Tillamook Headlight. April I, lol'- - E P. Mills an111«. f The American Credit - Indemnity rock. The scalp wound was not ser­ ever soft places occur in the sub­ Captain Hodgtnan ........ Carl Dawson grade which cannot be made thor­ ious. Tony Mastano Company ............ Jim Hiner oughly compact by rolling, the soft to 8 per cent of the weight of the It is true the way of the transgr» On a deep sea fishing trip Sunday, Lieutenant Hallock Frazel Mills H New York. In th. .tat. of New York, on material shall be removed and that cement. ' sor is hard, and also true that th the Stet day of Dreeirbor. 1914. to the Capt. Smith of the Arab, caught a 80 Sergeant Keller .. John Zumstein Insurance ( om nd «inner of the State of Ore Finish Course. | way of the righteous is hard. pound halibut. The catch was made which will pack under rolling shall be Lieutenant Young . .......... Elmer Tlog pon, pursuant to law: The finish course shall consist of*a substituted and therefore rolled un­ CAPITAL. off the buoy at Tillamook bar. This is a play you will never forget Amount of capital paid up........ ♦ sto.ooo oa Soldiers and military critics ?5f! Mrs. McMillan and son Chas have til compact. If so ordered by the en­ mixture of metal rock, limestone admired the talor and dccipline h its equal has never been attempted in INCOME. gineer, the sub-grade shall be sprink ­ screenings and “ Rocmac ” solution. moved to the McMillan ranch on the local affairs before All new scenery Net pramfums received during ths year ................................ led with water before or during roll­ All mixing and proportioning shall be Austrian troops and explained that and special electrical effects. This Interest, divideuds and rents re­ 702.673.43 Miami. ing. based upon the following unit mix­ almost unbroken defeat for more th»5 ceived during the year «0.94? os Ivan Ivancovich was a Tillamook play will be presented at the Tilla- Elevation of Sub-Grade. ture: 3 yards metal rock, one yard a century by attributing it to ineffi­ Total income ............................... $ 783.61 J.49 visitor on Friday. mook opera house, Friday and Satur- \\ here crushed rock or gravel is to limestone screenings and 54 gallons cient command. The Austrian soldi« j DISBl’RSEMTXTS. Mrs. Kilgore returned from Port­ day, April oth and loth. Tickets may Loa«« paid during th« y««r. In­ be used in the base of Romac pave­ Rocmac solution. This mixture may­ has lost his former high renown not land Sunday. cluding adjus’m-nt expei,« «, be secured from any of the lodge etc.................................................... ment, the sub-grade shall be finished be hand or machine mixed, adding through any fault of his own, W A big Easter dance is on the pro­ members. Secure them early, Usual Dividends paid during the year from defects in leadership. The fallo* on capital stock prices. gram at the Bar \ iew pavilion for 1.5 inches above the elevation called water only when necessary to make Przemsl offers a variation ofalohB Commlsaioni and salarlr« paid for in the plans and specifications for the mixture soft, and never to make during the year ....................... Saturday evening April 3. unbroken story, ry, not of 01 Austrian .wusm«“ Taie« licenne« and fee« paid the mixture sloppy. Christian Church. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jackson return­ concrete base or other pavement. during the year feats made in; glorious either by »>r- Rock Base. Amount of all other expendi­ The above mixture shall be spread ed Tuesday from Portland. ture« ............................................. résolut^ Spread evenly upon the sub-grade evenly 3 inches deep over the surface of intelligence or want Beginning with next Sunday even- Mrs. M. A. Wheeler returned to Total expenditures $ in high places. four and one half inches of clean of (he base and rolled until smooth ing the following series of four ser- I illamook \\ ednesday from Bar ASSETS «nons will be preached during the \ alue of Mock and bond« owned \ iew, where she had been visiting crushed rock or gravel (or mixture of and compact under the roller; being | In a recent talk to business (market value).......................... 31, the two), the largest of which shall sure that all the interstices are filled month of April. with her daughter. President Wilson declared that Loan« on mortgagee and collat­ pass a 3 inch ring Roll with minimum flush with the surface of the road or were all in the same boat. The I*’*’ g eral, etc . promissory note« Sunday evening April 4th (Easter Cash In banks and on hand I ten ton roller till the surface is pavement. Should the roller seem -in­ sermon) "Did Jesus rise from the Interest and rents due and ac­ ness men have shown signs of »n - Boulder Creek. I crued ............................................ smooth and solid under the roller. clined to pick up the metal rock, tention to put a new’ man at the Grave” presented from the Lawyer s B I Sprinkle with water if necessary. viewpoint. Total ». mi . »I.W1.1S7.»» sprinkle the tires with water. Rolling as soon as there is opportunity, ■ Lew eiwctal deposit» In any I Wallace and Son are buying cattle Extra Rock or Gravel in Base Sunday evening April it "The Two must start immediately after spread­ the etate (If an. there b.) 10.49«.94 president's fellow-pa1’1*’1* L in our neighborhood this week. Should the depth of the sub-grade ing the finish course and continue caught the point of his remdk th* I Betters" Total aawta admitted tn On- Sheriff Crenshaw and family visited or the nature of the sub-grade soil be tl.lS0.Ml.il Sunday evening, April iRth "Wolves uninteruptedly until finished. accounts for the new harmony,«5*] at the King and Smith home from such that the compact depth of rock LIABILITIES. in Sheep’s Clothing " Limestone Screenings. is more in evidence than the •** Grow claim« for > o « m » unpaid I 326.647.43 Friday until Monday. or gravel base as specified brings the Sundav evening April zuh “A Fatal Amount of unearned rrrmium« The limestone screenings shall con­ freedom. Champ Clark exhausts un nil outetandintf risk« 344,042.18 R. Y. Blalock went to Cloverdale finished pavement below the grade sist of crushed limestone from % in Haircut.” f'ue for cvmmiMlon and brvker- copious vocabulary of eulogistic I Saturday remaining until Monday. 1.192 R7 or curb line as shown in the plans, down to dust, with as high a per- i jectives in reference to the presM**1, | The meeting conducted at Dallas by All other ............................................. liabllitiaa, ate., ate... 28,186.31 jectives in reference to the pre»10' H. \\ . Smith has purchased a new 26'OOODO then such an amount of rock or gravel centage of dust as possible, and show, H. A VanWinkle, pastor of the Voluntary contlnirwnt rrnrvi ., Mr. Brian, lias, even at a ri-k manure spreader, of which he has base as will make the pavement come Christian Church at Tillamook, re Total Habilitloa . . | 732.94S 69 been making good use these fine days to grade shall be added to the base at least 85 per cent Calcium Carbon­ ing snubbed, spoken a few word’ * In force b*c«ni suited in 70 conversions—half the Total premium« II. 1614 876.927.69 faint praise of the speaker Theft ” O. W. Kinnaman and family were , an wm * tot uniwi shall be 4 inches thick and the mix­ metal, it shall be uniformly graded grand daughter, Lois, who is out I ture shall be 1-4-7 with the which Benjamin Franklin riR’' E N. WHEKLEIL best from a. 5 inches down and contain no Portland. Or. from 1 lllamook for a few days visit. in his memorable j^ke on quality of hydrated lime added equal shale, muscovite or other soft earths. occasion. BEAUTIFY THE CITY. ----- o------ Woman’* Civic League and Commer­ cial Club take Action in City Improvement. Easter Suit is Sir ! Hart Schaffner & Marx $20.00 to $27.50. A Wonderful Showing of Easter Neckwear for Men. Lot No. 1, Price, 50c. Lot No. 2, Price, 75c. JUS I TO REMIND YOU THAT YOUR EVERY EASIER W {NT CAN BE FILLED HERE. EX C EPTION A L Perpair, 15c VAR ETY.