TiVamook HeadligHt. T. BOALS, M.D., State Press Flashlights The storekeeper who doesn’t ad­ vertise because his grandfather didn’t should wear a powdered wig and knee breeches just as the old man did.— News Reporter. They have arranged with a miller in a neighboring state, who own an old water-driven mill, where the grain is ground into flour between two mass­ ive stones, to supply them with the necessary product and tl • ir bread m the future will be more substantial and palatable than that made hereto- for -, though not so white in color — Pacific Homestead. Character. Again the time has come when you must swat the fly. The big, fat blue fellow you see about now should be exterminated. If you kill him now, I The desire to take a chance, to there will be 100,000,000,000,000 less speculate, to gamble, is inherent in most people, and no matter how riv- flies next August.—News Times. olous or grave the subject may be, ----- O----- The other day we received a paper there can be found many who will marked "refused”. A glance at the make a wager on the outcome. I he date line showed the subscriber more present war, with all its intricate than a year in arrears. He had pre­ problems is no exception, and that viously requested us to continue the great institution of Lloyds in London paper. This is one reason why the which takes a risk on anything, is editor is sometimes hard put to pay posting the odds they offer on the continuance or settlement of the con- his honest bills.—Willamina Times. , flict within a certain period. Contrary ----- o----- The newspaper has made presidents to the expressed opinion of Lord killed poets; made bustles for beau­ Kitchener that the war would last ties and punished genius with critic­ three years, Lloyds has offered even ism. It has curtailed the powir of money on it being ended before Sep­ kings, converted bankers into pau- tember first, and give the big odds of pers and graced pantry shelves. It 115 to I that it will be over before the has made paupers college presidents, 1st of March, 1916. Now if you think it has educated the poor and robbed that it will hang on longer than this the philosopher of his reason; it date cable all you can spare over to smiles, cries, dies, but it can't be run London, and if you are right, you will to suit everybody and the man will get your investment back one hun­ be crazy who tries. Why not call and . dred and fifteen times.—Umpqua To Avert the Spread of Disease. \ alley News. pay that years subscription now and ; stand a chance to be made president In all places where illness or dis- The Portland Journal should real­ —Ione Journal. se of any kind exists there arc cer­ ca ize that its daily outpouring on the tain general rules to be observed to Possibly the parcel post has been subject of the forced retirement of keep the members of the household the great public benefactor that we - ’ Engineer Bowlby is merely tiresome where the sick person lives from ac­ were assured it would be; but only a to the state at large and can have no quiring the disease as well as to keep few persons are satisfied that it has , effect unless it is to relieve its i own the disease from spreading to other not proved itself. Generally speaking, anguished soul. It was pretty well es­ houses or localities. In the home the the manufacturers of Oregon have tablished that Bowlby had lost what­ patient should be placed in a room as not found it a blessing; the shopkeep- ; ever usefulness he might have pos­ far as possible from the family. The er in the country town is certain that, sessed as highway engineer, and it best place is at one end of the house it has done him little service; the , would have been wise to have let it and on the top floor. If the disease is business man in the larger cities can- ' go at that. The Journal's attempt to a contagious one or not, it is always not see where he has benefited by it. put Governor Withycombe in a hole better to be on the safe side and as­ An Eastern mail-order house declar­ by making it appear that the removal sume that it is. Evetyune visiting the ed a dividend of $20,000,000 this year; was dictated by disgruntled contrac­ sick room should avoid catching the probably if the stockholders of that tors was only silly. There are plenty patient ’s breath and should not touch opulent concern were asked what of people who are in no way connect­ him except to do for him what the ed with contracts who saw the neces ­ they thought of the parcel post they physician has advised. Always wash would give it their unqualified ap­ sity of the change, and urged it and the hands with soap and water after even if it hail been at the hands of the proval.—Spectator. contractors we have as yet nothing having been in the sick room or after A carload of brood sows has recent­ but the engineer’s statement to prove having touched or handled any utensil If .... the or vesscl which has been brought out ly been shipped from the Portland that it was not justifiable. 1. Union Stock Yards to Hood River Journal is the friend of the good of the room. Burn all unused food for distribution among the school roads cause it would have it appear, which has been in the patient’s room. children in that valley, and it is pos­ it should realize that future road See that the cook and the other em sible that in the near future that sec­ building under Bowlby was impossi­ ployed in the house keep their hand tion will be as famous for its produc­ ble and the longer the controversy is clean. Insist that they wash thei tion of livestock as it has in the past prolonged and aired the longer will hands before preparing any food, been famous for its wonderful apples. be the time before confidence is re­ Cholera and typhoid fever are “car­ These brood sows are sold on credit, stored and new road projects inaug­ ried” by persons apparently well, who gave the disease to others by contam­ the children being expected to ’raise urated.—Hillsboro Independent. inating the food with their infected, the pigs to maturity and pay the unclean hands. The strict observance stockyards people when they market the pork. A careful record will be Change Needed in Election Laws. , of these few simple prdecautions will be all any one need to do to prevent kept during the period of the pigs’ growth and the makers of the best The fight the unions are making the records will receive prizes at the end against the bond issue for good roads of the season.—Seaside Signal. suggests that such changes should be Heat and Health. made in our election laws as would McMinnville has a remarkable case require a property qualification for of a man who lives by his faith. An voters who would exercise the fran­ , We live because we are warm; adherent of the Russellites, otherwise chise on matters pertaining to taxes. natural heat of the human mechanism known as the ’’Millennium Dawnites” We find today that practically all the maintains life. Heat is the force which recently made a financial loan, paying property-owners in the county are makes vital every portion of the interest for the full period of two willing to vote to tax themselves for organism. If the heat of the body falls years in advance, and giving real improving the highways of the coun­ a little below normal, 98.6 degrees estate security. The broker called at­ ty and that the unions, whose owner­ • Fahrenheit, the strength of the body tention to the payment of interest so ship does not represent 3 per cent of fails, and great weakness follows, long in advance as an unusual pro­ the tax-payers, are opposing the pro­ which finally causes death. A contin- . uous, steady flow of warm blood is ceeding, but the borrower protested ject . that he wished to pay for the full The opposition is not due to any 1 necessary to maintain life. Heat is the period, so that when the final diss > fear that the union members shall thing essential to keep the heart beat­ lution of the world came he would bl­ have to bear more than their little ing. Heat docs all the natural physiol­ owing nothing. The broker asked, share of the expense of constructing ogical work of the body, We must “Yes, put what wilt become of the good roads; it is inspired by the re­ eat food to generate heat, We must principal.” The man of faith repli-d fusal of the county commissioners to exercise to create warmth, \\ lien the that the land would still be here, and permit the unions to dictate how the atmospheric and external condition- are such as to cause loss of heat from the lender could take it, if it would do money should be spent. I him any good.—Telephone Register. Here, then, we are confronted with the system, the outside heat must be the anomalous condition of non-tax­ supplied to prevent this loss of heat. Paris sends out an interesting story payers voting against a project which A great amount of heat is lost by to the effect that the king of Italy is for the good of all the people, and 1 radiation; warm clothing and warm has $2$,000,000 invested in the Krupp toward whose expense they will con­ | living rooms check this loss. When gun works, in Germany, which would tribute little or nothing, while the | the hands and feet arc cold, when one be forfeited to the German gov< fit­ tax payers, who will have to bear al­ j is hungry, or ov< rworked, or unre- ment in case Italy decides to go to most the whole burden of cost, are freshed by sleep—if the diminution war on the side of the allies. Even a nearly unanimous in its favor. This is in the body heat is long continued an king cannot very well afford to lose a case of meddling representation illness will follow or the normal re- a sum of this proportion, and doubt­ without taxation.lt brings into pitiful sistcnce will be so enfeebled or lost less the matter is giving the Italian prominence the absurdities of public that life will ebb away*. ruler no little concern. According to funds to which he does not contribute the Paris statement this money rep There is just one thing that mitigates The jury in the United States Court resents the bulk of the accumulated its calamitous consequences. The at Indianapolis has found all the wealth of the house of Savoy, and its time the non-taxpayer is not indulg­ loss will comparatively impoverish ing in his pleasurable practice of twenty seven defendants charged the family of Italy’s king. It is also squandering the property owners with a conspiracy to corrupt the gen­ claimed this money was first invested money. His enjoyment, however, is eral election at I erre Haute guilty, in United States steel stock, but the none the less acute: He is following * under the law and the evidence. The ¡Italian king followed the advice of Ids usual custom of voting “again’ the persecution was under a peculiar fed­ eral statute, w hich w as applicable Emperor William and changed it to other fellow.’’—Spectator only because a member of congress pirupp stock. Anil probably he now and a United States Senator were 'wishes he had left well enough alone The ruling in Kan'sas City that chosen at the election at which the — Polk County Observer. drinks can be served in cafes only frauds took place. There ____ ___ are ___ manv r -—o— There are some people who believe with a full meal” may raise an in­ lawyers who question the judgment that the modern process of millir c teresting question as to defination. of the court, and, no doubt, its validi­ wheat into flour destroys much <>t During Democratic days a full meal ty will be tested on appeal. While press reports from time to time men­ the real good building material in does not always fill. tioned remarks of the presiding judge their food stuffs. They do not like to which exceptions were taken, his he roller-process flour and arc seek El WD B. ERWIN, instructions to the jury appear to ng to obtain that ground by the ob have been fair. 1 he chief question is ashioti system of stone rollers In the >1 'NO INSTRUCTION. the applicability of the statute to such Ry of Chicago an organizati n of Diplomn from Chicago Musical a case. Incidentally, there are pros­ »omen has taken up the idea of n luring old-process flour for use in College-granted June, lull -on the ecutions of unquestio ted validity subject. Piano, Harmony, heir cuisine, which will furnish it following tmue.il History. Science and Peda- growing out of the conduct of one of the defendants and outside friends vith more nitrogen, phosphate, cal- tf v i 1 eavhink» K IK RMS-$3). ou for aj weck, in whose successful issue would be very Kjd ash 1 i..p< at ruction. salutary in a community which has hful for those w ho eat it All leasona given at Studio. | been honeycombed with corruption. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook » We are so apt to omit the character of a man in our estimates of his fit­ ness for some important duty, and to r, ■ ard his skill or knowledge in sonic ■ ' 1-kc a tea kettle, through a r. ■ r iq < . r. r‘. ni] e<] from one r ■ ■ of copper, setting against ’ it- nd In..ng of »ire box. It Loils t5 gallons of water in a very I t mitt ■ nd by turning a ’ev< ••• the frame and reservoir move« : .1 . . An .rliA.'i nt >d Majestic feature. CJpenena < « /»an »1 > 4 ; ‘i hoveling ashe3— ventilated ash pit pre vents door from catching lire— ash cup catches ashes. Ask as to show you the greatest improvement ever put in a range. Don't buy the ringo you expect to last a life time "unsight, unseen,” or you'll be sure to be dia- aopointed. Come to our store, and see the GVear M ¡jestic — have its many exclusive features ex­ plain I tiud out why the Majestic is 800% stronger th;’ all other ranges where most ranges are weakest. It is the he ’v range at a.iy price and it should be m your kitchen, Lined with Pure Asbestos Board Made of Charcoal Iron, addin* 3C0% to life of Range FOR SALE BY ALEX. McNAIR & CO. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - . . - Oregon ROOM NO. 261 J. CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER, DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT E 213 T illamook B lock 15 CALLON ALL COTPFI4 RE-tP'/CR I WILL GIVE 1 YOU BO-LI NG I VVATLR 1 Tillamook Oregon J-)R. JACK OLSEN, Entire Ton Loor a and Frame« made of Malleable Won. DENTIST. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon] Can’t break •r crack ake Your Own G as THE DETROIT COMBINATION GAS MACHINE provides the home, school, college, church, store or other buildings with a satisfactory gas supply— Gas to light with—Gas to cook with—Gas for heating rooms—Gas to heat water for the bath, laundry and all other uses com­ mon to city coal gas at no greater cost. On the market over 46 years. Over 30,000 in daily use. Absolutely safe. Entered in (Class A) National Fire Underwriters. Not a drop of gasoline brought into the building. Ask today for estimate and copy of catalog—No obligation B. F. GILSON, Tillamook, Ore. Carburettor under ¿round ffl Machine in ba se meni With Frank'Hyde. Bx 142. I—I T. BOI LS A x . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books i Office. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. \]\T C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bay City Oregon QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. P)R’ KLMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, Tillamook QARL HABERLACH, attorney - at - law T illamook B lock Tillamook J. Oregon [)R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN DENTIST, Successor to Dr. Perkins T illamook , OREGON Ç^EORGE WILLETT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW TiLLAMtxiK C ommercial B uildino iillamook . Oregon 0R- E. E, DANIELS. CHIROPRACTOR. Local Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK . EAT VIERECK’S bread TILLAMOOK BAKERY At All Grocers ' he get-rich-quick promoter who announces »I, _ T? . « that ■ he _ had a “bully time” m the Federal Penitentiary at At­ lanta may wish to show that he i, tucrent from that famous literary prisoner. COU1 the rely Joh the the Eqv