Tillamook COUNTY MAKES SURVEY SOUR GRASS ROUTE. State Press Flashlights Headlight. April cd to come early and avoid the rush." —News Reporter. I I, fire loss adjusted 3rd Day After Fire. I We are getting to have a day for If the average Astorian were Officials Make Trip Over Both Pro­ everything. '1 here is an apple day, an who was running the biggest orange day, and fifteen different posed Routes. supply on earth he would probably sorts of tag days. Pretty soon we will name one of the great Chicago pack­ On Sunday evening, March 21, Fire partly destroyed the home of Following an inspection of the pro­ expect to hear of egg day, dog day, ing firms. If he thought a little furth­ lime and sulphur day and perhaps posed routes into Tillamook county Mr. R N Henklc. The Insurance was carried on the property by er he might say the commissariat of by County Judge Dodson and Com­ bed bug day, or something of the the German or one of the other gieat this Agency. missioner Allen, County Surveyor sort. Why not?—Mt. Scott Herald. armies now battling in Europe. But Herring was commissioned to make a AS SOON AS THE FIRE W VS OUT he would be mistaken. However, the A Brussels business firm has been survey of the Sour Grass pass route biggest food business in the world is fined by the German military govern­ We Mired the Concord a Fire In uirance Co- at their Pacific Coast which he completed the fore part of an American institution. It was or­ ment for paying a debt that was due Office in San Francisco and the Home Office in Milwaukee, Wis. the week. ganized by eight Americans in Lon­ to an English firm, the fine aggre- The road to be built over what is gatet five thousand dollars. Wonder don on October 22, 1914* H *s feeding THE SPECIAL AGENT known as the Sour Grass Pass would 7.000,000 people who would have no Arrives on Tuesday evening, less than 4S lion is, to adjust loss. approximately be 4% miles, perhaps if there are any people here who food today but for this work. Its would welcome an edit prohibiting a little less, and only two miles of it them from paying a lawful debt, un­ helpers number tens of thousands. It A DRAFT WAS ISSUED would require exceptional construc­ than 60 ships. It operates der pain of a heavy fine.—Umpqua has more To Mr. Henklc in Full Coverage of His Loss by Special Agent arid tion work as it runs through a rather of canal boats. It has its , hundreds Valley News. strongly timbered district. The grades Adjuster Mr. Miles D. Warren, for the Concordia Fire Insurance Co. own flag, internationally recognized, however, would be much lower than great govern- The Austrian Government reports and deals direct with the present road. millions of dol- ’ is handling ments. It that with the assistance of the Lord, The proposed route through Polk less than 2 per the garrison of Przemysl was able to lars at an expense of county would require construction Yet it has no ; cent of the turnover, hold out for six months; the Russians work for about 8 miles Part of the capital, and no income except what it ( state that with the assistance of the road is also in a timbered section. Lord they were able to subdue Prze­ begs. It may be termed, in fact, the The members of the court have not mysl in six months. The one redeem­ biggest beggery business as well as . given opinion as yet as to the most ing feature of the war is the extraor­ the biggest food business. \ ou have' feasible route into Tillamook County. probably guessed it by guesseu 11 uy this um time. mut. It is Fire Loss Adjusted. dinary faith the combatants continue proDauiy Messrs. Dodson and Allan went The Commission for Relief in Bel- J | to show in their self-chosen Ally.— afoot over both routes last week and gium. When the war is over there Spectator. Tillamook City Oregon, enjoyed the trip thoroughly. Judge will be the finest possible subject for March 25th, 1915. Dodson said it was like taking an out­ Apropos of the moving picture the ablest historian in the commis­ I Rollie W. Watson, ing only he did not have a hook and censorship, some one suggests that sion’s work. It is making—it has Fire Insurance Agent, line or gun.—News Reporter. in case anv film should fall under the made—a record for humanity and this Tillamook Oregon. meaning of the proposed ordinance, republic of which Americans can nev­ My fire loss on my house which oc­ Joe Stewart, Jap Lady, the county instead of cutting out that part objec­ er cease to be proud.—Astorian. curred on Sunday evening March 21, engineer and the county court return- 1 tionable and ruining it for further was satisfactorily adjusted on Wed­ The Home Merchant. ed on Tuesday from their five days ' production at other points, the man­ nesday evening March 24th, by spec­ investigation trip on the old anti the ’ ager can simply flash a notice on the ial agent and adjuster Mr. Miles D. proposed road in the vicinity of the 1 screen that the censored part is com­ The home merchant. Who is he? Warren representing the Concordia He is the chap who gives you credit Dolph hill and the much cussed and ing, and advise those who object to , Fire Insurance Company, of Milwau­ discussed toll way, and while their seeing it close their eyes until a bell I when you are financially broke, and kee, Wisconsin, in which company I I findings are not yet made public it is rings. Question: How many eyes . carries your account until you are was insured by you. surmised that conditions presented would close?—Umpqua Valley News. able to yap. < ’ This adjustment which was made in He is the chap who gives you back . themselves that will lead to some­ less than three days after the fire, your money or makes exchanges 1 certainly reflects great credit on your thing being done for the relief of the An exchange warbles: traveling public in the Tillamook di­ | There was an old man and he had a when you are not satisfied with what j I Agency and the Concordia Fire I n- rection. The one great obstacle to be you have bought. wooden leg, surancc Company; and I very heartily He is the chap who stands behind first surmounted is the high climb He had no money and he wouldn't recommend your Agency and the his guaranty, and makes restoration , 'Company to every one wishing in- over the Dolph hill and the elimina­ | beg, tion of the closed toll gate. This, it is He had a piece of pipe and a 12-inch of all losses that you may sustain on * ’surancc, Service, Security and Safety. thought, can well be accomplished by the goods you buy. board. A draft in full settlement of my starting near the Bee ranch and cir­ Says he to himself, "I’ll make me «a He is the chap who meets you at t , claim was paid me in person by cling the hill on the nearly water the door with a hand shake, and lets Ford.” I Special Agent, Miles D. Warren this grade that will not exceed a 2 per A gallon of gas and a quart of oil, you out with a message to the ‘kids” “The Insurance Man. 25th day of March, 1915. cent climb. By this way it would ne­ A piece of barbed wire to make a and a real cotne again goodbye. ours very truly, .' cessitate an extra mile anil a half He is the chap whose clerks and Phone Us, Todd Hotel. coil. R. N. Hcnkle. travel but would reduce the elevation Four big spools and an old milk ran, bookkeepers and other employes live more than 300 feet and cut out the He hammered together and the darn- in your town and spend their money "hold-up” proceedings at the stand- with you and other Forest Grove peo­ ed thing ran. and-deliver-gate. The appropriation 1 ple. made for this road by the court might He is the chap who pays heavy tax- ( Wliilc it is true that president Cle­ deemed best for Tillamook County, Dated this 22nd da of March, 1915. A way in which the new hanking I not be sufficient to complete the system may prove of value has been es to help support city schools and veland warned the country against Oregon. By order of the C corded there. Sitting in his easy chair ual message that is satisfying The ed to furnish a surety bond satisfac ­ faithful perform.ance of the work, in amount of the bid. | * « in the White House drawing seventy hearts of men and women still hun­ Each bidder shall btfequired to tory to the County Court for the the sum of 50 per cent of the entire five thousand dollars a year, Wood- ger for faith and hope—News Re­ satisfy himself, by talination, the LV faithful performance of the work, in amount of th»' bid. row Wilson says he is perfectly satis- porter. location, nature an<|eient of the the sum of 50 per cent of the entire Each bidd'er shall be required to fied with conditions work to be performed .nd all bids amount of the bid. satisfy him'self, by examination, the In some town in Oregon they are If Woodrow Wilson is absolutely Each bidder shall be required to location, mature and extent of the are to be compared jnthe basis of certain that he will be re-elected looking for a broad gaged man to run the biddini satisfy himself, by examination, the work to be performed, and all bids quantities shown president we suggest that he place a newspaper—an able, virile, trench­ location, nature and extent of the are to be compared on the basis of blanks, and as incl« between Sta­ order for an increased supply of war ant writer. And the adv. runs thus; work to be performed, and all bids quantities shown on the bidding tion 42 plus 87 to Sion 139 P,us ’S’ revenue stamps to supply the peace "M anted—A man to edit a country Upon a deposit K5.00 a set of are to be compared on the basis of blanks, and as included between Sta­ newspaper who ean please everybody, deficit quantities shown on the bidding tion 39-00 and station 77-89 of the plans, specification&rms for Pr0' who can say everything while saving posal, contract and id, may be ob­ blanks, and as included between Sta­ said road survey. nothing, who can take sides and be Bids Wanted. - .IV'.- tion 177-00 and Station 257-44 of the Upon a deposit of $5.00 a set of tained at the officBf the County on anv and every question and be on with the problem of buying Hames* said road survey. ------o------ The right is resell to reject plans, specifications, forms for pro­ will find it distinctly advanta, or all proposals, | to accept any Bids will be received until Saturday both sides of the question at the same you Upon a deposit of $5.00 a set of posal, contract and b-ond, may be ob ­ geous to come and do votir select April jrd, for 150 cords of dry, sound i time, who can please the public when 1 ng here. You wdl get the t est plans, specifications, forms for pro­ tained at the office of the County proposal or propls, as may be it is being skinned and at the same qualities, the most thorough and posal. contract and bond, may be ob­ hemlock, to be delivered before Sep­ Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon. deemed best for Bimook County, tember 10th. 1915, at the school house time please the skinner; who can say conscientious workmanship and be tained at the office of the County 1 he right is reser ved to reject any Oregon. nice things about the meanest man in charged the moat reasonable prices C lerk of Tillamook County, Oregon. in Tillamook City. Me can supply single or double or all proposals, or to accept any Dated this 22nd