Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 15, 1915, Image 1

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Al Bunn, I lonecr dairyman
stockman, of Beaver, was doing
ness in the hub W ednesday.
ho Will Own This Splendid Overland Car at 7 o’Clock
on that Date
Electric vacuum (.leaner for
50c. per hour. Appiv at the E ectnc
store next to Grin Theater.
Wanted—First Class Cheesemaker
it once. W rite Lorane Co-operative
Cheese (.0., Lorane, Oregon.
Mrs. E. E. Shaw has opened dress
nakmg parlors in the McGee apart
lient house. Apartment 4.
Try these 25c dinners at tne Ram-
A. Olson
<ey "Good Eats.
nterly of the Spanish Kitchen.
_ _—.
$i.5o PER YEAR.
1.1. 191.1,
Chas Zosel has been a rrested
giving a chattel mortgage on a cow
.nd call that did not belong to him.
Standard No. 4 letter press ioxl.’
I have
meh for sale at hall price
no use tor same.—Rollie Watson.
Preserve eggs while they are cheat)
Aater glass is safe and re a de
Clough will tell vou how to use it. *
Ask any of our customers
about First National service
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why
First National Bank
Tillamook, Ore
The Hose Company will give
dance at the Tillamook Commercia
Club on Saturday evening, April 17th
L. S. Miller vs. Laneda Inc. is :
I suit filed in the circuit court to re­
cover two sums of money $2,695.57
and 12,105.18.
Phis is the last chance to help your favorite contestant and your vote may be
the difference to her of a Overland Touring Car and the trips to the Fair. Re-
member that at Seven o’clock the Judges will talje charge of the ballot box
and commence counting the votes for the different contestants, and from the
results of the ballot box and the business done previously to that the prizes will
be awarded. Remember that you can get the blanks to vote for your favorite
at the Ileadlightoffice, and your vote may help her will. The Judges of the con*
-lest are : E. T. Haltom, Prof. Onthauk and W. Riechers, of the First National
Bank, who will be on hand at the appointed time to take charge. Result of
contest will be announced from the Gem Theatre stage immediately following the
decision of the Judges.
The four leading contestants arc : Miss Jessie Donaldson, Mrs. Rollie Watson,
Mrs. Edna Hoover and Miss Lottie Wade.
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
The place to eat is at
Eats," Ramsey Hotel.
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying
ten cents for green hides.
When making an investment it is absolutely FOOL- , -
ISH for a man to send his money a long way off and ’
trust it to somebody who has not good enough standing
at home to sell his Get-rich-quick schemes I HERE.
Before you make an investment, come in and see us.
We will cheerfully give you our opinion on investments
at any time. We may save you a loss.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on l ime Deposits.
Tillamook County Bank.
cn out the jog in Fifth street and a
board of appraisers agreed upon to
assess damages.
Mend your own tires and inner
tubes with "The Double Mileage
Steam Valcanizer.” Can carry it in
mend your tire
a special meeting of the city your machine and 1
any old place.
• A ¿mr :il on Saturday evnirg ar --t-b
^^Ktice was passed authorizing the is Complete outfit only $7<o. Come and
Knee of bonds to the amount o‘ let us show you the set. d illamoox
Feed Co.
Action was iaken to s'
Drop in and Look Around-
The friends of C. B. Wiley will be
glad to know that the specialist at
San Francisco entertains hope oí
curing him.
The advanced pupils of Leland B. Erwin will
appear in recital at the Methodist Church,
Revs. F. S. Ford, of Cloverdale, and
D. A. MacKenzie, of this city, left ot
Tuesday to attend a meeting of the
Portland Presbytery.
Thursday Evening, April 29
Preserve eggs while they arc cheap,
Liq Glass will do it perfectly, fresh
stock with full directions at.C. I.
Clough Co.
One ton of coal equals two cords of
wood and you don't have ‘o sow and
split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello
Centray Gi’rne 28W.
We develop and print for the ama­
teurs,—C. 1. Clough Co.
Tillamook, Oregon.
District Attorney T. H. Goyne has
served notice on the saloons and pool
Bring your Kodac troubles to C. I. rooms, that their places of business
must be kept closed on Sundays.
Clough Co.
John Plasker has sold his interest
Films developed 10c. roll (6ex.) at
C. I. Clough Co.
* in the plumbing business to his broth­
ers, Henry and Clem Plasker, and
Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tilla- will go to California.
mook County Bank.
For sale—six roomed house and
Born, on Sunday, to the wife of two lots corner 5th and I’ark Street.
Fred Pulciphcr, a girl.
Small cash payment, and balance on
Buy your films, plates, paper, etc., easy terms. Enquire of E. Kirk.
from C. I. Clough Co.
6 rooms, plastered house, bath,
he launch Arab which was swam-
Md on Tillamook bar and Milton G.
Smith and John Krumlauf were
dtowned, was taken off the beach and
»jJWot-.ght into Tillamook Bay, and 1-
nbw at Bayocean.
A deal was made during the week
wherein F. R. Beals acquired the F.
S. Whitehouse residence property on
Third street and 6th Ave. East.
C. I. Clough, the druggist was
Portland the first of the week.
Born, on the 9th inst., at Blaine,
to the wife of Henry Smith, a son.
Attorney C. W. Talmage returned
from Eastern Oregon last week.
A marriage license was issued to
Gorden Pitts and Enid Virginia Hali.
A recital of the pupils of Mr. and
Mrs. Koch will be given on May 7th.
They will be assisted by the following talent
Prof. J. V. Baird, Tenor
Mr. R. Williams, violinist
M rs. Baird, Accompanist
Mrs. H.E. Hoss, Accompanist
Mr. Robt.Driscoll,Violinist Chester McGee, Violinist
Mrs.F.Christensen, Pianist Rev. Ed ward Gittins, speaker
M rs.C.E.Trombley,soprano Miss Ruby McGee,Contralto
Miss Mabie Govne,soprano Mr. H. T. Botts, Basso
Mr. T. II. Goyne, Tenor
Everybody cordially invited. The program
at 8 o
Amount of taxes paid up to the pres­
ent time is $225,697.77. The total tax
toilet, hot water, laundry tubs, elec­ on all rolls is $417,729.10, which shows
tric lighted, will rent or lease to de­ that most of the taxpayers only paid
sirable tenant—See Ro|lie Whitson. * half of their taxes.
Drs. Lowe & Turner, eye special­
Father Hilderbrand, son of Mr. and
ists of Portland, will be in Tillamook Mrs. Mcichoir, who was ordained to
again Friday and Saturday, April 23, the priesthood last week, will say his
24. Consult them at Jenkins' Jewelry first Mass at the Catholic Church on
Sunday morning.
Protect your valuable papers from
All parties having any calves to sell
the unexpected fire by renting one of will do well to call up Neilson & Mel-
our safe deposit boxes. Only one choir in Tillamook City on the Mu­
dollar per year.
Tillamook County tual phone. You might get more
money for your calves as they arc
Former County Judge Homer Ma­ paying the highest prices.
son has made a deal in which he Jias
Victor talking machines from $15.00
»ecured the store building and busi- to $200.00—always in stock, hundreds
ness of the Mohlcr Mercantile Co. at of records to select from. Portland
prices, easy terms arranged. Tilla­
A fine quality of Tillamook made
M. F. and Otto Shearer have pur-
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * chased their second Ford car from
Spray your trees! 50 gallons of M. D. Ackley this spring, Mrs. Sarah
spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. * Shearer accompanied the boys to
town on Tuesday.
We are in a position to make some
Tillamook County Bank vs Francis
long time farm loans. First National
D. Mitchell and wife and G. W. Rice
Several choice city lots 50X100 ft. and wife is a case filed in the circuit
on monthly payments.—Sec Rollie court to recover $1,17300 on prom-
issory note.
For Dress or Street, Beach or
A new grange was organized at Garden Hats, go to Miss Patterson's
Pleasant Valley with I. H. Moore as A good supply of children’s Head­
gear will be found also. Remodeling
We can furnish you cedar fence done at reasonable prices.
posts for 8c. each, Tillamook Feed
MUSIC: All popular sheet mus'c
now 15c. and other musical goods al
Type writer for
Portland prices. Send your mail or­
Remington No. 6,
ders to the Tillamook Music Store at
at the depot.
Morrison's Confectionery.
Attorney Geo. Winslow returned
WANTED—A loan of $1500.00 on
from a business trip to Portland on good Tillamook property, will pay 8
per cent interest. For further particu­
John Dannials has opened a meat lars inquire of Geo. W. Winslow,
market in the Williams building, op­ Commercial Club Bldg.
posite McNair's.
We have made special arrange-
Geo. Higgins is in from Portland ments with the Telephone Co., to
visiting relatives and looking after connect you directly with our office,
in case you wish any of our GOOD
his property interests.
COAI., Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
Charles Miller, second keeper of
Wm G. Tait, president of the First
Cane M<
lit Station, was in
National Bank, and Mrs. Tait return­
ed from the East, where Mrs. Tait
Iphur »pray now, had gone on account of the death of
get your supply and direction, how to her father and Mr. Tait had visited
use from C. I. Clough Co.
*. I relatives tn the South.
lap. Mrs. Rugar will complete the
preparations for the annual conven­
tion at McMinnville, to be held in
effective April 12th,
daily freight services will be re­
established on the P. R. & N., which
was discontinued last fall to three
times a week. This will give Tilla­
mook excellent freight services to
and from Portland. It was principally
on account of logging camps and saw
mills being closed down that caused
a curtailment in the freight services
on the P. R. & N. We are inforemd
that the motor service on the P. R. &
N. will not be resumed until some
time after May 1st for the same reas­
•ure and call at Jenkin,
Jewelry store and let Dr,.
Lowe 8t Turner, the welt known eye
specialists of Portland, show you the
Kryptok double vision glasses, which
have no unsightly lines or seams to
catch dirt, strain the eyes or come
apart. One light, solid piece of glass
which look, like a single pair, yet
answer, the purpose of two, enabling
you to read or do close work and see
distant object, perfectly. Be sure and
see them. Free demonstration, satis­
faction guaranteed. Drs. I.owc X- Tur­
ner have been located in Portland for
20 years. They do not go from house
to house. 1 hey have no agents.
mook Music Store at Morrison’s Con­
fectionery, write for catalogue.
For Sale—One seven horse power
wood saw’, with standard gasoline
engine for $350.00, this an exception­
ally good bargain. One, Mitchell
Lewis & Slaver Gasoline Wood saw,
6 horse power, $30000. Inquire of A
K. Case.
Rev. F O Jones, who conducted
the Episcopal Mission in this city for
three months, has been sent to New­
port, and the services will be discon­
tinued for the present. The ladies
will keep the Guild ami Sunday
School going.
Docs your Fire Insurance cover
your property—your House or your
personal belongings? Arc you insured
and protected? Does your policy read
correctly? If you don't know, bring
your insurance policy to us and we
w ill tell you—Rollie W. Watson," I be
Insurance Man.”
Mrs. F’.va Roger, of Tillamook, wl.<
has been senior vice president of the
Women's Relief Corps of the Depart­
ment of Oregon, has succeeded to the
presidency, owing to the re ent death
of the president, Mrs. Cynthia Dun
Church on '1 hursday evening, April
29, was a pupil of George Frederick
Ogden, "Drake Conservatory,” Des
Moines, Iowa, for over two years,
(Mr. Ogden being a pupil of M.
Moskowski, Paris, also of L. Godo-
wsky, Berlin.) Mr. Erwin was also
pupil of Karl Reckzeh,
Musical College,” Chicago, III., for
nearly two year,. (Mr. Reckzeh be­
ing a graduate from the "Royal Con­
servatory of Leipsic,” studying under
Carl Reinecke, Ruthardt and M.
It is true especially here in the west
that a person's business is very un­
satisfactory if unable to back up their
statements. References: Prof. Geo.
F. Ogden, De, Moines, Iowa; Prof.
Karl Rcxkzch, Chicago, HI., Chicago
Mr. Erwin, who will conduct
For Sale, block I and block 6, Park
Addition, consisting of 12 lot, be-
tw< en 3rd and 5th trect». Will some­
body make me a cash offer on these
lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W.
Watson, Todd Hotel Bld., Tillamook,