TilTamook Ç £ $ i > < » Headlight, April I, 1015. GREAT SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST ! I OF THE Tillamook Headlght. 1st Prize, Overland Auto, a £ This fully equipped Auto was selected because it’s the Valued at best machine in the market and guaranteed by A. K. Case, the local agent. Overland Model 81 2nd and 3rd Prizes, Trips to the San Francisco Fair ; 4th Prize, Gold Watch $975.00 Rules of Contest, Cut out this coupon and bring or send it to the Contest Manager, or if you can't come in today telephone and ask for particulars. Any Lady, either single or married, can participate in the contest, pro­ vided they are residents of Tillamook and have lived in the county for the past twelve months. All that is necessary is to cut out the nomination or in­ formation coupon and bring or send it to this office, or call up the Contest Manager by telephone. INFORMAT ION COU PON. Tillamook Headlight : Please let me have full particulars of Your Big Subscription Contest. This does not oblige me to participate. Name Address The only way to secure votes is by subscriptions to the Tillamook Head­ light, the leading as well as the pioneer newspaper of the county. All subscriptions, either new or old, carry votes. No votes are transferable from one contestant to another. No business establishment, lodge or organization can participate, but contestants can receive help from them or from relatives or friends. Only one nomination good for each contestant. There is only one district and the prizes will be awarded as the contes­ tants finish, the one having the largest number of votes will receive the first prize, and the next in their order will take the other prizes. VOTE 1 2 3 5 10 Year Years Years Years Years £ SCHEDULE. subscription.....................$1,50........... subscription.................. 3.00............. subscription.................... 4.50........... subscription.................... 7.50........... subscription..................... 15.00.......... £ 1000 votes 2500 votes 5000 votes 10,000 votes 25,000 votes NOMINATION CONTEST. I here nominate................................................................ in the Great Sub­ scription Contest of the Tillamook Headlight , Nominator. DOUBLE VOTES—Last Extra Offer of the Contest Double Vote Offer Closes April 11, at Five P.M COMMERCIAL CLUB MAKES NOMINATIONS. li ;----- -------- — Take Lively Interest in Bayocean Road and Civic Improvements. There was a good attendance at the monthly meeting of the Commercial Club , on Monday evening, when President Dwight called it to order. The first business taken up was the F financial report of Secretary Callahan which showed that there are 97 mem­ bers and a small balance on hand, amounting to $8.62 and $9.50 in the entertainment fund. The State Grange. The Secretary reported receiving a lettersfrom the Grange asking that a committee of the club be appointed to help in the entertainment of the State Grange which will meet in this city next month. Several of the mem­ bers thought that the Women’s Civic League should take part in the enter­ tainment of the Grangers and a committee from that organization should be appointed to meet with those who have charge of the enter­ tainment features of the Grange meeting here. The president appoint­ ed R. C. Jones, A. H. Gaylord and F. C. Baker a committee to represent the clnl Bayocean Road Endorsed. The club went on record recom­ mending that the County Court ex­ pend the $10,250 appropriated for the Bayoce.in road, which met with the >us support of the members, de strong arguments favoring pletion of that road as soon a9 possible, the club passing a resolu­ tion to that effect. It was also decid­ ed that a committee be appointed to wait or the County Court and the preside- appointed M. F. Leach, C J. Edwards and Jack Olson. Civic Improvement. The [matter of civic improvement waa Hken up by Prof. Onthank. principal of the public school who WrewL several pictures on a sheet showing -ome of the rubbish and filth of p^kises in this city. He made a plea for civic improvement and ad­ vocated having the pupils of the School get busy at their homes and in '»Hering of prizes. This was acquiesc­ ed in, and it was decided that the club vuRri»ts, 75c. I Take Hall s Family Fillo for constipation