Tillamook Headlight, April 09, diseases as arc controlled completely Solomon tell us to get such a thing 1 am almost safe in saying that there the deity of Jesus, His death and or in part by the mind, for dear as that foi . According to this defini­ are Hom one to halt a dozen contra thcrcfoie his resurrection. It deniel friends, these healers will never give tion ignorance is bliss. This is death, dictions in every hundred lines oi the Genesis account of the creation Science 2 and Health. 1 here is no and almost every orthcr important the hand and arm back to the one page >84. "An illusion, the lie of life I _______ who has unfortunately lost them, nor 111 matter” (She says that all life is I logical connection or congenuity oi fact of the bible. The few cases on I thought. The chapters are changed healing accomplished by Christiail restore the one that is “withered" as from God then how can it lie? With did Christ. 1 he great mistake of the her at the present time it seems to be i about m every new addition that Sci-ns', a ol i.ncr atone lor the ini Christian Science is in believing that the lying of matter in the ground ) I comi . out. i he first chapter now was suits hurled at Jesus in Mis Eddy'l in order to accept the fact of mind but lets go on with her ditimtion: once the last, and the second was book. I he betrayal of Judas was onlj healing he must also accept Mrs Ed­ “matter has no life, hence it has no once the tenth etc. You may read made more slinging by the tact tha"| dy’s theory regarding that fact. \\ e real existence, . . . . any material trum the back to the trout and learn he staled it with a kiss. Do you nofl will suppose that a man drove an evidence of death is false". Heres the just a.- much about the theory; or >ce by this time it is the voice o| 1 auto into a town where the citizens Devil, page 584. "’1 hat w Inch %ays you may begin in the middle and read Jacob. have never seen nor heard of such a there is more than one mind—for 1 both ways. Some 1 ages—not all— Scriptural Miracles vs. Science Heald thing. He stops in the street and is am mind.” Mrs. Eddy says there is a jyou may bi pin at the bottom and tag. When Jesus Christ healed he did sJ surrounded by a surprised and super­ “divine mind” and a "mortal mind". : read up- takiD£ ot course sentence stitious crowd. One ventures to ask. Her definition will no doubt prove of aiter sen ence—and it will not tax 1 by his own power anil authority. Thu The great service to Christian Scientists i your li gi . any worse than to read 1 It per said: “If thou w ilt, thou cansfl “What makes the thing run?” make me clean”. Jesus said, “I will]] driver explains that above his head in discovering the personnel of Satan 1 down. It Is Unscriptural. there is a great sheet of electricity Other Authors O11 Christian Science. Be thou clean.” He didn't say to th« In appearing before this Ricit consequently we have on bodies, and which sends its power through his Science and Health claims to con- | leper, “ There is no such a thing as] audience tonight to consider briefly hence no disease of the body is pos­ Willis F. Gross, C. S. B. member of disease, you are all right, come bacUl body from his foot on the lever to his the subject of Christian Science; 1 sible. the board of lectureship of the First tain the ‘ Key to the Scriptures,' but | It is not known whether the worthy hands on the wheel and that is what Scientist Church of Boston, Mass, instead of unlocking them, it destroys for another treatment tomorrow afl want it strictly understood that I 2 p.m." W hen Peter cut off the right] causes it to run. If someone in the am not dealing in personalities. lady, founder of the school, every crowd is courageous enough to ques­ says in a little book called the "Gos­ them. If we are not blind like poor ear of Malchus, when Christ was ar-l old Isaac, and are deceived by the Everyone has a right, in a certain stopped to reduce her foundation tion the theory the driver turns on pel of Freedom" poge 28, “Error is rested by the soldiers in the garden! sense to his religious views, but principles to the form of a syllogism. him with this question: “You saw it not a quality or condition of divine “Hairy hands” and will take time to Jesus "touched the ear and healed it.'] everything posing as a religion and It is presumed not, for otherwise mind it is mortal mind.” Four lines listen to the voice, we will soon dis­ My dear friends, that kind of work is run didn't you?” “By their fruits ye below on the same page he says: cover that it come more nearly being as tar removed from Eddyism as thffl parading before the public as suck, their intense, monumental, and ag­ shall know them.” Then the question­ “God is the one anil only mind”. Mr. the key to Satan's pest house. It un­ east is from the West, for according] should not be received by thinking gressive absurdity would have iré­ er is regarded by the crowd as a people. Many of them are false and coinc as apparent to her as it is to Gross evidently holds the Bachelors' locks the scriptures by denying them. to the theory of the latter, Jesus skeptic and a disbeliever in Miracles. 're allowed to wreck the faith o: others. I.et us see how they look in degree in Christian Science and if he 1 will have time to draw your atten­ would have healed Ijim by ti lling: Someone standing behind the car is ever so unfortunate as to take the tion to but a very few comparisons, him first, that he never had any earl scores of people simply because of the form of a Syllogism: Matter has no existence. Our bodies are com­ says he didn't know electricity smell­ master's degree he will contradict but they will prove as much as five and that what he thought was an can the mask they wear. ed like that. Then Mr. Wise in the himself in every second line instead hundred that 1 might bring if I had was a delusion of "Mortal mind", than The subject of the evening is: posed of matter, therefore, our bodies seat informs him that the “testimony of every fourth. On the same page the time. It follows, of have no existence, “Thy- are the hands of Esau, but tue there was no pain and that his earn of the five senses” cannot be relied The Creation. he says: “How does one get into eli- voice is the voice of Jacob." Gen. 27: course, that disease cannot exist in a “so called” was all right. And in the upon. See S. & H. Pg. 70 lines 2, Gensis 1.1 reads; “ In the beginning 1 hat the above non-existent body, 22. ror? Only through believing it to be meantime the car would have taken! Now anyone can see that the theory Isaac had grown old, and feeble an 1 embraces the basis of the system of Mr. W ise has no connection with real .... the way out of error is God created the heavens and the its own time to get well. Jesus was« earth. ” Here is the key S. and H. the reverse.” That is not to believe it blind. The chances are, to a certain called Christian Science no one who the fact that the car will run and why- to be real. He says on the previous page 50a. "I lie infinite has no begin­ without means wherewith to pay his degree, he was helpless. Esau was bis has read the works of its founder will tax—for he didn't charge for his heal-J in the world can't Christian Scientists page that, “One who has the true idea ning. That statement has no bearing ing—and when it was due he told] father’s favorite and, because he was deny. Of course, no serious argu­ see that Mrs. Eddy ’ s insane theory in me tirst verse of Genesis. I he of this Science sees more clearly than the elder son, to him belonged the ment can be adduced against such a Peter to go and catch a fish and taken has nothing to do with mind healing? “Birthright". Isaac was very fond self-evident absurdity. Nevertheless Gasoline will run a car without any ever before the great necessity there word “beginning" in said verse, as a the money from it* mouth and pay, page child could readily see, refers to the their taxes. Christian Science healers! of venison and Esau was a great there are two facts connected with theory, and suggestions will help or is for recognizing evil, . , hunter. One day being very hungry this system which stand out in bold heal some physical ailments of tbe 27. Error must be evil otherwise it time when God created the heavens get the money all right by the mil-l must be good. Accordingly the so- and the earth, and not to the time Isaac asked Esau to go into the field relief: One is that it numbers its fol­ body independent of foolish theories called Scientist is called upon to rec­ when God was created. " I bis cre­ lions, but it is out of peoples pockets] and kill a venison and make him a lowers by the hundred thousand; So much for the hands of Esau and ognize evil and at the same time deny ation consists oi unfolding of Spirit­ instead of^iishes mouths. Why doesn't! "saviory food" such as he (Isaac) and the other is that cures are nu­ now let us proceed with some strong­ that there is such a thing. Heres ual ideas and their identities, which the Science church pay its healers al merous and of the most marvelous loved, and then Esau should receive salary sufficient for their support and! er evidence. another from the same work page 29. are embraced in the infinite mind and send them out to heal all tbe people! the "Blessing," for the father being character. The first of these facts forever reflected. These ideas range The Voice of Jacob. “The belief in the reality of disease quite old knew that he should soon demonstrates the truth of the trite who may be ill, for their suitering is] Paul tells us to “prove all things and suffering is also error.” A few­ Irom the iniinit*simai to the infinity as real as though they had plenty of] die. Rebekah, the mother of Esau saying that any’ system of belief, if I etc. ” Now 1 will leave it to you, and Jacob, having overheard the J earnestly advocated, will find plenty and hold fast to that which is good”. lines below on the same page we money. promise made to Esau determined to ' of followers; the second shows in the We ate going to remove the hair come to this: "Christian Science friends, if the key isn’t harder to un­ The fact is these so called healers] Fl..ruai laws lock than the verse of scripture. Gen­ fail to heal more often than they suc-| Spiritual obtain the blessing for the younger most conclusive manner that the from the hands and neck “And hold teaches that there are _> me onje ’■ iaitn fa>t!i 01 of the objective mind is not a fast" to mind healing where the mind 1 that heal the sick and prevent disease esis 1:10 “And God called the dry ceed, and then offer every reason but son Jacob, who was her 1 favorite. ____ Therefore she told Jacob to bring in necessary factor in the cure of dis- is the cause of the difficulty. Breth- and suffering.” These spiritual laws laud earth; and the gathering to­ the right one to explain why they] ern there arc at least three things prevent the very things that he has gether o itlie waters lie called seas: failed. Nearly every community has two kids from the flock and she pre­ , ease, by Psychic Process. It seems pared the “Saviory food”. She then ' obvious that no greater demand could wrong with the voice of Christian just got through saying do not exist. and God saw that it was good.” 1 his both living and dead monuments to dressed Jacob in Esau's clothes and be made upon the resources of our Science: (1) it is untruthful, (2) Ils On page 31 Mr. Gross says that, verse almost broke Mrs. Eddy's key, the failure of their foolish theory. I covered his hands and neck with 1 credulity than to tell us that all that theory is inconsistent, and <3) It is I “Truth can be gained in no way ex­ and would have done so if Moess had Doctor Bulgin, in Portland said be­ cept by demonstration.” Now Bro. not been contused when he wrote it. fore five thousand people that twenty hair, for “Esau was a hairy man", ! is visible, or tangible to out objective unscriptural. Truth is never hatched out of the Gross how can you demonstrate We now produce the key and proceed seven thousand babies and little chil­ (See Gen. 27:11) and sent him to his senses, has no real existence. And father with the food to carry out the yet tliat is what the patient of egg of falsehood. Mrs. Eddy claims truth to anyone except through one to unlock this verse. S. and H. says: dren have «lied in this country during "Here the human concept and divine the last five years for want of medi­ deception. Christian Science is invited to believe to be the discoverer of Christian ' or more of the five sentences, the Appearing before his father, and in as a condition precedent to his re- Science when facts go to prove that testimony of which is rejected by ideas seemed to be contused by the cal aid; victims of a theory. What do answer to a question from the latter, | cowry. Of course, he feels at first the name is about the sum total of your beloved leader? Listen to this, translator." 1 wonder why it never you think of a parent that will lean 1 lie said: “1 am Esau, thy first born.” that his intelligence is insulted, and her discovery. It is a proven fact that Science and HeMtli page 70. “The occurred to Mrs. Eddy that the con­ over a little one till it breathes its ’ Gen. .«tn. x/.m. 1 iiv xauirr telling it that 27.10. The father iuii felt uic the in hands I lie protests against such a palpable Mrs. Eddy took most of her theory testimony of the corporeal (five sen­ fusion was all in her own little brain. last and lie to it by ~ ses, see definition of Jerusalem page Moses’ head was unusually clear. We there is nothing the matter? Can you and neck and smelled the clothes 1 anti absurdity, but lie is quited by sooth­ from Dr. P. P. Quimby, of Portland, will proceed with the key: "In meta ­ Me. He healed her in 1802 and she 589) senses cannot inform us what is conceive of God healing through sucn said: “The hands are Esau's but the ing words, and is told to get himself phor, the dry land illustrates the ab­ voice is Jacob’s." into a perfectly passive condition, to was his pupil the next four years or real and what is delusive.” How in solute formations instituted by mind, methods as these? 1 tell you friends, say nothing and to think of nothing until the time of ]ps death, Then she the name of common sense—which while water symbolizes the elements “Its the voice of Jacob.” The Hands of Esau. Jesus Christ healed by his own for the time being. After........... a half turned against him, saying that he someone has said in the sixth sense The hands of Christian Science ap an hour, the patient almost inevitably worked through the power of M. A. i given us to keep the other five from of mind”, There seems to be more power, and the apostles healed in his here than in the scripture. confusion pear before the public as those of finds immediate relief, and often feels H. (Malicious Animal Magnetism ) making fools of themselves—Do the name. Beyond the apostles, and those “Our elder Brother” Jesus’ Christ, himself completely restored to health The following is what Mr. B. L. Ed­ Christian Scientists expect us to learn Denial of the Death and Deity of upon whom the apostolic hands were t and that the healing that they do is It is useless for him to say that the dy said in a lecture delivered at Rose­ anything about their own teaching laid, the power to perform mircles Jesus. given as proof that they’ belong to theory i- necessarily correct because burg, Oregon, last April: "When she, i except through our eyes or our ears? n< ver passed. Chemical, mechanical, On page 44 of S. a nd 11. we read: “His own Son.” We ; arc cautioned in he is healed. Mental suggestion was Mrs. Eddy, fell out with Mrs. Stetson Cut off these two channels of infor­ and mental healing is God’s Way of God’s word to be as wise as serpents just as effective in relieving and in of N. Y., a shining light in her church mation and no one would ever have "The lonely precincts of the tomb caring for the body, but they should gave Jesus a reluge irom. Ins toe, a and as harmless as doves, and it re­ some instances curing certain ail­ according to Mrs. Eddy’s friends, as heard of Mrs. Eddy or the book not be connected with religion. quires all the skill and caution of the ments before Mrs. Eddy was born as the news paper reported at the time; called Science and Health. In the place m which to solve the great Christ’s mircles were for the purpose human mind to be able to detect the it is today. It will succeed today’ in­ Airs. Stetson was simply demonstrat­ back of S. and H. is an apartment problems ol being. . . . His decip- of proving his deity as John tells us false from the true. 1 am not opposed dependent of her theory as well as it ing Al. A. Al. Her views on this sub­ called "Fruitage”. This consists of a Ics believed Jesus to be dead while lie in bis gospel chapter 21, verses 30 was hidden in the sepulcher, whereas to the healing done by Christian will in connection with it. ject sound like the revival of “witch­ scries of testimonials by people who lie was alive , demonstrating within and 31. The apostles healed in his Science; God forbid that we should Scarcely 14 years have passed craft". She even went so far as to claim to have been healed. But of | the narrow tomb the power of Spirit name for the same purpose. Now withold from the sufferer anything since Alexander Dowry of Chicago, have a young man hauled into court what service are these testimonial1, notice the diferencc in the healing _ that will restore him to health, but I was surprising the entire country for practicing AL A. M. against her. when we are informed before arriv­ to overrule mortal, material sense.” done by the apostles and that by 1 his is a point blank denial oi the object to deceiving the one that is with his marvelous cures. He had a 1 lie case was dismissed. Was she ill, ing at “Fruitage” that we cannot be­ Christian Science. When Peter heal­ healed into believing that the cure- store room completely filled with which was often the case, it was M. lieve our eyes? Friends, you may death ot Jesus, but listen to what He ed the man at the gate he said to him (Jesus) says about it: “ Thus it is are the same as those wrought by crutches w hich had been discarded by A. Al. Dr. Quimby left behind him think that I am dealing in foolish­ written that the Christ should suffer "In the name of Jesus Christ of.Naz­ Christ and his Apostles. his patients. A ery few of these, how­ some ten volumes of manuscript con­ ness, anil so I am, but it is the only­ and rise again from the dead the areth walk". Acts 3:6. And the man “Bunco” games are practiced in ever, w ere completely cured. Dowry taining his views on healing. Most of way I can get down to my subject. Lu. 24-46. Now let uj was healed at once. Notice there was every profession, and very often they proved to be a fake and a grafter of tins matter had been written before However, I wish to ask the Scientist third day. no suggestion used, no denial of the don the garb of an Angel and aston­ the worst sort, but that did not pre­ he had ever seen Mrs. Eddy. (Mrs. one question: Christian Science can­ hear Irom Paul on the question: "For man's disease and no means whatso­ ish the world with their achievements vent him front succeeding in mind Patterson at that time) Again it has not prove a single case of healing ex­ I delivered unto you, first of all that ever employed. Christ and the apos­ which also 1 received: 1 hat Clll 1st 'A lien Moses cast the rod of God be­ healing. been shown that for years Airs. Eddy cept through the testimony of one or i died tor our sins according to the tles used no material means, that in fore Pharaoh the Magicians imitated Ml sickness and disease come un­ carried about with her a volume of more of five senses. If such testimony scriptures; and that He was buried, any way had in them healing power, the Miracle so nearly that Pharaoh der one of three heads: (The follow­ Dr. Quimby’s manuscript, on which is rejected as proof of sickness, pain, and the healing was not done through was not willing to admit the differ­ ing division of disease is not my own she based her teaching. When Mr. or death, why should it be accepted and that lie hath been raised on the a series of treatments. The latter ' third day according to the scriptures ence. but comes from much better author­ McClure’s magazine had shown up as proof of healing? Mr. Scientist, ' iCor. 15; 3-4. Paul said that Christ system is dependent altogether on I stood on the street one night and the this early history chemical, of Christian Science there is a chestnut for you to crack. ity on subject) median - died ami that it was according to the mental suggestion, for a oyer to a watched a medicine “quack" sell 30 ical and mental. A combination Rev. J. W. Wiggin, who had at one I Christian Science talks about the 1 scrip.urcs. Mis. Eddy gives a key >0 "God that has no personality” see S. of bottles of hair-tonic at a dollar a two and sometimes three may ... time been literary helper to Mrs. Ed­ human body, and with the same be 1 the scriptures saying that he didn't and H., will never heal a sick man bottle. When analyse«! it proved to found in one patient. Calomel will act dy, said: “what Mrs. Eddy has, as breath ilcnys that there is such a die. “Jesus, we know, and Paul we who also has no personality. For Mrs be a weak solution of some sort, con- ; on the liver and strychnine on the documents clearly prove, she got thing. That* ostrich philosophy. ¡know" but who is Mrs. Alary Baker Eddy says, “God is an impersonal be­ taining nothing that would aid in the j heart. When a chemical poison is from P. P. Quimby, of Portland Me., Until the time of Mrs. ing" and "man is co-existent with Eddy, the G. Eddy? grow th of hair. One man who used it ; taken into the system ft takes a whom she eulogises after death as the ostrich was the only creature • in the Christian Science not only denies God". An impersonal being cannot afterwards claimed that it drew his chemical antidote to successfully great leader and her special teacher.” world that would bore its head in the the death of J< ,us, but also His deity. pray; neither can an impersonal being scalp up until he could hardly shuts cope with it. Mental suggestions she based her teaching. When sand and deny that it had a body. A Some ill inloiimd members of the answer a prayer. Therefore when a his eyes. Others claimed that they would amount to nothing : in such a cornered she claimed that her for­ little study of phrenology and then a Christian Scientist succeeds in heal­ could actually see young hair sprout­ case. In case of mechanical disar­ mer testimony to Quimby's ability as comparison of the size of its head to Science Church will dispute this ing its through the regular means of statement but that matters not, for it ing. rangement such as a broken leg. dis­ a teacher and healer was due to that of its body explains the phenom­ mental suggestion, and where they Frederick Anton Mesmer appeared located arm, or hollow tooth there is hypnotism. Her whole book sounds ena. But why is it that so many of is unmistak ably taught in S. and H. fail it is because the ailment, as a Here is what Judge Smith, one of the in France in 1778 claiming to have no need to u<-e mental suggestions as though she never got out from our most intelligent people will bore whole or in part, is chemical or discovered a new fluid which he call­ (Christian Science) for it will not under the spell. Then the first thing their heads into the sands of Chris paid lecturers of the Science Church mechanical. ed "Animal Magnetism,” and which accomplish anything. When Mrs. Ed­ that blocks the road of this “wildcat’* tian Science, close their eyes auain-t slid, and lie holds a degree: “uttcr- In conclusion let me draw vour at­ anc< > of Jesus imply that the same could be made to act upon the human I dy got the tooth ache she never theory is that it "smacks” with de­ facts, and floats about on the other of relation to («oil in which he stood is tention to these four proven points: body and heal disease. He opened his thought of resorting to her theory, ception and faslehood. 1. That the healing of Christian silly theory? You know there is mat­ the divine birthright of every man. doors to rich and poor, and treated but at once went to her dentist. After ter. You know there is such a thing 1 hat he was, as stated by Airs. Eddy Science in no way resembles the Is it Consistent? the nerve was killed and the tooth fil ­ the latter free. His practice became miracle* of Christ and his apostles, as sickness sin and death. If you Really I never read such a "Con­ donl you do not act in harmony with in S. and H. a glorified man,that he but it is on a plane with that of the so great that he was unable to care led she taught her pupils that there did not teach that he was different for it. Rich and poor, old and young, was no such thing as matter or pain glomerated" ni< ss of heathen philos­ your belief. Why do Christian Scien­ ordinary doctor, and is used by most flocked to him and he performed the and charged them $300 each for three ophy, mythology, and "mince-pie” tist* carry umbrella* when it rains? in kind from other men, *0 ac­ doctors in most case* where it will cording to Judge Smith Christian marvelous curses. Many of the brain­ wfeks lessons. The mind is very of­ dreams covered over with a crust of because they do not believe their assist. iest men and women of France and ten the cause ol our physical ailments Christianity in all my life. For more theory. Why do they cat when th« y Science denies the deity of Jesus. 2. Mrs. Eddy obtained her idea Jesus is spoken of as the son of rheumatism. .certain than two weeks I have been spending get hungry? For the same reason. members of the Court were his pa- indigestion, from Dr. P. P. Quimby, claiming tient* and hundreds of thousand« forms of skin disease and other af­ from six to eight hour* a day endeav­ Why do they grunt and «end for a God" forty times. As having power to them for her own after hi* death. forgive sins. And he »aid he had "all came to believe his cures to be ir.ir- flictions of a more or less serious na­ oring to wind my way along the «loctor 3 The whole theory of Science doctor when they get sick? sick’ The same authority in heaven and on earth.” aciilou*. His powers were ove.’taxed j ture are often caused by the mind and crooked paths of various authors on r« ason. Mrs. Eddy’» theory, and Health is illogical anil inconsis­ that But 1 shall not 1 nter into a discussion can, therefore, be relieved by sugges ­ the subject of Christian Science and and he invented a magti”-i c tub tent and has no connection whatso­ there was no such a thing a* to prove His deity for with but few around which his patients could gath­ tion. This is a fact that is so general­ more especially the “ Key to the failed to change farts, for she death died exceptions you will believe that. My ever with mind healing. er, and a number could be treated at ly admitted ami can be proven in so Scripture" (?) itself. That book is an Just as «lead a, those who never 4. It is absolutely unscriptural, a* one time. Inside the tub were ¡•iw* of many ways that we do not feel that it insult to Science, logic and Chris­ beard of her theory. Her theory that purpose is to show you that Chris­ has been shown, and may be proven tian Science denies that fact. On page bottles filled with water, I'cviously is necessary to dwell longer on this tianity. The phrase, "Mortal Mind” she is eoming back will never bring to be so by five hundred comparison*. magnetized by Mesmer, slender iron point Christian Scientists heal al­ is used some two hundred times in S. her back. Just like the rest of us. she 45 S. and IL we find a quotation from Therefore, friends, the hands arc an Paul completely changed, it reads in rods extended out Fro inthe tub con­ right but they don't know how they and H.. 1 ran onto the term so often will have to wait for the voice of the impersonation of the hands of "Our S. and H. as follows: “ For if, when ducting magnetism to tbe patient. do it. They think that that "foo-loso- that, notwithstanding the fact that Son of God. I Ider Brother" “but the voice is the The treatment wa* accompanied by phy” written by Mrs. Eddy has some­ Mrs. Eddy says there is no Devil, i On page 71 of Science and Health, we were enemies, we were reconcile«! vioce of Jacob.” strange phenomena; especialb thing to do with it but it hasn't. the thing began to take on horns and we find the following; "Clo«e your to God by the (seeming) death of hi* among the women.- Some would Em going to perforin a Christian a spiked tail. This thing (Mortal eyes, and you may dream that you I son.” Now the word "seeming" does Rev. MacKenzie's View of Christian not belong in that scripture but Mrs. cough, spit, complain of pains, pers­ Sciense miracle before this audience mind) is to blame for all ¿jghs, tears are a flower—that you touch Eddy hail to write it in to keep it Science. pire. while others were shaken with which, although not so striking a* and heartaches, sorrow, sickness and smell it. Thus you learn that and th«- I convulsions. Greater and greater some that are witnessed, yet will in­ death. I began to search for a defini­ flower is a produet of the so called I from smashing her theory, that there crowds thronged hi* rooms. Many volve the same principle. There are tion and found on page sot in the mind.” That is you learn nothing I is no such a thing a* death. It is a F.ddyism (Christian Science so-ctll- cures were performed, the cause oi people in the audience whose mouths “Glossary" (Mrs. Eddy's special dic­ from the real flower but rather from j plain case of forgery. On page 75 S. and H. he says Lazarus was not , cd) is both a foul imposter and a which is now understood. Others are dry and others with parched lips. tionary in the back of Science and the dream "Scientists” can have from heresay, ominous of danger to the have appeared at other times and in I’m going to cure you of that. (Ber­ Health) To my utter surprise, and I some wonderful and real experiences dead, and, «piotcs a phrase other countries accomplishing similar the speaker produced a lemon and might say shame, I read the follow­ if they will eat half a mince pie just Christ where he says, “Our friend Church of Christ and of peril to im- results by various outward means. I taking his knike cut it in two saying ing: "Mortal mind, nothing, claiming before retiring The wisdom of her j Lazarus has fallen asleep and I must mortal souls. It is so called science mention some of these facts so that this is a very sour lemon and full of to be something, for mind is imtnor- statement here is summed up in thi- ' go and wake him.” 1 his statement , which ignores God-given Cod-given fact*; a was a figure, for when his deciple* > you may see how history repeats it­ juice—one of the sourest I could find tai." Think of nothing claiming to be expression: "Shut your eyes and I understood him to mean that Laz- ' philosophy which stultifies God-given in town He took a bite from the something will you? Right above open self. your mouth ” That* exactly arus was asleep, Christ quickly ex- ' Do the hands belong to Esau or are lemon. There was great laughter at this on the same page we find that what the little bird does before it plained his forme r statement in the j reason; a theology which abolishes 1 (io. 1114. J wond- denial of his word, presents him to us First I wish to quote to you from But why should it be necessary to belief. That isn't a joke, its Christian one eye and take a g«x«d look before er why Mrs. Eddy did not read the "Hudson’s Law of Psychic ~ Phc- deny that there is such a thing as a Science. The Glas«arv also says on swallownig anything that Mother vers«- that explained the former state- I as a phantom Savior who disappeared more than eighteen centuries ago—a nomena," beginning on page 157 material body simply because the page coo that knowledge is.................. hddv ha* scratched tin . Put I must ment? Simply because it would spoil I speaking of Christian Science. "This mind has a great influence over it* "that which is not divine and is the leave the inconsistencies, for if I were lier theory. Savior who mver did and never can The hand« of Christian Science are origin of sin, «iekness and death; the ♦o enumerate them all we would be system is ba«ed upon the assumption Now we see that Christian Science save a soul, and who, having gone that matter ha* no real existence; limited in their healing power to such opposite of spiritual truth”. What did here tomorrow evening at this time. denie* the personality of God, and from the earth, will never again rc- • SERMON ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Delivered Last Sunday Before a Large Congregation. By II. A. Van Winkle, Pastor of the Christian Church, Tillamook, Oregon. i i