T'lITamook Headlight, April 22. i910. ;ate' Press Flashlights. average draft is on the narrow tired Republican Deserters Return. Notice of Hearing of Final Account wagons that pass over the road is and Objections Hereto. heavier than would be required had Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, all the wagons been equipped with And doesn’t know where to find In the matter of the estate of Ella wide tires. It is likely with the in­ them. • R. Hays, deceased. creased sums being spent for good Let them alone and they will .come Notice is hereby given, that the un­ roads and the maintenance bills that home, dersigned have filed in the County will keep coming in, the wide tire Wagging their tails behind them. Court of the State of Oregon for Till­ argument will grow in force just as ------ o----- amook County, their final account as the silo propaganda until finally it The little Bo-Peep therein referred executors of the estate of Ella R. During the past two years there has will become universal in acceptance— to is the Republican party, many of Hays, deceased, and that Court has en a decline of $6,000,000 in the in- Rural Spirit. whose sheep, have browsed on the appointed Tuesday, May II, 1915, at fnal revenue on intoxicants. Such a progressive weed, wondering away 10 o’clock a.m. of said day, at the ^^■s, however, has its compensating Alabama and Washington are fol­ from the fold a couple of years ago. Court room of said Court, in Tilla­ features, for it indicates the people of lowing the Texas idea and erecting But they are all coming home again— mook City, Oregon, as the time and thi country are spending less for cottages for the teachers of the rural Poindexter of Wijisington, Clapp of place for the hearing of said account, bo )ze.—Polk County Observer. schools. The idea is to do away with Minnesota, Burton of Kansas, Mc­ and any and all persons interested in the old and never satisfactory plan of Cormick of Illinois, Predergast of said estate, are hereby required to ap­ Hn reporting a church service, a “boarding ’round,” a relic of pioneer New York, Roosevelt, of Oyster Bay, pear at said time and place and make Portland daily gave the topic of a days. In Texas the school directors and others. their objections, if any they have, to ^Hniun in a leading church as "My erect these cottages near the school In the return of the wonderers, I.it- said account, and a settlement of Ither’s Mouse.” for "My Father’s house and one county has six of tic Bo-Peep is showing only a modi- said estate. •use.” Now if it had been a coun- them. I11 one town citizens bought fied solicitude, The cause of the re- Dated April 6, 1915. | weekly that made the blunder, the land and erected the house by pub­ turn, however, excites interest, The R. Blaine Hays, iuldn’t the daily pitch into it.—Car- lic subscription. This place has six cause is found in the fact that the Thos. Roberts, 11 in Sentinel. acres of land around it. In other progressive party, into promising pas­ Annie Roberts, places the teachers have five and six tures Little Bo-Peep’s foolish sheep Executors of the last will and he woman at Los Angeles who room cottages, live together on the strayed, has ceased to exist It was a relus isc to wear clothing unless she co-operative plan an dhire a woman one man party. Behind it was neither tament of Ella R. Hays, deceased. Carl Haberlacli, Attorney for said wás released from jail, , is springing to do the house work. Texas has over tradition nor principle; it had no ■thing new as many of our society 100 teachers’ cottages. The plan gives pride of ancestry nor hope of perpet­ estate. Hds can testify. One of us ordinary the teachers a chance of privacy and uity. It was founded on hatred and First publication is April 8, 1915. Last publication is May 6, 1915. ^prtals w’ould blush with shame if al- a touch of home life that is lacking nourished by revenge It promised 1< ed to gaze upon one of the extra under the system in vogue in other large rewards to those who abandon­ Citation. ler-class at a dress rehearsel. — places. It is likely that the plan will ed Republicanism, and its leaders I^e Journal. continue U. extend in other states.— were deserters from the party that In the County Court of the State News Reporter. had showered honors on them and Oregon for Tillamook County. ■Hack Johnson will not be allowed to ------o------ traitors to the principles they had In the matter of the Guardianship trnvel under the passport of an Amer­ Oregon is 90 per cent non-Catholic professed. Progressivism died in its ican citizen, nor will he be allowed to yet Catholic institutions are getting one achievement—the defeat of the of Francis Xavier Mereau (Frank rAurn to this country unless in away with a good big share of the Republican party. It was like tl.e Alarey). To the next of Kin and all persons »arge of an officer and under arrest. public funds. In four years ending wasp whose sting temporarily incon­ PSor old Jack, expatriated, the glam­ with 1914 there was paid out of the veniences its victim, but which .lies interested in the person and Estate Personal attention to every detail makes our our of being the champion of the state funds for the care of wayward itself from the loss of its poisoned of said Ward. custom tailoring supreme in fit, style ami comfort. April, Whereas, on the 7th day of W<>rlry scribed for the publication thereof is are hereby notified and required to with í ' i. ■ ,t- , and by tarniwg a lcv-r the frame and reservoir wm I Good roads are the ties that unite as it is we believe that the court (.wa/lxom re. Anex.-hr.ive p>t<-nt'd AM/earrfc L:sture. »r t once a week for a period of six weeks appear at the above specified time, Pur« o- » fwin c’tH-e kw y with » >»ov« n«/ arher ventilated ath Asbesto« Communities and make commerce would be doing a real service to the Pu pi< «»nta floor trnm estri. ng fire—at* cop' »tel ♦ and the first publication thereof is place and court and show cause if any Bout! Zi»* UJ to iltint y»u the grmilul ¡inprowtnv.it X profitable. As every city needs streets public if it hereafter enforces to the ever put fn a r ingr made this April 15th, 1915. Don't l uv the r«> r* y n to Irrt a 1 ** you have why said license should not so does every county need toads and letter this section. t’me "unsigbt, unwen," or you'll l-o turc to he .re, and at*e the f.'r. < be granted. •o does the state need counties with Af V . fruiré? ex- Crook County officials are not alone pinr.-i find out iM.y I Afu/eroc I* * dr-my. r Attorney for Plaintiff. Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, than all c*h<*r rnnp -s wt* re most ranges a-e •*«* ■■■■s.. Is. This is no new truth, it is as in derelication as to the law’. Every J I* t « h'"t tapi,« Ut Mi./ |ri.c.e «ltd *4 m L ou M Last publication, May 20, 1915. Judge of the County Court of sai l be in your k.u,h< .1. ent as the Garden of Eden—wc road traveler can point to places in FOR SALE BY Tillamook County, Oregon and the just beginning to realize it, that s other counties where such signs are seal of said court affixed this 7th day badly needed, but are not in evidence. Beware of •Astorian. Ointments for In fact some road supervisors ignore Catarrh that Contain Mercury of April, 1915. Date of first publication April 8, (■The wide-tired wagon propaganda the law entirely, much to the incon­ as mercury will aurely destroy the sense |Rii not down. The mechanical ex­ venience and annoyance of travelers. of amell and completely derange the whole 1915. e 7'J‘U Date of last publication April 29, its will tell u» that the wide tired Yet these supervisors have their bills syatem when entering it through the ^fagon on any kind of surface will audited and paid regularly by the mucous surface«. Such article« Should never I9I5- be used except on prescription« from repu­ ¡Herage less draft to move a ton than County Court. Hence these officials table J c. Holden, Clerk. physicians a« the damage they will By K. Mills, Deputy. (■th the narrow tired wagon. The are as guilty as supervisors.—Oregon­ do is ten* fold to the g »od you can possibly derive from them. Hall s Catarrh Cta/e. ^fcrow tire ha» just one merit. It cuts ian. manufactured by F J. Cheney At Co.. Teledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is B*'n through a toft surface road to taken internally, acting directly upon the Mr. Wilson says Shat no mat is blood anr«Ak Hk who use the road are fortunate. use the phrase, “drunk as a lord. 1 made free. ing to make enemies of all the fO'ks just as we continue to say, “V orxj Testimonials Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per bottle. the time several narrow tires pass Take Hall s Family Fills for constipation. who have passed judgment K>ng the way, the road is cut so the like a Turk.” ■ -o - The Los Angeles minister recently tided to discuss the question: (here are the dead?” And a smart ragrapher on the Times answered kt they could be found in the busi­ es places that do not advertise.— >ws Reporter. IT IS QUALITY THAT COUNTS AND MAKE SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. £ City Meat Market B John Dannials, Prop. onio of ¡.he Reasons Why JT J. H ‘M ajestic Charcoal and Malleable Iron ALEX. McNAIR & CO