iUanwok TILLAMOOK, OREGON, THE "PRUDENT MAN"PUTS H/S MONEY /N THE BANK-SOME BAY HE N/LÍ. NEED /T. $ We have made special arrange- ments with the Telephone Co., to connect you directly with our office, in case you wish any of our GOOD COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W ? Protect your valuable papers from the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one I dollar per year. Tillamook County , Bank. • For Dress or Street, Beach or Garden Hats, go to Miss Patterson’s. A good supply of children’s Head­ gear will be found also. Remodeling » done at reasonable prices. * MUSIC: All popular sheet music < • now 15c. and other musical goods at Portland prices. Send your mail or­ ders to the Tillamook Music Store at Morrison’s Confectionery. * ? ? Ç $ $ 5 $ $ I $ What is the good of earning money and extravagantly SQUANDERING it ? The man who piles up his money in the bank will also EARN MORE. Why ? He will take more INTEREST in what he is doing and lie will be given the chance for promotion, or for a PARTNERSHIP, over the man who foolishly spends all he makes. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. $ $ $ $ Mrs. Hattie L. Vale state deputy of the Grange, will be present at the Pomona Grange to-day at the Grange Hall at Fairview and it is expected that Miss Marvin, state librarian, will also be present. The lady friends of Mrs. George Broughton gave her a surprise party on Friday, it being her birthday, and the visitors gave her a towl and apron shower, after which all had a good time and partook of a lunch Ira Smith and wife left on Wed­ nesday for Southern Oregon in their auto, where they will reside, having deposed of their interest in the farm at Blaine to W. C. King, for Mr. King's farm near Talent. $1.50 PER YEAR. APRIL 1, ,‘&t>SOCOGOGC » Attorney George Winslow Veaite, Simper; Agnus Dei, Simper; ley place on Wilson river. correctly? If you don’t know, bring 193, (KM) Mr«. Edna Hoover leave for Portland on Friday on legal » 9 hymn, 228, Unde et Memorcs; hymn, For sale—six roomed house and your insurance policy to us and we 116, Arimathcr. 180,(MM) busines. Miss Lottie Wade 9 » two lots corner 5th and Park Street. will tell you—Rollie W. Watson,“The Even song at 7:30 p.m. Everybody 5,(MX) Mrs. M. Mills Watch the Woman’s Improvement ' 9 9 Small cash payment, and balance on Insurance Man.” welcome. 5,(MM) Civic League in the campaign to1 Miss Hazel O ’ Donnel 9 9 easy terms. Enquire of E. Kirk. Mend your own tires and inner beautify the city This is the list, that, without a doubt, will finish City Amendments Carry. 6 rooms, plastered house, bath, tubes with “The Double Mileage in the contest, and the remarkable thing about it We can furnish you cedar fence toilet, hot water, laundry tubs, elec­ Steam Valcanizer.” Can carry it in posts for 8c. each, Tillamook Feed is the fact that they have all taken advantage of mend your tire your machine and The special city election on Monday tric lighted, will rent or lease to de * Company. the Bonus offer and imide a nice gain. Mrs. Rollie , sirable tenant—See Rollie VS at sen. * while on the rim, in any old place. to amend the city charter, resulted in ! Complete outfit only $7-50. Come and all three amendments being cairied. \V. Watson is in the lead and Miss Donaldson "Electric irons at The Electric E. H. Partridge, of Nebraska, father ! let us show you the set. Tillamook The first was to establish the limit Store, next to Gem Theatre, all this second, while the others are very close and could I of L. E. Partridge, arrived here on Feed Co. * of the city’s indebtedness, out -ide of week, $3.00. * make nice gains by a very little effort. No votes 1 Sunday on a visit. He visited the Fair The steamer Sue H. Elmore was put improvement bonds, at $70,000. leav­ Alfred Gubser vs. G. W. Wilkets et at San Francisco before coming here are transferable ami no contestants can sell her into commission last week, and left ing the power of the Common Coun­ al is a foreclosure suit filed in the votes to another, as the management of the con- > Have just unloaded a car of gray for Portland with Captain J. Wick­ cil subject to the initiative and refer­ circuit court. , test will see that not only the votes that arc trans- 1 oats for seed and if you want seed man in Command. She has bien tied endum powers of the people. The LOST, a ring, with five keys. Re­ you had better come in at once before ferred are ruled out, but that the contestant pur ( up all winter on account of lack of vote was 79 for and 10 against. ward offered. Leave same at the they arc all gone. Tillamook Feed The second amendment authorized chasing same, or trying to purchase the same, • business, and should this continue Headlight office. Company. the vessel will be taken off the run the Common Council to sell $40,000 1 will be liable to be disqualified in the contest. White Plymouth Rock eggs $2.00 of the general bonds of the city to County Commissioner F. L. Owens and sent to Alaska. This week tin? managemet of the paper , George L. and John A. McPherson and $1.00 per setting of 15 eggs. w. s and F. E. Hobson, the road engineer, decided to run a double vote offer as the -bonus ■ * A fire alarm was turned in on Mon at par, with a 3 per cent premium and Coates, Tillamook. are going over the two routes in the day morning owing to a fire in Alder­ , offered proved so successful for the contestants. to use the proceeds for payment of For sale, strawberry plants. Gold proposed new road at Dolph this man's cleaning and pressing parlors, The offer this week will be smaller than the one ( , outstanding warrants and the con­ Dollar and Magoons, $1.00 per hun- week. ; and the hose company promptly re­ struction of a bridge across Hoquar- of last week Every subscription will double the ’ dred.—Mrs. Billings. The ladies of the Episcopal Guild sponded, it did not take lang to ex­ ton Slough. This carried by a vote of I original amount of votes carried by the schedule. Mrs. E E. Shaw has opened dress­ will give a silver tea at the home of tinguish it. Another alarm was turned 80 for and to against. ’ fhis is the latest offer of the contest and will close, > making parlors in the McGee apart­ Mrs. Fred C. Baker next Wednesday I in on Tuesday afternoon, the fire be The third amendment was to fix April 1 1 1 h at Five o’clock P.M. R< nn nibcr thi~ 1 ’ ment house. Apartment 4. * : afternoon, from 2 till 5 JO Everybody 1 ing in the roof of a house in Sunny- the boundaries of improvement dis­ J »is another chance to help your favorite contestant. mead. tricts for improving streets so that Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ ; invited. Next week ’ s issue of the paper will publish the Mrs. A Rugar received a telegram the same may he extended further sey “Good Eats,” M. A. Olson for WANTED—A loan of $150000 on closing rules of the contest and also names of the back than 105 feet from the street be ­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * good Tillamook property, will pay 8 on Tuesday announcing the d:ath of ing improved, to such distance as the ¡»judges of the contest. Mrs. Cyntha S. Dunlay, Department Sunday being Easter Sunday, the per cent interest. For further particu­ President of the State W. R. C, and I Common Council may determine. churches in the city will hold appro­ lars inquire of Geo. W. Winslow,! she left for Salem the next morning This carried with 70 votes and 16 Commercial Club Bldg. * priate serveces for the occasion. i Tillamook County Bank. ;, ÇTHE CONTEST FOR OVERLAND •! . AUTO. Mrs. Rollie W. Watson in the Lead $ with Miss Donaldson a Close ? Second-Last Vote Offer of the Contest. i 0 ? 1 4