♦ Vol. XXVI TILLAMOOK, OREGON, APRIL 8, »1.50 PER YEAR. | I The dairymen of the Wilson river ’ I John Melchior, son of Mr. and Mrs. &C<>OrzXZZ>OO9O4OQC<>GC4CQCOCC«OOGOOOOCGCQCOQ0OGOa« I*» uisinct naving had a good g*c district having time te- M. Melchior, of this city, was ordain­ U get her on Friday, why r wouldn’t it ed as priest at Mount Angel on Tues­ be a good idea bo form a Grange hi day by Archbishop Christie. He is that vicinity? « ’ well known in Tillamook, but for the past seven years has been at Mount All parties having any calves to sell LONG will do well to call up Neilson & Mel- | Angel. He will say his first mass in CHANCES choir in Tillamook City on the Mu­ I Tillamook on Sunday, April 18th and HE tual phone. You might get more t he will be known as Father Hilder- money for your calves as they are ■ brand, Mr. and Mrs. Melchior, John KEEPS Durrer and daughter, Mrs. S. S. paying the highest prices. * HIS Johnson and Mrs. John Burns at­ C. B. Wiley left for San Francisco tended the services from Tillamook. MONEY on Sunday morning to consult a spec­ Married on Sunday, at South Prair­ SAFE IN ialist, Dr. Boals having diagnosed his ie, at the home of the bride’s parents, sickness as suffering from cancer. THE Mrs. Wiley and County School Supt. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Edgar, Mr. C. A. BANK Atkinson and Miss ’ Maude Edgar. W. S. Buel accompanied him. Rev. William Foster, uncle of the OO9OOQO&e«OQGGOO09OeO3O9OGOO0GOOOGeceO9COOOeOOCOaCO^ to get “Burbanks” Seeds. We have tertainment part of the program for -------------------------------------------------------- —----------------------------- trust it to somebody who has not good enough standing 'I been appointed exclusive agent for the State Grange, which meets in at home to sell his Get-rich-quick schemes THERE. the Luther Burbank garden seeds and this city next month, a committee Before you make an investment, come in and see us. flower seeds and now have them all from the Grange and the Club met on on sale. Tillamook Feed Co. * Saturday and outlined a program for We will cheerfully give you our opinion oq investments that part of the proceedings. It was at any time. We may save you a loss. For Sale—One seven horse power agreed that the club give the Grang­ wood saw, with standard gasoline I Make OUR bank YOUR bank. ers a reception, auto trip, and would engine for $350.00, this an exception­ We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. look after the accommodations for ally good bargain. One, Mitchell the visitors. On their return home on Lewis & Staver Gasoline Wood saw, Saturday Bay City has promised to 6 horse power, $300.00. Inquire of A. provide the clams for a clam bake at K. Case. * Barview. The Women's Civic League, % We understand the Fairview Grange will no doubt, take part in the enter­ 3 will take up the matter of referring tainment of the visitors. I TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Rev. White, pastor of the U. B. the new- judiciary district in which Don’t forget the play “An Arizona Church went to Portland to adjust Washington and Tillamook counties Volunteer” in 4 acts to be given at the estate of his father, who died in are combined, to a vote of the people. the opera house for the benefit of the I Houses to Rent, see Watson. * The citizens of Tillamook are oppos ­ Decemebr. Artisan Lodge, Friday and Saturday Varsity Fifty-five is creating ed to this change. I The County Court is in session this Sheriff Crenshaw and Attorney E. nights, April pth and toth. This play week. For Sale, block 1 and block 6, Park is clean, moral, and tells a story of J. Claussen 'went to Wheeler on a tremendous amount of en- Addition, consisting of 12 lots be­ American Army life that is instruc­ Monday and auctioned off the liquor I Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tilla- tween 3rd and 5th sreets. Will some­ tive. The Lodge has used every effort stock of Bert Stanley. thusiasm amongst men who n ook County Bank. body make me a cash offer on these to make this a decided success, and Milch cow for sale, been fresh two | The place to eat is at the “Good lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W. they feel sure that their many friends , * Eminently suitable for the weeks. A good cow and giving a good Watson, Todd Hotel RM T;n— ...g. 11 you miss uns piay /utf Ttm Eats," Ramsey Hotel. miss a chance to witness one of the ; ™; s ^rJ c Hjil k vvta8k'rf¥bt'. u - - ,J * ’ The Tltinmor>V Kfrsl i~" *■* Does your Fire Insurance cover young rtian it is also being ac­ beet plays ever presented in this city. ten cents for green hides. For sale—six roomed house and your property—your House or your Tlite tickets are selling fast, and 1 | A fine quality of Tillamook made two lots corner 5th and Park Street. personal belongings? Are you insured cepted by the man who is those who do not secure them early Shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * Small cash payment, and balance o«i and protected? Does your policy read may not get a good seat, Get your correctly? If you don’t know, bring | Spray your trees! 5° gallons of easy terms. Enquire of E. Kirk. desirous of retaining a youthful tickets from members of the lodge. I your insurance policy to us and we spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. or at Lamar ’ s Drug Store. 6 rooms, plastered house, bath, will tell you—Rollie W. Watson,“The appearance. * I We are in a position to make some toilet, hot water, laundry tubs, elec­ Insurance Man.” Pamona Grange Meets. I long time farm loans. First National tric lighted, will rent or-lease to de Mend your own tires and inner sirable tenant—See Rollie Watson. * Bank. Come into our Men’s shop At a special meeting of the Tilla- tubes with “The Double Mileage Drs. Lowe & Turner, eye special­ held C Emil Wooley left on Tuesday to Steam Valcanizer.” Can carry it in mook County Pamona Grange and see this and many •other * work in the salmon canneries in ists of Portland, will be in Tillamook Copyright Hurt Schaffner & Mart your machine and mend your tin» last Thursday the chief topic for dis­ again Friday and Saturday, April 23, Alaska. while on the rim, in any old place. cussion was the coming session of the new spring Hart Schaffner & Marx models in all I Several choice city lots 50X100 ft. 24. Consult them at Jenkins' Jewelry Complete outfit only $7-5°- Come ami State Grange. Plans were discussed Store. let us show you the set. Tillamook for the entertainment of the delegates the most fashionable weaves and colorings. on monthly payments.—Sec Ro'.lic and visitors. The details were left to W. F. Fuller has left his position as Feed Co. * Watson. a committee consisting of J. H. Dun- operator of the Western Union, and I We can furnish you cedar fence Sheriff Crenshaw arrested C. Wans- gone to Olympia, Wash. The position stan, L. J. Redberg, G. R. McKim- posts for 8c. each, Tillamook Feed ley at a saw mill near Cloverdale is now occupied by Miss F. 1 hambier mens, M. D. Ackley, and C. E. Trom- who was wanted in Portland for I Company. bley. . of Seattle. stealing a moving picture machine. The subordinate Granges reported ( Alfred Gubser vs. G. W. Wilks et W. H. Livingston, of Bay City, Wansley claims he did not steal it, | , al is a suit filed in the circuit court to dealer in feed and hay, has filed a but it had been left in his care and 1 a membership in the county of a trifle SATURDAY ONLY over four hundred members. I recover money. in the Federal when he came to Tillamook he petition in bankruptcy Men's $2.50 & $3.00 Miss Marvin, the State Librarian, The Episcopal Cuild will meet at Court, with liabilities at $2,000 and brought it with him. He was taken to New Spring Hats, gave a talk on the State Library and f the home of Mrs. Stanley Coates on assets at $500.00. Portland on Monday morning. urged the establishment of a County f Tuesday, April 20. At a meeting of the City Council library in Tillamook, with branches Have just unloaded a car of gray WIN DO W. Lee R. Ijams et al vs. Mrs. . Mar- oats for seed and if you want seed on Monday evening, Mayor S. A. in other cities of the county. After Ivina Venen et al is a suit to quiet you had better come in at once before Brodhead appointed a committee, her talk the following resolution was they are all gone. Tillamook Feed composed of Councilmen Dr. R. 1. adopted : i title to certain property. „ • Boals, Geo. B. Lamb and John Keld- Be it resolved that the 1 illamook j Company. for rent, Nair; Organist, Mrs. Walter Baker; I Electric Vacuum Cleaner Presbyterian Church. Librarian, Fay Hill; Cradle Roll Supt. Protect your valuable papers from son, to wait on the County Court, County Pamona Grange go on rec F 50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric Mrs. Carl Habcrlach. the unexpected fire by renting one of and advocate the expenditure of the cord as favoring the establishment of l Store next to Gem 1 heater. Easter Sunday was observe1 both Only one $10,. 50 appropriatcl for the Bayocean a County Library in this county, and j The Ladies' Guild held their bi­ our safe deposit boxes, Wanted—First Class Cheesemaker that the subordinate granges be re­ morning and evening in this church weekly meeting Tuesday afternoon. year. Tillamook County road. dollar per at once. Write Lorane Co-operative Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waltemyer, of quested to discuss the subject at an in a manner that reflected great cred­ About 39 ladies were in attendance. Bank. Cheese Co., Lorane, Oregon. it to all who took part, as well as the The contest adopted recently has had County Treasurer B. L. Beals is the Waltemyer & O'Connor Stock early meeting and act thereon. A paper on road work iy Columbia Presbyterian church in ’I illamook. a healthy influence upon the interest Mrs. E. E. Shaw has opened dress- Company, are visiting in Tillamook, home sick with an attack of rheuma- ................... - , and Clatsop Counties, prepared by The music rendered by a large ch ir- and attendance of the Guild. The making parlors in the McGee apart- tism. He was milking a cow when he ana and me the management of the Gem ment house. Apartment 4- was suddenly taken down with the Theater has persuaded them to put 1 Mr. Dougall was read after which a us choir was of the highest order in attractive rooms of the Guild, and on a few plays, commencing next I motion was passed to endorse the its selection, and was rendered in 1 the dainty lunch served at each meet­ Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ complaint and fell from the seat. Wednesday night. The people of Tilt- j action of the County Court in turn happy and soleful manner. I he choir ing. gives an added social effect that sey “Good Eats." M. A. Olson for The Fair Board has obtained a re­ amook will be glad to see their old jng down the State Engineer s survey gave two Easter anthems in the will enlist every lady in the congrega­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. newal of the lease of the fair grounds _• /./..wUv this vrar morning, "The Light of Easter Morn­ tion. I of this county this year. favorites here again. Standard No. 4 1«“« PreM 10x12 and the board will plan for a diamond Mrs. Hattie L. Vail, Deputy State ing,” and “Lift up your Heads O Ye The Union Prayer Meeting . next was present and assisted I in ¡Gates,” anil Mr. and Mrs MacKen- inch for sale at half price as I have for ball games this summer and a Rev F. O. Jones, 1, who has been week will be in the Methodist Church no use for same.—Rollie Watson. * race tract to be used during the fair. holding a mission in this city in con­ training the degree team. zie sang a duet, "A \ ision of Angels These gatherings are making them­ nection with the Episcopal Church, by Adams. In the evening the choir selves felt throughout the city and For Dress or Street, Beach or Preserve eggs while they are cheap, left on Tuesday for Portland, where A Professor's Escapad*.” gave two anthems, "The day of Res­ Surrounding country. It is beautiful Liq Glass will do it perfectly, fresh Gardcn Hats, go to Miss Patterson s. he conferred with Bishop Sumner in . urrection", and "Christ the Lord is to see families driving in six and sev­ __ _ with ___ full ______ ’ stock directions at r C. - I A good supply of children’s Head- regard to establishing a permanent > To be given by the Senior Claxs on Risen”, and Mrs. Fred Poorman sang en miles to attend prayer-meetings. Clough Clough Co. Co. _______________________ * gear will be found also. Remodeling mission in this city. There are quite a April 23 and 24. a beautiful Easter soprano solo. And the best part of the whole move­ C. J. Edwards and wife have been done at reasonable prices. number of Episcopalians in the county Takes about two and one half The annual meeting of the congre­ ment is, the large number of persons on a visit, the latter to friends at | MUSIC: All popular sheet music enough to form a substantial organ- | hours. Thirteen characters. This play gation was held on the 1st inst. The who take part in the meeting in the Newberg and the former on business now 15c. and other musical goods at ization, should the bishop decide to ran for several months in a Broadway following officers were elected for way of prayer and testimony. Let Portland prices. Send your mail or­ start a mission here. in Portland. Theatre in New York and was re terms varying from one to three the good work go on, until the whole ders to the Tillamook Music Store at For Sale— Two tents one 10X12; A Committee from the Tillamook cently given by the Baker Stock f o. years; Elders, Alex Watt, W. B. ‘ city shall learn that Christian people Morrison’s Confectionery. Commercial Club, composed of C. J in Portland. Will be given a« the Alderman, Walter Baker, and F. M. are one in purpose, one in heart, and one 12X14, two flies one 16X24; one WANTED—A loan of $1500.00 on Edwards, M. F. Leach and I)r. Olsin, opera house. Bales, Trustees, Carl Habcrlach, VV. I one in their place of meeting. 14X16, to oz. duck. All for $20 00. Ap­ Cast of characters and a synopsis A. Williams, W. B. Alderman, E. M | Services in the Presbyterian church good Tillamook property, will pay 8 will wait on the County Court on ply at Shoe Hospital, City. per cent interest. For further particu- Friday and advocate the expenditure of the play will be published at a Bales, and A. A Pennington. Mr. next Sunday at the usual hours. Y)ne ton of coal equals two cords or i... I Alex McNair was elected treasurer of lars inquire nf of Geo. W. Winslow, of the $10,250.00 appropriated for the later date. D A. MacKenzie, Pastor. wood and you don’t have *o sow and Commercial Club Bldg. , the church. Bayocean road. As there is a strong split it, Lamb-Schrader Co, Hello Announcement. Notice. The following Sunday School offi-1 The Bar View Hotel under man- 1 sentiment amongst the business men cers were fleeted for one y*nr; Supt.,! is to give notice that I v ill ------ o ------ Centray Gi’me 28W. ' and citizens for the completion of I i ggement agement of ot Dr ur W. A. Wise is open The advanced pupils of Mr. Erwin Walter Baker; Assistant Supt., Mrs.. responsible for cattle pl'ced this road, it is possible that the com, We have made special arrange- land making a specialty of clams, will appear in a recital at the M. E. Whitney ranch for pasture. ments with the Telephone Co., to crabs and chicken dinners. Dr. W ise mittee will ask a large delegation of Church, Thursday Evening, April 29. Alpha Alderman; Secretary, George . Nelson 8t Long. W. Hoskins; Treasurer, Blanch Mr I 1 the citizens to accompany the com- , connect you directly with our office. wilt do dental work by appointment Steck Grand used. in case you wish any of our GOOD , at the hotel. , mittee. COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co, Call 28V I $ SERVICE ¡ ' Ask any of our customers about First National service. They are all Pleased with it and can tell you why. t ? ? $ First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore < • $ VARSITY FIFTY - FIVE, The Style of the Day for Young Men and Men who wish to stay young. 4 • X Tillamook.County Bank 3i.es. 1