'TilTamook t ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line. $ .IO .05 Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards one month ................................ 1.00 Homestead Notices .................... 5.00 Timber Claims ............................ 1000 .05 locals per line earh insertion. Display advertisement, an inch, cue month .................................. All Resolutions of Condolence .05 zr.d Lodge Notices, per line.. Cards ot Thanks, per line.......... .05 Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc , minimum rate, net ex­ ceeding five lines...................... 25 arc going to square themselves if their timber should have been assess­ ed from 25 tojo per cent higher. If that is the case, then the dairymen have been paying more taxes than some of the timbermen. Headlight, Api il Bible Says the Turk Will Come to His End. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE To the Editor —The awful scourge that like a mighty avalanch is now­ devastating the fairest parts of Eu­ rope is not the time of trouble of Daniel’s prophecy, but it is undoubt­ The counties that have bonded for edly the prelude to it. Soon the Turk had more or hard surfaced roads have will make his last stand at Jerusalem, The recent failure of the three Oregon less trouble with the State Highway lhe day of salvation will end, the officials, and it appears to have caus­ M (TTUA L I usurance Associations fore great day of the Lord will begin, the ed considerable friction with the shadows the doom of the MUTUAL game local officials and the citizens, We time of trouble such as never was will suddenly break upon the world, COAST MUTUALS FAIL. had an idea that this would be the throughout the state. outcome of the state meddling with the King of glory will appear, and the great conflict so long waged with sin road work in different counties when Three Oregon hire Mutuals Go Into MUTUAL Insurance means—PROMISED it was first agitated, but the only v ill forever end. A Receivership. What lias the Eastern question or lower rates—UNLIMITED Assesments and redeeming feature connected with it was making surveys that em­ the future of the Turk to do with Fire Loss Claiments May Collect more PROMISES. braced several counties. Although scripture, and why so much concern Little or Nothing. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. this county has had to pay money in­ about whether Turkey or some other (Strictlÿ in Advance.) OLD LINE Insurance means—FIXED to the State Highway Fund, not one power shall occupy Constantinople? From Coast Review for March, 1915. One yea» ........................................ $1.50 More than twenty-four centuries ago, RATES — No Assessments—NO PROMISES The embarrassed Horticultural Fire Six months ........................................... 75 cent’s worth of State aid has this the Lord revealed to the prophet county received. \\ e have sufficient Relief Association, a Salem fire mu­ but ABSOLUTE Guarantees. Three month*....................................... 5° confidence in our County Court Daniel events that would take place tual whose pitiful 40 percent assess­ handling the road work of Tillamook among earthly powers in connection ments circular we published in Feb­ This agency represents the leading OLD THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT county, for, whenever the state offi­ with the closing scenes of earth s ruary, has failed. LINE. Fire Insurance Companies. cials have stepped in they want to history, as follows; As usual, the assessed members fail­ Editorial Snap Shots. “And he shall plant the tabernacles expend large amounts of money. No ed to pay the special assessment, and Its Management is SUPERIOR. doubt it will be economy- to construct of his palace between the seas in the with many thousands of unpaid fire Who were the three persons, judge hard surfaced roads in Tillamook glorious holy mountain; yet he shall losses the president of the Horticul­ who were opposed to the Bayocean county, and although we are fully come to his end, and none shall help Losses are fairly and honorably adjusted tural was obliged to petition for a re­ road? aware that there are a large number him. And at that time shall Michael ceivership. The mutual has $123,914 and promptly paid. ----- O—— of our citizens who favor bonding stand up, the great Prince which liabilities and nominal assets. If some of the timbermen are in for this purpose, it is, in our judg­ standeth for the children of thy peo­ The Pacific Home Mutual, which You will favor yourself as well as this favor of road improvements in this ment, far better to expend a certain ple: and there shall be a time of the Horticultural has been trying to county, why are they opposing the amount of the road fund for hard trouble, such as never was since there office by letting us carry your Insurance Pro­ take over, is also to be placed in the Bayocean road? surfacing roads every year, and in a was a nation even to that same time: tection. hands of a receiver. few years this can be accomplished and at that time thy people shall be The Oregon Merchants Mutual, It was suggested that the ■ Bav- without bonding. As to the amount delivered, every one that shall be There is none better. likewise insolvent is in the hands of a ocean road be called the "Bakcr of roads that should be hard surfaced found written in the book. And many receiver. Boulevard.” Cut it out. The snap that should be left to the discretion of them that sleep in the dust of the Do it now. It is under stood that the insurance shot man is not wanting any recog- of the court, for the other roads will earth shall awake, come to everlast­ commissioner of Oregon will be ap­ nition for boosting that road, any have to be maintained and kept up ing life, and some to shame and ever­ pointed receiver for all three mutuals. more th in for boosting for road im- and being better posted on this than lasting contempt. Dan. 11:45; 12:1 >2- As he is an experienced fire insurance provements in other parts of the the average citizen, the County Court This is the conclusion of a long man (Harvey Wells, ex-special agent) county. is better able to judge on this matter. prophecy that begins with the Medo- he will easily dispose of the remains Tcrsian kingdom and closes with the of the dear departed. Editor Baker says B. L. Beals is The question of Sunday closing is establishment of the eternal kingdom The moral of the mutual failures is "homesick with an attack of rheutna- somewhat difficult to discus* on ac­ and the resurrection. obvious. They were organized because tism” This is the first time we ever count of so many conflicting opinions Soon after the death of Alexander stock company rates were “too heard of rheumatism making a person as to how the day should be observed the Great, his generals formed a com­ high”, but they later found it neces­ homesick.—Herald. and on that account wc do not know pact for the government of his em­ sary to ask the same rates, and tried Wrong again Bro. Trombley. The that we can throw much light on the pire; but it was soon broken, and out ’Phone Us. Call on Us. Write Us. to collect them too late. attack of screw matics that County subject, other than that held by our of his conquests four kingdoms arose Treasurer Beals is suffering from citizens. All intelligent and well read “toward the four winds of heaven.” It The consequences are unpaid losses was brought on because of the screw- individuals admit that Sunday as a was not long after this division had which will never be paid in full and rnatic times the people had in raising day of rest, is a great benefit to the been effected till Cassandcr had suc­ may be compromised at as low as 10 taxes this year on account of Demo­ human race. As there appears to be a ceeded in conquering all that portion cents on the dollar or ferever remain cratic free trade times, which the peo­ disposition on the part of some of the of Alexander's kingdom lying north unpaid. ple have became sick and tired of. citizens to close up stores and moving of Jerusalem, leaving but two of the picture theatre on Sundays, it will be­ original four divisions remaining. Commissioner Owens is up and come a burning question in the city These are mentioned in the prophecy hustling to get road work started in in the near future, and the citizens as “the king of the north” and “the the south end of the county. We’ll will be greatly divided. Wc find that king of the south.” Since 1453 A. D. bet dollars to dough nuts that Frank I some of our well meaning citizens when Constantinople fell into the I will have all his road money expend­ arc inconsistent when it comes to hands of the Turk, this power has ed as soon as possible and will have practicing what they preach. Now if Notice to Contractors. ruled over the territory of “the king his optics and hands on the money of it is wrong and a sin for persons to -------o------ of the north.” the other two road districts if the work or trade on Sundays for gain, Sealed proposals, addressed to the The prophet declares, "He (the other members of the court don t t it must be equally wrong and a sin to king of the north) shall plant the County Court of Tillamook County, watch out. Frank is doing what the ai l that in many ways. For illustra- tabernacles of his palace between Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals to people want done, and it seems he I lion, persons who patronize stores on the seas in the glorious holy moun­ furnish crushed rock.” will be receiv­ don’t purpose to quibble and dtlly dal­ j Sundays, takes a train or hires a rig tain; yet he shall come to his end, ed by the County Court of said coun­ ly any longer with work to be done or auto;; employs labor—domestic or and none shall help him.” Dan. 11:45. ty, at its office in the Court House in his district. On Second Ave. East. In Williams Bldg. otherwise, goes to the postoffice fos This verse speaks of two events that at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the mail, purchases Sunday newspapers, all the world has looked forward to hour of 11 o’clock, a.tn., on the 17th Bro. Trombley, who runs the takes milk or burn electric lights uses A fine line of FRESH and SMOKED. MEATS andJISH with great apprehension, and has ex­ day of April, 1915, and at that time Democratic, free trade mouth organ, the telephone quite frequent, etc. pected to see accomplished at an early and place publicly opened and read. said: No chance for our Beef to be infected with tub­ all of which entail Sunday labor, date—the driving of the Turk from Such proposals shall be for fur­ ■I © "Mr. Baker made a few remark- in ercul oiia; we sell only U. S. Inspected Beef. No nishing to Tillamook County, ten should first put into practice a strict Europe, and his coming to his end. hi* last issue in regard to lhe difficul­ observance of Sunday before they thousand (10,000) cubic yards, of stag hegs go with us. We sell the best country^ The "glorious holy mountain” is ty in making collections these days. I undertake to legislate or dictate what where Jerusalem is located. Zech. 8:3; crusher run of crushed rock suitable hogs only How about lix»7 Mr. Headlight man?’ i the other fellow should do on that It is situated between the Mediter­ for road building purposes, and shall Free trade not only placed coltec- day. So before our well meaning ranean and the Dead Sea. According be separated into the sizes and quan­ (ions on the bum, but since it went Now open and ready for business citizens undertake to put the lid on to the prophecy, the seat of govern­ tities obtained by the use of one persons into effect more than 500 We will deliver to all parts of the city , Sunday closing, trading or labor they ment of the Turk is to be removed quarter (Ji) inch screen dust jacket have moved away from the north enti . should first satisfy themselves that from Constantinople and located at over the first section of a perforated of the county, and the lumber indus- I they arc not morally guilty of violat- Jerusalem. screen having three-quarter (%) inch try is still on the bum ami mills clos­ I ing the Sabbath day in sonic of the perforations, in the third first section, During the progress of the Balkan ed dov n. There wasn’t free trade in J instances we hjve mentioned. And as war in 1912, many writers in the daily One and three quarters (iM) inch Q OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1907, Bro. Trombley, only a little J we feel we are a sinner in some of papers and magazines freely express­ perforations in the second section, stock exchange excitement. I these respects, we are not going to ed their conviction that the time had and three (3) inch perforations in the o o o o 0 o A petition was circulated asking , take the untenable position of throw- come for the Turk to leave Europe. third section, and the crusher set to i 0 0 . ing stones while we live 0 in a glass o crush down to three inches. i \\ bile he was driven by the Balkan Governor Withycombe to keep A. C 0 o 0 1 he quality of such crushed rock o While, who was implicated in the house. We do say this, however, allies to the verge of Europe, their 0 0 kidnap < ise, in the penitentiary the that the Sabbath should be more rev- hands were stayed by the conference shall be of the nature of trap, gneiss 0 0 erently observed than 0 it is, and too of the European powers in London, or basalt, and shall be of close grain 0 full time he was sentenced to We can 0 c many persons have on that to labor 0 and the 1 urk still holds Constantino­ and break with a sharp fracture. Each c not coincide with the petitioners, for 0 i conditions and ÜO ple. Scarcely had the present war be­ bidder will be required to submit ' o we have some traits of human kind­ day because of eondilions 0 o 0 ness left in our make up, as well as many different opinions as to how gun when it was freely predicted that with his bid, a sample of not less than I ' o 0 0 some Chnstian ideas in helping .1 fal­ Hie day should be observed. this would end the stay of the Turk twenty-five pounds in weight, of the o o 0 I o in Europe. 0 len brother. W e don't feel like kick­ class of rock which he proposes to o anti ate now prepared to develop 0 Immediately after Faster, although ing a man when he is down, for, no I’araphasing the scripture in the furnish for competition with other o 0 your film and make prints for the o 0 doubt, long before this W hite has the time may be a mere coincidence light of simple deductions, we have classes of rock, and such samples may o 0 Amateur trade. o Judge Hugo Grimm indulged in some 0 come to the conclusion that he did the following; The Turk shall locate ’ be held by the County Court as a o 0 wrong lhe sentence, anyway, was obiter dicta in a divorce decision in his seat of government at Jerusalem, standard for comparison with further j o 0 0 too severe, for had it not been for the which he upheld the right of a man and shall come to his end, and at samples which may be taken from the o o 0 o 0 so called detective in the case, it to criticize the dress of his wife and that time Christ shall begin his eter- | work in case the proposal be accept­ o 0 Would have probably never amount-' daughter, not merely on the ground n.il reign. 1 he time of trouble to the ed and the bidder be awarded the o 0 0 ed to anything. The petitioners *•' cost but of looks It seems that *ne nations, such as never was, will fol- | contract for furnishing said crushed o o 0 o 0 should have petitioned that the de- u. i <* 'he allegations of a complaint filed low. and at that time all God’s people rock material. Reliable Druggist o 0 I by a wife was that her husband had whose names are found written in the tective be prosecuted. 0 1 he successful bidder, upon being o o Wier Sprechen Deutsch. 0 told her that her dress and gown book of life, will be delivered. 0 awarded the contract, will be required o 000QÖQC0000000000000000000000000 000000000000^0000 0 There is only otic way to settle the made her look like a chorus girl. A The thought that Christ takes hi* to enter into a contract and bond county cruise when any dispute crops decree of divorce was granted cam­ kingdom ar.d begins His reign at the satisfactory to the said county court up as to the amount of timber, and plainant but the court explained that beginning of this time of unparalled ®0000®c©©©cooQie1oooQooi>s06 that he will furnish the material at that is for the County Assessor to it was not on this ground. While trouble to the nations may seem the time and in the quantities to be ' employ two reliable cruisers and have neither his immediate obligations nor strange to some, but it will be seen Sidney E Henderson, Pres., the timber recruised. Some of the precedent required that the judge to be in perfect accord with the agreed upon up to ten thousand cubic Surveyor. yard*. * timber owners have been creating a pass on this question, he bravely an­ scripture. John Leland Henderson. Sec­ The County Court reserves the great fuss about one thing and the nounced a rule as to the abstract retary Treae., Attotney-ut- Like the muffled tread of the thief right to reject any and all bids or to 1 other, and as thev are not disposed to rights of husbands and fathers He m 'he night, the day of the Lord is 1 Law, Notrary Public accept any bid which may be deemed On your front porch can be ht show their own cruise on their timber held that a husband had a right to ex­ stealing upon us. More suddenly than best for the county. every night until midnight ! Tillamook Title and ; the right thing to do is to have the press in emphatic terms I his ’ disap- the present war broke over Europe, and register not over Each bidder shall furnish with his timber recruised where the county proval of the dress of his wife, "| 'pro- and with much more dire fifty cents per month Abstract co. results, will bid a certified check for (50.00 as a 1 cruise show that certain sections sided he does not do so in m offen- tn the meter. the war of the great day of God guarantee that if awarded the con- I Law. Abstracts, R-H Estate, ' should be increased, from 25 to 50 sive mariner.” He went still further, break over all the world, The only tract, he will enter into contract and Surveying, Insurance. |>cr cent. If that is the proper esti­ declaring that it w ould be for the COAST POWER COMPANY safety in that hour will be found in furnish a bond •* ----- •-» • Both Phor.es. as stated » hereinbe- mate, then some of the tinibermen good society of husbands in the Jesus. fore. have not been paving their just por­ dress of their wives and daughters T illamook - . O regon . "He that dewlleth in the _______ sacred tion of taxation while other timber and asserted their authority.” J. C. Holden, The United States pays its Pr**" place of the Most High shall Ibid dent $75,000 a year in order that b* jucn and other taxpayers have been I Over in Germany they say potato ___ County Clerk. ^pg SO As some of lhe tinibermen bread keeps longer than pure wheat under the shadow of the Almighty." may be free and independent >n ’ *’ ®,:I- ' *ry sincerely yours, W hat grouch says business is not The modern version of capital pun­ actions. And senatorial courtesy »**’ bread And in this country we know L. J. Larson ishment consists of holding congress on the pickup? American agents are him up with red tape until he hssnt MB ' that a tough steak lasts longer than a F. M. Riley, in session during the hot months of about to hook an order for 250,000 half the freedom of a kid playi2® |re wondeting hew they tender one, Elder# Seventh day Adventist Chursh summer. cork legs for European soldiers. L * 1 marbles in a neighbor’s back yard. ? s ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man.” ?