i Tillamook Headlight» April B, 1ÖI0. THE APRIL SEWING WEEK An Event Offering Innumerable Economies and "Valuable Suggestions for the Home Dressmaket. AT^lME to think about the I making up of that new suin- iner frock, anti described herein you will surely find all the most desirable fabrics tor the use in same, as well as all the trim* mingsand accessories for its com- A pletion. By the use of Ladies’ Home Jou­ rnal Patterns successful dress- L making at home is assured exen to the least experienced. Our Dress Goods Dept, is just now featuring exclusively Dress and WashGoods and necessary ac­ cessories for the coming season s M wear and we should be glad of the i^\iS opportunity of showing you the I many beautiful weaves in stock. SPRINO Reg to 45c. values for l‘Jc| Reg to il. 14 values for 49c. Bargain Counter. SPECIAL SALE Mill Ends of Dress Ginghams, 15c. Values for 8c. AMOSKEAG G1NG1IAMS. Sewing Week Special, 11 •• Per Yard 36 INCH ROSE CAMBRICS. Sewing Week Special, 11 Per yard tlC. The April Sewing Meek. Four bargain tables 01 Dress Goods that will help you save many dollars on your dress and suit requirements for the coming season. Reg to 15c. values for 6c. Regto30c. values for lie. Per 8c. yard. \ The April sewing week will coni- * mence on Monday, April 12th and end on Saturday, April 17th, the special , prices quoted herein being effective only during the days of A Bargain Quartette of Wool DRESS GOODS. Sale of Embroideries, Beading & Insertions. A timely purchase on our part en­ ables us to offer these actual I2j4c. and 15c. Ginghams at this wonderful saving price. There are many useful lengths varying from 3 to 12 yards and they are shown in an immense variety of self c dors, stripes, checks and plaids. Buy them during the April Sewing Week at M--.- - - APRIL SEWING WEEK Offers WonderfulJSavings in Notions, Trimmings and Dressmaking Needs. ! VIRGEL’S WI l TT^T^ There’s a Charming Divers ity of Choice in the Wash Goods for Spring Wear. Whilst Voiles and Crepes are repre- sented in greatest choice than any other 1 weave, the many other fabrics shown will be equally appreciated because of the beauty and evenness of texture and I the exquisit colorings produced. VOILES. ... 17! jc. 20c. Voiles Rayantes for ... . . . I2%C. 15c. Voile Molineaux for ... ....... »SC. 29c. Rice Cloths for ............ ....... »5C. 29c. Mercerized Voiles for .. ....... 29c. 33c. Splash Voiles for......... ....... 29c. 33c. Emb. Lace Voiles for .. ....... 29c. 33c. Voile Agneaux for....... ....... 30c. 35c. Mercerized Voiles for .. 45c. French Voiles for ....... ....... 39c. ....... 39c. 45c. French Voils for......... 69c. Silk Voiles for............. ....... 59c. CREPES. 19c. 22j^c. Crepe Nippons for .. . •• 22c. 25C- Mandarin Crepe for . 22c. 25c. Argent Crepes for ... 23c. 33C. Floral Crepes for .... 30c. 35C. Self Color Crepes for 63c. Silk Crepes for............................. 55c. 69c. Fig’d Silk Crepes for.................. 59c- NOVELTY WASH GOODS. 34 inch Nero Linens Special............. 12 26 in.Chambray Nouveaux Special.. I2%C. 20c. Dotted Swiss for ........................ i7%c. 25c. Pique 27 inches wide for ............ . 22C. 25c. Cirey Mull for............................. . 22C. 29c. Dotted Swiss for......................... 25c. 33c. Sunray Silk for............................. 29c. 35C- Organdies 40 inches wide for .... . 3OC. 35C. Silk Craquelles for....................... . 3X. 39c. Pique 27 in. wide for.................... • 35c. 34 INCH WIDE WAIST1NGS, Sewing Week Special, IO',. Per yard WHITE WOOL Dress Goods & Suitings 45c. to $2.39 This list, comprehensive though it is, 29c. To 38c. Values for I does not by any means cover the whole of For Values that Sell Regu 47c. To 75c. Values for lour splendid stock of Notions and Dress 79c. larly at Prices from 50c. £1.00 Values for To I making, or Fancy Work needs. 98c. To £1.67 Values for to $2.69. I Prices quoted herein arc for the April Descriptions of each table follows. I Sewing Week only, and you would be well 50c. Batiste 36 inches wide for $ .45 TABLE NO. 1. I advised to take advantage to as great an 50c. Albatross 36 in. wide for .. $ -45 I extent as possible of the savings offered. 63c. Suiting Serge 36 in. wide .. $-55 29c. for Dress Goods that sell from 33c. to 38c. I 5c. Papers of Pins for.......................... 4c. 63c. Suiting Serge 36 in. wide .. $ -55 The most up-to-date and becoming colors in French Di­ I 5c. Papers of Needles for ......... 4c. agonals, Pencil Stripe Suitings, Plaid and Check Suitings are $1.00 Bedford Cord 42 in. wide . $ .89 I sc. Spools " O. N. T.” Cotton, 7 for 25c. displayed on this table. Widths of fabrics vary from 32 to $1-19 Mohair Suiting 42 in wide $ .98 I toe. Spools Sewing Silk, 2 for ............... 15c. 36 inches. $1.19 Suiting Serge 48 in. wide $ .98 I ,K. Spools Buttonhole Twist for ....... . 3C. TABLE NO. 2. $1.33 Cashmere 48 in wide for.. $1.19 I 5c. Tape Measures for . . . ......... .. 4c. $1.39 French Merino 44 in. wide $1.19 47c. for Dress Goods, priced regularly from I ioc . Cds. Wilson's Dress Hooks 7’/ic. $1-33 Crepe 42 in. wide for....... $1.19 63c. to 75c. I 8c. Holts Feathcrstitchcd Braid ... 6c. $1-33 Bedford Cord 42 in. wide. $1.19 These are Serges, Cashmeres, Epingles, and Plaids in I 10c. Bolts Feathcrstitchcd Braid....... 8c. colors of Sand, Havanne Biege, Green, Tan, Garnet, Hunter’s $1.44 Suiting Serge 50 in. wide $1.29 3c. yard Bias Seam Tapes 2C. $1.44 Lansdowne 38 in. wide for $1.25 Green, and Myrtle. He. Bolts Bias Scam Tape 6C. 163 Suiting Serge 50in. wide . $1.49 Widths of fabrics vary from 34 to 38 inches 10c. Bolts Bias Seam Tape ... 8c. $1.98 French Diagonal 50 in. TABLE NO. 3. 13c. Bolts Bias Scam Tape . . IIC. wide for ................................ $1.79 ioc Girdle Foundations 8c. 79c. for Dress Goods, priced regularly from $2.69 Ottoman Cord 54 in wide $2.39 20c. Girdle Foundations..................... 17c. 93c. to £1 00. Samples gladly sent on request. 25c. Girdle Foundations ..................... 21c. Such fashionable weaves as Crepes, Epingles and Serges 25c. Dress Shields for.................... 20C. are shown in this selection and the color choice includes Sand, 35c. Dress Shields for ................... age. Biege, Browns, Delft Blue, Navy Blue and Olive. Fabric Sale of Laces, 50c. Dress Shields for........................ 39C • widths vary from 38 to 50 inches. 20c. Skirt Markers ........................... . 17c. Insertions & Edgings TABLE NO. 4. ioc. Cards Warrens WAV. Rucbing Sup­ ports for ...................................... . 8c. 98c. for Dress Goods, priced regularly from Reg to 10c. values for 31c. 10c. Collar Flares for............................. It £1.25 to £1.67. An exceptional choice in such weaves as Serges, Princes; toe Bolts of Skirt Braid Black White Reg to 15c. values for 5c. and Colors for ..................... 7'/»c. Cloth, Crepes, \ oilcs and Panamas. The colors represented Reg to 20c. values for 10c. 35c. Collar Foundations for 36c. include Tabac Navy Blue, Delft Blue, Napoleon, Light Ma­ 48c Samiba Waist Binding, Black or hogany, Olive Green, Silver and Steel Greys, Biege and Dark Reg to 35c. values for 18c. White, yard............ ......................... 39C- Sage. The fabrics measure from 40 to 52 inches in width. SC. per doz. Snap Fasteners for . Bargain Counter. 4c. toe. Cards Slydensmtp Fasteners for . 8c. 25c. for Lorraine Egyptian Tissues SC. Cards, Hooks and Eyes for.......... 4C the regular price of which is 29c. These MILLINERY SPECIAL 4c. Cards Hooks and Eyes for 3C. lovely fabrics conic 29 inches wide and 3C. C;yds Hooks and Eyes for Emphasising the Values ■ • 2 ’/.c. are shown in a great variety of patterns for Values priced regularly from 50c to toe. Bolts Buttonhole Tape.......... . 8c. and colors. Offered in our Selections Black Four Hole Coat Buttons $2.00 per yard. Size 30 Lignes per doz.......................... Ioc. at $3.00, 53.50 and 54.00. I.a Porte Dress Fabrics arc all made in U. S. A. and rep­ Size 36 Lignes per doz......................... IOc. resent the greatest values and the most perfect productions These Prices on Spring Draperies White Lily Pearl Button is, per card of 3, will Help Renew Your Window obtainable front the factories of the Union. 6 or 12............... ........ 5c. and 10c. Buy goods made in U. S. A. and thus show the truest pa­ Hangings at Low Costs. Snap Fasteners Tape, Black or White per triotism at the same time proving your powers of discrimina ­ inch M e wish to emphasize the importance 1C. tion in selecting goods that are daily demonstrating their of the selections we are just now offering 1 Loveliest of Undermuslins worthiness as the fabrics “par excellence” for American in Draperies for the coming season. Note the savings you can make for the Particular and Discrim­ Ladies. 35c. Danish Cloths, 34 inches wide for ........... . 30c. shopping during the inating Home Dressmaker. 50c. Batistes 30 inches wide for.................. .. 43c. Me can without fear of contradiction 50c. Storm Serges 36 inches wide for............... A>’« '4 April Sewing Week 43C- say that at the present time our selections 59c. Granite Suitings 36 inches wide for ....... DOTTED AND FANCY SWISS . 50c. ot dainty underwear fabrics are as com­ 59c. Pencil Stripe Suitings 36 inches wide for . DRAPERIES. . 50c. plete as the irost fastidious could desire. $1.00 French Serges 42 inches wide for........... 89c. Reg. I2'-aC. Values for ........................... lust note the exceptional values as well $1.00 Suiting Serges 48 inches wide lot......... 89c. Reg 15c. Values for ........................... ia$4c. as the variety of choice in both weaves and $1.19 Suiting Serges 48 inches wide for . ... 98c. Reg. 18c. Values for ............................ 15c. qualities. Reg. 20c. Values for ........................... i7%c. $1.33 Tussah Suitings 42 inches wide for $1.19 36 INCH INDIA LINONS. At these modest prices we unhes­ Reg. 22c. Values for ............................. 19c. $1.33 Novelty Crepes, 48 inches wide for....... St. 19 I Reg uii. Value» for 1IC. $1.33 Epingle Suitings 48 inches wide for itating and without fear of contra­ SCRIMS, VOILES, MARQUISSETTES. I Reg. i;c \ .due» for $1.19 diction say that go where you may $1.75 Suiting Serges 50 inches wide, for I RfR 20c. Values for .. *»•59 Plain M bite, Ecru, Arabian and Color­ i7V»e. $1.88 Poplin Suitings 56 inches wide for I R»g i.tc. \ allies for • > • $1.69 ed border designs in all useful drapery you will not find better values or 22C. $1 88 Charmeuse Suitings 53 inches wide for more up-to-date styles. They have all St.69 w idths. Reg 2Qc. \ allies tor 25c. $1,88 Stripe Suitings 44 inches wide for been designed and made in our work 1 R»K 3Jc. Value» far $1.69 Reg. 15c. Values for 1354c. ............................... «9«. $1.88 Tussah Suitings 42 inches wide.............. $1.69 Reg. 25c. Values for . 22c. rooms and vewing will convince 36 INCH ENGLISH HAINSOOKS $4.00 French Serges 36 inches wide for St 79 . 26c. you of the truth of our assertions Reg. 3°c. Values for Reg. lsc \ alite, for •3C. $200 Tussah Suitings 54 inches wide for Millinery Department on the Bal- $’ 79 Reg- 35C. Values for . 30c. Keg. t- .... Vahraa for .. >5« $2 00 Covert Coatings 56 inches wide for cony. Reg. 40c. Values for $’•79 . 35c. Reg 20c \ able, for . . .................... I7'Á«- Reg J2c. \ .due» for . . . «9« 89c. to $1.69 for Exquisite Weaves in Silks and Satins, selling reg. from $1.00 to $1.93. Reg 25c. \ .due» for . . .. tic. You are offered an exceptionally varied choice in Silks , $1.35 Taffetas for 98c. »9C. \ alues for......................... and Satins in all the newest and up-to-date colors. I. 9. Newspaper 36 INCH WIDE DIMITIES. Come 27 inches wide and are shown in colors of Canary nor display space is sufficient to adequately bring this lovely 15c. Values for ......................... . 13c. Grey, Golden Brown, Havanne, Cream, Silver Grey, Sultan selection of weaves to your notice, -we therefore should be 20c. Values for ........................... «7*>c Red, Wisteria, Cream White, Lavendty etc. glad if you will ask to aee the selections in stock J3c. Values fog ......................... 19c. $1.75 Crepe de Chines for $1.59. «9» for Princess Messaline, that sell regularlv for St 00 Reg. ajc. Values for......................... 23C. Come full 40 inches wide and in the following colors— 89c. for Belding , YanKid« Satin, tl lit are priced at $1 00. x 36 INCH WIDE LONGCLOTHS. White Mandarin, Apricot, light Blue, Pearle Grey, Pale Pink •Be. for 27 inch wide Taffetas that $4 II regularly for $1.25. Reg. a$c. Values for .............. sic. etc. Si 59 tor 40 meh Crepe de Chine, theat sell regularlv for $1 75 Reg y8c Values fojr .................... 14c. BLACK SILKS AND SATINS. _ Color choice represented in each, of above qualities follows. Reg 33c. slues far 19c. Black Silks will always be regarded as the most satisfac­ »t oo Yard Wide S.'Aitia for 89c. tory for gowns to be worn on different occasions and the val­ »7 inche, wide, such colors as. Havanne. Nut Brown. Em­ ues described below are exceptionally good and worth while erald Green. Russun Green. Sa nd. Ditty, Battleship Grey. purchasing now. Rose Imk. Copenhagen Blue. Heep Wine, Corn, Ivory and $t oo Messaline 36 inches wide for .. ....... $9C- Mahogany arc included in the selection »i.asTaffeta 36 inches wide for......... .... $1.09 $1.00 Prince»» M.eat alines for 89c. $1.44 Messaline 30 inches wide for ... .... $1.29 Belding1, guaranteed Satin, » re included in the selection $1 48 Taffeta 36 inches wide for....... .... $1.29 such colors a, Royal Purp’.e. Emerald Green. Nickel Grev $1.75 Peau de Soie 36 inches wide for. .... »159 l eghorn Navy, Cream. V/hite and Black being included in $••75 Silk Moire 36 inches wine for .. .... »1.59 the selection. $1-93 laffeta 36 inches wide for....... .... $1.69 La Porte Woolen Mills DRESS FABRICS, 43c. to $1.79 « A Petitioner Alleges her Husband » Influenced When Mentally Physically Sick A suit has been filed in the court by Mrs. Caroline A. VirZj I contest the will of her hu.band E r L \ irgel, who died at Woods, in Till | mook County, on the 20th of Feb I ary, 1914. who at the time of l ‘| death had an estate consisting o( ’■ large amount of money and real I personal property. William M. Charles E. Ladd, Newton McCoy» I E. \ irgel, Lucy Drew, Rosa Hain« P A. W. Lambert and Edith L pfo 1 are named as defendants in the 5ur ■ That at the time of the death of E EI Virgel the complaint states that tbef petitioner was his wife and only at law. On the 3rd of April i9Mi tl( defendants filed a will wjth provisions: .S The executors were to sell all pr(f. erty at auction and convert same into money, except such as were specify! Having herebefore giving his »ifti $30,000 and given her an auto worth $1,500 and built her a garage won $557 00, the last of which was intend-i ed as compensation for her care and nursing her husband while sick a various times, deemed her amply pr> vided for, so bequeathed hei 0