Til I a moo k ------ = Headlight, Aprll 22> 1Ql * —"---- y -------- ------------------------------------ ., c-n I, oooooooooooooooaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ; BAYOCEAN ROAD ASSURE . TILLAMOOK COW TESTING INTERESTING SUBJECTS TO 'county Officials'^' New Manager ASSOCIATOIN. BE DISCUSSED. Decide on Plans. ----- o — Joseph Durrer Wins First Prize- Farmers’ and Home Makers’ Short Second and Third Go to Chas On Saturday last the County Court Course in Tillamook County. Kunze and Adolph Erickson. and S B. Vincent, the new manage- er of Bayocean. VV. J. Clemens, pres­ The Oregon Agricultural College The Tillamook Cow Texting A>so ident of the Portland Automobile will give lectures and dernonstra- ciation met on I ttesdav at the farm Club, and a number of leading Cl i- tions at a Farmers’ and Home Mak- |lonie of Mr. To». Durrer, the secre­ zens agreed upon a plan to start and ers’ Short Course in Tillamook City tary. About 75 people were Present- complete the road to Bayocean. The next week, commencing on Monday including the friends and families of Countv Court will use the $ to,25o ap­ and continuing Tuesday ami Wed­ the members and all had a very 1 >• propriated in the budget and the Bay nesday, and in connection with this jovabl and profitable day. The fcre- ocean people will operate their there will be a Domestic Science | noon was spent in discussions of con- dredge for seven months, the county Course for the ladies. These meetings ' ditions in general and various farm to pay for fuel and any breakage in I should be largely attended by the problems, The day was most too operating it. This, it is estimated will dairymen and citizens for they give chilly and windy for picnic dinners cost about $3,000, leaving over$7,ooo I valuable information on the subjects outside so the repast was spread in to be used in contracting part of the discussed. The meetings will be held the loft of the barn on tables of bales road. It is estimated that the Bay- ( in the Commercial Club room« and of straw. ocean people will construct about two . After dinner Merrel Smith was call­ the domestic science course in the of the Presbyterian ed on to outline a plan for a co-oper­ and a half miles of road, commenc- , Guild Hall ing at the Bayocean end of the road( ative calf marketing association. The Church. and the County Court will advertise’, In addition to the program, David object of this organization to be giv­ for bids for work on this end of the | THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Monroe, of Spokane, a successful 1 en as much of the buyers money as road to the extent of the money dairyman and breeder, will be present possible. There has been something available. There is only about four over 3,500 calves shipped out of 1 illa- talks. His chief several and give Editorial Snap Shots. and a half miles of road to be built topic will be “ 'The influence of the ' mook County this spring. Handling and when the work is completed this I these on the co-operative plan will Monroe started in a few The scarcity of stock did some Sire.” Mr. year there will be but a small portion good. Instead of killing off most of years ago on a I:large farm in Canada ' increase the income from ’his end of left to be built, which, no doubt, will with very little capital and a big debt. I j,y 50 to 75 per ccllt ' ie_ the calves in Tillamook County, for "------- k made ‘ ends ’ meet 1 for a sides giving a great impetus to co- be finished in time for next year’s scarcely f the past two years, they have been I He ‘ ' I ! operative breeding and record keep­ travel. few years, but finally got started by sold and shipper! out of the county, This assures Bayocean of a road going a little further in debt and get ­ ing. Even the grade calves with rec- It is estimated that 2,500 were ship- and a way out, which it was deprived ting the best registered Holcstcin 1 ords behind them are bringing much ped out this spring. I bull lie could buy. T oday he owns 1 , larger prices than those of nondes­ of for so many years and which han­ breeding and no records. The dicapped the development of that sea­ c Wouldn’t that jar you. After the big herd of registered cattle near cript probably better quail- matter of organization was left until side resort. Now that it has been , Spokane and is | people had elected a circuit judge and the county was to have three lied than any other man in the north | next week at the farmers short course decided to build the road, this will terms of court each year, certain west to discuss the subject of the | Farmer Jones announced the prize cause many fine cottages to be erect­ members of the state legislature rail dairy sire. Tillamook is to be ton- | winning cows of last years work in ed there, and the new management ; roaded a bill through to create a new ' gratul tied in getting a speaker like I the Testing Association. Jos Durrer s expects to spend $500,000 in improve- | row Goldie, a grade Jersey, won the ments as soon as the road is com-' judicial district of Tillamook ami Mr. Monroe. I ’ The program is divided into three first prize of $50.00 as largest produc- pleted. Washington Counties to give another The road will be on a water levcl office seeker a seat at the pie counter. divisions, viz: Dairy and Live Stock • ing cow. She made in 300 days 11,143 I Dav; Fruit and Poultry Day; Poultry tbs. milk and 503.7 butter fat. grade and will make a pretty drive The second prize of $30.00 went to way, and as soon as it is finished With 34 District Attorneys in Ore­ Soils and Crops Day, as follows: Dairy and Live Stock Day. Chas Kunze for his grade Holstein thousands of autos will motor there gon, the District Attorney for Tilla- 1 Monday, April 26. No. 15 She produced in the 300 days every year. monk County is lhe only one who is Roadmastcr Hobson has been over about to enforce the Sunday dosing 1 10:00 Breeding for milk produc­ 11,989 lbs. milk and 477.4 lbs. butter the route and his estimate of cost is law. There must be something wrong tion, E. B. Fitts. fat. that of the estimate Third prize of $20.00 went to far less than with the law or the district attorneys 10:45 •Supplementing whey for hogs, \dolph Erickson’s cow Jersey with a when the road was surveyed. He is of in other counties. It must bethat they R. E. Reynolds. don't like the look of the law and 11:30 Feeding for Milk production, production of 8,826 lt>s. milk and the opinion that about $24,000 will putting the citizens to useless and ex­ E. B. Fetts. 455.36 tbs. butter fat. build the road. 1jo Some common nnsoundness m $25 for the best two year old heifer pensive litigation. horses (Lecture and demonstration.) also went to Mr. Durrer’s herd and The man who confessed to poison­ Although it may have come in 1 a R. E. Reynolds. was won by the grade Jersey, Ruby, ing eight people has been discharged. , I 2:15 Dairy Cattle judging Demon­ busy time of lhe year, the Farmei rs' I with a production of 8,727 tbs. milk, He must consider it a humiliating re­ ami Home Makers' short course toll.' stration, I B. Fetts, R. C. Jones. and 424.45 butter fat. flection on his reputation for vctaci- 3 00 i vpes of dairy cattle (Illustrat­ held in Tillamook I ity next w ek for 2nd and 3rd prizes of $15 and $10 ty. ed), F. B. Fitts; Types of improved three days by the Oregon Agriculture each went to Mr. Kunze’s herd No 12 I College should be largely attended, live stock (Illustrated.), R. E. Rey­ making 9,482 tbs. milk, and351.66 but­ James B. Duke, in the April num­ for they will furnish a lot of useful nolds. ter fat; No. 9 making 7,817 lbs. milk, ber of the North American Review, ! Fruit and Poultry Day. information to those engaged in ag­ and 307.68 tbs. butter fat. makes the assertion that the Euro­ Tuesday, April 27. riculture in this county. I here is a After the awarding of the prizes pean war is contributing largely to 10:00 Incubating and brooding, tendency among farmers to follow in Mr. Geo. Durrer, Mr. C. Kunze and maintaining business in this country the old ruts, and ignore anything ol C. Lamb. Mr. Erickson who handled and fed above a much lower level which it 10:45 l he farm orchard, . a scientific nature that will improve these prize winners were each called was reaching before the war began. their conditions and increase their in Brow n. on to tell how they did it. They all Readers of newspapers who have I 11:30 I arc of brood sow s and pigs, reported good returns from suppli- comes. These short courses are for followed its reasoning that the war the purpose of enlightening those R. E. Reynolds. rnenting their good Tillamook grass abroad, between industrial powers, 1:30 l he farm garden, . S. Brown who follow the old ruts and show , feed with a liberal quantity of grain. had restored a measure of protection 2:15 Feeding for egg production, C. It was the consensus of opinion that them by lectures ami demonstration to our domestic producers by greatly , w hat call be done by way of iitlprovc- C. Lamb. the cow that would not respond to checking the flood of imports which 8:00 Housing of poultry (Illustrat- | grain feed along with good pasture ments. We are safe in saying that had set in, will be interested in know­ every person who attends the Far- ' cd ), C. C. Lamb; Some common in- I is not the kind of cow to keep. A gen­ ing that such a high business intelli­ tilers’ course in this city next week sect pests and plant diseases (lllus- eral discussion of feeding followed gence as that of Mr. Duke puts the will receive some useful information, ' trated.), . S. Brow n. in which many good points were same thought in this fashion: “In my Poultry, Soils and Crop Day. which, if followed out, will be of fi­ brought out. deliberate judgment, formed not with Wednesday, April 28. nancial benefit to farmers. A tour of Mr. Durrer’s farm and in­ out careful thought, it has been only 10:00 Tillage practice, J. E. Larson. I spection of the herd, especially the the war that has prevented our con­ 10:45 Marketing of poultry and ’ prize winners made a fitting end to The snap shot man docs not want dition from becoming disasterous to lie misunderstood in regard to poultry products, C. C. l.anib. the enjoyment and discussions of the even by this time. The war has Sunday closing, but the most difficult 1 11 :JO Firmamnt pasture mixtures, day. Mr. Durrer milks a herd of 40 thrust opportunities for export busi­ problem is to know where to draw J. E. Larson. cows, nearly all grade Jerseys and is ness upon us, and in the meantime 1 30 Feeding and managing young delivering to the clu'esc factory each the line and decide which and what our own home market has, in spite business should be allowed to run on chickens, C. C. Lamb. morning about 1400 lbs. of milk with of ourselves, been left to our own 2:15 Root crop production and Sundays and which should close an average test of 4 per cent, He is producers, for the simple reason that down. We take the position th. I if storage, J. E. Larson. certainly to be complimented on the Europe cannot at the same time wage one class of business is prohibited , 8:00 Uses and values of barnyard make up of his herd. war and produce goods for the Amer­ front doing business on Sunday then manures, J. E. Larson. ican market.” Dimestic Science. all businesses should be likewise. Water Permits. Ih ere should be no exceptions or Monday. April 26. The sentences imposed by Judge 10:00-12:00—Food as a factor in privileged classes. There are a whole March Anderson of the United States Dis­ During the quarter ending raft of citizens who want this an I health (Lecture). Vegetable cookery, 31st, the State Engineer issued 117 trict Court at Indianapolis upon the’ that closed down light on Sundays, ( Demonstration). 1 30-3:30 I'uts of meat (Lecture'. permits for the appropriation of individuals convicted of conspiracy but in many other ways they are water, of which number to arc for the to corrupt the congressional election equally as guilty as lhe person who Meat cookery (Demonstration). construction of reservoirs, Under at Terre Haute last fall were none too opens his store on Sunday. To be Tuesday, April 27. 10:00-12:00—Planning the family these permits it is proposed to irri- severe. Several of the defendants consistent ami logical on the Sunday of land, develop 20,- have served notice of appeal, but it closing subject there is but on; Diet, (Lecture). Serving a simple gate >6,247 acres 018 horsepower, as well as to con- is presumed that their contention will standpoint ,\ strict compliance of me il, (Lecture). 1:00-3:30 l-ood for the school chi) struct works for municipal and do- be that the federal statute .under Sunday closing for everybody, wit II which they were tried and convicted no exceptions or privileges, for the ilrcn (Lecture and Demonstration). mestic purposes. l he most important permit issued does not apply ot such a case or that persons who operate trains, tele \\ ednesday, Aptil 28. 10:00-1200—Bread making ( Lec- was one to the city of Portland for it is invalid. Judging from the press phones, autos, livery barns, steam boats, cheese factories, resturants, lure ami Demonstration.) Use uf I the development of 20,000 horsepow­ reports of the evidence, the action of er with the waters of the Sandy river the jury and the plea of guilty of hotels, etc., should have the same le It-overs I de 1110nstr.it ion). several codefendants, there is little privileges to rest front their labors ! * —Completion of bread and Zigzag Creek. I'he following permits were issued doubt as to the lamentable facts. Meat substitutes. ami toils on Sundays as other citizens demonstration. in Tillamok County. These defendants, including at least But the prople won’t stand for a (Lecture). Columbia & Nehalem Railroad Co. three men holding high official po­ rigid and logical Sunday closing. So of W estport, secured a permit to ap­ sition, were in a conspiracy to make what arc you going to do about it? Notice to Farmers. propriate water of a spring in Sec. 8 a mockery of an election. While hon­ I p. 7 N. R 5 W., for engine purposes; est citizens were casting their ballots, l’ierrc Bark, the Russian minister The Tillamook l ime Products Co, M. Abplanalp, of Tillamook, for the of finance, has reached what we think imagining that they were exercising is ready to furnish ground lime stone irrigation of 20 acres, development of is a sound conclusion from a sound the rights of freemen guaranteed by to the farmers. The lime stone is 4 theoretical horsepower, including premise. Both premise and conclusion | the constitution, hired criminals were ground so as to pass a t o inch wire domestic supply, diverting water industriously voting the names of are set out in the Associated I Press screen. from Green Chance Crck in Sec 35. interview, during which the Russian lhe lime stone will cost $5.00 per T. t S., R. 9 W. L. C. Smith of Bar imaginary men. These worthless bal­ finance minister spoke of present ■ ton in sacks at the plant. A charge of Mew, for development of 3 horse lots were counted and they acted as a financial conditions in his country < 3 cents per sack or (x>c. per ton extra pow er, including domestic supply, di­ veto of the votes of honest men. and what is likely to be the condili- 1 here may be crimes of greater ons there after the war is over. Rus will be made for the sacks unless verting water from Smith Creek and moral terpitude. but none more sub­ sacks arc furnished by the customer sia is now, he said, in a more pro- I ife Saving Creek in Sec. 17, T. 1 N. versive of the fundamental principles pcrous condition than ever before, Only grain or meal sacks with a close R 10 W Peter Luthie, of Tillamook, of a republican form of government. the prosperity now, for the first time weave should be brought as the fine for domestic supply, diverting water Notwithstanding the rigid constitu­ being diffused among all classes, the dust or powder will all be lost if the from a spring in Sec. 35, T. 1 S. R 10 tional defination of treason, the of­ peasantry included. He says that "it sacks have a course weave leaving W. fenses at 1 erre Haute were essential­ is not necessary to invent theories to only the course grains of limestone in ly against the government itself. explain why the Russian people the sacks. For Sale. A set of new grinding rollers arc should be more prosperous, for the ------o------ Notice. jactual fact that the prosperity is being installed to increase tne capac­ House and two lots each lot 52’ j by This is to give notice that I will Bsirywhrre noticable,** and cites ity and produce a finer prrauct. 105 feet in Thayer’s Add. Price $500. not be responsible for cattle placed Address all conimunica'tons to U. ^kat increases in sayings deposits $2.50 down balance easy terms. on the \\ hitney ranch for pasture. G. Jackson, Box 41J, Tillan.oc.l. conclusive proof. W. G. Dwight Nelson & Long. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line...............$ .IO Each subsequent insertion, line. -05 Business and professional cards one month ................................ loo Homestead Notices .................... 5.00 Timber Claims ............................ I 10 00 Locals per line each insertion. .05 Display advertisement, an inch, 50 one month .................................. Zill Resolutions of Condolence .05 ar.d Lodge Notices, per line . Cards of Thanks, per line.......... .05 Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines...................... .35 — RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (Strictly in Advance.) One year ........................................ $1-5® Six months ............................................ 75 Three month»........................................ 50 We have added a complete developing and printins out­ fit to our I c. I Kodak Department .'inti arc now prepared to develop tour liltn anil make prints for the Amateur trade. C. I. Clough Co. « Reliable Druggist Wier Sprechet! Deutsch. AT THE HONEST D ealing DID IT. WE ARE PROUD OF OUR. SUCCESS @ 'SO- Ay RESOLVED M T he T op of T he L addfp ' MEANS SUCCESS. SOME Ì PEOPLE ARE FOOLISH ENOUGH T o THINK- .1 ' ■ that success is an ; Yi ACCIDENT. WrGoT ' OURS BYGIVING GOOD PURE GROCERIES TOR. YOUR MONET' Special Grocery Prices This Week Rex 100 per cent Lye—3 cans for 25c. White Linen Soap—G bars for 25c. Mt. Vernon Milk—3 cans for 25c. Burgher corn— 3 cans for 25c. Silverdale Tomatoes—3 cans for 25c. Lily Corn Starch—3 pkgs, for 25c. Royal Club Pork & Beans 3 cans for 25c. Royal Club Popcorn 3 pkgs, for 25c. Trv Rav N Company’s Special Coffee—27c per lb. RAY & CO. GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. TILLAMOOK, - - - OREGON TILLAMOOK TO SAN FRANCISCO AND BACK Return Limit 30 Days. t Ninety Days Ticket, $39.50. TO SAN DIEGO AND BACK. Return Limit 40 Days Callon Agent Tillamook for full par­ ticulars, stop-overs, literature, Eic., or on any P. R, & jy. Agent for fares from other stations. Pacific Railway & Nav- Co John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon, Sidney E. Henderson, Pre«., Surveyor. John I.eland Henderson. Sec­ retary Freas., Attomey-at- Law, Notrary Public. A15 Watt Mazda Lamp Tillamook Title and Abstract co. ---------- --------- Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, Surveying, Insurance. Doth Phones. TILLAMOOK . . be 1,1 On your front porch ca"{ every night until and register no f fifty cents per moot“ co the meter. COAST POWER COMP a !" OREGON. J 'J