J. W. Hughes,
We have added a complete
developing and printips out­
fit to our
Kodak Department
and are now prepared to’develop
your film and make prints for the
Amateur trade.
C. I. Clough Co
Reliable Druggist
Wier Sprechen Deutsch.
Ask any of our customers
about First National service.
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why
Homer Mason, who bought the
Buy your films, plates, paper, etc.,
from C. I. Clough Co.
* stock of goods of the Mohler Mer­
cantile Co. will bring it to this city
The place to eat is at the "Good and start up a store in the Masonic
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
\\ e develop and print for the ama­
Everett Hall was in the city for a
teurs,—C. I. Clough Co.
* few days, and he will manage a meat
A car load of choice seed potatoes market to be established by the
Company in the
just received at Ray & Co.
* Tillamook Meat
store now occupied by Laborwitch.
For Sale—Stair carpet, 50c. per yd.
WANTED—A loan of $1500.00 on
Apply to Mrs. Anna Billings.
good Tillamook property, will pay 8
All kinds of Dahlia Bulbs for sale,
per cent interest. For further particu­
ioc. each, Apply to Mrs. Billings.
lars inquire of Geo. W. Winslow,
Ray & Co. have just received a Commercial Club Bldg.
car load of Burbank seed potatoes.
A fire alarm was
turned in on •
Mrs. A. K. Case left on Sunday to Wednesday afternoon, which proved 41
visit with her daughter at Hillsboro. to be a chimney fire at the home of 4»
Hose Company $
A fine quality of Tillamook made Mrs. Babi. The
the alarm.
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
The friends of C. B. Wiley will be
Spray your trees! 50 gallons of
to know that he has made good 41
spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. *
progress toward recovery, and will
We are in a position to make some leave the hospital at San Francisco,
long time farm loans. First National
where he was under treatment for
cancer some time this week.
Jacob Breedon and wife, who have
The Bar View Hotel under man­
been in Portland, returned on Satur­
agement of Dr. W. A. Wise is open
and making a specialty of clams,
Born to the wife of C. A. Griffels,
crabs and chicken dinners. Dr. Wise
at Beaver, on the 27th, twins, boy and will do dental work by appointment
at the hotel.
* 41
We weld castings of all metals.
The committee appointed by the §
Boiler welding < specialty.—Hiner &
♦ Fairview Grange, to refer the new
judiciary law to a vote of the people,
The berry season is now on. Fresh sefcms to allow the matter to drift
strawberries every day at the Fruit along and from present indications
* nothing will be done to refer the law.
Summer postoffice at Twin Rocks,
It was found necessary to cut the
Tillamook County, will be opened price of Tillamook cheese on Mon­
May 10.
day, when Carl Habcrlach placed the
Mrs. W. A. Williams and son will figure at 14c., which is a reduction of
leave shortly to visit her sister in half a cent, and it is four or five years
since cheese sold at that figure.
Wanted to trade or sell house and
Several choice city lots 50X100 ft.
lot in Tillamook or in Portland for
on monthly payments.—See Rollie
second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre
tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S.
We can furnish you cedar fence Stephens & Co., Room 1, Commerci.il
posts for 8c. each, Tillamook Feed Building, Tillamook, Ore.
All parties having any calves to sell
Mrs. E. E. Shaw has opened dress- will do well to call up Neilson & Mel-
making parlors in the McGee apart- choir in Tillamook City on the Mu­
tual phone. You might get more
ment house. Apartment 4.
money for your calves as they
E. T. Epplett returned to the city
paying the highest prices.
on Saturday, having taken the Van-
For Sale, block 1 and block 6, Park
derhoof children to Salem.
Addition, consisting of 12 lots be­
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent, tween 3rd and 5th sreets. Will some­
50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric body make me a cash offer on these
Store next to Gem Theater.
lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W.
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Watson, Todd Hotel Bid., Tillamook,
sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for Oregon.
Owing to a small attendance at the
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
annual meeting of the Tillamook
Mrs. Elizabeth Keane, a friend of I
Commercial Club on Monday evening
Mrs. J. R. Callahan, arrived on Sat­
it was thought advisable to adjourn
urday from Chicago on a visit.
| the meeting until next Monday even­
Standard No. 4 letter press 10x12 ing when it is hoped there will be a
inch for sale at half price as I have large attendance.
no use for same.—Rollie Watson. ♦
E. T. Epplett received a telegram
Preserve eggs while they are cheap, this morning announcing the death of
Water glass is safe and reliable. his father-in-law, Mr. Robert Pollock,
Clough will tell you how to use it. * which took place at Forcit Grove,
Ore., where he resided. The deceased
Marriage licenses were issued to
had been quite sick of late and his
John H. Linder and I’heba Rancv;
death did not come as a surprise, for
and Arthur A. Edmunds and Bertha
he was 89 years of age.
C. Dunn.
M. W. Harrison, who is the city
Don’t forget to consult Drs. Lowe
treasurer, left on Wednesday morn­
& Turner, eye specialists’ at Jenkins’
ing for Portland, where he will re­
Jewelry store, Friday and Saturday,
ceive the money for the bond-, re­
April 23-24.
cently sold. While in Portland 1 • w ill
There will be a meeting of the pay off quite a number of outstanding
Women’s Civic League at the Tilla­ warrants held by different parties in
mook Commercial Club rooms at 2:30 that city.
on Saturday afternoon.
store ,
F. D. Small returned from Califor­
nia on Saturday bringing his children
with him, leaving Mrs. Small at a
For Sale—New visible Oliver Type­
writer, absolutely as good as new,
will take $80.00 cash or payments —
Leland B. Erwin,
f Don’t miss the removal sale at the !
1 Grand Leader.
• i
W. H. Jenkins, traveling passenger
Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ agent of the S. P. was in the city on
mook County Bank.
* Saturday, and he did not like the idea
of the District Attorney closing up
Born on the 25th, to the wife of
the fruit and candy stores,
Guy Mattoon, a girl.
..... __ •
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore.
City Meat Market
John Dannials, Prop.
On Second'Ave. East. In Williams Bldg.
A fine line of FRESH end SMOKED MEATS and FISH
No chance for our Beef to be infected with tub-
erculoaia; we sell only U. S. Inspected Beef. No
•tag hog« go with us
We sell the best country
hog® only
Now open and ready for business
We will deliver to all parts of the eity
ake ¥>ur Own G as
provide« the home, tchuol, college, church,
•tore or other b lings with a satisfactory
gas supply—
Gas to light with Gas to cook with—Gas
for heating rooms—Gas to heat water for
the bath, launr ry and all other u*«*s com­
mon to city coi I gas al no greater cost.
On the marl -t over 46 years. Over 30,000 in daily use.
Absolutely safe. . entered in (Class A) National Fire Underwriters.
Not a drop of pasoline brought into the building.
At’: today for estimate and copy
of catalog— No obligation
B. F. GILSON, Tillamook, Ore.
un— ---- —
Rev. Taylor, of Albany, who is to
assume the pastorate of the Presby­
terian Church, will occupy the pulpit
of that church on Sunday.
Preserve eggs while they are cheap,
Liq Glass will do it perfectly, fresh
stock with full directions at C. I
Clough Co.
UAMAR’S variety
Tillamook, Oregon.
Drop in and Look Around-”
Tillamook County Bank.
—¿l A e —1
Don’t miss the removal sale at the J
Grand Leader.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
APRIL 29, 1915,
J ; I Carburettor under ¿round 1!
Married, at the M. E. parsonage, in
this city, on the 26th, Atthur A. Ed­
munds and Miss. Bertha C. Dunn,
the Rev. Edward Gittins officiating.
Both are will known in the south
part of the county, the groom being
the son of I). T. Edmunds, of Pacific
On page 4
your insurance policy to tis and v. <•
will tell you—Rollie W. Wat’on/'T'ie
Insurance Man.”
Sheriff Crcnshay arrested two not­
ed crooks at Nehalem, who are ex­
convicts and safe crackers. They had
all the paraphernalia for safe crack­
ing, dynamite etc. They were wanted
in Washington county for safe crack­
ing at Banks, and they were turned
over to Sheriff J. E. Reeves, of that
county. The mens names are John
I correctly? If you don’t know, bring. Love and Harry Miller.