Tillamook Headlight. April settlement, f Falling in love is a human and soc- of all disputes Colliers’ Caustic Critics. not much work done under his supervision • trait iological necessity and talk of eradicating this inborn next to business men who control ADVERTISING RATES. Such more worth arguing about than the Columbia, Clatsop, and Jackson e»2* papers. But that is not the only oh- of human nature is nonsense. ties. Mr. Cantine will assume his'0*11 A woman has lost her life in San I weather. talk may divert the leisure of a doc- | jectional feature. It always ends up in Legal Advertisements. duties April one, and it will prob,^ Francisco attemptingto remove freck ­ arc great Your ancestors, if they I First Insertion, per line.. $ .10 a financial loss to them, which some trinarine recluse, but it cannot engage men les, and Harpers’ Weekly dosen t enough to boast about are great take three months for Major Bow|t the consideration of practical Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 of the previous owners of the Exam- seem to have heard of it. I enough to imitate. Pride of < ancestry to finish the work assigned to k- I iner can testify to, as well as a those and women.—Oregonian. Business and professional cards by the commission. Motor cyclists are brave fellows: is not without merit. ' L... .... I*'. nA lr> L-i> Z-Sltf n 11 ' who have tried to eke out a miserable one month ............................ to be and we suppose we shall have Governor Withycomb and Stat It is true the way of the transgres­ J existence as editor, manager and i Homestead Notices ................. Sir Edward Grey on the War. resigned to being half scared to deat 1 sor is hard, and also true that the Treasurer Kay voted for Mr, Cant' devil of that unfortunate newspaper, Timber Claims ......................... 1 o---------- i way of the righteous is hard. and Secretary ,of State Olcott void for their safety. only to hike to some other place Locals per line each insertion. Sir Edward Grey, the British For­ If some super-genius can remake Overshoes for wading in slush may for the retention of Major Bowlb Display advertisement, an inch, | leaving a score of unpaid bills for eign Minister, when asked “What is I human nature, dry laws won t be not look pretty, but they are prefer­ Mr. Kay said that inasmuch as the one month .............................. •50 business men to charge up to profit the issue for what we are fighting I able to a mount in the cemetery. Governor would have the appoint needed. Alt Resolutions of Condolence and loss. osquito has more regard for I Everything—that’s left—conies to power of the Highway Enginett made this reply: First m xr.d Lodge Notices, per line.. 05 | "In due time terms of peace will be his welfare than the first robin. He when the department, under the new Cards of Thanks, per line......... •OS It seems to be the disposition of a put forward by the allies. One essen­ dosen't arrive until his kind of weath­ those who wait. law, would be merged with the State Notices. I.ost, Strayed or Stolen number of members of the Commer tial condition must be the restoration er is a certainty. etc., minimum rate, not ex­ E. I. Cantine to be Highway Engineer Engineer’s department May 22 hi cial Club to devote more time and at­ to Belgium of her independent nat- It is maintained the Monticello is would vote for any man Govern« ceeding five lines .................. tention to the commercial end of the ional life and free possession of her not worth anything like $500,000; but Salem, Ore. March 29.—By a vote Withycombe favored. club. Several attempts have been territory. The great issue is this: We it must be remembered that Mr. Jef­ ¡RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. made in this direction in the past and wish the nations of Europe to be free ferson Levy doesn't want to do any­ of two to one the State Highway (Strictly in Advance.) Commission today appointed E. I. some little progress has been made. to live their independent lives, work­ thing like selling it either. Dairy Ranch for Rent. One yeai .................................... $1-5° The snap shot man is not one of Cantine, of Portland, State Hoghway Neptune might pitchfork a sub­ Six months ....................................... 75 those who blame the club. The aims ing out their own form of govern­ Engineer to succeed H. L. Bowlby, ment, and their own form of national marine now and then, though he Three months................................... 50 A fine dairy ranch for rent, for 5 and objects of the club were plainiv development, in full liberty, whether seems to be neutral or scared into the resigned. year«, 24 head of cattle, a team, and It was decided, however, that Ma­ set forth in the by-laws when the club they be great states or small states. Arctic Ocean. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT was first organized, and remains the machinery must be bought, reason for jor Bowlby be retained in charge of That is our ideal. Jeremiah had his way about things same to-day. If any criticism is com-’ “The German ideal is that the Ger­ that were wrong, but at the time he the work in Hood River County and selling is poor health of the owner. ing it must be charged up to the busi­ mans are a superior people, to whom wrote he didn’t have the circulation that he have charge of the settlement Apply at the Headlight office. Editorial Snap Shots. ness men who have taken I tie or no all things are lawful, and against of Lincoln Steffens. —-- o----- '__ res __ ' istence ■ » is unlawful, and What a good time the fire boys interest in the business, civic or in- ' whom Does the carrying of 200,000,000 _ *. j <| _ 0Wn, that they must SOME PEOPLE ÇOWHERE THEY GET growth of iL* the ritv city. The «nan snap ' 1 Jnu5t » be put h'ave in going to fires compared with dustrial «mutk passengers by one of the American the fire boys who ustd to have to shot man believes it is the duty of establish domination over the nations railroads without losing a life lessen FOOLED ■wade through the mud and slush be­ every businessman to devote a little of the continent, and that all must be the sale of accident insurance? time every month—and “get together subservient to Germany. fore the streets were paved. There ought to be a rainbow of —in the interest, development and —o----- “I would rather perish, or leave the promise in the blue, green, yellow, Dan C. Kingman, chief of engineers improvement of the city, and it is continent altogether, than to live in orange and red books of the warring nited States Army, has reported to [ just as well to say right here that this it under such conditions. After this Senator Lane, that the dredge Ore­ is where the trouble is, not in the war, we and the other European na- powers. Much of the farm life is like camp­ gon, now at Grays Harbor, cannot be Commercial Club, or in any of the I tions must be free to live without the ing out but at that it is somewhat 'ent to Coquill river at Bandon as, officers who have often made at­ I interference of the superior war lord; superior to flat life which has some lieing needed for work in Tillamook tempts to get the business men en-1 [ without the clang of armor and the penological features. Bay. thused and working together for this sword continually rattled in the Irvin S. Cobb is going back to the object. A commercial club can’t be a scahboard; heaven continually invok­ seat of war; but Ivan is a humorist, The action of Portland in creating success without the co-operation of ed, and without our policy being dic­ and wc protest that he ought to a large membership for its Commer­ every business man in the city, and tated by the military dominion of gather humorous material. cial organization should inspire every we are of the opinion that if all our Prussia. RESOLVED Those Babylonian baked tiles show town in Oregon to do likewise, for it busienss men were loyal to the city | "We claim for ourselves, and to­ WE WILL NOT TOOL is live, wjde-a-wake organizations and the club it would be possible to gether with our allies, we will secure that men thousands of years ago were like that which help to boost the employ a manager, which is now the right to live and pursue our nat­ foolish—only in other ways. YOU WHEN YOU DEAL Three weeks until Easter and state. greatly needed in the club. Don’t ional existence, not in the shadow of WITH U5, BUT WILL blame the club or the officers if the Prussian supremacy, but in the light buds on the Easter lillies don’t realize the necessity of haste. Tillamook Commercial Club club has failed in some respects, of equal liberty.’ ’ GIVE YOU PLUMP VAL­ Who is the benefactor who can which is composed of about one blame the business men for lack of where make blades of grass grow hundred of the leading business men interest. We hope that these few re­ UE FOR. YOUR. MONEY, there was quite a presentable front War not a Good Excuse. of this city, has gone on record as marks won't hurt the feelings of any­ ME HAVE THE GR.O- ----- o----- lawn last October? favoring the County Court expending one, but we do hope that every busi­ The European war can no longer be spring a “ Is March a winter or the $10,250.00 appropriated for the ness man will take more interest in CERIE5. Bayocean road. Will the County the club and stand back of the new utilized as a scapegoat for dullness, month in this climate?” asked the < ourt please take notice of this. officers, and then the club will be a depression, hard times and unemploy­ Eastern visitor. “Neither,” replied the live wide-awake club doing the work ment in any part of the United States native; “Its March.’ ’ When Mount Lassen blows open at The usual monthly meeting of the for which it was organized—the busi- according to W. S. Cousins, editor of \V. R C. was held on Saturday when ness and industrial dcvelopm ent of the American Banker. Mr. Cousins Bumbas Hell then look out, once said Rex lOOjjer cent Lye—3 cans for 25c. does not give this merely as an ex­ a scientist. It has blown open there the usual birthday celebration was Tillamook City and County. White Linen Soap—6 bars for 25c. pert opinion, in ex-cathedra fashion. and instead, scientists are trying to participated in, those who had reach­ Mt. Vernon Milk—3 cans for 25c. He gives facts and figures to show look in. ed another milestone in their age be­ Burgher corn— 3 cans for 25c. The Sin of Dancing. that as far as the United States is What has become of the old-fash­ ing Masdames, Margaret Feeney, Silverdale Tomatoes—3 cans for 25c. concerned the influence of the war ioned cook who put rhubarb in pies Mary Trombley, Anna Kirk, Elva Lily Corn Starch—3 pkgs, for 25c. Stanley and Margaret l.easia. It is probably useless to argue with i “has been stimulated beyond all pre­ in chunks? Can’t say; maybe he was a man who speaks of dancing as “a cedent.” But it was unnecessary for lynched. Royal Club Pork & Beans 3 cans for 25c. ■ ■■■■ o----- How things have changed. A few sinful pleasure” which “arouses the him to remind us of the fact. Secre- When a sailor wishes to reach that Royal Club Popcorn 3 pkgs, for 25c. years ago Rollie W. Watson was evil passions in man” and who be-¡ ' tary Redfield has been making exult- low bass note in “Rocked in the Trv Ray n American exports. While manufac­ submarine and goes down after it. i first in the county. Today we find a the Bible speaks of as the habitation tures of war supplies contribute to Hint for the back yard garden; In number of farmers, who d'd a little of sinners.” The language we have the total, there has been an increase buying radish seed for planting, select GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG cussing because their teams got scar­ quoted is from a letter to the Oregon­ all along the line. The exports of food the Early Hardy Holeless. The ed, driving autos and hitting the ian published today in another part stuffs have reached proportions to vacuum radish has failed to give ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. roads at a much livelier rate than of the paper. The man who wrote it cause some alarm. Nor is there pros­ satisfaction, we learn from many TILLAMOOK, OREGON Rollie di