Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 08, 1915, Image 5

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Headlight, April
would make a line of cheese when * guardian, to sell the interest and es- County,
at its office in the Court
laid side by side over 42 miles in tale of said ward in and to said de­ House, at Tillamook City, Oregon,
J scribed real property, the same being until the hour of to a.m., on the 10th
Raeaiies Forty Million Pounds of
During 1906 the average yield was described as follows, to-wit: Begin- Jay of April, A.D. 1915, and at that
Milk in Ten years,—4,336,067 Lbs
10.33 lbs. cheese per 100 pounds milk.* ning at a point 58.16 chains west and lime and place publicly opened and
of Cheese Made.
During 1914 the average yield was'42.15 chains south of the northeast read.
11-33 lbs., being a gain of exactly one corner of Section 21, T. 1 N., Range
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
On^Friday afternoon and evening pound cheese per 100 tbs. milk over 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, certified check on some responsible
of Iasi week the Maple Leaf Cream­ the first year the company operated. thence North 74 degrees,
East 7 08 hank in the State of Oregon, in the
ery As pociation celebrated its tenth The test the first year averaged 3.97 chains for an initial point of tract sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­
anniversary. About 200 were present and last year the average was 3.99, or herein conveyed, said point being the closed therewith. Said check shall be
at the banquet including patrons, practically the same. The increase Southeast corner of what is known as made payable to the County Clerk of
their families and friends.
i would amount to 48,619 tbs. last the Ralston 5 acre tract, thence Tillamook County, Oregon, to be held
The tables fairly groaned with good season, worth at least season’s prices North 16 degrees West 220 feet, is liquidated damages in case the bid
things to eat, 29 Plymouth Rock the sum of $7,487.32. This has been I thence South 74 degrees, West 23.456 be accepted and the bidder shall fail
chickens, 3 boxes of apples, one gained by bringing better milk, more feet to the Northeast corner of tract refuse or neglect to enter into the
bunch of bananas, one box of oranges modern appliances, expertness in the sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife to contract, and file therewith the neces­
15 gallons of ice cream was served cheese maker and the system of in­ Frank Marey by deed dated October sary bond for the faithful performance
glides scores of cakes pies and a spection we now have, all these fac­ 10, 1902 and recorded in Book "Z” of of the work, within 5 days from the
large - quantity of other delicious tors have helped.
deeds page 31, records of Tillamook date of receiving notice from the
The rock upon which most co-op­ County, Oregon, thence South 16 County Court that the contract is
At the conclusion of the banquet erative
have been degrees East 220 feet to Southeast ready for signature.
Carl Haberlach gave an interesting wrecked has been that of internal dis- corner of Marey tract, thence North
All bids shall be made on blank
history of the life of the association censions. It is absolutely necessary in
74 degrees, East 32.456 feet to the forms furnished for such purpose by
which is as follows:
an institution of this kind that the initial point, all in Tillamook County, the County Court; must state plainly
Bccomi ng dissatisfied with the man­ men you have elected or may elect State of Oregon.
the price of each item of work bid up­
ner in which the factory on the Wil­ from time to time have your undivid­
And it appears to the Court that the on, and must be signed by the bidder,
son river was operated, a number of ed support in doing what they think
; allegations of said petition are true and also state his business address.
farmers in the neighborhood held a is best for the institution. Because
The successful bidder will be requir­
and that it is necessary and expedient
preliminary meeting looking toward you have done this, I believe largely
to furnish a surety bond satisfac­
and for the best interest of said ward
ouilding a factory of their own. This accounts for the success of your
and estate and all persons concerned tory to the County Court for the
was early in 1905. This resulted in organization here.
faithful performance of the work, in
that said property be sold.
idopting resolutions in favor of in-
In conclusion I wish to congratu­
the sum of 50 per cent of the entire
:orporating and building a cheese late all of you upon the splendid suc­
ed, that citation issue herein to the amount of the bid.
actory. The men designated to act as cess you have made of the Maple
Each bidder shall be required to
next of kin of said ward and all per­
ncorporators were Gust Wicklund, Leaf Creamery Association during
himself, by examination, the
Mbert Mason and Peter Heisel. Two the first ten years of its operation. sons interested in said estate, citing location, nature «nd extent of the
jf these are now directors.
May the next ten years show as
work to be performed, and all bids
The date of the charter is February great an improvement and may the fore the above named court on the are to be compared on the basis of
4th day of May at 11 o’clock in the
| people who may carry on the work
*• 1905
quantities shown on the bidding
The by -laws were adopted Febru-' the next ten years have the support forenoon of said day at the Court blanks, and as included between Sta-
iry l8th, 1905.
of the patrons and stockholders that House in Tillamook City, Tillamook tion 39-00 and station 77-89 of the
Jamesl Williams, Peter Heisel and the directors have always had from County, State of Oregon, and show- said road survey.
cause, if any they have, why said
2h*s. A. Svenson were elected the you.
Upon a deposit of $5.00 a set of
•rst direc tors and took their oath of
At the conclusion of Mr. Haber- guardian should not be granted a plans, specifications, forms for pro­
iffice on February 18th, 1905.
lach’s address, he acted as toastmast­ license to sell all the right, title and posal, contract and bond, may be ob­
There had been more or less trou- er and called upon Erwin Harrison, interest of said ward in and to said tained at the office of the County
>le for some .Ime between the farm- of the Tillamook County Bank, gave real property described herein. It is Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon.
rs and those operating the cheese an address on the subject: “What be­ further ordered that said citation in­
The right is reserved to reject any
actory. The factory commenced op­ comes of the cheese money?” C. E. cluding this order be published in the or all proposals, or to accept any
rating just ten years ago. At first Trombley, of the Herald, who was Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­ proposal or proposals, as may be
everal of the dairymen continued then called on gave a short talk, after paper published in Tillamook County, deemed best for Tillamook County,
ending their milk to the McIntosh which the speech making was called Oregon, and of general 1 circulation Oregon.
| therein, for a period of three succes-
'reese Company, but soon all were in off until the afternoon.
Dated this 22nd day of March, T915.
ine and have since stayed with the
In the afternoon the program was ’ sive weeks
By order of the County Court.
taken up again, the first speaker call-1
J. C. Holden, County Clerk,
Operating a co-operative cheese ed upon being Fred Christensen who , are hereby notified and required to
By Kathleen Mills, Deputy.
actory was at that t;me not as easy talked on "Quality of cheese and how .
s at present. No one knew much it may be improved.” Guy Ford, place and court and show cause if any
Notice to Contractors.
bout the manufacture or sale of the cheese maker at the Maple Leaf you have why said license should not
rticle, in fact the markets were pretty factory, and the oldest cheese maker be granted.
Sealed proposals, addressed to the
/ell in control of the private manu- in Tillamook County, was also called ’ Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, County Court of Tillamook County,
acturer*. It was not the easiest prop­ on for a talk. Rev. Gittins gave a Judge of the County Court of said Oregon, and indorsed "Proposal to
sition to get into the leading mar- fine address on “anniversaries” at the Tillamook County, Oregon and the clear a portion of the right of way
ett with our cheese, because some of close of the program which was much seal of said court affixed this 7th day on Sandlake road in accordanse with
of April, 1915..
te leading dealers had contracts appreciated.
plans and specifications thereof on file
Date of first publication April 8, in the office of the county clerk of Til
In the evening a fine time was en­
'•th private manufacturers to get
Mir supplies from them. Several of joyed by young and old, songs were 1915.
lamook County, Oregon, will be re­
Date of last publication April 29. ceived by the County Court of said
te patrons predicted the factory sung and other forms of amusement
ould cot operate one year.
indulged in.
County, at its office in the Court
The people in this section were for-1
J. C. Holden, Clerk.
House, at Tillamook City, Oregon,
mate in building when they did, as
By K. Mills, Deputy. until the hour of 10 a.m., on the 10th
y that means they were not caught *
day of April, A.D. 1915, and at that
Agricultural College coming to Til­
i the failure of the McIntosh Cheese
Notice Io Contractors
time and place publicly opened and
lamook for three days, April 26-27-28.
onfaany. This probably saved the
Sealed proposals, addressed to the read.
Tillamook will be given the oppor­
irmers some thousands of dollars.
County Court of Tillamook County,
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
tunity, the last of this month to at­ Oregon, and indorsed “Proposal to
One might go on and hand you peo-
tend a three day short course con­ clear a portion of the right of way on certified check on some responsible
e some bouquets but it is only fair to
ducted by the State Agricultural Col­ the Sand Lake Road,” in accordance bank in the State of Oregon, in the
ate that time has proven that you
lege. Those who attended Farmer's with the plans and specifications there­ sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­
for on file in the office of the County
■ok the right track when you started
Week at the college this winter were Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, closed therewith. Said check shai. be
it on the proposition of manufac-
well pleased with the time and money will be received by the County Court made payable to the County Clerk of
Pn< and marketing your own pro-
spent and stated that there should of said County, at its office in the Tillamook County, Oregon, to be held
ICt, getting what the cheese was
Court House, at Tillamook City, Ore­
have been at least seventy five people gon, until the hour of 10 A. M., on the as liquidated damages in case the bi 1
orth under varying marketing con-
there from Tillamook. You are now 10th day of April, A. D. 1915. and at be accepted and the bidder shall fail
going to have a similar opportunity that time and place publicly opened refuse or neglect to enter into the
The capital stock of the company is
contract, and file therewith the neces­
right here at home at much less ex­ and read.
¡500.00 of which $1,475.00 was sub-
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
pense. On the staff will be one or two certified cheek on some responsible sary bond for the faithful performance
ribed. $800.00 of the capital stock
practical dairymen, a livestock man, bank in the State of Oregon, in the of the work, within 5 days from the
s been bought up and he’d by the
a veterinary, a crop and drainage man sum of 5 per cent of the total bid en­ date of receiving notice from the
mpany as treasury stock, the out-
therewith. Said check shall be County Court that the contract is
a poultry man and a lady in home closed
made payable to the County Clerk of
inding stock now being 27 shares,
. of Tillamook County, Oregon, to be ready for signature.
r value being $675.00.
All bids shall be made on blank
This course has been arranged by held as liquidated damages in case the
Ort March 25, 1905, the company
County Agriculturist Jones in co­ bid be accepted and the bidder shall forms furnished for such purpose by
:ured a loan of $2,500.00 from Geo.
fail, refuse or neglect to enter into a
operation w'ith the high school, the contract, and to file therewith the the County Court; must state plainly
>hn, this to help pay cost of build-
Commercial Club, the Civic League necessary bond for the faithful per­ the price of each item of work bid up­
I and the Grange.
formance of the work, within 5 days on, and must be signed by the bidder,
Kasper| Schlappi was the first
I There is no farmer in the county from the date of receiving notice from and also state his business address.
the County Court that the contract is
eese maker, working at the factory
The successful bidder will be requir­
but what has some sort of problems ready for signature
im the first day it operated until
All bids shall be made on blank ed to furnish a surety bond satisfac­
to solve, either tillage, drainage, dairy
ne tim« in July, 1906. Since that
cattle feeding, breeding or diseases forms furnished for such purpose by tory to the County Court for the
joo te Mr. Guy Ford has been cheese
the County Court; must state plainly
such as abortion, caked udder, milk the price for each item of work bid faithful performance of the work, in
ker, holding that position for a
fever etc. Here is the chance to get upon, and must be signed by the bid­ the sum of 50 per cent of the entire
ger time than any cheese maker in
information right along these lines. der, and also state his business ad­ amount of the bid.
EN lamook County.
Each bidder shall be required to
These courses have been held in
THE SUCCESSFUL bidder will be
have been acting as secretary and
satisfy himself, by examination, the
other counties with great success.
titnsit of the company since its
Let us show that Tillamook Coun­ factory to the County Court, for the location, nature and extent of the
anization and I can say without
ty is a wide awake as any county in faithful performance of the work, in work to be performed, and all bids
r of contradiction that at no time
the sum of fO per cent of the entire
the state.
are to be compared on the basis of
amount of the bid.
he ten years has anything come
Watch this paper for further notice.
shown on the bidding
Each bidder shall be required to quantities
Which in any way has tendered to
satisfy himself, by examination, the blanks, and as included between Sta­
R. C. Jones,
lg atty disagreement between the
location, nature and extent of the work
County Agriculturist.
to be performed, and all bids are to be tion 42 plus 87 to Station 139 plus 15.
•etarjr gnd the directors, or as far
Upon a deposit of $5.00 a set of i
compared on the basis of quantities
hat is concerned, between any of
shown on the bidding blanks and as plans, specifications, forms for pro­
stockholders. I have always
’ included between Station 42 plus 87 to posal, contract and bond, may be ob­
xo nted the patrons of this factory
Station 139 plus 15.1 of the] said Road
tained at the office of the County
oa mong my best friends. The work
The right is reserved to reject any
Upon a deposit of $5.00, a set of
Oregon for Tillamook County.
he factory has tended to build up
plans, specifications, forms for pro­ or all proposals, or to accept any
immunity interest and community
posal, contract and bond, may be ob­
of Francis Xavier Mereau (Frank tained at the office of the County Clerk proposal or proposals, as may be
ng, whir h is to be commended,
deemed best for Tillamook County,
of Tillamook County. Oregon.
he receipts of milk, cheese manu- , Marey).
The right is reserved to reject any Oregon.
To the next of Kin and all | persons
or all proposals, or to accept any pro-' Dated this 22nd day of March, 1915.
• as may > be deemed * I
e since organization is as follows. interested in the person and Estate posal ’ of " proposals,
By order of the County Court.
best for Tillamook County, Oregon.
r Iba.
Milk lbs. Cheese Amount 1 of said Ward.
By order of the County Court.
J. C. Holden, County Clerk,
Dated this 22nd day of March, 1915. Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon.
J. C. Holden, County Clerk
By Kathleen Mills, Deputy.
the ............
above 1-------
made and
of Tillamook County, Oreeon
53.56o.97, in
70,15249 I ■ This matter coming on regularly for ’
Notice to Contractor*
hearing on this 7th day of April, 1915, I
------o.. —
60,624.45 ' upon the petition of N. McMillan, I
Scaled proposals, addressed to the
86,480.88 Guardian of the person and estate of County Court of Tillamook County,
Diploma from Chicago Mimical
79.769 31 Frances Xavier Mereau (Frank Mar- Oregon, and indorsed "Proposal to College—granted June, 1911 -on the
84,829.70 ey) praying for an order citing the Complete Hollett County Road Im­ following subject* Piano. Harmony,
next of kin and all persons interested provement,” in accordance with plans Musical History, Science and I'eda
totals as foil ws:
in said estate and in the land herein­ and specification thereof on file in gogy 'Teaching).
M*>; ts: 39.893.445 lbs.
TERMS—$20.00 for 20 week» in
after described, to appear and show theoffice of the county clerk of Tills-
■ufactured, 4.336,067
cause why a license should not be amook County, Oregon, will be re­
I for $628,287.88.
All lessons given at Studio.
granted to said N. McMillan, as such ceived by the County Court of said
e* cheese made.
OVER 5160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS
Represented by this Office
Let Us Write Your Next Policy
“The Insurance Man.”
Phone Us, Todd Hotel.
S3<>.5( >
San Francisco and back
Return Limit .30 Day3.
Ninety Days Ticket, $39.50
Return Limit 40 Days.
Call on Agent Tillamook for full par­
ticular?, stop-overs, literature. tic, or
on any /’. R. & N. Agent for fares from
other nations.
Pacific Railway & Nav- Co
John M. Scott, General l‘a tsenger Agent.
I’ortlaml, Oregon,
Ke Your Own vas
provide» the home, school, college, church,
•tore or other building» with ■ satisfactory
gas supply—
Gas to light with Gas to cook with—Gas
for heating rooms—Gas to heat water for
the bath, laundry and all other uses com­
mon to city coal gas at no greater coat.
On the market over 46 year». Over 30,000 in daily use.
Absolutely safe. Entered in (Class A) National Fir e _______________
Not a drop of gasoline brought into the h uilding.
Ask today for estimate and copy
of catalog—No obligation.
B. F. GILSON, Tillam ook, Ore
4 Carburettor under f round
Machine in baser ent
”"lWith Frank'Hyde,
I kx 142.