J Tillamook Headlight, April 8, State Press Flashlights dare on their lips for any son-of-a- pean war destruction. And until this The Little Red School. gun, including Japan, to knock it off. is offset, enduring prosperity here ot Billy Sunday, the ex-baseball 1 rue Americanism is neither the one anywhere else will be impossible, It is quite the fashion for urban champion, is now pitching the Bible, nor the other, but rather is better Every wet spot, every stump, is people to smile when the little red delivering sermons in slang on a represented by the thousands who go costing ' _ the farmer , yearly ", the ‘ : taxes school house of the rural communities ragtime religion and making a mint quietly about their daily duties evad- he pays on unimproved land, as well is mentioned; but all such smiles, of money in the process. That’s pro­ ing the too promiscuous glare of lime 1 as the value of saleable crops he though apparently sophisticated, are light. Should trouble come it is upon might raise on that ground after r re- vacuous, foolish. That same little old gressiveness, that is.—Astorian. fhrir shoulders chthat mud be ko»«« their that it must borne,1 * reclaiming it. ------ o------ red school house has been the means It is signifeant that the people care as the extremist for peace or for war , He now has a greater incentive than of giving more real men to the nation quite as much to read what Mr. Taft cannot be relied upon to do more ' ever before, in the high prices of farm than all the cities in the land. Our has to say on subjects in general I as than they now do—talk.—Lebanon * products, and he has the money to urban schools have yet to prove their 4 -■’erre t —: ’»sk^’atv ly d 'pendr.ble, every day, year in» yeai* euu Duill on hoi.or, of the boat nuilerials. they did when he was president. Mr. Criterian. pay for the work. All progressive superiority. They tell us that the lit­ without I Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges Taft’s administration gave this farmers will rise to their opportunity tle old school house is faulty because onfy rosiff« entirely of ch ircoal and malleable iron. The stars and stripes are country a well-nigh unprecedented and help themselves while being of of bad sanitation, because it is re­ blaiitablQ iron can't break —charcoal iron won* t root like steeL virtue in Mexico but as an emblem 1 mote from urban centers and cannot era of good times.—News Reporter. great service to the rest of the world. Economical In Fuel flying at the masthead of an English 1 have the up-to-date appliances, etc., The ii’im r* the nra riveted (not put together with b lu* 1 nd . «■ v.? putty)— they will alutay remain air tight. vessel tends to protect that vessel for educational instruction. Heard This county (Yamhill) spends $54,- I . r boat nor cold aifccts them. The Majestic Sugar Tariff Change. that haven’t you? Well, notwithstand­ e. . 1 i:J I neJ throughout with pure asbestos board, 000 annually on i.?oo miles of public from the assaults of that vessel’s 1 - o in J1 I, o by an open iron rnxtlntf you can see it —and ------o------ ing all that sort of jabber, the cities roads. The schools get nearly $200,- enemy. Both conditions are wrong. it i U.ero always. A’r t.'.ht joints and pure asbeetoa Senator Thompson of Kansas has lixuiuf -mute nn own baklrur bent, •’avina one-half the fuel. continue to receive the product of 000. We would not substract from the In the hands of friends the United All c'oore drop to form rt-ml shelves. No springs. been visiting New Orleans and he is i Mallecible iron oven rac allue out automatically» huld- those same little old red school­ latter for we believe in the schools; States flag should enforce respect L.rf whatever they contain. quoted by the Times-Pisayune as houses, and that product is what but wc ought to spend as much, or and protection, but its use should be starting that general sentiment in makes it possible for the cities to more on roads if ever we are to get confined to the purpose for which it Washington seems to be that free su- survive and progress. on a basis of permanent construction. was intended. Let every nation fight gar will not be put into effect if the under its own flag and survive 'or Perhaps editors and newspaper men —Willamina Times. perish under its own banner. Too condition of the federal treasury is are more closely brought into contact the same in a year from now.” It will with the people who want to “break J The war has not been an unmixed frequently of late has the national be recalled that part of the sugar into print” than any other class; and < evil. Germany has put heavy restric­ colors been humbled by its enemies, schedule of the Underwood tariff if communications were printed as tions on the consumption of liquors, even in Oregon, and those who would does not become effective until May received, the editors and newspaper France has abolished the sale of trample it in the mire should be made 1, 1916. There is no doubt about the men would have to take to the woods. to feel the force that once was and absinthe, Russia has stopped the condition of the treasury being alarm­ Most folk seem to think that all that manufacture of vodka, and Great yet is supposed to be behind it.—Sher­ ing. That there will be a huge deficit is necessary is to express thoughts I tSntian Britian is is considering considering the the advisability advisability idan Sun. —’ —.«i -»*» O'f'per reservoir which hcets like n ten k< til«. through a in spite of the various kinds of new in writing without reference to the r.t Ar pv -'.s i sta’f.ned fron> on-> piece oc c opper. i»tcun< •<» c-B ----- o— | of enforcing national prohibition. If Lined !■ i- I ’r.ii i.n.n^ of nra box. It boilj 15 rallons of w ter in a * rj* taxes the present administration has rules of spelling or grammar, and with f v 1 nut. ■» and b” turning a •< v r th< frmr.« anti r• verveir m ■»■■* peace has smiled on these efforts to A great apprehension has been felt Pure away ¿rum Pro. An exclusive patented Mriesih- ft atvre. < ’u-' levied, is admitted by all, the only that the newspaper will attend to all Asbestos cl ’i pan duis away with »hoveling aahes wntl.'istcd as,h secure national temperance, what a throughout the country regarding pit prevent« floor from catching. firo—n. h c

you the greatest improver: »n/ happy place the old world would have the safety of the missionaries sent C.-r put in a range. president is inclined to be optimistic. punctuation, etc. But the folk who Dt .i't buy the inn,re you exre. ’ t to lust a Hla been.—Spectator. out by the different denominations to ■ time “unsignt, unseen,” uv you'll I m * sure to be 4»a* The author of the income tax law ex­ come from the country, who have appointed. ('etna to <>ur store, and aoe the Made of ------ o---- - make converts in the unsettled do­ 1 — have its many exclusive /«*atures ex- pects his measure to yield the full been taught in the little red school s r latn '-i find out why th * Mt iestic is S. ALEX. McNAIR & CO I « Seed Oats should be treated with FORMALIN to prevent Smut. FARMALIN should be fresh and of full strength' and properly used to obtain best results. Fresh stock with full directions how to use at C. I. CLOUGH CO The Reliable Druggist. Wier Sprechen Deutsch. F ' KAT VIERECK’S Printing Point Does Not BREAD, TILIAMOOK BAKERY Bob Up and Down At All Grocers. In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter A15 Watt Mazda Lamp type carriage. Tillamook Title and Abstract co. 306 0 k st., 1 0[ Portland, Ore (2